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The fifth generation (Generation V) of the Pokémon franchise features 156 fictional species of creatures introduced to the core video game series in the 2010 Nintendo DS games Pokémon Black and White. Some Pokémon in this generation were introduced in animated adaptations of the franchise before Black and White.

The following list details the 156 Pokémon of Generation V in order of their National Pokédex number. The first Pokémon, Victini, is number 494 and the last, Genesect, is number 649. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.

List of Pokémon[]

List of Pokémon species introduced in Generation V (2010)[nb 1]
Name National Pokédex
Type(s) Evolves into Notes
English Japanese Primary Secondary
Victini Bikutini (ビクティニ) 494 Psychic Fire No evolution Victini is a small, rabbit-like Pokémon with large, pointed ears which form the letter V. It has large, blue eyes and a round, cream-colored head, which is comparatively large compared to its small, cream body, while the tops of its ears, crest, and extremities are all orange. Its bulbous arms and legs are rounded to make a sort of "cuff" before ending with small, three-fingered hands and two-toed feet. It has two pointed teeth that can be seen on its upper jaw. It also has two cream winglike tails, which allows it to fly. Though timid, it is a caring Pokémon; it will fight if its friends are in danger. Victini is said to bring victory to the Trainer that befriends it. It produces an infinite amount of energy within itself and can share it with others by touch. It can also become invisible. Victini is the only known Pokémon that can learn both Searing Shot and V-create.
Snivy Tsutāja (ツタージャ) 495 Grass Servine (#496) It bathes its tail with sunlight by using photosynthesis. If its not feeling so well, its tail will start to droop.
Servine Janobī (ジャノビー) 496 Grass Serperior (#497) It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift movements befuddle its foes, and it then attacks with a vine whip.
Serperior Jarōda (ジャローダ) 497 Grass End of evolution It can stop its opponents' movements with just a glare. It takes in solar energy and boosts it internally. It is based on the Titanoboa.
Tepig Pokabu (ポカブ) 498 Fire Pignite (#499) It blows fire through its nose. When it catches a cold, the fire becomes pitch-black smoke instead.
Pignite Chaobū (チャオブー) 499 Fire Fighting Emboar (#500) When its internal fire flares up, its movements grow sharper and faster. When in trouble, it emits smoke.
Emboar Enbuō (エンブオー) 500 Fire Fighting End of evolution A flaring beard of fire is proof that it is fired up. It is adept at using many different moves.
Oshawott Mijumaru (ミジュマル) 501 Water Dewott (#502) Oshawott is known as the Sea Otter Pokémon. The shell on its belly, known as a scalchop, is made of the same components as fingernails. Strangely, the scalchop has been known to grow from Oshawott's navel.[2] It can detach the scalchop from its body and use it as a blade.[3] It fights using the scalchop as a blade, and can block and attack the foe back in an instant.[4] Oshawott was designed to be the "cute" one of them as well as acting as a "den mother figure" to the other two.
Dewott Futachimaru (フタチマル) 502 Water Samurott (#503) Dewott's appearance is somewhat similar to Oshawott except that it is primarily light blue in coloration, has white whiskers, and has a blue adornment with two scalchops around its waist. Like Oshawott, these can be detached and used as weapons. With rigorous training, Dewott acquires the ability to perform two-shell attacks with flowing swordsmanship.[5] Unlike its pre-evolutions. Dewott was also the last of the second form of the starters to be designed. In an interview with Ken Sugimori, he stated that they were concerned on what to make Oshawott evolve into after watching sea otters at a zoo.
Samurott Daikenki (ダイケンキ) 503 Water End of evolution Samurott is a quadruped, sea lion-like Pokémon. It can silence its enemies by glaring at them, and it can defeat an opponent by swinging the swords on its armor,[6] known as seamitars.[7] he decided to make the third evolution based on a sea lion, with Oshawott's shell turned into a sword. He also stated that Oshawott's evolution would be Japanese style of design. He also cited the powerful nature from them such as the "sound they made when they stamped on the ground."[8][9] Sugimori also intended to design Samurott to be a completely different shape from Oshawott that would aid in making it a "den mother" figure.[8]
Patrat Minezumi (ミネズミ) 504 Normal Watchog (#505) When its sleeping, one stays awake to watch. Although they never see foes coming from behind.
Watchog Miruhoggu (ミルホッグ) 505 Normal End of evolution If one does see an enemy, its tail will stand straight, and spit seeds that and stores in its cheek pouches.
Lillipup Yōterī (ヨーテリー) 506 Normal Herdier (#507) It's a good starting Pokémon because it listens well and easy to train. As its Japanese name suggests, Lillipup is based on a Yorkshire Terrier.
Herdier Hāderia (ハーデリア) 507 Normal Stoutland (#508)
Stoutland Mūrando (ムーランド) 508 Normal End of evolution
Purrloin Choroneko (チョロネコ) 509 Dark Liepard (#510) In the Pokémon Black & White anime series, the character Cilan is afraid of Purrloin. It tries to steal things like jewelry from women. But the victims think that the act is so cute, they let it slide.
Liepard Reparudasu (レパルダス) 510 Dark End of evolution Liepard, the Cruel Pokémon and the evolved form of Purrloin. Well-known for its beauty, Liepard uses the element of surprise when battling opponents, attacking before they can react.
Pansage Yanappu (ヤナップ) 511 Grass Simisage (#512)
Simisage Yanakkī (ヤナッキー) 512 Grass End of evolution It attacks with its thorn covered tail.
Pansear Baoppu (バオップ) 513 Fire Simisear (#514)
Simisear Baokkī (バオッキー) 514 Fire End of evolution In a 2016 vote by Corocoro to determine who the most popular Pokémon is, Simisear was ranked in last place among the 721 different species at the time.
Panpour Hiyappu (ヒヤップ) 515 Water Simipour (#516)
Simipour Hiyakkī (ヒヤッキー) 516 Water End of evolution It will water flowers from its tail.
Munna Munna (ムンナ) 517 Psychic Musharna (#518)
Musharna Mushāna (ムシャーナ) 518 Psychic End of evolution
Pidove Mamepato (マメパト) 519 Normal Flying Tranquill (#520)
Tranquill Hatōbō (ハトーボー) 520 Normal Flying Unfezant (#521) Since it always knows where its nest is, it never gets separated from its Trainer.
Unfezant Kenhorō (ケンホロウ) 521 Normal Flying End of evolution
Blitzle Shimama (シママ) 522 Electric Zebstrika (#523) The flashes it produces helps it communicates with others by using patterns.
Zebstrika Zeburaika (ゼブライカ) 523 Electric End of evolution
Roggenrola Dangoro (ダンゴロ) 524 Rock Boldore (#525) The orange part of its body is actually its ear. Its curious enough to follow sounds, but if the sounds stop, it freaks out and topples over.
Boldore Gantoru (ガントル) 525 Rock Gigalith (#526)
Gigalith Gigaiasu (ギガイアス) 526 Rock End of evolution
Woobat Koromori (コロモリ) 527 Psychic Flying Swoobat (#528)
Swoobat Kokoromori (ココロモリ) 528 Psychic Flying End of evolution
Drilbur Moguryū (モグリュー) 529 Ground Excadrill (#530) By spinning its body 360 degrees, it can dig easily through the ground.
Excadrill Doryūzu (ドリュウズ) 530 Ground Steel End of evolution
Audino Tabunne (タブンネ) 531 Normal Mega Evolution It can hear very well. Audino is the only Generation V Pokémon with a Mega Evolution.
Timburr Dokkorā (ドッコラー) 532 Fighting Gurdurr (#533) Always carrying squared logs, it loves to help out with construction.
Gurdurr Dotekkotsu (ドテッコツ) 533 Fighting Conkeldurr (#534)
Conkeldurr Rōbushin (ローブシン) 534 Fighting End of evolution
Tympole Otamaro (オタマロ) 535 Water Palpitoad (#536) They communicate by vibrating their cheeks.
Palpitoad Gamagaru (ガマガル) 536 Water Ground Seismitoad (#537) When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, they can make waves in water or earthquake-like vibrations on land.
Seismitoad Gamageroge (ガマゲロゲ) 537 Water Ground End of evolution
Throh Nageki (ナゲキ) 538 Fighting No evolution In the wild, it uses vines as belts.
Sawk Dageki (ダゲキ) 539 Fighting No evolution
Sewaddle Kurumiru (クルミル) 540 Bug Grass Swadloon (#541)
Swadloon Kurumayu (クルマユ) 541 Bug Grass Leavanny (#542)
Leavanny Hahakomori (ハハコモリ) 542 Bug Grass End of evolution
Venipede Fushide (フシデ) 543 Bug Poison Whirlipede (#544)
Whirlipede Hoīga (ホイーガ) 544 Bug Poison Scolipede (#545) It may look harmless, but if its in danger, it will spin over to you and crash into you at high spped.
Scolipede Pendorā (ペンドラー) 545 Bug Poison End of evolution
Cottonee Monmen (モンメン) 546 Grass Fairy[nb 2] Whimsicott (#547)
Whimsicott Erefūn (エルフーン) 547 Grass Fairy[nb 2] End of evolution Whimsicott appears in the background of the stage Unova Pokémon League in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Petilil Churine (チュリネ) 548 Grass Lilligant (#549)
Lilligant Doredia (ドレディア) 549 Grass End of evolution
Basculin Basurao (バスラオ) 550 Water No evolution Basculin are based on piranhas.[10] When a school appears, every other Pokémon goes away except the Corphish line.
Sandile Meguroko (メグロコ) 551 Ground Dark Krokorok (#552) In the Pokémon Black & White anime series, Sandile is portrayed as wearing shades. This goes for its Evolutions as well.
Krokorok Warubiru (ワルビル) 552 Ground Dark Krookodile (#553)
Krookodile Warubiaru (ワルビアル) 553 Ground Dark End of evolution
Darumaka Darumakka (ダルマッカ) 554 Fire Darmanitan (#555) Its droppings are warm so people use them to keep themselves warm. It is based on a Daruma Doll and has a Galarian Form that is an Ice Type.
Darmanitan Hihidaruma (ヒヒダルマ) 555 Fire End of evolution It has a Galarian Form that is an Ice-type.
Fire Psychic Should Darmanitan have its Hidden Ability, Zen Mode, upon losing at least half of its max HP, it will become Fire- and Psychic-type. Its Galarian Form becomes Ice- and Fire-type.
Maractus Marakatchi (マラカッチ) 556 Grass No evolution When it shakes its hands around, It sounds like maracas are being played.
Dwebble Ishizumai (イシズマイ) 557 Bug Rock Crustle (#558)
Crustle Iwaparesu (イワパレス) 558 Bug Rock End of evolution When it battles for territory, the one that broke its shell more is the loser.
Scraggy Zuruggu (ズルッグ) 559 Dark Fighting Scrafty (#560)
Scrafty Zuruzukin (ズルズキン) 560 Dark Fighting End of evolution Its loose skin is reminiscent of hoodies worn around New York City, the basis for the Unova region.
Sigilyph Shinborā (シンボラー) 561 Psychic Flying No evolution Sigilyph's design is based on the Nazca Lines.
Yamask Desumasu (デスマス) 562 Ghost Cofagrigus (#563) Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry.
Cofagrigus Desukān (デスカーン) 563 Ghost End of evolution
Tirtouga Purotōga (プロトーガ) 564 Water Rock Carracosta (#565)
Carracosta Abagōra (アバゴーラ) 565 Water Rock End of evolution
Archen Āken (アーケン) 566 Rock Flying Archeops (#567)
Archeops Ākeosu (アーケオス) 567 Rock Flying End of evolution
Trubbish Yabukuron (ヤブクロン) 568 Poison Garbodor (#569)
Garbodor Dasutodasu (ダストダス) 569 Poison End of evolution
Zorua Zoroa (ゾロア) 570 Dark Zoroark (#571)
Zoroark Zoroāku (ゾロアーク) 571 Dark End of evolution It can make illusions so real, people sometimes believe they are real.
Minccino Chirāmii (チラーミィ) 572 Normal Cinccino (#573) It loves to clean. It even has a broom-like tail.
Cinccino Chirachīno (チラチーノ) 573 Normal End of evolution
Gothita Gochimu (ゴチム) 574 Psychic Gothorita (#575)
Gothorita Gochimiru (ゴチミル) 575 Psychic Gothitelle (#576)
Gothitelle Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル) 576 Psychic End of evolution
Solosis Yuniran (ユニラン) 577 Psychic Duosion (#578)
Duosion Daburan (ダブラン) 578 Psychic Reuniclus (#579) If its 2 brains think the same thing its psychic power is doubled.
Reuniclus Rankurusu (ランクルス) 579 Psychic End of evolution
Ducklett Koaruhī (コアルヒー) 580 Water Flying Swanna (#581)
Swanna Suwanna (スワンナ) 581 Water Flying End of evolution
Vanillite Baniputchi (バニプッチ) 582 Ice Vanillish (#583) Vanillite and its evolutionary line were designed by British artist James Turner. They are based on ice cream cones.[11]
Vanillish Baniritchi (バニリッチ) 583 Ice Vanilluxe (#584)
Vanilluxe Baibanira (バイバニラ) 584 Ice End of evolution
Deerling Shikijika (シキジカ) 585 Normal Grass Sawsbuck (#586) Form changes depending on the in-game season.
Sawsbuck Mebukijika (メブキジカ) 586 Normal Grass End of evolution Form changes depending on the in-game season.
Emolga Emonga (エモンガ) 587 Electric Flying No evolution
Karrablast Kaburumo (カブルモ) 588 Bug Escavalier (#589) It evolves by trading one for Shelmet. Alternatively, the player can evolve it in Pokémon Go by using 200 Karrablast Candies.
Escavalier Shubarugo (シュバルゴ) 589 Bug Steel End of evolution
Foongus Tamagetake (タマゲタケ) 590 Grass Poison Amoonguss (#591)
Amoonguss Morobareru (モロバレル) 591 Grass Poison End of evolution
Frillish Pururiru (プルリル) 592 Water Ghost Jellicent (#593)
Jellicent Burungeru (ブルンゲル) 593 Water Ghost End of evolution
Alomomola Mamanbō (ママンボウ) 594 Water No evolution Alomomola are based on the sunfish.[10]
Joltik Bachuru (バチュル) 595 Bug Electric Galvantula (#596)
Galvantula Denchura (デンチュラ) 596 Bug Electric End of evolution
Ferroseed Tesshīdo (テッシード) 597 Grass Steel Ferrothorn (#598)
Ferrothorn Nattorei (ナットレイ) 598 Grass Steel End of evolution
Klink Giaru (ギアル) 599 Steel Klang (#600)
Klang Gigiaru (ギギアル) 600 Steel Klinklang (#601) It can shoot the other gear[clarification needed] at its foes. If the other gear does not come back, it will not go with any other Klink gear, and die.
Klinklang Gigigiaru (ギギギアル) 601 Steel End of evolution It uses its red core as an energy tank and spins its spikes to charge itself.
Tynamo Shibishirasu (シビシラス) 602 Electric Eelektrik (#603) Tynamo and its evolutions are based on the sea lamprey.[10]
Eelektrik Shibibīru (シビビール) 603 Electric Eelektross (#604)
Eelektross Shibirudon (シビルドン) 604 Electric End of evolution
Elgyem Rigurē (リグレー) 605 Psychic Beheeyem (#606) Its name comes from LGM, "Little Green Men". The flashing lights on its hand allows it to communicate with each other.
Beheeyem Ōbemu (オーベム) 606 Psychic End of evolution Its name comes from BEM, "Bug-eyed monster."
Litwick Hitomoshi (ヒトモシ) 607 Ghost Fire Lampent (#608) The flame it has is actually because it's burning souls that it uses as food.
Lampent Ranpurā (ランプラー) 608 Ghost Fire Candelure (#609) It hangs around hospitals waiting for people to die.
Chandelure Shandera (シャンデラ) 609 Ghost Fire End of evolution Chandelure is a playable character in Pokkén Tournament DX. It is also an enemy in the Smash Run mode in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. It is a boss in PokéPark 2: Adventures Beyond.
Axew Kibago (キバゴ) 610 Dragon Fraxure (#611) The partner of Iris in the Black and White anime.
Fraxure Onondo (オノンド) 611 Dragon Haxorus (#612)
Haxorus Ononokusu (オノノクス) 612 Dragon End of evolution
Cubchoo Kumashun (クマシュン) 613 Ice Beartic (#614) If it sniffles its runny nose, it gains more power. The viscosity of its snot determines its health, a sick Cubchoo's snot is watery while healthy Cubchoo have thick and viscous mucus.
Beartic Tsunbeā (ツンベアー) 614 Ice End of evolution
Cryogonal Furījio (フリージオ) 615 Ice Does not evolve It is an enemy in the Smash Run mode in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.
Shelmet Chobomaki (チョボマキ) 616 Bug Accelgor (#617) Trading one for Karrablast will evolve it. Alternatively, the player can evolve it in Pokémon Go by using 200 Shelmet Candies.
Accelgor Agirudā (アギルダー) 617 Bug End of evolution It is very quick on its feet.
Stunfisk Maggyo (マッギョ) 618 Ground Electric Does not evolve Stunfisk is based on the flatfish.[10] It has a Galarian form that looks similar to a bear trap.
Mienfoo Kojofū (コジョフー) 619 Fighting Mienshao (#620)
Mienshao Kojondo (コジョンド) 620 Fighting End of evolution
Druddigon Kurimugan (クリムガン) 621 Dragon Does not evolve A dragon-like Pokémon that lives in caves. It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than a rock.
Golett Gobitto (ゴビット) 622 Ground Ghost Golurk (#623) Golett and Golurk are among the first Pokémon to be designed by a Western artist.[12] Golurk's design is inspired by the Golem of Prague of Jewish folklore, a clay figure given life to protect the Jewish people of Prague from attacks and persecution.[13]
Golurk Gorūgu (ゴルーグ) 623 Ground Ghost End of evolution
Pawniard Komatana (コマタナ) 624 Dark Steel Bisharp (#625)
Bisharp Kirikizan (キリキザン) 625 Dark Steel End of evolution
Bouffalant Baffuron (バッフロン) 626 Normal Does not evolve
Rufflet Washibon (ワシボン) 627 Normal Flying Braviary (#628)
Braviary Wōguru (ウォーグル) 628 Normal Flying End of evolution
Vullaby Baruchai (バルチャイ) 629 Dark Flying Mandibuzz (#630)
Mandibuzz Barujīna (バルジーナ) 630 Dark Flying End of evolution It uses bones to style itself.
Heatmor Kuitaran (クイタラン) 631 Fire Does not evolve Heatmor will try to burn through Durant's weak armor and then eat it.
Durant Aianto (アイアント) 632 Bug Steel Does not evolve It tries to size up and defend itself against Heatmor.
Deino Monozu (モノズ) 633 Dark Dragon Zweilous (#634) Deino, derived from "one" in German, is blind so it usually bites things and comes out with scratches.
Zweilous Jiheddo (ジヘッド) 634 Dark Dragon Hydreigon (#635) Zweilous, derived from "two" in German, has two heads which fight over food a lot.
Hydreigon Sazandora (サザンドラ) 635 Dark Dragon End of evolution Hydreigon, derived from "three" in German and dragon, has three heads. Before it evolves, the heads fight to determine who will be the dominant head.
Larvesta Meraruba (メラルバ) 636 Bug Fire Volcarona (#637)
Volcarona Urugamosu (ウルガモス) 637 Bug Fire End of evolution
Cobalion Kobaruon (コバルオン) 638 Steel Fighting Does not evolve Cobalion's design is inspired by Athos from The Three Musketeers.[14]
Terrakion Terakion (テラキオン) 639 Rock Fighting Does not evolve Terrakion's design is inspired by Porthos from The Three Musketeers.[14]
Virizion Birijion (ビリジオン) 640 Grass Fighting Does not evolve Virizion's design is inspired by Aramis from The Three Musketeers.[14]
Tornadus Torunerosu (トルネロス) 641 Flying Does not evolve Tornadus' "Incarnate Forme" is inspired by the Japanese Fūjin, the Shinto God of the wind. Its "Therian Forme" stems from the Four Symbols of Chinese myth, specifically the Vermilion Bird. It is capable of transforming between forms via an item called the "Reveal Glass".[13][15]
Thundurus Borutorosu (ボルトロス) 642 Electric Flying Does not evolve Thundurus' "Incarnate Forme" is inspired by the Japanese Raijin, the Shinto God of lightning, thunder, and storms. Its "Therian Forme" stems from the Four Symbols of Chinese myth, specifically the Azure Dragon. It is capable of transforming between forms via an item called the "Reveal Glass".[13][15]
Reshiram Reshiramu (レシラム) 643 Dragon Fire Does not evolve It can be owned by either the player, or the character N. Reshiram is also the main legendary for Pokémon Black.
Zekrom Zekuromu (ゼクロム) 644 Dragon Electric Does not evolve It powers up with electricity from its tail. It can either be owned by the player or the character N. It is the main legendary for Pokémon White.
Landorus Randorosu (ランドロス) 645 Ground Flying Does not evolve Landorus' "Incarnate Forme" is inspired by the Japanese Inari Ōkami, the Shinto God of agriculture and fertility. Its "Therian Forme" stems from the Four Symbols of Chinese myth, specifically the White Tiger. It is capable of transforming between forms via an item called the "Reveal Glass".[13][15]
Kyurem Kyuremu (キュレム) 646 Dragon Ice Does not evolve Capable of fusing with either Reshiram or Zekrom to become "White Kyurem" or "Black Kyurem", respectively.
Keldeo Kerudio (ケルディオ) 647 Water Fighting Does not evolve Keldeo's design is inspired by d'Artagnan from The Three Musketeers.[14]
Meloetta Meroetta (メロエッタ) 648 Normal Psychic Does not evolve "Aria Forme"
Normal Fighting "Pirouette Forme"
Genesect Genosekuto (ゲノセクト) 649 Bug Steel Does not evolve It was altered by Team Plasma after it was revived. In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, he will use Techno Blast on the opponents.


  1. Details on Pokémon names, National Pokédex numbers, types and evolutions are obtained from The Pokémon Company International's online Pokédex.[1]
  2. 2.0 2.1 Prior to X and Y, Cottonee and Whimsicott were pure Grass types.


  1. "Pokédex". The Pokémon Company International. 2015. Retrieved October 19, 2015. {{cite web}}:
  2. Game Freak. Pokémon Black and White (in en). (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (4 March 2011) "The scalchop on its belly is very hard and grows from its bellybutton."
  3. Game Freak. Pokémon White. (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (2010-09-18) "The scalchop on its stomach is made from the same element as claws. It detaches the scalchop for use as a blade."
  4. Game Freak. Pokémon Black. (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (2010-09-18) "It fights using the scalchop on its stomach. In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately by slashing."
  5. Game Freak. Pokémon Black. (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (2010-09-18) "Strict training is how it learns its flowing double-scalchop technique."
  6. Game Freak. Pokémon Black. (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (2010-09-18) "One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of them quiets everybody."
  7. Game Freak. Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (in en). (Nintendo). Nintendo DS. (7 October 2012) "In the time it takes a foe to blink, it can draw and sheathe the seamitars attached to its front legs."
  8. 8.0 8.1 "How Pokemon Get Made". Contests-club.1up.com. Archived from the original on 2013-04-11. Retrieved 2011-04-04. {{cite web}}:
  9. Pokémon Pia. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Mendes, Augusto B.; Guimarães, Felipe V.; Eirado-Silva, Clara B. P.; Silva, Edson P. (2017). "The ichthyological diversity of Pokémon" (PDF). Journal of Geek Studies 4 (1): 39–67. ISSN 2359-3024. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316888282. Retrieved July 12, 2019. 
  11. "晴れたり時々曇ったり". 15 January 2013. Archived from the original on 2013-01-15. {{cite web}}:
  12. "Ken Sugimori Reveals Beta Pokémon Info (Gen 5)". Lava Cut Content. Retrieved May 26, 2019. {{cite web}}:
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Lucas Sullivan (February 8, 2014). "17 Pokemon based on real-world mythology". GamesRadar. Future plc. Retrieved January 27, 2016. {{cite web}}:
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Henry Gilbert (October 14, 2012). "Pokémon facts - 30 little known pieces of trivia from the classic franchise". GamesRadar. Future plc. Retrieved January 27, 2016. {{cite web}}:
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Game Freak. 'Pokémon Omega Ruby'. (The Pokémon Company). Nintendo 3DS, (v1.4). (April 23, 2015) "Reveal Glass description: 'A looking glass that reveals the truth. It's a mysterious glass that returns a Pokémon to its original shape.'"