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"Who am I? What am I... here for?"

Xion is an imperfect replica, whose identity as a black-haired Kairi was eventually modeled from Sora's memories of Kairi.[2][3] She joined Organization XIII as the nominal XIV member and later joins as the XIII member of the real Organization XIII.

The organization created her to absorb Sora and Roxas' power as a keyblade wielder through Sora's memories. She was meant to be a controllable fail-safe in the event that Sora and Roxas both prove to be of no use to the Organization.  However, as she finds out who she really is, while spending time with Roxas and Axel, and deepening their friendship, she later chooses to disrupt the organization's plans and return the memories she absorbed to Sora in order to help him and Roxas at the cost of her body, heart, and existence in everyone's memories.

She appears in cameos and is mentioned in later games but is eventually revived in a newly improved replica body, in KHIII, with none of the drawbacks that she had before and everyone remembers her. She is currently in Twilight Town with the others searching for Sora via her memories.


First arriving at Organization XIII, Xion is a shy, secluded individual. When going on a mission with Roxas, Xion begins to open up to him and later Axel. She does seem to express emotions due to her nature of existence, and is always happy to be with her friends. However, she is somewhat emotionally fragile, becoming deeply enraged with the right provocation. After finding out the origins of her existence, she also becomes deeply confused and lost. She is observant and perceptive. Also, as Xion, at her core, is connected to Sora's memories, she exhibits and is influenced by his feelings and tendencies such as a strong sense of justice and generosity, seen in the way she willingly gave up herself to return her stolen memories to their rightful owner, Sora.[4][5][6][7]

Xion seems to take an interest in seashells which is due to the influence of Sora’s memories of Kairi in which Kairi was making a seashell charm and gave it to Sora as a good luck charm. She exhibits this interest by collecting seashells and placing them on Roxas bedside table every day he was in a coma.

Physical Appearance[]


A hooded Xion.

Xion is a black-haired, blue-eyed girl who strongly resembles Kairi, and by extension Namine, in her appearance in Kingdom Hearts. The only difference is that she had short black hair and a different parted hairstyle. Her general attire consists of the black organization coat with slightly pointed shoulders and closer fitting sleeves. She also wears the more feminine, heeled boots that Larxene wears, with black tights and the basic black gloves.

At one point, after she became apart of the real organization XIII in which the members were implanted with a piece of Xehanort's heart, she had his golden eye color. However, they have reverted back to their normal color after Xehanorts heart was kicked out of her body and sent back to the past.

As of KHIII Remind, she changes from her organization coat to a mini black-collared and black-belted shirt-dress with short ruffled sleeves, a short white pleated skirt, and black ankle length boots with gray cuffs.

Unstable Appearances & Creation[]

While Xion's current appearance is how she and her friends see her, this initially was not the case given the nature of her creation.

A replica body is designed to take the appearance of the person whose memories were created to form the replica's heart. Due to hearts not having a physical form, memories play an important role in how a heart is created.[8][9][10][11]

Xion was created with the ability to copy the Keyblade's power. At first, her face was blank due to her replica body, but she soon formed a physical appearance as Sora's memories of Kairi, through Roxas, slowly affected her.[12][13]

At the beginning of Chain of Memories, her heart eventually started growing and developing. [14][15] It is during the events of Chain of Memories when her appearance was influenced from the memories Xion was absorbing from Roxas --due to Naminé's forced tampering. Most of these memories were of Kairi which Riku mentions as the memories most important to Sora.[16][17][18] This causes Xion to become Kairi's look-alike. It eventually became her heart's permanent appearance that she and her friends saw and identified her as.[19]

However, because of the fact that she is in an unstable experimental replica body that grows and develops off of memories(partial heart), her own perception of herself and the influence of those around her, her actual physical body still mainly remained as a blank faced hooded replica to those with neutral dispositions toward her, while only showing projected appearances of the people shown inside Sora's memories - including her own hearts appearance as a black haired Kairi.[20]

The physical appearance reflects and differs in the eyes of others depending on their bond and connection with Sora. So if the person has no bond or connection to Sora they will see past the illusions and see her base form as a blank faced hooded replica.[21] Hence, Saix saw her as a hooded replica, Xemnas and Xigbar saw her as "Xion" and sometimes Ventus, while others saw her as "Xion" although they all initially saw her as a hooded replica.[22] Towards the end of the year, as Xion absorbed much of Sora's memories, and thus, more of his heart, her actual physical form was completed and changed into that of Sora as his heart's appearance took over hers.[23]

When Xion begins to absorb Sora's memories from each of the devices that was placed in Wonderland, Halloween Town, and Agrabah, she gains armor that causes her to resemble a mechanized version of Sora as he appeared in Kingdom Hearts. Her armor changes based on the amount of memories that she has taken in, though some features stay the same. Her initial armor has the form of a pink and white helmet that has spikes on the top, sides, and back. Her body armor is a black, white, and pink jacket with black and pink gloves. The bottom half of the armor consists of mainly black and gold, with golden and white shoes. If one pays attention, her silhouette matches that of Sora.

During her first form in the Bizarre Room in Wonderland, she uses a pair of green, white, and pink wings, and carries a golden and pink blade. In her second form in Halloween Town, she uses a large, long blade inspired by Halloween Town itself, and uses the Ragnarok limit. While in her Agrabah form, she appears to have four arms, as well as having additional golden shoulder pads and purple and white blades, for the Ars Arcanum attack. Finally, her final form in Twilight Town is a large, upscaled version of the original, with two pink lances in the shape of the Nobody symbol. This last form slightly resembles Sora as he looks in Kingdom Hearts II.

After the battle, the memories Xion stole from Sora returned to him, while her own heart and memories found refuge inside Roxas's heart. When Xion is recreated in KHIII, during her fight with Sora, her heart and memories within Roxas's heart were awakened when Roxas remembered and confronted the recreated Xion through Sora. Roxas's calling out Xion's name with his own voice was the spark that caused both her heart and memories to return to her new and improved body that was made with the initial copy of Sora's memories(partial heart) and data from Vexen's records and merged as one with Xion's own self taking prescedence.[24][25] [26]As such, Xion's existence and her appearance as a black haired Kairi was restored and stabilized in which her body now perfectly reflects her own, and now self stabilizing, heart through her own memories without the interference of an unstable body.[27][28]


358/2 Days[]

A week after Roxas joins Organization XIII, Xemnas introduces Xion to the other members. After looking at the other members, she smiles up at Roxas, puzzling him. As Roxas departs for his first training mission, he spots Xion shyly watching him nearby, and Saïx formally introduces her to Axel and Roxas.

Xion's heart is collected by Young Xehanort at some point around this time and brought forward in time so she can become a member of the real Organization XIII. After her heart is forced out of the Replica body by her future self, her heart returns to the time she was collected from.[29]

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Xion, Axel, and Roxas eating ice cream on the clocktower.

On the day Axel is sent to Castle Oblivion, Xemnas entrusts Roxas with the task of looking after Xion, who quickly bonds with him. She reveals her ability to wield the Keyblade to him and looks after him when he falls into a coma for several weeks in conjunction to Sora being put to sleep to regain his memories. After discovering that Sora and Riku had slain all of the Organization members (except Axel) that were in Castle Oblivion at the time, Roxas, Axel, and Xion all begin spending more time together as per Roxas's suggestion and become fast friends, such as enjoying sea-salt ice cream together. After Xion asks Axel to be her friend, he accepts, and he stops seeing her as a hooded doll, and begins seeing her as the black-haired girl that Roxas sees.

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Xion defeated by Riku.

However, a series of events begin to split the trio apart: while DiZ and Naminé oversee the restoration of the sleeping Sora's memories (moving him from Castle Oblivion to Twilight Town), Roxas begins to experience the process for himself, and begins to ponder over how he is able to wield the Keyblade and doubt the Organization's motives; Axel is reprimanded by their superiors for placing his friendship with Roxas and Xion before the Organization's goals; and Xion is thrown into disarray after a confrontation with Riku, who questions who she is and why she wields the Keyblade, causing her to become torn between staying with her friends and leaving the Organization to merge with her true self as Riku suggests.

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Axel, Roxas, and Xion together on Destiny Islands.

Xion travels with Riku for several days before being captured by Axel and brought back into the Organization. However, Naminé's attempts to restore Sora's memories are soon halted when Xion starts absorbing them faster, causing Roxas to weaken as she becomes stronger, as Xemnas intended. Eventually, after being tricked into fighting Roxas by Saïx, Xion decides to accept Riku's advice and leaves the Organization.

After her departure, Xion comes into contact with Naminé in Twilight Town's Old Mansion, questioning her own existence and the fate that will soon befall Roxas. She discovers that she is not a Nobody, but an imperfect Replica created to copy Roxas's ability to wield the keyblade. Naminé also reveals that as a memory being, once Xion returns to Sora, everyone's memories of her will inevitably be forgotten. Furthermore, Naminé's attempts to restore Sora's memories not only affect Roxas, but Xion as well, stating why they both keep having memory relapses. Xion accepts the facts, and decides to go back into Sora. Before she does, though, DiZ barges in with the news that an Organization member has followed her, in which Xion says she will take care of it, despite Naminé's protests, and heads out of the mansion.

It is Axel who has arrived, having finally tracked Xion down. Not only is Axel curious of Xion's motives, he is also given specific orders to capture her again, which would possibly convince Roxas to return to the Organization. Xion refuses, leaving Axel no choice but to accomplish his mission with brute force, leading to a heated battle. Having defeated Xion, Axel brings her back to The World That Never Was, but soon faints from fatigue. Xemnas then steps out from the shadows and carries the unconscious girl away to reprogram her to use the devices he had planted throughout the worlds.

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Xion's last moments.

Soon afterward, Roxas finds Xion at the Twilight Town train station, she confronts him, and removes her hood. She looks exactly like Sora, saying she is full of so many memories she feels as if she would burst. With this she explains if she has someone else's face—Sora's--she is almost ready. Now she announces she must use Roxas and make him a part of her to be complete. It is explained in her secret reports that this is somewhat of a ruse—she knows that Roxas will disappear if she continues to exist, so she plans to force Roxas to absorb her, saving himself and thwarting Xemnas's plan. She then transforms into several forms in different worlds, each with different powers.

During the battle, Roxas and Xion are transported to Wonderland, Halloween Town, and Agrabah, before returning to Twilight Town. In each world, Xion absorbs power from the "devices" that were placed there, which contain memories of Sora's battles in each world. After a long and grueling battle, Roxas manages to defeat her, while she regains her original appearance in his view.

When done, he doesn't seem to recall who she is, though she assures him that he'll be better off now. Cradling her in his arms, Roxas shares an emotional conversation with her, she explains in a weak and dying voice that it was her choice to be this way. As white bits of light start flowing to the sky, her body begins getting covered in crystals. With this she says it's too late for her to undo what she's done, but in her few last words, she begs Roxas to free Kingdom hearts so Xemnas can't win, and says that he and Axel will always be her best friends. With this, her hand, which was caressing Roxas's face, becomes limp, and her entire body crystalizes, becomes light and travels to the sky. All that's left of the puppet, Xion, is nothing but a single Thalassa Shell, and Roxas cries.

Though Naminé states that everyone's memories of Xion will vanish when she dies, Roxas, Axel, Riku, Xemnas, and Saïx manage to retain some memories of her into the next day. By then, Roxas has returned to the World That Never Was in order to set Kingdom Hearts free, which he hopes will reunite him with Xion. However, he is being stalked by a swarm of Neoshadow Heartless, as well as a determined Riku, who has arrived to capture Roxas to finish Sora's memory restoration. Riku looks down upon the Nobody, before Roxas starts his path up the skyscraper.

Through him, Xion is able to throw the Oblivion Keyblade to Riku in order to tell him to stop Roxas before he can reach Xemnas, because she believes Roxas is not strong enough to face him yet. In turn, touching the Oblivion causes Riku to recall flashbacks of Xion, putting him in shock for a moment. The flashbacks then reoccur when he reaches the ground to face the Neoshadows, but this time turn blurred and grainier as they continue, until only film static remains, most likely meaning their total withdrawal from Riku's memories.

When Roxas and Riku finish eradicating the Heartless, they turn on each other for a battle. By this time, it is a struggle for Roxas to even remember Xion's name, and all he knows about her is that he wants her back. After Roxas manages to knock Riku down with a strike from his Oblivion keyblade that he regained, Xion then calls out to Riku to stop Roxas from throwing his life away for her. While it is unclear if her words reached him, Riku, having already been determined from the start to give in to his darkness if all else fails in order to wake up Sora, removes his blindfold and transforms into Riku-Ansem.

Unconscious, Roxas hears Xion talking to him through his mind, telling him not to be sad, as she has become one with him and Sora, and that soon Roxas will also join them. Xion soon explains that Roxas will forget her, but the memories themselves will never go away and that memories of her and him will be together forever. As Riku-Ansem knocks him out, Roxas's last memories of Xion fade away.


In the Data Castle Oblivion, Data-Naminé reveals to Data-Sora and King Mickey that Xion is one of the people that, while gone, is still connected to Sora's heart.

Xion appears very briefly in the opening for Re:coded, where various clips from the series flashes by, Xion's death being one of them.

Blank Points[]

After Aqua speaks with Ansem the Wise about Sora, Xion is sitting atop the Twilight Town clock tower and eating sea-salt ice cream with Roxas and Axel. Then, Xion and Roxas say Sora's name while watching the sunset together.

Dream Drop Distance[]

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Xion appears to Sora in The World That Never Was.

Xion appears during the opening sequence, where she points her Kingdom Key at Roxas. The scene then changes to another location, where Xion is seen having fun with Roxas and Axel on top of the Twilight Town clock tower. The scene changes back and Xion vanishes into fragments of light.

In the game proper, Xion appears to Sora in the World That Never Was. She makes an appearance during a segment where Sora finds himself dreaming, having been put into a deep sleep. Sora takes a grip of a fleeing Naminé's wrist, but then Naminé turns into Xion. As he continues to hold the girls wrist, now Xion's wrist, Sora wonders aloud who the girl is. Roxas heart reacts to seeing Xion, causing him to spontaneously shed a tear through Sora. Xion then pulls away from Sora and runs away from him up the staircase. The illusion of her then vanishes midway.

Xion later appears to Riku on Destiny Islands inside Sora's dream. She is sitting on the Paopu Tree, and Riku initially mistakes her to be Sora. Xion watches the sunset and asks him, "Riku, what do you wish for?". Riku can then choose from three options, in a manner akin to Sora's choices in Kingdom Hearts. Xion disappears after Riku provides her with an answer.

Kingdom Hearts III[]

In need of one more member to fill in the remaining spot of the real Organization XIII, Saïx directs Master Xehanort's attention to Xion; though she was erased from memory, records of her existence remained in Vexen's research, and as a replica linked to Sora's memories, it would make her a more than adequate addition to the Organization. Using the last refined replica from Vexen's first batches of the Replica Program, the Organization would begin work on recreating Xion over the course of Sora's journey to obtain the power of waking. To recreate her in a way she would cooperate with the Organization, Young Xehanort and Dark Riku were tasked to conduct various heart-related experiments in Toy Box and San Fransokyo respectively to find the necessary means to create a new heart for her.

By the time the guardians of light fully assemble, Xion is successfully recreated and officially inducted as the real Organization's number thirteen, being given a fragment of Xehanort's heart to signify her allegiance. A hooded Xion would gather with her fellow Organization members at the crossroads of the Keyblade Graveyard, where Master Xehanort would create the Skein of Severance to serve as the battlegrounds of the Keyblade War. Xion soon meets with Saïx and later Xemnas in the Twist of Isolation, where Xemnas would introduce her to Kairi and Lea as a true Nobody and the perfect pawn for their battle. Tired of Xemnas's cryptic words, Lea formchanges his Keyblade into his chakrams and throws them at Xion to try and learn her identity, though she soon summons her Keyblade and deflects them. Simultaneously however, Saïx would discreetly attempt to remind Xion of her past by referring to Lea as "Axel" and saying Roxas's name when brought up, resulting Xion to charge towards and attack Lea when pushed to her limit, only to be blocked by Kairi, who promptly knocks her back. With that, Xemnas takes his leave as Xion and Saïx soon engage in combat against the duo of Kairi and Lea. When Sora arrives to stop the conflict, Xion interferes with Xemnas's attempt to kill Lea, stating that Xemnas knows that they need Lea alive. Xemnas retorts that they only need his heart to forge the χ-blade, they do not need his soul, but then suggests that as she was once Axel's friend, she should be the one to kill Lea. She appears reluctant to murder her former friend.

Roxas immediately recognizes the hooded figure as Xion, and by temporarily taking control of Sora's body stops her from killing Lea. Xion attacks Sora in a frenzy, though Sora doesn't retaliate. Roxas, through Sora, then cries out to Xion that it's alright and that she can stop, ending his plea by calling out her name with his own (Roxas's) voice, revealing that he remembers her. This causes, her original heart and her memories, both sealed in Roxas' heart to make their way back to her, causing Xion to break down emotionally as a realization of her former identity; at the same time, this purges the fragment of Xehanort's heart from her due to the bond between herself, Roxas and Lea being restored. In turn, Xemnas knocks her and Sora down with the intention of killing them both. As Xemnas prepares the finishing blow, Roxas' heart emerges from Sora's body and fuses with a replica body, allowing him to return for real. Xion and Lea express relief at their friend's triumphant comeback.

Sora and Kairi are trapped in spheres of nothingness by Xemnas, forcing Xion to team up with Lea and Roxas to take both Xemnas and Saix down. Incapacitating Saix with a powerful cooperative attack, the trio strike Xemnas and take the Recusant's Sigil back from him, as it was the foundation of the bond for their friendship. With Sora and Kairi free, the trio face Xemnas again; however, the Superior flees, taking Kairi hostage. With Lea too injured, Xion and Roxas aid Sora in defeating Saïx.

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A tearful reunion between the Seasalt Trio.

After Saïx peacefully fades away, Roxas, Xion, and Lea share a tearful reunion while Sora goes deeper into the maze. Later on, Roxas, Xion, and Lea join Sora and the others to confront Master Xehanort. Sora tasks Xion and the others with helping to seal Kingdom Hearts while he takes on Xehanort. Once Xehanort is defeated in Scala ad Caelum, Xion and everybody else joins Sora in time to witness Xehanort surrender the χ-blade to Sora before perishing with Master Eraqus. Sora uses the χ-blade to shut Kingdom Hearts, and everybody returns to the Keyblade Graveyard.

After Sora sets off in search of Kairi, Roxas, Xion, and Lea return to Twilight Town, where they are joined by a re-completed Isa, Hayner, Pence, and Olette atop Twilight Tower.

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The trio sit on the Clock Tower once again.

At some point afterward, Xion travels to Destiny Islands with the rest of the main cast. She plays with a newly-completed Namine, showing her a group of seashells near the shore. Xion and others later watch Sora and Kairi share a sunset together, only for Sora to fade away as Kairi sheds a tear.

Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind[]

One year after Master Xehanort’s defeat and Sora's disappearance, a data recreation of Xion, along with the rest of the real Organization XIII, is fought by a digital copy of Sora with the hopes of uncovering the real Sora's location from the encrypted data they possessed. After defeating all thirteen data recreations however, the results proved inconclusive.


As a Replica that learned from both Roxas and Sora, Xion's fighting style as a playable character is very similar to them. However, Xion's movement is quite similar to Limit Form's, jumping back and stepping forward between attacks and slashing through the enemy in the finisher. Like Roxas, she thrusts with one hand and her finisher resembles the Vortex ability. Without the Keyblade, she can still cast strong magic spells, although she doesn't have any of Sora's light based spells. After acquiring the Keyblade, Xion displays considerable skill and finesse with it, able to easily fight with equal skill using either one or both hands. Xion also awakens her ability to use light, with her Limit Break, Event Horizon, involving covering her Keyblade in an aura of Light and performing a devastating combo and her final limit can also call down elegantly shaped pillars of Light to attack nearby and far away enemies.

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Xion's final form.

After absorbing Sora's memories from the devices of Organization XIII, Xion's power multiplies and she is able to use darkness to transport herself and Roxas through the worlds the devices were placed in and transform into many forms. Her powers over Light also becomes much more advanced during her boss fight, capable of creating spiraling circles of Light that suck in Roxas, leaving them vulnerable to one of Xion's aforementioned physical attacks, firing lasers of light similar to Ragnarok, unleashing a burst of light energy to knock away Roxas, shooting beams of light and can envelope her weapon in Light to make her other attacks even more powerful, also being capable of leaving fissures of light with the strikes of her final form, and can even cause a huge eruption of light to rise above the ground as well as rain down pillars of light randomly by firing a blast of light into the air. She can also trap Roxas in a sphere of darkness to inhibit his movements and envelop herself in an impenetrable barrier of darkness that can recover her health. In terms of melee, she is able to use many powerful melee attacks and shows skill with the scythe she uses in her second form that closely resembles Marluxia's, while in her penultimate form, her fighting style becomes much more graceful and agile than the previous forms; involving many flips and spins that make it harder to hit her and her slashes became fully controlled.

Xion notably has poor endurance as a Seeker of Darkness. While fighting alongside Saix, she will be stunned after recieving enough damage long before Saix enters his second Berserk State. After memory of Xion was restored, her fighting style changed to mostly relying on Holy and healing spells rather than direct confrontation, further suggesting she only copied Saix's berseker style due to lacking any will of her own.


As a replica that copied power over the Keyblade, Xion can wield one herself, which is a duplicate of the Kingdom Key. She wields her weapon fairly skillfully, being able to disarm Axel. Because Xion and Roxas are both part of Sora, they can both wield his Keyblades, even at the same time. Because their weapons are the same, the Gears produce the same forms when applied to either Keyblade.[30]

It is notable that, when Xion runs with her Keyblade, she grasps it with two hands instead of slinging it over her shoulder like Roxas does. This is identical to how Sora runs in battle with his Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts II. It is also noted that when Xion does hold the Keyblade single-handedly, its held in her left hand, unlike Sora and Roxas.

During her fight against Kairi and Lea, as a Seeker of Darkness, Xion wields a Replica Lunatic while she is copying Saïx's berserker state.


  • Xion was voted "Best New Character" in the 2009 Nintendo Power Awards.
  • Although Xion is heavily involved in Roxas's backstory, and affected by the events of CoM, she is not hinted or referenced in KHCoM or KHII(FM). This is because her character and backstory was not actually created until the production of KH358/2 Days. [31]
  • According to Nomura, Xion was made as a "short-lived and pure girl".[32]
  • Xion's hair color was a request by Kanemaki as she desired to see Nomura make a girl with black hair. Also, much of the premise, storyline, and ideas behind Xion - and the backstory of replicas - was put forward and proposed by Kanemaki.[33]
  • The reason why Xion's appearance is similar to Kairi was due to the writers desire to mislead the audience and keep the mystery and suspense of Xion's true identity in which she is actually a replica of Sora and Roxas. This is also shown in how bits of Kairi's theme is incorporated into Xion's theme as well as Xion's interest in seashells so that they can mislead the audience into thinking she is related to Kairi as her actual Nobody or replica.[34]
  • Xion's name was coined by Tomoco Kanemaki, one of the Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days scenario writers and the writer of the Kingdom Hearts novels. Tetsuya Nomura took a liking to it and notes that it has many meanings:[35]
    • Xion's original name, "No.i", refers to the imaginary number. in which the letter "i" expresses it, and it is her ID in the experiment of the Replica Program. This calls back to how Xion is "The Number that Never Was" and not a true member of the organization. It is also possible that this is a word play on the word ion since this is no.i backwards. This would make sense since an ion is an incomplete particle, much like Xion in how she is an imperfect replica.
    • The name "Xion" is an anangram of "No,i "when adding the "X" to her name like the other members whose name was rearranged to have an "X" in them.
    • Xion's name corresponds to Naminé (波音, ‘the sound of waves’) as Shion (潮音, ‘the sound of the tide’) which fits the oceanic naming theme of relating to Kairi's name (海, ocean).
    • Xion's name also references a flower called Aster tataricus (紫苑, shion), which, according to Japanese floriography, means "I won't forget you" or "remembrance".
  • Xigbar calls Xion "Puu-chan"("Poppet" in the localization), which comes from the French word "Poupee", meaning puppet and it calls back to her true nature as a Replica.[36]



  1. http://kh2.co.uk/image.php?view=kh358/images/358report.png
  2. KH358/2 Days - Day 276 - Axel: As the Nobody of the hero of the Keyblade and the Replica of that Nobody, these two are special.
  3. KH3D - KH358/2 Days Summary: There, Xion revealed herself to be not a "her" at all, but a faceless puppet that the Organization had created as a cage for Sora's memories. The last of those memories were inside Roxas---Sora's Nobody---and she would have to take them from him to become a complete Sora replica.
  4. KH358/2 Days Ultimania Scenario Interview - Nomura: Yes. At Xion's core are Sora's memories. And so what he felt, that the world's order should be maintained, she also felt.
  5. KH358/2 Days - Vol 3 - Chpt 8: Xion seemed to reflect all the best parts of Sora. And maybe Roxas carried the more childish parts of his nature
  6. KH358/2 Days - Vol 3 - Chpt 8: Xion listened, gazing steadily back—and the look in her eyes was so like Sora, Naminé thought. Sincere and determined, a hero’s eye.
  7. KH358/2 Days - Vol 3 - Chpt 8: On the other side of the white table sat the girl in a black cloak....Naminé looked squarely at her.  She had always known they would meet someday. The girl was part of Sora, after all, and Naminé knew what choice Sora would make at a time like this. Like the choice he made when he turned the Keyblade on himself.
  8. KHIII Riku: Replicas are basically human. The previous organization XIII developed replicas: realistic vessels to place hearts in. They’re so real in fact, that you'd actually mistake them for people. And with hearts, the replicas will become people. The replica takes the form of the heart inside it.
  9. Famitsu Interview -  2009 - Nomura:..since the heart doesn’t have a form, memories play an important part in forming a heart.
  10. KHIII Secret Report 9: Complete and perfect digitalization of the heart is impossible. We can only hope to partially reconstruct  it….Fortunately, the data..contains a near-perfect record of the memories of those who lived there...
  11. KHIII Secret Report 10: As for how to contain their hearts, the only conceivable option is the replicas. If we transfer in the digital memories from the Twilight Town archive, the replicas should be able to reconstruct each individual's human appearance with near-perfect results.
  12. KH358/2 Days - Day 255 - Naminé: Did you know her face was blank at first?
  13. KHSeries Memorial Ultimania - pg 142: Xion is a replica doll...and was created as an elementary body that grows by taking away Sora's power.
  14. KH358/2 Days Ultimania - Nomura: Yes. At Xion's core are Sora's memories.
  15. KH358/2 Days - Chpt 5 - Xion 7 Days: Everything about Xion was built on Sora’s memories; she had no substance of her own.
  16. KHIII Journal - Character File - Xion: She was an experimental replica used to siphon Sora’s memories out of Roxas...
  17. KH358/2 Days - Riku: They have the part that's most precious to him - his memories of Kairi.
  18. KH358/2 Days - Day 299 - Xemnas: Xion was affected by Roxas, just as we had anticipated. This was indeed what we had hoped to achieve..but then, through Roxas, Sora himself began to shape "it" into "her". Giving Xion a sense of identity.
  19. KH358/2 Days Ultimania - Scenario Interview - Nomura: The Riku Replica was modeled on Riku. With Xion, she becomes like the Kairi of Sora's memories.
  20. KH358/2 Days Ultimania - Planning Team Int - Ishida: We made it look like different people were seeing her differently by using cut-scenes of her both wearing and not wearing her hood. When she is speaking with Saix, or others who don't see her as a girl, she is wearing her hood.
  21. KH358/2 Days - Chpt 5: Yes, Xion had such a power—transforming in response to the memories of those it encountered. But Saïx himself had only ever seen the blank void of Xion. Not just anyone’s memories would do. It had to be those with some connection to Sora—to the wielder of the Keyblade. Xion would take on a different form based on the memories of anyone bound to him in some way. And to those who had no memories of him at all, Xion would manifest as no more than a puppet.
  22. Famitsu Interview - Nomura - 2009:  [Xion’s appearance changes depending on the relationship of the person looking at her. It seems that when that relationship changes, she changes] Nomura: The figure Roxas sees is the same as what the player sees, but...when Xigbar and Saix see her, her figure is different…People connected with a certain person see Xion as ‘Xion’. In the case of Xemnas…he basically sees ‘Xion’, however sometimes he sees ‘him’....Xigbar also sees ‘him’.
  23. KH358/2 Days - Day 358 - Xion: you have poured so many memories into me, given me so much, that I feel like im about to overflow....look at me Roxas, who do you see? if you see a somebody else's face..a boys face[..] Roxas, this is him. It's Sora
  24. KHIII Ultimania - pg 682: Xion's heart returned to her body when Sora and Xion of the real organization confronted each other.
  25. KHIII - Secret Report 9: …Xehanort is using the prototype replicas I created in the past as containers…Xehanort ordered me to refine the prototypes, to make them closer still to the real thing. Perfecting my creations so they may house true, flesh-and-blood humans suits my own purposes as well.
  26. KHIII - Saix: The being before you was recreated…from the records that were left by Vexen and the many experiments performed by young Xehanort.
  27. KHIII Ultimania: However, the call of Roxas in Sora's heart triggered the heart of Xion in Sora's heart to be absorbed by her body, which had the ability to absorb the power of Sora and Roxas, and the memory of Xion her existence is restored. As a result, her memories of her, which had been lost from Axel and the others, were revived.
  28. KHIII - Marluxia: The next replica, the one crafter from Sora’s memories, was real enough to join our ranks. And Vexen claims the new ones will be human in every way, if he ever finishes them.
  29. Kingdom Hearts III Ultimania
  30. When using Xion in Mission Mode, equipping three ability units to the Zero Gear transforms it back to the Kingdom Key+, as it does with Roxas in Story Mode.
  31. KH358/2 Days - Fan Powered Q&A with Series Director
  32. KHBBS Ultimania - 20 Mysteries Interview - Nomura
  33. KH358/2 Days Novel - Volume 3 - Afterword
  34. KH358/2 Days Ultimania - Main Interview
  35. KH358/2 Days Ultimania - Main Nomura Interview
  36. KH358/2 Days Ultimania - Planning Team Interview
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