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VTech Socrates
File:VTech Socrates Logo.png
Also known asProf. Weiss-Alles

Professeur Saitout

Socrates Saitout
TypeEducational home video game console
GenerationThird generation
Release date1988
DiscontinuedEarly 1990s
CPUZilog Z80A at 3.57 MHz
PredecessorVTech Creativision

The VTech Socrates is an 8-bit educational home video game console manufactured and released in 1988 by VTech. The console features a robot character Socrates, named after the philosopher. The character is visually similar to Johnny Five from the Short Circuit movies. It was discontinued in the early 1990s.

The system features standard wireless controllers that communicated via infrared reception.

Yeno distributed the system in Europe. In Germany, under the name Prof. Weiss-Alles, which translates to "Professor Knows-Everything".[1] And in France, as the Professeur Saitout; Jeu Educatif Video, where "Saitout" comes from the french phrase "Sais Tout", meaning "Knows All".

VTech also distributed the system in Canada, being sold as the Socrates Saitout; Jeu Educatif Video.

External links[]

Template:VTech products
