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Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin, known collectively as the Molyneux sisters, are American screenwriters and television producers. They have written for Bob's Burgers since 2012, and won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program in 2017 and an Annie Award in 2017 for writing "The Hormone-iums".[1] Along with Minty Lewis, the pair co-created the animated sitcom The Great North, scheduled to premiere in 2021.[2][3] On November 20, 2020, it was announced that they would write the screenplay for the third Deadpool film.[4]

The Molyneuxs are originally from Indiana, but grew up in Southern California. Wendy is a 1997 graduate of Pomona College, and is married to writer Jeff Drake, with whom she has four children.[5] Lizzie is married to public speaker Matt Logelin.[6]


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