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Victy, known as Roo in the American version, is a mini-boss from Streets of Rage 3 who is fought alongside Danch.


Victy is a trained kangaroo wearing boxing gloves and pants. During the fight Danch will mostly stay out of range while Victy attacks the player with jump kicks or a spinning kick attack. Whenever Victy is knocked down Danch will get close to him and whip him to force him to continue the fight.

If the players defeat Danch without defeating Victy, he becomes playable when a continue is used. Victy cannot throw or pick up items but has powerful jump and punch stats.



  • He is the only secret character in the game with a complete moveset and his own portrait.
  • He uses a lot of the same voice samples as Skate.
  • In the Bare Knuckle III Beta, his early name in a magazine is Kan.
  • Victy and Ash are the only two playable characters not to return in Streets of Rage 4. He does, however, make a cameo appearance in the game, appearing as a NPC in Stage 5 where he is shown cleaning up a glass behind the counter in the bar.
  • Another reference to Victy can be seen in stage 8, where in the final part of the museum, an abstract painting of Victy is seen.
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