- "I won't stop until I've saved everyone you've captured! I'll never stop until I've honored the sacrifices of everyone who's fallen along the way! And I won't be through until I've kicked your flabby behind once and for all! So you just keep pushin' me, doc! I'll push right back!"
- ― Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog #236
Sonic the Hedgehog (born day 162, 3220), born ??? Maurice Hedgehog,[2] is the titular main protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He is a mobian hedgehog endowed with the power of super speed and the ability to control the Chaos Emeralds, and the son of Jules and Bernadette Hedgehog. Renowned as the hero of Mobius and the chosen hero of the multiverse, Sonic was the strongest and primary agent of the Team Fighters, and had since early childhood opposed the global and tyrannical rule of Dr. Ivo Robotnik, and afterwards his alternate universe counterpart Dr. Eggman, to reclaim the freedom of his planet. Although he was sometimes overconfident and assumed he could deal with things on his own, Sonic also realized he had friends to back him up when needed. Additionally, he was willing to put his life on the line for his loved ones.
From the ends of the world to the far reaches of space and time, Sonic had many adventures and faced countless trials in the fight against evil for the fate of his planet that tested him to the fullest, earning him many titles, allies and the scorns of several foes. When Eggman used the reality-warping Genesis Wave to alter the world for his own ambitions, Sonic's attempt to undo it resulted in a new reality which not only destroyed the multiverse from which he hailed, but formed a new one in its place and gave him an entirely different life.
Sonic is a slim mobian hedgehog with blue fur that covered most of his body, and peach skin that covered his arms, muzzle, insides of his ears and front torso. He had small, triangular ears on top of his head, six long quills on the back of his head, two spines protruding from his back behind his shoulders, and a short tail.
For attire, Sonic wore light-weight, hyper friction-resistant red sneakers with white cuffs around the ankles, gray soles, and white straps across the top; the latter of which are held down by a gold buckle on each foot. He also wore a pair of white gloves with sock-like cuffs on his hands.
Sonic was overall a fun and fast daredevil out on an ego trip. Having saved the world numerous times left him with an inflated sense of self as he thought highly of himself. Throughout his life, he exhibited a great desire for adventure and excitement, in keeping with his super speed. Thrill-seeking aside, he genuinely cared for the people and things he fought for, which at times led him to break the rules in order to do what he thought had to be done. His greatest flaw in this area may be that he developed something of a need for action, which left him uneasy in times of peace and often influenced his decisions more heavily than any other factor. Though he had great loyalty to his friends, family, nation, and Mobius in general, he showed a tendency to be hesitant about committing to anything that did not allow him to fight for the things he cared about.
Sonic had a bragging nature and that shows as he enjoyed gloating about his accomplishments, even going so far to rub other's noses in it. Even though he was not intrigued by the marital proposals at all, he enjoyed all the attention he gets from females sometimes. Depending on the person, the hedgehog could either treat them great and be happy to give them his time or outright ignore them. He was also clever and intelligent.
In dealing with his enemies, Sonic was usually light-hearted in behavior, often mocking his opponents with insults and puns. Given how serious he could be in some cases, however, it is likely that these jokes were an attempt to lighten the mood or project an air of confidence. Of course, it also served (in most cases) to aggravate his enemies to the point of distraction. A milder form of this behavior was found in ribbing of his various friends and allies, whom he often attempted to get them to loosen up. However, after Sally's roboticization and the events that followed, he became far more serious, moodier, distrusting, and unforgiving than usual, most often during the course of battle, though he did try to maintain his cool, light-hearted demeanor after the Team Fighters began their mission. Conversely, he could also become friendly to those he previously distrusted in a flash, as seen by how he quickly forgave Mega Man even after the they had been trying to destroy each other just moments before, much to the boy robot's surprise.
Sonic enjoyed being laid back and confident, rarely showing any signs of being put off by anything. It was only in the moments of greatest loss (such as the destruction of Knothole, Eggman's temporary descent into madness, and Sally's roboticization) that his macho and carefree appearance fell away.
Deeply devoted to his friends and family, Sonic enjoyed helping them every chance he gets. In particular, he helped less confident individuals express themselves and toughen up, as when he helped Mina Mongoose use her singing talents. However, he also had something of a bullheaded streak which caused him to think that he was right and everyone else was wrong. This led him to clash with other such strong personalities as Knuckles, Geoffrey, Monkey Khan, Tails, and even Sally. In the case of the latter, Sonic was clever and preferred to make up plans as he goes along, whilst Sally was more tactically minded.
For all his rough edges, Sonic showed himself to be quite a gentleman, almost always showing respect to women. This was demonstrated in his first encounters with Bunnie and Rouge, as well as in other situations. While he tended to treat her differently, Sonic also showed Sally a great deal of respect, though their years of being acquainted and closer relationship seemed to lead him to treat her more like "one of the guys" in many group situations.
Powers and abilities[]
An example of Sonic's speed when using the Figure-Eight Peel-Out, from Sonic the Hedgehog #175.
Sonic's most notable ability was his super speed, allowing him to run at speeds far surpassing Mach 1, which was at the blistering speed of 768 mph or more. His speed allowed him to perform impressive feats, such as vibrating at high speeds to such a degree that it allowed him to pass through solid objects.[5] More amazing feats of Sonic's speed were his ability to ball up water, and throw it, all in a 0,0000000001 of a millisecond. Such feats even included him being able to scoop up dirt, toss it in the air and walk on it like a bridge. The hedgehog, with the aid of several Power Rings combined with his speed, could tear open a dimensional rift in reality, alongside Knuckles, as shown in his first battle with Master Mogul. As stated by Sally, Sonic could go from 0 to 65 mph in just 0,0000000001 seconds. It is possible that he could access greater levels of speed, as he was able to travel from the ruins of Knothole to the east coast of the continent and back in just a few seconds during his battle with the Egg Beater.
Sonic was known to innovate various techniques to increase speed and acceleration. His most popular instance of such was the Spin Dash, a technique in which he assumed a ball or wheel like shape by tucking his arms, knees and head to his core, rotated on the spot at blurring speeds, and took off at the speed of rotation at the time of release. Perhaps his highest tiered technique of this nature was the Figure-Eight Peel-Out, as shown when he, from a stationary position, moved his legs at an extremely high speed and took off at speeds far surpassing that of which he reached using any other technique. The hedgehog could also incorporate this technique into his running style to various effects. While performing this skill, Sonic's legs flickered into and maintained the stark shape of a horizontal figure 8 or infinity symbol.
Sonic's speed also increased his combat abilities. His Figure-Eight Peel-Out move increased his speed and strength, and even allowed him to briefly hover in midair. Spinning around in an upright position, he could become a makeshift tornado, taking down any foes close to him. The hedgehog could achieve similar effects by spinning his arms around, propelling him into the air and defeating anyone caught in his path. While running, he could even create trails of fire with the friction from his speed.[6] As far as stamina goes, Sonic's was seemingly limitless as he was never winded from running. According to Jules, the more energy he expends without resting, the stronger his "crashes" are when he was ready to relax. By running in place on roads, he could turn it into tar, stopping his enemies in their tracks. He also possessed vast supernatural strength, as seen when punching Eggman's robots with brute force, being able to damage the Egg Beater, which was designed to counter and match his speed and strength, and being able to lift people and objects that were several times his weight.
Sonic was also a chaos being with the ability to manipulate Chaos energy, though with less ease than the likes of Shadow or Knuckles. Unlike these two, he could not channel Chaos energy without the aid of a power source like the Chaos Emeralds or the Master Emerald. When tapping into the Chaos Force, the hedgehog was granted amplified innate abilities, such as increased durability and speed. Also, due to the large amounts of Chaos energy he absorbed over the course of his adventures, it was hypothesized that he was the living embodiment of chaos, making him an unpredictable variable that could thwart even the most well-thought-out plan.
As an off-spin of Sonic's ability to manipulate Chaos energy, he could absorb Power Rings, which he used to get a boost of energy during battle as well as to facilitate his Super Forms. Following the destruction of Knothole, it was revealed that he had absorbed so many Power Rings that their energy gave him increased resistance and durability. He also possessed the curious ability to negate negative influences brought on by Chaos energy, as shown by his victories over Perfect Chaos, Enerjak, and his resistance to Dr. Finitevus' hex. This ability also enabled him to absorb energy from the Master Emerald despite it being locked by Finitevus' hex, something that even the wizard Merlin Prower was at a loss to explain.
When it comes to combat, Sonic was a self-taught boxer[7] and briefly trained alongside Sally Acorn.[8] His fighting style was shown to be on par with Geoffrey St. John, the leader of the Royal Secret Service.[9][10][11][12] Even after all his fights with Geoffrey, the hedgehog showed that he was willing to continue training alongside others, using virtual reality battle simulations.[13] Even without his speed, he showed to have some accuracy, such as when he destroyed a Combot by throwing a Power Ring directly at it.[14]
Sonic was also a master of disguise, having used clever costumes to fool others on multiple occasions.[15][16][17] He was a very talented guitarist as well; when learning to play guitar, he quickly mastered it, with Mina describing him as a natural-born talent and a large crowd gathering to listen to him.[18] Additionally, while the hedgehog was adventuring in outer space, he was implanted with a device allowing him to understand all languages (including those of mobinis).
Being a hedgehog, which were a burrowing species, Sonic had an ability to dig, as shown when Enerjak transported him underground, but he quickly resurfaced.
Super Sonic[]
Super Sonic
By absorbing large amounts of Chaos energy originating from the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic could transform into Super Sonic. While transformed, he was given a vast increase in strength, speed and reflexes. Additionally, he was granted the ability to fly, was virtually invulnerable to harm, and was given an open link to the Chaos Force. He could also access this form with either a Super Emerald or the Master Emerald.
Ultra Sonic[]
After absorbing a large amount of Power Rings, Sonic could assume the form of Ultra Sonic. While in this form, he could fly, manipulate non-organic matter, and open dimensional portals.
- ""Limit"? I've got your "limit" right here!"
- —Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog #175
- "You're a bully, and that's it. You take the easy, nasty way out, and get the quick reward. Big whoop. I do things the right way. I help others to make something bigger and better than just mean. The good guys always win in the long run. And there isn't anybody who can run longer or better than I can."
- —Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog #196
- Former comic writer Ken Penders had originally intended to have Sonic's full name as "Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog". On Sonic's Data File page, it leaves his first name a mystery, as Penders intended to have his first name mentioned later on. This plot idea never came to be however, as Penders left the comic staff after Sonic the Hedgehog #160. Thus, Sonic's first name is still not actually Sonic, and his true first name remains unknown, but Ian Flynn has confirmed that it is not Olgilvie. In Ian Flynn's unofficial character Q&A from February, 2009, Sonic's father Jules said that Sonic had Elias rechristen him as Sonic, making it his real name.[19] It has been confirmed in Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2011 in his profile that he legally changed his name to Sonic, with no offense to his ancestors.
- Sonic's middle name, "Maurice", was first mentioned in the first issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog miniseries.
- In the first eleven issues, he had his design based off the one seen in the Western artworks for the original Sonic games (which was common in use of Western Sonic media throughout the 1990's) being his Mowhawk style. The design would tone down after that. Speaking of that, Sonic's spine count varied from six to seven and occasionally, eight.
- Originally, Sonic spent over a year in space. While it was only a few weeks for him, this means that he was only celebrating his seventeenth birthday (despite implying he was older) in Sonic the Hedgehog #160, while being biologically sixteen.
- In the cartoon shows Sonic the Hedgehog, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic Underground, Sonic was voiced by Jaleel White. When Sonic met up with the robot Wolvurkel, a robot parody of the character Urkel also played by White, Sonic mentioned the robot's voice seemed familiar.
- Interestingly, while Sonic is sixteen, in Sonic the Hedgehog #188 Sonic stated he was "kicking Scratch and Grounder's butt" since he was eight. However, only two years had past since they were produced (Sonic the Hedgehog #2), thus meaning more years may have past since Sonic the Hedgehog #1, or the timeframe was retconned.
- Sonic is supposedly the embodiment of chaos, which was confirmed by Eggman in Sonic the Hedgehog #210. This might explain a lot of things that have happened in the series, such as when Sonic was able to survive the Xorda attack, and transform into Super Sonic when the Master Emerald's power was locked. In other words, Sonic may have a unique, powerful connection to the Chaos Force.
- Bean often calls Sonic "Mr. Needlemouse", a reference to a mistranslation of Sonic's original name.
- A frequent goof occurs in the flash back panels, where Sonic is drawn with his modern design when he is supposed to have his classic appearance.
- This version of Sonic made a cameo appearance alongside Knuckles in the 1999 pilot issue to the Archie's Weird Mysteries comic series. There, they were summoned alongside a host of characters from various Archie Comics properties in order to fight off a gang of monsters that were attacking Riverdale.
- The only issues not to feature Sonic in the mainline comics are issue 103 and issue 104, although he is still referenced in the former.
See also[]
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia, "Alien Races"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Sonic the Hedgehog #112, "Sega Data File: 1 - Sonic the Hedgehog"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog: The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia, "Sonic the Hedgehog"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #251, "When Worlds Collide Finale: The Best of the Best"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #119, "Cater-killer's Coming!"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #111, "The Trouble With Grrrls!"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #7 "The Shadow Nose!"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog In Your Face! "The Quest - Princess Sally's Crusade: Conclusion"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #48, "Sonic the Fugitive"
- ↑ Sonic Super Special #2, "Brave New World"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #41
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #70, "Saving Nate Morgan"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #153, "Songoose Part 1 of 2"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #38, "The Rise of Robotropolis... The Fall of Sonic!"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #97, "My Secret Identity"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #117, "The Tortoise and the Hedgehog"
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #24, “When Hedgehogs Collide”
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #122, "Heart Held Hostage Part One"
- ↑ Flynn, Ian (3 February 2009). "Ask Ian for FEB'09 - Novelty Answer Month - Finis~". BumbleKing Comics. Archived from the original on 2 November 2015.
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External links[]
- Template:ME link
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