Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki

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Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki
Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki

Coordinates: 35°40′37.3″N 139°45′8.3″E / 35.677028°N 139.752306°E / 35.677028; 139.752306

Fatal error: The format of the coordinate could not be determined. Parsing failed.

{{Infobox law enforcement agency | agencyname = Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department | nativename = | nativenamea = 警視庁 | nativenamer = Keishichō | fictional = | patch = Asahikage.png | patchcaption = Asahikage | logo = Keishicho.jpg | logocaption = Headquarters building | badge = | badgecaption = | flag = | flagcaption = | image_size = | commonname = | abbreviation = TMPD | motto = | mottotranslated = | formed = 1874 | preceding1 =
