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Lizwizard was sent by Astronema to drain the information from a top secret laboratory somewhere in Angel Grove. When the Space Rangers arrived to stop him, he switched locations with Cassie during the battle, causing Carlos to injure her with his Lunar Lance. Lizwizard escaped with the information to Astronema, but they still needed a key piece of info. He went after Professor Phenomenus, Bulk, and Skull for this piece, but was thwarted by Adam Park, who helped Carlos drive him off.

Astronema berated Lizwizard for his failiure, but gave him a second chance to ambush the now morpher-less Carlos on Earth. He gave Carlos quite a beating before Adam used his old Power Coin to morph into the Black Ranger to battle Lizwizard. Carlos got his morpher back, and the two Black Rangers defeated Lizwizard, who then grew and was destroyed by the Astro MegaZord.

Lizwizard was last seen in the Shadow World, trying to escape.
