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Mecha Sonic (メカソニック, Meka Sonikku) is the first boss of the Death Egg Zone in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. This boss has to be hit eight times in order to be defeated so the player can proceed to the Death Egg Robot.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Mecha Sonic is the first line of defense aboard the Death Egg and it is modeled after Sonic the Hedgehog and his abilities. The robot model is bulky but combat-capable with saw-blade quills, rocket boosters and a metallic spikeball-version of the Spin Attack.


The player meets Mecha Sonic after entering the first room in the Death Egg Zone, with Mecha Sonic landing on the other side. Dr. Robotnik himself can be found looking at the battle from a screen on the wall. For this boss, the player is not given any Rings, making this battle rather tough.

Boss guide[]

Mecha Sonic starts by standing still for few seconds before starting to attack. At first, it follows a set number of attack patterns in the following order:

  • Mecha Sonic curls into spiky metallic ball and charges across the room in a fashion similar to the Spin Dash. The player can Spin Jump over it.
  • Mecha Sonic charges across the room using its rocket boosters. However upon reaching the end of the room, it turns around and charges in the other direction. The player can charge the Spin Dash for defense (while landing extra hits) or jump over it.
  • Mecha Sonic curls into a ball again and jumps across the room.
  • Similar to the third attack, Mecha Sonic fires eight small spikes around the arena in clock formation in mid-jump. While shot, each spike slightly expands. The player can avoid this attack by standing closely between Mecha Sonic's landing point and the downward-pointing spike.
The order of Mecha Sonic's attacks
  1. Curls across the floor from the right.
  2. Charges from the left and back.
  3. Curling jump from the left.
  4. Curls across the floor from the right.
  5. Curls across the floor from the left.
  6. Curling jump from the right, with spikes.
  7. Charges from the left and back.
  8. Curling jump from the left.
  9. Curls across the floor from the right.
  10. Curls across the floor from the left.
  11. Curling jump from the right.
  12. Curls across the floor from the left.
  13. Charges from the right and back.
  14. Curls across the floor from the right.
  15. Curling jump from the left.
  16. Curling jump from the right with spikes.

As the battle goes on, Mecha Sonic's attack pattern becomes randomized (see the list on the right), After the sixteenth attack pattern on the list, the list will repeat, but with all attack directions being reversed. Between attacks, Mecha Sonic will stand still for a few seconds, leaving it vulnerable. To land any hits on Mecha Sonic at that point, the player has to hit it on the front below its quill ridge with the Spin Jump or Spin Dash. Hitting Mecha Sonic on either its quills while it stands still or during its curling ball mode costs a life of the player.

After taking eighth hit, Mecha Sonic will be destroyed and the player can chase Dr. Robotnik to the doctor's last machine.

In other media[]

Sonic the Comic[]

In Sonic the Comic, Sonic and Tails return to the Death Egg some time after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to find that Mecha Sonic is still functional. Sonic defeats it for good by kicking off its head.[1] The robot was unnamed in this continuity.

Archie Comics[]


Silver Sonic from Sonic Quest #3. Art by Manny Galan.

In the Archie Comics continuity, this robot is called Silver Sonic after its 8-bit counterpart. The first Silver Sonic appeared in the miniseries Sonic Quest, a loose adaptation of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. This version of Silver Sonic was much larger and slower than the version in the games, standing about ten times the size of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic defeated Silver Sonic by short-circuiting its brain circuits. He then controlled the robot from its head, using it to fight Robotnik in his Eggs-O-Skeleton armor.[2]

Following the Super Genesis Wave, Mecha Sonic (still named Silver Sonic) became nearly identical to its game counterpart.


This robot was not named in the English-language manuals accompanying Sonic the Hedgehog 2, but in the Japanese materials he was called "Mecha Sonic" (as were the other early Sonic robots).

Because of his similarity to Silver Sonic from the Master System and Game Gear versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Archie Comics used the name "Silver Sonic" for the version of the character in the Sonic Quest miniseries.[3] Many fans adopted this name for the game character, particularly to differentiate it from the radically different design of Mecha Sonic seen in Sonic & Knuckles.

"Mecha Sonic" was used as the official English-language name in the backstory for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I, released in the Story section of the official English website.[4] This robot's concept art labeled it as "Meca Sonic".[5]

In a pre-release video of Sonic Generations, it is briefly called both "Silver Sonic" and "Mecha Sonic,"[6] by Aaron Webber, acknowledging the different names this robot has gone under in the fandom.


  • A similar robot called Silver Sonic appeared as the boss of the Scrambled Egg Zone in the 8-bit version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, which was released earlier than the 16-bit game.

Robo Sonic as it appears in LEGO Dimensions.

  • While the Death Egg Zone does not have any Rings in the original game, the alternative easy mode of the game in Sonic Jam adds a set of Rings at the beginning point of the Zone, making the battle more tolerable. Also in the easy mode, the player only has to hit Mecha Sonic three times to defeat it.
  • File:Robosonic gale racer.gif

    Mecha Sonic's cameo in Gale Racer.

    Mecha Sonic makes a cameo appearance as a key chain along with several other Sonic characters in the Sega game Gale Racer, the Sega Saturn version of Rad Mobile released in 1994.
  • A glitch may occur in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive/Genesis) in which its defeat will glitch into a floating frozen flame, making the player stuck until time runs out.
  • Mecha Sonic appears as a mid-boss in the Sonic the Hedgehog Level Pack for LEGO Dimensions. In this game, it is referred to as "Robo Sonic" most likely to differentiate itself from the other Mecha Sonic.



Name Artist Length Music Track
"STH2 Boss 〜Mega Drive version〜" Masato Nakamura 2:14

See also[]


  1. Sonic the Comic #6, "Attack on the Death Egg"
  2. Sonic Quest #3, "Over Easy"
  3. Sonic Quest #3, "Over Easy"
  4. "After the West Side Island is freed, Sonic and Tails board the Tornado, take to the skies, and assault the Death Egg itself. After destroying Mecha Sonic, Eggman flees and enters his final trump card - a huge robot modelled after Eggman himself!" Sonic The Hedgehog 4. Retrieved 2012-11-02.
  5. "Meca Sonic"
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HZ_xkM2dlc
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