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The sign of the four ( The Sign of the Fouroriginal title) is a British detective-novel from 1890, written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It is the second novel about the characterSherlock Holmes.


[hide]*1 publication history

Publication History[Edit][]

Doyle was commissioned for the story on August 30, 1889, at a dinner with Joseph m. Stoddart, the Publisher of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. He wanted to set up a British edition of the magazine, with stories of British author. Oscar Wilde, who was also present the story the picture of Dorian Gray wrote for the edition of July 1890.

The story first appeared in the February 1890 Edition of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine under the title The Sign of the Four. In the months it was reprinted the story a few times in British magazines. The title was often changed to The Sign of Four (without "the").

The story appeared in book form in October 1890, edited by Spencer Blackett.


The story is set in 1887 or 1888, and runs partly for the Dutch East India Company and the Indian rebellion of 1857.

At the beginning of the story is Sherlock Holmes for some time without case; in the absence of thought he used cocainethree times a day now, to the chagrin of his roommate Dr. Watson. On the very day that Watson says something they are approached by Miss Mary Morstan, who ask them to help with the search for her father. He was an officer in India, but is 10 years ago disappeared when he would return to England. A few years after she found a newspaper ad that asked for the address of Miss Morstan; When they responded, a Pearl at her concerned, from an anonymous sender. Over the last six years, was sent a new gem.However, now she has received a letter from the mysterious sender. This brings the three in contact with Thaddeus Sholto. From him they learn that his father was good friends with Morstans father and with him in the same army unit served in India: they were officers in a penal colony. However, he also tells that both men are dead and that there is a treasure in the game is. Miss Morstan possesses a kind of mysterious map, found in the luggage of her father when he disappeared. The map contains at the bottom of a strange sign: four contiguous crosses, with four names-of which three Indian and one British-and the caption "the sign of the four". According to his father 11 years ago from India Sholto was returned as a rich man, but he was also striking afraid of men with wooden legs. On his deathbed to his sons that he and major unveiled Sholto Morstan feud had gotten on the distribution of the treasure, which was Morstan died from a heart attack. For fear of the police and buried the body out of greed had major Sholto.

However, he died before major Sholto his story to his sons, Thaddeus and Bartholomew could finish. However, a major part of the wealth of Sholto had his sons to send to Miss Morstan, but this was against the greedy Bartholomew, in which Thaddeus her one bead per year sent. Thaddeus, Bartholomew has now found the treasure and that tells that he has informed so that they can claim its share.

Bartholomew arrived in the mansion appears with a murdered gifpijltje: on a paper is the sign of the four written and the treasure is gone. From tracks in the room makes Holmes on that there are two perpetrators are entered through a skylight: a man with a wooden leg and a small, lithe man who ophees the other. The little guy has never worn shoes, because his tip-toe too far apart, what emerges because the guy with his foot in stand is creosote . The police arrive, led by Inspector Athelny Jones. Thaddeus is immediately suspected of killing his brother. Only Holmes believes this is not. He goes in search of the real culprit, Jonathan Small, totally unaware of what that is, the British this person of the sign of the four.

With the help of a tracking dog follows Holmes the trail of the man with creosote to his foot. However, the track death on the banks of the Thames, but the perpetrators turn out to have rented a boat called Aurora .The street children from Baker Street to find the command get the ship. Holmes does Meanwhile some study work and suspects that Smalls accomplice of the Andaman Islands originated.

After a few days arrives Athelny Jones in Baker Street, with the message that Holmes has asked him to come along. This shows in disguise to have discovered of any shipping company the Aurora comes and when the boat back departs. So succeed Holmes, Watson and the police managed to detect the boat. After a long Chase on the Thames is Small arrested while his companion is shot. The Treasury appears to be during the pursuit by Small leeggegooid in the Thames, because he gives it to no one except to himself and his three friends, who still sit in a prison camp.

Small has served for many years in India, where he lost his leg. Nevertheless, he was appointed during the Indian rebellion of 1857 guard in Agra, with two Sikhs. The two had planned a third man with a rich merchant, which under guard by the third man on the way to the Castle, to Rob. Small submitted was given the choice to get involved and get rich or to be killed. He chose to join the gang. The merchant was killed and the four men now always swore to work in each other's interest as much as in that of themselves and made a map with the sign of the four. The four, however, fell through the basket, were sentenced to lifetime forced labour and ended up in a prison camp on the Andaman Islands. The camp in which Small sat was led by major general captain Morstan Sholto and his right hand. Small offered the two officers that the four would share the treasure with them in Exchange for freedom. Sholto decided he wanted to investigate first or the treasure really lay where Small said, but then betrayed all others by single-handedly with the spoils to the get to go. Small was left, but one day he saved the life of the native Tonga, who served him faithfully since then and of the island helped escape. Bartholomew arrived In England had discovered the treasure that eventually discovered Small and planned a burglary to steal the treasure. Tonga had to lift the roof, but the disabled Small shot against Smalls sense first Bartholomew death with a poison pill.

Now the case has been resolved Small disappears again behind bars. For Watson and Mary Morstan is rather a relief that the treasure is lost: now they remain of the same class and they can get engaged with each other without shame. Holmes let the police with all the credit for solving the case out. He predicts that he himself, now the matter is resolved, injecting cocaine will go again soon.

Comparison with the previous financial[Edit][]

The sign of the four exhibits a large number of agreements with the previous book. Also now covers Sherlock Holmes a case that originated abroad (in the previous book the United States and India in this book). Also comes in both books a big flashback for those a few chapters and in which the killer tells his side of the story. This book contains more clues for the reader about the background of the offender. In the previous fiscal was totally not clear that the killer had ties to the Mormons, until this in the flashback was unveiled.


The sign of the four a few times is edited for film, tv, and Theatre:

Year Title Country Director Holmes-actor Watson-actor
1913 Sherlock Holmes Solves the Sign of the Four USA unknown Harry Benham x
1923 The Sign of the Four UK Maurice Elvey Eille Norwood Hubert Willis
1932 The Sign of the Four UK Graham Cutts Arthur Wontner Ian Hunter
1968 The Sign of the Four UK unknown/BBC Peter Cushing Nigel Stock
1974 Das Zeichen der Four France/West Germany Jean-Pierre Decourt Rolf Becker Roger Lumont
1983 The Sign of the Four UK Desmond Davis Ian Richardson David Healy
1983 Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four (animation) Australia Ian Mackenzie, Alex Nicholas Peter O'Toole (voice) unknown
1983 Priklyucheniya Sherloka Kholmsa i doktora Vatsona Sokrovishcha Agry: USSR Igor Maslennikov Vasily Livanov Vitali Solomin
1987 The Sign of Four UK Peter Hammond Jeremy Brett Edward Hardwicke
2001 The Sign of the Four Canada Rodney Gibbons Matt Frewer Kenneth Welsh
2005 Neekkam (The Move) India Biju Viswanath unknown unknown