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Aoi Satan
Series Sakura Wars
Sakura Wars 2: Thou Shalt Not Die
Gender Male
Hair Silver
First Appearance
Sakura Wars
Last Appearance
Sakura Wars
First Appearance
Sakura Wars (TV series)
Last Appearance
Sakura Wars (TV series)
Media Portrayal
Japanese Voice Hiroshi Yanaka

Satanaoi (葵 叉丹, Aoi Satan) is one of the major Kouma villains in the Sakura Wars series. He first appears as one of the Hive of Darkness's Deathlords in the first Sakura Wars game, and was revived by Oni-Ou's necromancy to become one of the Black Demon Society generals, where his identity is revealed.


Aoi Satan is a man with blue eyes and silver hair, his outfit consists of a traditional samurai outfit with blue color, a pair of traditional Japanese sandal.


Towards his personality, originally as the Anti-Kouma Squad member, he was a respectful and dutyful warrior, which also was focused in mechs, as he was the responsible to the creation of the Koubus. But due to his extreme pride (because of his true nature dormant for years), as he turns into Tenkai's "servant" he becames cynical, evil and ruthless. His overload of pride was enough to even be malicious enough to betray his own master Tenkai and sacrifice his own comrades just to become more powerful to have the benefits of controlling all koumas, and by extent, being the sole ruler of the world and the entire universe. Without doubt, he IS a ultimate threat to the world since he is the reincarnation of..


After activating the Demon Cannon to destroy the Flower Division's "Mikasa" battleship, it was presumed that Yamazaki has died for being in a point-blank range for the impact of the destruction caused by the activation and the collision between the Mikasa and the Demon Island. But this has proven false, as he emerges, not anymore as the Yamazaki nor his Aoi Satan alias, but as SATAN, originally known as Lucifer the first fallen angel that became envious of God and wanted to dethrone It, from Christianity's theology. Satan was dormant into Yamazaki's body for years, and as much pride Yamazaki turns to get, more closer to be "him" he becames. As "Satan", he becomes even more malicious, ruthless, destructive and a death bringer, but now in a even more calmer and ominous presence than he was as Aoi/Yamazaki. Even being a very true demonish person, Satan does have some concern for his "sister" Michael the Archangel as he nearly becomes surprised that he was been forgiven by God itself. But he refuses the chance of returning to the heavens due to his envy towards god and his disdain for the mankind, swearing that he will returns as the human hearts still have darkness with them, who will open a chance to him to return someday.


Originally by the name of Shinnosuke Yamazaki, one of the original members of Imperial Army's Anti-Kouma Squadron, and a former comrade of General Ikki Yoneda, Kazuma Shinguji and his lover Ayame Fujieda. He was even the genius engineer who devloped the Spiricle Armor blueprints for the Koubu suits, thus Kohran Li's idol. But for reasons unknown went missing after the Demon War and presumed dead.

Now reappearingas Satanaoi, he leads the Black Sanctum Council to revive Tenkai so he can watch the utter destruction of Tokyo and those who mocked him in his former life.

He is later revealed to be the biblical Satan, the King of Darkness who was cast down from Heaven.

As a member of the Hive of Darkness, he uses the name Kuroki Satan (Black Satan); when he returns as the leader of the Kouma, he uses the name Aoi Satan (Blue Satan). It was also revealed that Satan was responsible for reviving Tenkai, who actually died during the Demon War.

In the games[]

Sakura Taisen[]

In films and television[]

Sakura Wars (2000 Anime)[]

At the end of the Demon War, Yamazaki went mad and allowed himself to corrupted by the power of darkness.

Other appearances[]

Granblue Fantasy[]

Satanaoi is one of the NPC Sakura Wars characters


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The original article can be found here and the original contributors here.
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