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Thornheart (ソーンハート, Sōnhāto) is the owner of Scarecrow Manor. He is the main antagonist of House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn, and has also appeared in endings for The House of the Dead III, 4, and 4 Special.

The survivor of a rare disease, Thornheart seeks to "[evolve]" humanity by continuing the genetic engineering work of the late Dr. Curien and Caleb Goldman. In 2006, he used biologically-engineered creatures to mastermind an incident at Scarecrow Manor.

Thornheart escaped Scarecrow Manor and last appeared at the EFI Research Facility in 2019, obtaining a gene canister which he claims has a "true purpose".




Thornheart (center) pictured with Caleb Goldman (left) and Dr. Curien (right).

In 1880, Thornheart's ancestors -- along with those of genetic engineers Dr. Curien and Caleb Goldman -- founded an unidentified organization.[1] Curien and Goldman masterminded incidents involving hostile biologically-engineered creatures in 1998 and 2000, respectively, which resulted in their deaths.[2][3]

At some point in time, Thornheart contracted a rare disease and was believed to have died. However, he survived.[4]

2003 incident[]

File:Mystery man sitting.JPG

Thornheart sitting in an unknown location.

Goldman staged a posthumous incident in 2003, scheming to revert self-destructing humans to their "natural state" in the opening of "Pandora's Box".[5] Sometime before, during, or after these events, Thornheart resided in an office, chiding Goldman's "soft" intentions and revealing that there was more than one Pandora's Box.[6]

Second Pandora's Box incident[]

The second Pandora's Box was destroyed by AMS agents G and Kate Green after battling a resurrected Magician. Thornheart wandered into Magician's chamber after the creature was defeated, remarking that while Pandora's Box is "closed", a being named Wheel of Fate cannot be stopped.[7]

2006 Scarecrow Manor incident[]


Thornheart gleefully watching creatures slaughter the guests of his manor.

On December 6, 2006, Thornheart unleashed creatures upon party guests at Scarecrow Manor. In secret laboratories, he developed creatures with the purpose of eradicating humanity in a plan known as "Noah's Ark". Although confronted by Kate Green and Ryan Taylor, Thornheart escaped and unleashed Moon, a massive creature. He developed more creatures, claiming that the ordeal "has just begun", and that it is impossible to change a "predefined future."[8]

2019 apocalypse[]

File:Mystery man picks up.JPG

Thornheart picking up a glowing canister.

By 2019, most of humanity was decimated following the incidents. AMS personnel and other survivors investigated the EFI Research Facility, inside which Wheel of Fate -- a resurrected form of Curien -- was to destroy humanity altogether. Although Wheel of Fate was destroyed, Thornheart limped into his chamber and picked up a glowing canister (revealed earlier as the cure for Curien's son Daniel), remarking that it serves a "true purpose" before leaving.[9]


The House of the Dead III[]

Quote Audio
"It appears that he didn't understand its true purpose..." File:HOD3Thornheart.ogg

The House of the Dead 4[]

Quote Audio
"Goldman, you are soft. These wretched humans have no need of hope. Soon the true end shall begin... There is more than one Pandora's Box." File:HOTD4Thornheart.ogg

The House of the Dead 4 Special[]

Quote Audio
"So, Pandora's Box has been closed... That is, if there is any "hope" left. The Wheel of Fate cannot be stopped." File:HOTD4SPThornheart.ogg

House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn[]

Quote Audio
"There's more to come! Run until you die!"
"Curien, Goldman, it's time for humans to decide: Extinction or evolution?"
"Goldman took evolution to be biological adaptability, [sic] but I consider it to be truly about the human mind. Arrogance, greed, envy, rage, lust, voracity, laziness... All great expressions. We need to get rid of the dead wound. It's time to carry out Noah's Ark! Let's start a new evolution!"
"If human beings are going to die, just let them die. Finally...the new human evolution has begun!"
"Goldman and Curien were gone, but I was reborn from a fatal disease. I choose to be alive!"
"Can't you see it? The future looks plural, but in truth--there is just one! I can see it with my eyes!"
"It is the time...The time for new life to be born in a new evolution!"
"It's impossible to change a predefined future. Your ordeal has only just begun."



Discussion of Thornheart (then-unnamed) in The House of the Dead III Perfect Guide.

In The House of the Dead III Perfect Guide, Thornheart was simply called a mysterious man (ミステリックマン, Misuterikkuman), which sometimes translates to Mystery Man.[10][excerpt 1] He was commonly referred to as the "Mystery Man" by the House of the Dead fanbase, who often speculated his identity. Popular theories included Thornheart being Goldman or Harry Harris from The House of the Dead 2, or Papa Caesar from The House of the Dead: Overkill.[11]

Six years prior to the reveal of Thornheart's identity in House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn, series director Takashi Oda stated that an arcade sequel would center around the character.[12] Like Dr. Curien and Caleb Goldman, Thornheart is morally grey; this was inspired by characters from the manga Black Jack.[13]


  • His appearance varies throughout the games. In 4, he appears to be a middle-aged and normal-looking man, however in the sequel Scarlet Dawn (which takes place three years later), he is much older-looking, with pale skin, white hair and whitened eyes, which he looked like years before the game series began as evidenced in an old photograph. In III (which takes place 13 years after Scarlet Dawn) he appears to be slightly younger and back to normal-looking, although this was possibly due to the engine and the fact he is obscured and not to be fully seen. It is not yet explained why this is the case, although it is possible the condition he has in the storyline has something to do with it.
  • It is implied that Thornheart secretly resurrected Curien after Goldman's death, as evidenced in the ending of the fourth game's special, where he stated in the Magician's laboratory after the creature's defeat, that "the Wheel of Fate cannot be stopped".


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  1. Excerpt from The House of the Dead III Perfect Guide, p.69:
    ェンディングのひとつに登場し、意味ありげなセ リフを残す謎の男。彼がいったい何者なのかは、現 時占一では不明。いずれ明らかになる日が……?"
  1. SEGA Interactive R&D#1. (13 September 2018). House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn. Sega. Level/area: Laboratory. Kate Green: [Explaining a photo of Dr. Curien, Caleb Goldman, and Thornheart to Ryan Taylor] In 1880...the organization their ancestors made was...the beginning of everything.
  2. The House of the Dead
  3. The House of the Dead 2
  4. SEGA Interactive R&D#1. (13 September 2018). House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn. Sega. Level/area: Manor Depths. Thornheart: Goldman and Curien were gone, but I was born of a fatal disease. I choose to be alive!
  5. The House of the Dead 4
  6. Sega Wow Inc. (30 December 2005). The House of the Dead 4. Arcade and Playstation 3. Sega. Level/area: Thornheart ending. Thornheart: Goldman, you are soft. These wretched humans have no need of hope. Soon the true end shall begin...There is more than one Pandora's Box.
  7. Sega Wow Inc. (30 December 2005). The House of the Dead 4: Special Arcade and PlayStation 3. Sega. Level/area: Thornheart ending. Thornheart: So, Pandora's Box has been closed...That is, if there is any hope left. The Wheel of Fate cannot be stopped.
  8. House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn
  9. Sega Wow Inc. (17 September 2013). The House of the Dead III. Arcade, Xbox, PC, and Playstation 3. Sega. Level/area: Thornheart ending. Thornheart: It appears that he didn't understand its true purpose...[laughs]
  10. The House of the Dead III Perfect Guide, pg. 69
  11. "Theory Behind the Mystery Man" - YouTube
  12. Kori (September 7, 2012). ""Website of the Dead's Exclusive Interview with Takashi Oda"". The Website of the Dead. Archived from the original on April 19, 2020. [The mysterious limping man] was in both The House of the Dead 3 and 4. If we ever develop a sequel, the story would be based around this character. {{cite web}}: ; August 5, 2019; publisher
  13. "SEGA of Japan Takashi Oda Interview" . Sega Interactive Japan. Archived from the original on October 10th, 2019. マンガの『ブラック・ジャック』は、患者を治療して命を救うブラック・ジャックだけではなく、安楽死によって患者を救おうとするドクター・キリコのような考えかたも描かれていますよね。相反する思考・行動かもしれませんが、それが各々の正義だったりするんですよね。このような考え方には、影響を受けていると思います。 {{cite web}}: ; ; publisher
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