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Biographical information

The Lair, New York City, Earth


Commander Zoraph
Nightwatcher (proposed only)
Maggot Boy (proposed by Michelangelo)


Frog (by Vic)
Turtle Boy
Dadda Raph (by Casey)
Big baby (by Donatello)
Meat Head (by Donatello)

Date of birth

c. 1997 (mutation year) (15 years old during the series)


Mastery of ninjutsu
Semi-aquatic adaptations
Master sai fighter

Weapon(s) of choice

Ninja smoke bombs
Laser axe
Laser gun
Brass knuckles


Team Awesome (by Michelangelo)
A-team (by Leonardo and Raphael himself)


Hamato Yoshi/Splinter (adopted father; deceased)
Tang Shen (adopted mother; deceased)
Hamato Yuuta (adopted grandfather; deceased)
Hamato Miwa(adopted sister)
Y'Gythgba (girlfriend)
Spike (former pet)
Chompy Picasso (pet)

Physical description

Mutant turtle





Eye color

Emerald green

Bandana color

Crimson Red

Out of universe information

2012 TV series2,012New Animated Adventuresnaa

First appearance

Rise of the Turtles, Part 1

Voiced by
Teachers and Students

Hamato Yoshi


Spike (ninjutsu, inadvertently)
1987 Turtles

"Raphael's got the most attitude on the team."
― His introductory line in the theme song

Raphael or Raph is one of the main protagonists of the 2012 TV series. He is the adoptive son of Master Splinter (Hamato Yoshi) and the adoptive brother of Karai (Hamato Miwa), as well as the biological brother of Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo. He was also the pet owner of Spike, until he mutated into Slash.

Just like his other incarnations, Raphael's weapon of choice is his sai. He wears a red mask and fights with two sai. Known for his rage, he commonly takes it out on Mikey, and on occasions, to Leo and Donnie, due to their occasional feud (Raph's sibling rivalry, jealousy and power hunger that Leo is the team leader while Donnie is the team' scientist, mechanism and inventor). Raphael sports a chip in the bottom of his shell as a result of Splinter's earlier encounters with The Kraang that were after him. He is voiced by Sean Astin in this series.


Just like other incarnations, Raphael is the muscular hothead of the ninja turtle quartet. However in this incarnation, Raph can be erratic emotionally. He is brave, daring, free spirited, and while Michelangelo is the comedian of the turtle quartet, Raphael is the most sardonic and sarcastic. He is very athletically adept. He is also very close with his allies, friends and pets. However, he can be very wilful, stubborn, incredibly rude, aggressive, and can get explosive. He is also the most relentless of the turtles, his relentless ferocity makes him a deadly fighter.

Raph loves to fight, wrestle, and trash the place. If there’s a brawl, Raphael would love to join in the fight whenever you like it or not. Because of his passion for fighting, he would fight first and reflect and ask questions later.

He doesn’t tolerate offensive teasing from anyone. When people and or even his brothers mocks him, he would put up a fight. When Mikey is in his mischievous ways and annoys Raph, Raph would either yell at him or beat him up.

Hypocritically, he mocks and taunts his family, allies, and his enemies, often coming up with rude remarks. Raph is not afraid to make light of very dark situations. He would make jokes about dejected and morose people who are miserable. On rare occasions, one of his brothers (especially Leo) or even his sensei may slap him in retaliation.

Like his big sister, Miwa, he’s also very cocky and competitive. When he wins games and duels against his brothers, he will rub it in his brothers’ faces, much to their dismay.

However, Raph can be unpredictable, and his ferocious temper can sometimes frighten enemies even his brothers. He can be very aggressive to solve problems, even with his family and allies. Sometimes during training, Raph can get hostile, and he would do anything he can to beat his brothers in sparring matches. When he feels misunderstood or irritated, he would erupt at any given moment. At times he gets so infuriated he would ”quit” the team (more like walk out the team). This type of situation happened 27 times ("Mutant Gangland"), according to his younger brother Donatello. When he‘s calm, he goes back to rejoin the team.

In addition to this incarnation, Raph and Leo’s relationship is a half-love/half-hate relationship. Raph hates the fact that Leo is chosen to be leader. Sometimes, Raph is willing to follow suit and cooperate with Leo, and other times, he’ll instigate. When Raph does instigate, he'll either talk back, get physical with him, or even try to take over as leader. In two episodes during this incarnation, Raph has successfully taken over Leo’s lead after Leo gives in (e.g. "New Girl in Town" and "Follow The Leader").

Raph’s rebellious behavior gets in the way of thinking before going into the situation. Sometimes Raph would go down and think before going into situations, and other times he will rebel. Because of his mood swings, his behavior is inconsistent. Sometimes when he actually think things through and tells brothers that they need a plan, it can surprise his brothers. Raph is only angry because he loves and cares for his brothers so much.

Despite all this, Raph does have a soft side with his 2 pets Spike (which turned into Slash), and then in Season 4 Chompy, whom he adores both so much. His pets always calm him down. Sometimes, he shows his soft side to his family and friends. He would do anything to protect them, but he would never admit it in order to stay "hardcore" and to protect his pride. On some occasions, he even has a soft side towards Mikey, as seen in "New Friend, Old Enemy", "New Girl in Town". In "The Wrath of Tiger Claw", he even hugs Mikey, considering he is the youngest, and therefore his little brother.

Skills, Powers and Abilities[]

Raphael's most notable ability is his brute strength which is only increased by his anger. His ability to get angry allows him to defeat highly skilled opponents like Leonardo on few occasions (though Leo himself best him on several occasions) and even managed to gain the upper hand against Super-Shredder before eventually later gets defeated by Super-Shredder. Due to his years of intensive and extensive training by Splinter, Raphael is one of the best fighters in the ninja turtles team as well as one of the greatest ninjas on Earth. As evident for his impressive skill, in The Pulverizer Returns!, Raphael shown to quickly adapt non-lethal weapons like a fence board and utilize it as his primary weapon to defeat the Foot Clans. Raphael is a remarkable teacher as shown in Wanted: Bebop & Rocksteady, Raphael trained his 1987 counterpart and his brothers' incarnations in both armed and unarmed combat.

  • Mutant Physiology: As a mutant, the Mutagen Ooze heightened Raphael's physical attributes to considerable extraordinary levels. He possesses strength, speed, reflexes, agility, endurance, recovery speed, and stamina much greater than even the finest human specimen athlete. His mutant abilities has been listed as shown below:
    • Enhanced Strength: Raphael is the physically strongest of the turtles, even stronger than Leonardo. Because of this, he is the first to face off against large and more powerful opponents such as Slash, Triceriton soldiers, and even Super Shredder. He can also carry his three younger brothers (especially Leo) at will. In Rise of the Turtles, Raphael shown to easily rip off the arm of a Kraang humanoid robot with his bare hands. Raphael can also overpower regular humans as shown In The Pulverizer Returns!.
    • Enhanced Speed: Raphael is able to move at great speed, able to free run on rooftops without losing momentum. He can also spin his sais at incredible speed.
    • Enhanced Reflexes: He also possesses great reaction speed, allowing him to dodge projectiles such as lasers the Kraang's blasters, and enemy attacks. In Rise of the Turtles, Raphael was able to dodge the laser fire from Snake's weapon designed by Kraang at very close range.
    • Enhanced Healing: Like his brothers, Raphael can heal injuries much faster than normal humans.
    • Enhanced Stamina: Raphael possesses a high stamina and much stronger than Olympic-level athletes. He is highly remarkable of continue to fight for more than several hours if necessary.
    • Enhanced Endurance: Raphael has an extreme levels of tolerance to pain and can survive from extensive amount of punishment throughout his career; for instance, in Metalhead (episode), He was able to withstand the impact after falling from several stories of a building without showing any sign of injury and discomfort. In The Gauntlet (episode), he withstood powerful attacks from the Shredder and later shown to have some injuries instead of large injuries like Michelangelo.
    • Retractable limbs into shell: Though rarely depicted, ("It came from the sewers", "The Good, the bad and Casey Jones" and "In dreams" are the only episodes where he is seen doing so.) he has the normal ability of a turtle to retract his limbs into the safety of his shell.
  • Anger: As seen multiple times through the series, Raphael's greatest weakness has been his anger. However, when properly focused, his temper can be used as his greatest strength, increasing his fighting abilities and his raw strength.
  • Okinawan Kobudō (Sai) : Raphael was trained by Splinter in the use of sais. Although Raph can use his sais for their intentional purpose of trapping his enemies weapons within their prongs, he also uses them in a manner akin to daggers, stabbing and piercing his opponents. He can also twirl sais in a similar manner to Donnie's bo-staff twirling abilities, allowing him to deflect shuriken and lasers. When holding them in a reverse grip between his fingers, Raph can use the pommel of his sais to increase the effect of his punches.
  • Shurikenjutsu: Raphael can throw shuriken with remarkable accuracy.
  • Tegaki Proficiency: In "Vision Quest", Raphael forged his own custom-made Tegaki, which resembled a pair of Tekkō-kagi but with only two blades. He wielded them as though they were gauntlets.
  • Stealth: Being taught by Splinter, Leonardo, as well as his brothers, are able to be one with darkness and hide and move within the shadows without being noticed.
  • Pressure Point Intuition: As shown in "Slash and Destroy", Raphael is able to use the famous Pressure Point technique which he uses to defeat Slash.
  • Artistry: "Return to New York" showed that Raphael has some skill as a painter, from when he painted a "Venus de Milo" artwork on the side of the Party Wagon. One of the walls of his bedroom is also covered with splotches of different colors of paint, but without any clear illustration.


During most of the series, Raphael wields a pair of dual twin Sai as his signature weapon (as per tradition), with which, like his brothers and their chosen weapons, he is highly skilled. In fact, 2012 Raphael is the first to use it as intended, as a grappling/disarming weapon, rather then as a stabbing dagger.

In "The Pulverizer Returns!", Master Splinter says that the boys are relying too heavily on their own weapons and makes them swap. After this process, Raphael is left with Michelangelo's nunchucks. His Sai are given to Donatello. Despite their best efforts, none of them are particularly successful (mostly Donatello, who manages to prick himself with the Sai) however, Raphael only hits himself twice with the nunchucks, meaning he is at least somewhat competent with them (most likely because they are of a similar design, ie: two, small handheld weapons).

However, during a more difficult fight, the turtles are still uncooperative with their new weapons and swap back. When Splinter finds out, he confiscates all weapons, stating that anything can be useful. When he and his brothers are trying to save Timothy, Raphael uses two planks of wood, holding and fighting with them in a style similar to his Sai. In "The Gauntlet", he used a Yumi bow and like his other brothers wielded Shuriken (throwing stars). In "Showdown, Part 1", Raphael armed himself with Kama scythes, Shuriken, Kunai, Tonfa and Brass Knuckles.

During Season 2, when the Turtles try to relax by playing a live action fantasy role-playing game, he reluctantly joined in on the fun. He primarily used an axe as his fighting weapon, along with his "Drawf Barbarian" costume (which he thinks it’s "stupid"). He once again retains this costume during Season 3's "Tale of the Yokai".

During his time in outer space throughout the first half of Season 4, Raphael used laser sais and a laser blaster created by Fugitoid as his main weapons. He reverts back to his regular sais for the remainder of Season 4, and throughout the fifth and final season.


While down in the sewers, Raphael beat Donatello and then he fought Leonardo, (who beat Michelangelo in a fight before) and then won the training tournament by throwing Leonardo with his Sai. However, when Splinter congratulated them, Raphael bragged about his win, which caused Splinter to hit a pressure point on his neck and forced him to compliment his brothers. The Turtles are later seen eating a dish Michelangelo prepared called "Algae and Worms." After the meal, Splinter relays the story of how they were transformed (which is fairly different from the other origin stories told in the other series).

Fifteen years before Rise of the Turtles, Part 1, Raphael and his brothers were once ordinary turtles; when they were infants the benevolent Hamato Yoshi purchased the four as pets. When their soon-to-be father walked passed a strange man, he felt something odd about him and followed. Unfortunately Yoshi gave away his position when he accidentally stepped on a brown rat's tail. The Kraang found him and attempted to kill him, but Yoshi fought back hard.. During the scuffle, the aliens dropped a container of mutagen, Yoshi, having to have stepped on that rat, thus mutated into a humanoid brown rat by the name of "Splinter", While Raph and his brothers, after having been in contact with Yoshi and the clerk of the pet store where they were bought, mutated into humanoid turtles. Yoshi raised the turtles as his own children and to train them in Ninjutsu.

Splinter knew they would never be accepted in society and with the Kraang hot on his trail, the five of them lived in an abandoned water tower and a warehouse avoiding detection. During all of these trials, Splinter and the Turtles bonded and after he noticed the baby turtles trying to copy his Ninjitsu training, Splinter decided that there was an opportunity to turn this new life he was thrust into to his advantage, Taking one of his favorite books about the Renaissance art named them after the Artists he admired the most.

After last fight against the Kraang in the sewers in Splinter overheard the Kraang talking about how it became impossible for them to track Splinter and the Turtles there, Splinter decided to remain there. Thus making it that Splinter had found the safe environment where he could raise his adopted sons. . Knowing the world would be dangerous and there would be a time where they want to explore the outside world, Splinter started to train the boys in the art of Ninjitsu.

15 years later, Splinter reluctantly let the Turtles go to the surface. It is here that Raphael scares a Pizza delivery guy who speeds away on his motorcycle. The four of them, curious, open the box, and, after Michelangelo tries it, eat (and very much enjoy) the pizza.


Raphael's character design was updated, giving him green eyes as well as a small, lightning shaped chip cut out of his plastron across his left shoulder. His shell shows distinct battle damage, and the tails of his mask are tattered and worn. On the new ninjaturtles.com, Raphael says that he usually uses his Sai as a pair of pizza forks.



  • Leonardo - His relationship with Leonardo is both love and hate. Leo is paired while Raph lashes out. He and Leo tend to fight about who would be a better leader of the Turtles, but Leo always comes first, making Raph envious. They seem to fight the most out of all their brothers, but they still care about each other. The two are shown to trust one another more in the family as they are often discussing things privately away from Donnie and Mikey such as Leo's relationship with Karai. Raph (and sometimes Donnie) often expresses annoyance at Leo's constant attempts at 'hero speak', especially in season 1 when Leo is most influenced by Space Heroes. However, Raphael does gain some sort of respect for Leo after being the leader himself for a while, and finding it very difficult. After the Kraang Invasion of New York, Leo was severely injured to the point he was in a temporary coma. Raph was the one who watched over Leo day and night until he got better. While Leo was still healing from his wounds, Raph appeared to have become the de facto leader as he was the one to lead the training sessions with Donnie and Mikey and the one giving orders when Leo could not. When Leo becomes the group's sensei, Raphael gains greater respect for him.
  • Donatello - Raph fights with Donnie the least, in physical terms, but in verbal terms they argue with one another. Raph would often bully Donnie, especially in the first two seasons. However Donnie is no angel either because he would yell at Raph, often making fun of Raph’s temper and calling it babyish (“big baby”). Raph also blames Donnie in certain situations such going into a different dimension. Like Leo, Raph also has a tendency to rush Donnie in battle situations when Donnie tries so hard to focus on the technical parts of the battle operation. Both of them have similar bad tempers. They both challenge Leo’s lead at times, and they are both very impatient with Mikey’s antics. In "A Foot Too Big", he tried to console Donnie about his feelings for April, telling Donnie to give up because he was a mutant and she was human and that he should get used to it sooner so the pain would be less.
  • Michelangelo - He beats him up but he loves him. This is shown when in "New Friend, Old Enemy" he comforts Mikey when he is feeling down, by telling him that he is an awesome guy. Mikey messes with Raph (and Donnie). Raph (even Donnie) retaliates physically by yelling and beating up Mikey. Raphael is seen to guiding his baby brother to somewhat the dark side when it comes to villains like in Never Say Xever where he told Mikey not to apologize for dropping Bradford, and Mikey obeyed. He seems to have little respect for Mikey (and Donnie) as a fighter. This is seen in "Mouser Attack!" when Raphael (and Leonardo) kept labeling Donnie and Mikey 'the B-Team'. It wasn't until the near end and dubbed him and Mikey the A Minus-team (which they were fine with, as it was as good as they were going to get from Raph), as he playfully gave Mikey a nuggie. Despite all that, he cares a lot about Mikey and gets furious, like the other two, everytime Mikey gets hurt by an enemy (as seen in "I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman"). He was also the first to show major concern when he realized Mikey was in danger in New Friend Old Enemy. He was extremely concerned when Mikey got hurt during the battle with Snakeweed, even giving him a hug. In Cockroach Terminator when Mikey was kidnapped by Spy-Roach (when playing bait), Raph decided to put his fears aside to go save Mikey. Raph, along with Donnie and Leo, even threatened Leatherhead to stay away from him in It Came From The Depths. Raph seems to be very close with Mikey, and is as protective of him as much as he is with the others as seen in Invasion of the Squirrelanoids when he rescues Mikey from drowning with the Squirrelanoids. In The Invasion, Raph and Mikey really show off their love and feelings for each other. When the other was sad or scared he would give him a hug or tell him something comforting. Furthermore, when other people start beating up Mikey, Raph stands up for his little brother. Raph seems to be the most protective of Mikey. Though he doesn't show it very often, Raph deeply cares about him. Raph is very close with Mikey, sometimes joking with him. For example, in "Panic in the Sewers", Donnie starts rattling on about frost, and Mikey asks Raph if "He [Donnie] maybe has an off switch somewhere" Raph slaps Donnie on the back of the head, causing Donnie to yell "OW!" and shut up. Raph then turns back to Mikey and says "Found it!" and the two share a laugh.
  • April O'Neil - Raphael's first human friend. He and April don't interact that much. He got a little defensive when the Purple Dragons tried to mug her, but he also laughed at her when they thought Pigeon Pete attacked her. He was also impressed that she escaped from Karai. He and April are good friends. Since season 3, they have become more like family, and Splinter and Mikey specifically consider April and Casey part of their family.
  • Casey Jones - Raphael initially fought Casey the first time they met, and then became close friends, having a lot in common (having similar tempers). They're both shown patrolling together frequently. Since Season 3, they have become more like family, as he considers April and Casey as part of their family, though he would never mention it out loud.
  • Spike / Slash - Raph's relationship with Slash is complicated, to say the least, as a pet love that turned into a conflicted ambiguous love between two fully-grown sentient mutant turtles. Slash was originally Raph's pet turtle Spike, and one of the only individuals Raph showed love and affection to, Raph usually speaking to him as if to another person rather than to a pet; indeed, Spike's first scene in "Rise of the Turtles, Part 2" showed Raph sharing solemn tender words of love to another unseen male character, only for the scene to reveal the recipient to be his non-verbal pet turtle Spike. In the same scene, Raph was deeply embarrassed that Michelangelo witnessed this exchange, implying that Raph prefers not to show tenderness to Spike when others are watching. This kind of tenderness occasionally carried over to Raph and Slash as mutants, as shown in a scene in "Clash of the Mutanimals" when Raph worriedly rushed to see if Slash was okay. When Spike became the mutant Slash in "Slash and Destroy", he demonstrated that he really had been listening to Raph all those years, finally requiting the love Raph had shown him. The two planned to become their own ninja team, but Slash proved unstable, possessive, and violent when he tried to kill Raph's brothers to have Raph all to himself. Raph rejected what Slash had become, and Slash escaped feeling betrayed by the only person he'd ever loved. Raph was so aggrieved by Slash's loss that Splinter had to teach him how to cope with the loss of loved ones. Slash and Raph did not interact much when they met again in "Metalhead Rewired", but Slash protected Raph from harm, demonstrating he still cared about him. Raph and Slash finally fully reconciled in "Newtralized!", when Slash's stabilizing conscience steadily alienated him from his then-ally, the Newtralizer, and Slash eventually turned against the Newtralizer to defend Raph, his brothers and Casey Jones. Raph invited Slash to come back home, but Slash declined, choosing to remain alone for the time. In "The Invasion, Part 2", when the turtles were permanently evacuating the Turtle Lair, Raph revealed his most cherished personal possession to be his photograph of Spike, expressing how much he still worried about Slash. After an exile in North Hampton, Raph and Slash met again in "Battle for New York, Part 1", immediately re-establishing their ties. Raph trusted Slash even while his brothers (particularly Leonardo) still doubted him. From this point on, their relationship is more casual, with Raph and Slash appearing as loyal friends but sharing far less affection, except for one scene in Clash of the Mutanimals. Slash is one of the few close friends or family who consistently addresses Raph by his three-syllable name, "Raphael," except for two utterances of "Raph" in "Slash and Destroy"
  • Hamato Miwa / Karai - Raphael's technically older adoptive sister. Raphael intensely hated and distrusted Karai from the moment he saw her. He did try to warn Leo at least not to believe her so easily, but also acknowledged how Leo thought Karai looked hot "in an evil kind of way". Both are very similar in their personalities: they're both rebellious, cocky, and argumentative. In fact, Raph was the most distrustful of Karai throughout the first two seasons, as well as being highly cynical of Leo's adoration of her while brawling with Karai both physically and verbally. Later in the second season, after finding out the truth about his sensei's daughter, in time Raph became more sympathetic towards her like the rest of his siblings.
  • Hamato Yoshi / Splinter - Raphael's adoptive father. Splinter is the person that Raphael listens the most despite Raphael’s stubborness. Raph witnessed Splinter being ultimately killed by the hands of Super Shredder, the sight deeply haunting him.
  • Chompy - A baby alien turtle and child of Tokka whom Raphael adopts as a pet and in some ways fills the role Spike had as Raphael's pet and confidante. Raph is very close with Chompy as he was to Spike.

Friends & Allies[]

  • Leatherhead - Raphael never directly interacted with Leatherhead, but he did disagree with Michelangelo about befriending him.
  • Timothy / The Pulverizer / Mutagen Man - Raphael finds him plain annoying and didn't really care about his safety, but he did try to help save him in "The Pulverizer Returns!".
  • Y’Gythgba (Mona Lisa) - Raphael met Y’Gythgba after they both crash landed on an icy planet in "The Moons of Thalos 3". The two fight each other and after she punched him in the face, Raph falls in love with her. After saving her from a few ice dragons, the two introduce themselves. Raph struggles to say her name, so Raph offers her the nickname “Mona Lisa” to which she accepts. Eventually Raph tries to confess his feelings, but Mona stops him. She then leans towards Raph and they kiss. Raph and Mona reunite in "The War for Dimension X" where they become an official couple after Raph asks Mona out on a date. During their relationship the two would occasionally send each other "love mail" as stated by Armaggon. Their relationship however takes a downfall in "The Evil of Dregg" where Mona is blackmailed by Lord Vringath Dregg and betrays Raph. This broke Raph’s heart to the point that he had no strength or motivation to fight. After realizing her wrongs, Mona sacrifices herself so Raph and his friends can escape Dregg's prison. Before charging into battle, Mona tells Raph she loves him. During the fight, Mona is stabbed by Lord Dregg’s Scorpinoid. In a fit of rage, Raph attacks Dregg and rushes to Mona’s side. Luckly, Fugitoid was able to save Mona and after recovering Mona apologizes, to which Raph forgives her. After returning to Earth, Raph shows that he deeply misses Mona. In "The Insecta Trifecta" it shows that he misses her, but also that the events in The Evil of Dregg with her actions and almost losing her still haunts him. Raph reunites with Mona again in "When Worlds Collide Part 1". In the beginning of the episode, it shows that even Mona has missed Raph and thinks about him. After hearing the mention of Earth, Mona proceeds to imagine Raph doing push ups and ignores Sal Commander until she finally snaps out of her own trace. During the episode Raph offers to Mona to stay on Earth. Though Mona denies the offer at first, after “When Worlds Collide Part 2” it seems she has changed her mind for Mona decides to remain on Earth with Raph and protect the planet. Overjoyed Raph offers for her to join The Mighty Mutanimals which she accepts and couple happily embrace.


  • Oroku Saki / The Shredder - Due to Shredder being Splinter's arch nemesis, Raphael hates the Shredder as well especially after he murdered Splinter.
  • The Kraang - Raphael dislikes the Kraang, and will do anything he can to stop their invasion plots. The Kraang also hate the Turtles due to them being the only force powerful enough to stop them. This rivalry is far more personal to the Turtles than their rivalry with the Foot Clan.
  • Victor / Spider Bytez - Raphael and Spider Bytez really hated each other from the moment they first met. Raphael despises him because he insulted him, while Spider Bytez, as Vic, took pleasure in tormenting and insulting Raphael. When he caught the Turtles on tape, Raphael wanted to really break his face. Vic hates them, because he and his brothers broke his phone and satellite dish. Vic also blames Raphael and his brothers for turning him into a mutant spider, and attempted to kill Raphael's brothers, but Raphael managed to control his temper and defeat him. For some reason, Spider Bytez calls them "kung-fu frogs". Spider Bytez is one of the three villains that Raphael hates the most; The others are Chong and Fishface.
  • Baxter Stockman - Raphael dislikes him, and takes pleasure in throwing him in the trash.
  • Xever Montes / Fishface - One of Raphael's archenemies. He fights him every chance he gets, and the two seem evenly matched, as they were the most powerful fighters in their groups (besides their masters). However, unlike Spider Bytez and Chong, Raphael and Fishface share a mutual respect for each other, and share many similarities. In "Baxter's Gambit", they work together really well, and seem to be alike due to their aggression and willingness to fight until the end. Fishface even tells Raphael about his past. Raphael and Fishface also saved each other once during this episode and later Raphael was able to detect an attack on Leonardo from Fishface before it caused any damage. Despite them being alike in many ways, Raphael and Fishface are fierce enemies.
  • Chris Bradford / Dogpound / Rahzar - One of Raphael's enemies. He dislikes him, but their rivalry is far less aggressive than that of Raphael and Fishface.
  • Spy-roach - Due to his fear of cockroaches, Raphael both hates and fears Chong. Chong also hates Raph because Raph tried to kill him when he was a normal cockroach. During the whole episode "Cockroach Terminator", Chong stopped at nothing to kill Raph using Raph's fear of him to his advantage, along with his mutation. Raph spent the whole episode trying to get away from him, but was forced to confront his fear when Chong kidnapped Mikey. Raph managed to save Mikey with the Stealth Bike and faced his fear, fighting the mutant roach, and flattened his face with the Stealth Bike wheel. Chong came back for round two, but Raph beat him in hand to hand combat and destroyed him with the Kraang's drill, though he doesn't know about the eggs Chong had laid with the mutant cockroaches, shortly after Chong was defeated.
  • Snake / Snakeweed - He made his debut in the first episode of the series "Rise of the Turtles, Part 1", before he mutates into a mutated weed, he was a henchman for the Kraang. His name was previously Snake, so Michelangelo renamed him Snakeweed after his mutation.
  • Victor Falco / The Rat King - Raphael really hates the Rat King, but his rivalry with him isn't as big compared to most of his other enemies.
  • The Newtralizer - Another of Raphael's enemies.
  • Ivan Steranko / Rocksteady - Raphael's enemy
  • Lord Virngath Dregg - One of Raphael's enemies from space


File:Raphael's Sais.jpg

Raphael's pair of twin Sai

  • Raphael is named for the famous Renaissance master, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino.
    • Raphael's name is Hebrew, meaning "God has Healed". Raphael is the only turtle to have a Hebrew name, while all three of his brothers' names are Italian. He is also the only turtle to not have an o sound at the end of his name. These things are because the Turtles were named after the common English names for the four Renaissance artists, and unlike the others, the artist Raphael is not usually called by his Italian name Raffaello.
    • In Katakana, Raphael's name is spelled: ラファエル (Rafaeru).
    • Given the fact that he was adopted by Hamato Yoshi/Splinter, Raphael's full name would be "Hamato Raphael", or "Raphael Hamato" in Western naming order.
  • His mastery of Ninjutsu includes: Taijustu, Qigong, Shurikenjustu, Kobudō, Kayajustu, Shinobi-iri, Boyaku, Sui-ren, Archery, and Intonjustu.
  • Raphael is the second oldest of his brothers; Leonardo being the oldest while he's older than Donatello & Michelangelo.
  • Througth never explicity stated, it is implied that Raphael is a fan of art, as he gave Y’Gythgba the nickname "Mona Lisa" after the work-of-art of the same name, while he gave to his new pet the name Chompy Picasso, with "Picasso" being the surname of the famous artist Pablo Picasso.
  • Raphael has a bolt-shaped chip missing at the upper left side of his plastron. His shell and body in general are by far the most scarred of his brothers'.
  • His mask has the longest tails, and by far the most tattered.
  • Raphael is often called ”big baby” by Donatello.
  • It was revealed in "Cockroach Terminator" that Raphael has katsaridaphobia (irrational fear of cockroaches), and is terrified of Donatello's pet SpyRoach (or called "Chong"). The origins of his katsaridaphobia has yet to be explored, but apparently Raphael was able to keep it quiet, as his brothers never knew of his phobia until that episode.
    • He eventually conquers his bug fear in "The Insecta Trifecta".
  • Raphael has a very weak and sensitive stomach.
    • He gets nauseous seeing detached bug parts, as seen in "Parasitica".
    • He also may have motion sickness, as he feels nauseous when moving around in a space ship.
  • Raphael had a pet turtle named Spike, who later turned into Slash.
  • Raphael is shown to care a lot about his brothers, though he doesn't usually show it.
    • Raphael is very protective of his brothers, as he once said: "I don't mind risking my own life, but my brothers'..." ("Slash and Destroy").
    • Raph doesn't want his immediate younger brother to suffer from a broken heart, so he masks his concern for Donnie's feelings towards April by often acting insensitive ("Operation: Break Out"; "A Foot Too Big"; etc).
    • Raphael is shown to care a lot about his youngest brother Michelangelo, as he didn't know what to do anymore when Michelangelo got hurt.
  • It is seen in "New Girl in Town", when Raphael gets under so much pressure being the leader for a short time, he freezes up with anxiety.
  • In the first season of the show he has three big rivals Fishface, Spider Bytez and the Spy-Roach.
  • Raphael is the second Turtle to hide completely in his shell as seen in "The Good, The Bad and Jones".
  • Raph's favorite color is red.
  • It is revealed in "Lone Rat and Cubs" that Raph got the scar on his plastron when he was run over by a shopping cart as a baby.
  • It is revealed in "Wanted: Bebop and Rocksteady" that he hates sour cream.
  • He is right-handed.
  • He is first seen without his mask in "The Creeping Doom".
    • It is a blink-and-miss, a maskless Raph, and then Leo, are seen chasing Donnie, who has their masks, around the Lair.
    • Raph is also the fourth turtle seen maskless.


  • Raphael (2012 TV series)/Quotes


  • Raphael (2012 TV series)/Gallery
  • Raphael (2012 TV series)/Animations
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