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Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki

RollRocker The Roll 'n Rocker is an accessory for the Nintendo Entertainment System developed by LJN Toys. The device was designed to be plugged into a controller port on the NES and placed on the floor. The player would stand on the Roll 'n Rocker and use their feet to tilt it, which would control the D-pad. The side of the Roll 'n Rocker included a port to plug the NES controller into so that the player could use their hands to control the A and B buttons. The Roll 'n Rocker worked very poorly, and sometimes not at all, with all NES games (including games developed by LJN Toys) and had a tendency to malfunction often.[1]


  1. "I-Mockery = NES = Roll & Rocker". Retrieved 2015-10-11. {{cite web}}:
