SCR-GP is a playable character in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. It is unlocked after the Babylon Rogues' story is completed. Like SCR-HD, it does not ride an Extreme Gear, but it curls into a wheel as it were an Extreme Gear itself and functions identically to a Wheel type Extreme Gear.
SCR-GPs are white and black robot that are slightly taller than the average human. They have basically a disk for a torso with a white outer rim and black sides. On the front of their torso they have a featureless face, except for a sharp chin and a red eye strip. On the middle of their torso's sides they have round black shoulders with two lights on the sides; blue on the right and red on the left, with the MeteorTech insignia labeled on the front of their shoulders. They also have a buffer on the front waist area, three-fingered hands, copper feet that look like claws, and animal-like hind legs with fins attached on the sides.
It is first seen in the intro cutscene when the mass-produced SCR-GP and their leader, SCR-HD are activated by one of the Arks of the Cosmos. They are next seen when they attack Sonic and friends on their way to Megalo Station. They also chase Sonic's team and the Babylon Rogues through MeteoTech after the teams raise an alarm. After this, the SCR-GP robots are not seen at all, as the rest of both stories center on SCR-HD and Dr. Eggman. Like the rest of the playable characters in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, SCR-GP can perform Gravity Dive and Gravity Control.
As a Wheel type Extreme Gear, SCR-GP can crash through obstacles and barricades without slowing down, gaining Gravity Points (GP) for each destroyed obstacle and make Slide Turns to get through sharp corners. However, it cannot perform Gravity Control to the full extent as most other Extreme Gears. SCR-GP does not have any unique abilities and it also does not have any Gear Parts.
- SCR-GP is the only character in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity to have a maximum six in one of their stats (Power).
- SCR-GP and SCR-HD are the only playable characters who do not use an Extreme Gear, as they can curl up into a wheel.
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