The international logo for the Pokémon franchise
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List of Pokémon by generation |
Related: List of Pokémon |
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The sixth generation (Generation VI) of the Pokémon franchise features 72 fictional species of creatures introduced to the core video game series in the 2013 Nintendo 3DS games Pokémon X and Y. Some Pokémon in this generation were introduced in animated adaptations of the franchise before X and Y. This generation featured the series' largest graphical overhaul: a shift from two-dimensional sprites to three-dimensional polygons. A new type (Fairy) was introduced for the first time since Gold and Silver in 1999, bringing the total to 18. Greater emphasis was placed on making Pokémon species more unique and in-tune with the culture and fauna of Europe, namely France.
All Pokémon were created by a team of roughly 20 artists, led by Ken Sugimori and Hironobu Yoshida. For the first time in the franchise, the generation's legendary Pokémon—specifically Xerneas and Yveltal—were not designed by Sugimori alone; he requested the help of Atsuko Nishida to move their designs forward.[1]
The following list details the 72 Pokémon of Generation VI in order of their National Pokédex number. The first Pokémon, Chespin, is number 650 and the last, Volcanion, is number 721. Alternate forms that result in type changes and Mega evolutions are included for convenience.
Design and development[]
Development of Pokémon X and Y began in 2010 and the games were released worldwide on October 12, 2013.[2] Director Junichi Masuda revealed the three main themes of Pokémon X and Y to be beauty, bonds and evolution.[3] Beauty was the core focus and Masuda felt France to be a prime example of such; he brought a team to the country for study in 2011.[4] With the games taking place in a region based on France (called Kalos), design inspiration stemmed more from European culture[1] (e.g. the legendary trio of Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde have their roots in Norse mythology).[5] More focus than usual was placed on giving new Pokémon unique elements for this generation.[2]
A major design change for the franchise was the shift from two-dimensional sprites to three-dimensional polygons. This required a larger development team than past games, with more than 500 people involved with the games' development, inclusive of localization teams.[6] Emphasis was placed on retaining the iconic style of Pokémon art director Ken Sugimori who has been designing Pokémon and creating the franchise's official artwork since Red and Green in 1996.[7][8] A new type was also added into the game for the first time since Gold and Silver in 1999: Fairy type. This type was introduced to balance out the Dragon, Fighting, Poison, and Steel types. Dragon was previously only weak against itself and Ice and only resisted against Steel. Fighting previously was super-effective against five different types (Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark and Steel) and only weak against Flying and Psychic types. Poison was previously only super-effective against Grass, resisted against itself, Rock, Ground and Ghost types and ineffective against Steel. Steel previously was only super-effective against Ice and Rock types and resisted against itself, Fire, Water and Electric types. Aside from this, Ghost and Dark are now neutral against Steel, improving the offensive usefulness of both types. Multiple Pokémon from previous generations, such as Jigglypuff, Gardevoir and Marill, were retroactively assigned the new type while 13 new Pokémon, most notably Sylveon, donned the type.[9] A new mechanic called Mega Evolution—a temporary form change akin to normal evolution—was also added for more dynamic battles and stemmed from the concepts of bonds and evolution.[2][3] Mega Evolutions "refined designs to a new extreme" according to Yoshida and required considerable effort.[2] They were made temporary to retain balance in battles and only made possible when a Pokémon is holding their respective Mega Stone to prevent players from giving them a different advantageous hold item.[2] The only Pokémon from Generation VI capable of Mega Evolution is Diancie. A variant of Mega Evolution called "Primal Reversion" was introduced in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire; this mechanic is exclusive to the legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre.[10]
The titles X and Y, representing the x-axis and y-axis—also reflecting different forms of thinking[11]—were chosen early in development.[6] The simplicity of the names was also related to the simultaneous worldwide release of the games.[11] Designers additionally sought to make the Pokémon names the same in every country whenever possible. Masuda expressed that this effort proved exceptionally difficult as the names have to feel fitting to their physical appearance and not infringe upon any rights.[12] At the request of Masuda,[11] the shapes "X" and "Y" were used as the framework for the boxart legendary Pokémon: Xerneas and Yveltal.[6] Normally, Sugimori designs the legendary Pokémon by himself; however, he required assistance from designer Atsuko Nishida to create Xerneas and Yveltal.[1] Finalization of their designs took about 18 months, 3 times longer than normal.[13] Manga artist Hitoshi Ariga was requested to assist in creating Pokémon for X and Y; Ariga ultimately designed ten species for the games.[14] It is speculated by fans that the designs for the Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie evolutionary lines stem from typical role-playing game character classes, such as those in Final Fantasy. Chespin represents the knight, paladin and fighter classes; Fennekin represents the witch, mage and magician classes; and Froakie represents the thief and rogue classes.[15]
List of Pokémon[]
- Chespin
- Quilladin
- Chesnaught
- Fennekin
- Braixen
- Delphox
- Froakie
- Frogadier
- Greninja
- Bunnelby
- Diggersby
- Fletchling
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
- Scatterbug
- Spewpa
- Vivillon
- Litleo
- Pyroar
- Flabébé
- Floette
- Florges
- Skiddo
- Gogoat
- Pancham
- Pangoro
- Furfrou
- Espurr
- Meowstic
- Honedge
- Doublade
- Aegislash
- Spritzee
- Aromatisse
- Swirlix
- Slurpuff
- Inkay
- Malamar
- Binacle
- Barbaracle
- Skrelp
- Dragalge
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Helioptile
- Heliolisk
- Tyrunt
- Tyrantrum
- Amaura
- Aurorus
- Sylveon
- Hawlucha
- Dedenne
- Carbink
- Goomy
- Sliggoo
- Goodra
- Klefki
- Phantump
- Trevenant
- Pumpkaboo
- Gourgeist
- Bergmite
- Avalugg
- Noibat
- Noivern
- Xerneas
- Yveltal
- Zygarde
- Diancie
- Hoopa
- Volcanion
Name | National Pokédex number |
Type(s) | Evolves from | Evolves into | Notes | ||
English | Japanese | Primary | Secondary | ||||
Chespin | Harimaron (ハリマロン) | 650 | Grass | Beginning of evolution | Quilladin (#651) | Chespin are small creatures that can harden the quills on their head to smash rocks.[17] Its design is based on a chestnut and a hedgehog.[18] In the anime, Chespin was the first Grass-type starter to never be captured by Ash, followed by Grookey. | |
Quilladin | Haribōgu (ハリボーグ) | 651 | Grass | Chespin (#650) | Chesnaught (#652) | Quilladin are a kind species that feature a tough shell of armour.[19][20] Upon Quilladin's reveal prior to the release of X and Y, fans expressed distaste over its wrecking ball-like design.[15] Its design has elements of a pinecone and squirrel.[18] | |
Chesnaught | Burigaron (ブリガロン) | 652 | Grass | Fighting | Quilladin (#651) | End of evolution | Chesnaught are powerful, hedgehog Pokémon capable of moving tanks and withstanding explosions.[21][22] It is based on Glyptodon. |
Fennekin | Fokko (フォッコ) | 653 | Fire | Beginning of evolution | Braixen (#654) | Fennekin are fox-like Pokémon whose ears can heat the air to 200 °C (390 °F).[23] Its design is based on the fennec fox.[18] | |
Braixen | Tērunā (テールナー) | 654 | Fire | Fennekin (#653) | Delphox (#655) | Braixen are fox-like Pokémon that use a flaming twig stored in their tail-fur to battle.[24] Its English name is a portmanteau of "braise" and "vixen".[15] | |
Delphox | Mafokushī (マフォクシー) | 655 | Fire | Psychic | Braixen (#654) | End of evolution | Delphox are fox-esque Pokémon that have psychic abilities an are capable of creating 3,000 °C (5,400 °F) flames.[25] |
Froakie | Keromatsu (ケロマツ) | 656 | Water | Beginning of evolution | Frogadier (#657) | Froakie are frog-esque Pokémon that can secrete defensive bubbles from their back and neck.[26] | |
Frogadier | Gekogashira (ゲコガシラ) | 657 | Water | Froakie (#656) | Greninja (#658) | Frogadier are agile, frog-esque Pokémon said to be capable of climbing a 610 m (2,000 ft) building in a minute.[27] Its English name is a portmanteau of "frog" and "brigadier".[15] | |
Greninja | Gekkōga (ゲッコウガ) | 658 | Water | Dark | Frogadier (#657) | End of evolution | As a ninja frog Pokémon, Greninja are able to create shurikens from water that can slice metal.[28] Greninja that have the ability ‘Battle Bond’ are capable of transforming into ‘Ash-Greninja’ (a form of Greninja based on the change that occurs in the Pokémon XY anime series that happens whenever Ash Ketchum's Grenenja has a strong connection with Ash).[29] As seen in the anime, if one fails to master the Bond Phenomenon, both Greninja and its trainer may faint from exhaustion. Greninja's design has been well-received by fans and critics alike.[18][30] In a 2016 poll, Greninja was voted as the most popular Pokémon in Japan.[31] In the 2020 Pokémon of the Year Poll run by Google, Greninja was the most voted Pokémon in the world.[32] It is also a playable character in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. |
Bunnelby | Horubī (ホルビー) | 659 | Normal | Beginning of evolution | Diggersby (#660) | Bunnelby are rabbit-esque Pokémon that use their large ears as shovels to dig burrows. Their ears are extremely strong and cannot break.[33] Bunnelby's design is inspired by the local wildlife of France.[1] | |
Diggersby | Horūdo (ホルード) | 660 | Normal | Ground | Bunnelby (#659) | End of evolution | Diggersby are rabbit-esque Pokémon that are said to be as powerful as an excavator and can lift boulders weighing one ton with their ears.[34] They are popular with construction workers. |
Fletchling | Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ) | 661 | Normal | Flying | Beginning of evolution | Fletchinder (#662) | Fletchling are small robin Pokémon that are known for being both friendly and fiercely territorial.[35][36] Fletchling is the standard early-game Flying-type Pokémon.[18] |
Fletchinder | Hinoyakoma (ヒノヤコマ) | 662 | Fire | Flying | Fletchling (#661) | Talonflame (#663) | Fletchinder have a flame sac on their undersides that, when heated, allow them to fly faster.[37] It is the first regional bird Pokemon to not be Normal/Flying in typing. |
Talonflame | Faiarō (ファイアロー) | 663 | Fire | Flying | Fletchinder (#662) | End of evolution | Talonflame can fly at speeds of 500 km/h (310 mph) while attacking prey.[38] During the Generation VI era (2013–2016), Talonflame was one of the most-used Pokémon in competitions. It proved incredibly useful in the "hyper-offensive" Pokémon Video Game Championships and appeared on just over 41 percent of Winter 2014 teams. The entire metagame shifted in order to counter Talonflame, with most players adding dedicated strategies to taking it down. Later iterations of the game nerfed Talonflame, culminating with Sun and Moon adding multiple counters to the Pokémon.[39] |
Scatterbug | Kofukimushi (コフキムシ) | 664 | Bug | Beginning of evolution | Spewpa (#665) | Scatterbug cover themselves in protective powder that allow them to regulate their body temperature and survive in any climate.[40] | |
Spewpa | Kofūrai (コフーライ) | 665 | Bug | Scatterbug (#664) | Vivillon (#666) | Spewpa are meek Pokémon, live in the shadows, and have strong bodies.[41][42] It appears as an assist Pokeball Pokemon in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. | |
Vivillon | Bibiyon (ビビヨン) | 666 | Bug | Flying | Spewpa (#665) | End of evolution | Vivillon's wings feature 18 different patterns that are dependent upon the player's real-world location (determined by their user settings on the Nintendo 3DS).[43] A special Pokéball-pattern Vivillon was released at the Pokémon Center in Paris on June 4, 2014,[44] and then worldwide on August 6, 2014, in commemoration of the launch of the franchise's online store.[45] Its 20th pattern was released on July 7, 2014, as a commemoration for 100 million trades through the game's Global Trade System (GTS).[46] |
Litleo | Shishiko (シシコ) | 667 | Fire | Normal | Beginning of evolution | Pyroar (#668) | Litleo are lion-esque Pokémon that can play depending on how they feel. It is curious in nature and its short mane gets hot when angered or excited. |
Pyroar | Kaenjishi (カエンジシ) | 668 | Fire | Normal | Litleo (#667) | End of evolution | Male Pyroar feature a large lion's mane, while female Pyroar have a long ponytail mane.[15] Pyroar was regarded as "majestic" and "bad-ass", particularly its male variant, has been well-received.[18] |
Flabébé | Furabebe (フラベベ) | 669 | Fairy | Beginning of evolution | Floette (#670) | Flabébé are tiny—only 10 cm (4 in) tall—carefree, humanoid Pokémon that cling to a flower for their whole life.[18][47] Along with the rest of its line, it has five forms depending on where it is found, Red Flower, Yellow Flower, Orange Flower, Blue Flower, and White Flower. | |
Floette | Furaette (フラエッテ) | 670 | Fairy | Flabébé (#669) | Florges (#671) | Floette is a Pokemon that has five different forms depending on the colour of the flower it holds: Red Flower, Yellow Flower, Orange Flower, Blue Flower, and White Flower. A unique Floette, known as Eternal Flower Floette, holding a black-and-red flower (with the petals resembling the WMD called the "ultimate weapon") belongs to the character AZ.[48] Its colour scheme resembles the French flag and it can learn the move Light of Ruin. This unique form has never been released offically. | |
Florges | Furājesu (フラージェス) | 671 | Fairy | Floette (#670) | End of evolution | It claims exquisite flower gardens as its territory, and it obtains power from basking in the energy emitted by flowering plants. The petal blizzards that Florges triggers are overwhelming in their beauty and power. It has five forms like the rest of its line. | |
Skiddo | Mēkuru (メェークル) | 672 | Grass | Beginning of evolution | Gogoat (#673) | Skiddo is an Ibex Pokémon covered in grass. It is thought to be one of the first Pokémon to live in harmony with humans and is quite friendly. | |
Gogoat | Gōgōto (ゴーゴート) | 673 | Grass | Skiddo (#672) | End of evolution | Gogoat is a goat Pokémon covered in grass that can be mounted for travel.[18] Gogoat are popular with people and are used to travel around locations in Kalos such as Lumiose City. | |
Pancham | Yanchamu (ヤンチャム) | 674 | Fighting | Beginning of evolution | Pangoro (#675) | Pancham's design is heavily based on pandas. It chooses a Pangoro as its master and then imitates its master's actions. It evolves at level 32 with another dark type in the party. | |
Pangoro | Goronda (ゴロンダ) | 675 | Fighting | Dark | Pancham (#674) | End of evolution | Pangoro was designed by Hitoshi Ariga.[14] Pangoro is a cantankerous Pokémon, but it has a strong heart and doesn't forgive those who pick on the weak. Its design is based on Japanese delinquents. |
Furfrou | Torimian (トリミアン) | 676 | Normal | No evolution | Furfrou are poodle Pokémon.[15] Furfrou have ten forms all of which are obtained by getting them trimmed at Pokemon groomers. Trimming its fluffy fur not only makes it more elegant but also increases the swiftness of its movements. | ||
Espurr | Nyasupā (ニャスパー) | 677 | Psychic | Beginning of evolution | Meowstic (#678) | Espurr are kitten-esque pokemon. Its face never changes expression due to it being constantly focused on holding in its psychic energy.[49] | |
Meowstic | Nyaonikusu (ニャオニクス) | 678 | Psychic | Espurr (#677) | End of evolution | There are two different versions of Meowstic depending on their gender. Both forms have different stat distributions and moves. Male Meowstic is more defensive, while female Meowstic is more offensive. | |
Honedge | Hitotsuki (ヒトツキ) | 679 | Steel | Ghost | Beginning of evolution | Doublade (#680) | Honedge was designed by Hitoshi Ariga.[14] It takes the apperence of a cursed sword and its sheath. It will take your soul if you try to grab its hilt. |
Doublade | Nidangiru (ニダンギル) | 680 | Steel | Ghost | Doublade (#679) | Aegislash (#681) | When Honedge evolves, it divides into two swords, which cooperate via telepathy to coordinate attacks and slash their enemies to ribbons. Doublade was designed by Hitoshi Ariga.[14] |
Aegislash | Girugarudo (ギルガルド) | 681 | Steel | Ghost | Doublade (#680) | End of evolution | Aegislash has two forms, Shield form and Blade form. Its special ability Stance Change allows it to switch forms depending on if it has selected an attack or a support move. It also has a signature move, kings shield. Aegislash was designed by Hitoshi Ariga.[14] |
Spritzee | Shushupu (シュシュプ) | 682 | Fairy | Beginning of evolution | Aromatisse (#683) | Its beak is reminiscent of masks worn by Plague doctors. It emits a scent that enraptures those who smell it. This fragrance changes depending on what it has eaten. In the past, rather than using perfume, royal ladies carried a Spritzee that would waft a fragrance they liked | |
Aromatisse | Furefuwan (フレフワン)[50] | 683 | Fairy | Spritzee (#682) | End of evolution | Aromatisse is the evolution of Spritzee and resembles a Flamenco dancer. It has received mixed reception withGamesRadar described Aromatisse as "a weird hybrid of Jynx and Jigglypuff."[18] | |
Swirlix | Peroppafu (ペロッパフ) | 684 | Fairy | Beginning of evolution | Slurpuff (#685) | A small dog like Pokemon, because it eats nothing but sweets, its fur is as sticky and sweet as cotton candy. It is based on cotton candy. | |
Slurpuff | Perorīmu (ペロリーム) | 685 | Fairy | Swirlix (#684) | End of evolution | Slurpuff resembles a mix of a dog and a creampuff. It can distinguish the faintest of scents and puts its sensitive sense of smell to use by helping pastry chefs in their work. | |
Inkay | Māīka (マーイーカ) | 686 | Dark | Psychic | Beginning of evolution | Malamar (#687) | Inkay and Malamar were designed by Hitoshi Ariga.[14] Inkay requires a unique condition for it to evolve into Malamar: the player must turn their 3DS upside down when Inkay reaches level 30.[18] This is also featured in Pokémon Go. |
Malamar | Karamanero (カラマネロ) | 687 | Dark | Psychic | Inkay (#686) | End of evolution | Malamar is described as having incredibly powerful hypnotic ability and an evil nature, It's said that Malamar's hypnotic powers played a role in certain history-changing events. |
Binacle | Kametete (カメテテ) | 688 | Rock | Water | Beginning of evolution | Barbaracle (#689) | Binacale is a pair of twin goose barnacles who resemble hands. its name is a play on "barnacle" and "binnacle". They feed on seaweed that washes onto shore during high tides. |
Barbaracle | Gamenodesu (ガメノデス) | 689 | Rock | Water | Binacle (#688) | End of evolution | When they evolve, two Binacle multiply into seven. Barbaracale gains a bipedal form and a head in the shape of a fist. |
Skrelp | Kuzumō (クズモー) | 690 | Poison | Water | Beginning of evolution | Dragalge (#691) | Camouflaged as rotten kelp, they spray liquid poison on prey that approaches unawares and then finish it off. Skrelp is based on the common seadragon [51] |
Dragalge | Doramidoro (ドラミドロ) | 691 | Poison | Dragon | Skrelp (#690) | End of evolution | It is based on the leafy seadragon[52]. Tales are told of ships that wander into seas where Dragalge live, never to return. |
Clauncher | Udeppō (ウデッポウ) | 692 | Water | Beginning of evolution | Clawitzer (#693) | It is based on the pistol shrimp. The meat inside the claws is popular as a delicacy in Galar. | |
Clawitzer | Burosutā (ブロスター) | 693 | Water | Clauncher (#692) | End of evolution | A small shrimp with a massive draconic claw. After using the feelers on its oversized claw to detect the location of prey, Clawitzer launches a cannonball of water at its target. | |
Helioptile | Erikiteru (エリキテル) | 694 | Electric | Normal | Beginning of evolution | Heliolisk (#695) | The frills on either side of its head have cells that generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. It is based on the frilled lizard. |
Heliolisk | Erezādo (エレザード) | 695 | Electric | Normal | Helioptile (#694) | End of evolution | They flare their frills and generate energy. A single Heliolisk can generate sufficient electricity to power a skyscraper. |
Tyrunt | Chigorasu (チゴラス) | 696 | Rock | Dragon | Beginning of evolution | Tyrantrum (#697) | Tyrunt was designed by Hitoshi Ariga.[14] it is a Fossil Pokémon that must be revived to be obtained. Tyrunt is selfish and likes to be pampered. It can also inflict grievous wounds on its Trainer just by playing around. |
Tyrantrum | Gachigorasu (ガチゴラス) | 697 | Rock | Dragon | Tyrunt (#696) | End of evolution | Tyrantrum was designed by Hitoshi Ariga.[14] Its designs is based on Tyrannosaurus Rex.[15] This Pokémon was the king of the ancient world, its massive jaws can shred cars to pieces. |
Amaura | Amarusu (アマルス) | 698 | Rock | Ice | Beginning of evolution | Aurorus (#699) | It was designed by Hitoshi Ariga.[14] It is a small sauropod like dinosaur. Specimens of this species can sometimes be found frozen in ice. |
Aurorus | Amaruruga (アマルルガ) | 699 | Rock | Ice | Aurorus (#698) | End of evolution | Designed by Hitoshi Ariga,[14] its design draws inspiration from the Amargasaurus, which had a row of spines extending down its neck.[15] Instead Aurorus has a shining trail of northern lights. |
Sylveon | Ninfia (ニンフィア) | 700 | Fairy | Eevee (#133) | End of evolution | As a pink Pokémon adorned with ribbons and butterfly-esque bows,[53] Sylveon use their ribbon-esque feelers to soothe trainers and Pokémon alike.[54] It is the eighth branching evolution to Generation I's Eevee. It was revealed on February 14, 2013, before the official announcement of Fairy type.[53] Sylveon was designed by Atsuko Nishida.[55] | |
Hawlucha | Ruchaburu (ルチャブル) | 701 | Fighting | Flying | No evolution | Hawlucha's design is inspired by Mexican luchadors. Its design has received praise for being creative.[18][56] It is prideful, but skilled fighter and will always strike and exciting pose before an attack. | |
Dedenne | Dedenne (デデンネ) | 702 | Electric | Fairy | No evolution | Since Dedenne can't generate much electricity on its own, it steals electricity from outlets or other electric Pokémon. It is a small orange mouse. | |
Carbink | Mereshī (メレシー) | 703 | Rock | Fairy | No evolution | Although Carbink has no evolution in-game, the species canonically can transform into Diancie (#719) under certain, unspecified circumstances.[57] | |
Goomy | Numera (ヌメラ) | 704 | Dragon | Beginning of evolution | Sliggoo (#705) | Goomy's "goofy" design earned it unusual popularity and spawned a meme: "The Church of Goomy".[56][58] It is considered among the cuter, though in an eccentric manner, Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.[59] | |
Sliggoo | Numeiru (ヌメイル) | 705 | Dragon | Goomy (#704) | Goodra (#706) | Its four horns server has a highly adapt radar system. It is not very bright, and prefers to flee a battle than to fight. It evolves into Goodra at level 40 but only while it is raining. In Pokemon Legends:Arceus, it was given a Dragon/Steel Hisuian Form. | |
Goodra | Numerugon (ヌメルゴン) | 706 | Dragon | Sliggoo (#705) | End of evolution | It is based on the Lou Carcolh, a mythical serpent/mollusc creature from French folklore. Alternatively, it could be based on the yōkai called Shussebora, meaning "ascended trumpet shell", which is a trumpet shell snail that lives 1000 years in the mountains, 1000 on the plains and 1000 at sea, and will then ascend and turn into a dragon. In Pokemon Legends:Arceus, it was given a Dragon/Steel Hisuian Form. | |
Klefki | Kureffi (クレッフィ) | 707 | Steel | Fairy | No evolution | Klefki was designed by Pokémon graphic designer Mana Ibe and inspired by "old mansions and secret keys".[60] It may also be at least partially inspired by the Japanese yōkai Tsukumogami, household objects that gain souls.[56] Video game journalists regarded its design as among the worst of new Pokémon introduced in X and Y[56][61] and characterized the design as uninspired, insipid, strange. IGN readers voted Klefki as the ninth-worst Pokémon from Pokémon X and Y with Justin Davis joking that it was created when a designer lost his keys.[62] Kassandra Khaw of USGamer expressed annoyance that Klefki was so useful in competitive Pokémon play due to how "sloppily designed" she found it to be.[63] GameRevolution claimed that Klefki is their favourite Pokémon despite the criticism that it has received.[64] The A.V. Club stated that they found Klefki's simplicity amusing.[65] Kyle Hilliard of GameInformer claimed that Klefki is his favourite Pokémon in Pokémon Sun and Moon, but described it as the weirdest Pokémon ever.[66][67] | |
Phantump | Bokurē (ボクレー) | 708 | Ghost | Grass | Beginning of evolution | Trevenant (#709) | It is based on the Kodama, a spirit in Japanese folklore that inhabits trees. According to folklore, these pokemon are the souls of lost children trapped in long dead stumps. |
Trevenant | Ōrotto (オーロット) | 709 | Ghost | Grass | Phantump (#708) | End of evolution | This Pokémon is said to devour anyone daring to ravage the forest. To the creatures dwelling in the forest, it offers great kindness. It is able to control entire forests through its root system. |
Pumpkaboo | Bakeccha (バケッチャ) | 710 | Ghost | Grass | Beginning of evolution | Gourgeist (#711) | It can be found in four different sizes the larger the Pumpkaboo the high stats it will have. Pumpkaboo is based on Jack-o'-lanterns. |
Gourgeist | Panpujin (パンプジン) | 711 | Ghost | Grass | Pumpkaboo (#710) | End of evolution | In the darkness of a new-moon night, Gourgeist will come knocking. Whoever answers the door will be swept off to the afterlife. Like Pumpkaboo, it can be found in many sizes |
Bergmite | Kachikōru (カチコール) | 712 | Ice | Beginning of evolution | Avalugg (#713) | Using air of -150 degrees Fahrenheit (equivalent to -101 degrees Celsius in British English), they freeze opponents solid. They live in herds above the snow line on mountains. | |
Avalugg | Kurebēsu (クレベース) | 713 | Ice | Bergmite (#712) | End of evolution | Its ice-covered body is as hard as steel. Its cumbersome frame crushes anything that stands in its way. It is based on icebergs and battle ships, and has a habit of drifting in open water. In Pokemon Legends:Arceus, It was given a Hisiuan Form. | |
Noibat | Onbatto (オンバット) | 714 | Flying | Dragon | Beginning of evolution | Noivern (#715) | Its English name is a portmanteau of "noise" and "bat". Fruits are its favorite foods, it picks out ripe ones using its sonar. |
Noivern | Onbān (オンバーン) | 715 | Flying | Dragon | Noibat (#714) | End of evolution | Its English name is a portmanteau of "noise" and "wyvern", the latter of which is the inspiration for Noivern's design.[18] it weakens enemies with ultrasonic waves that could crush stone before finishing them off with its fangs. |
Xerneas | Zeruneasu (ゼルネアス) | 716 | Fairy | No evolution | As the game mascot of Pokémon X, Xerneas represents eternity and is said to grace other beings with eternal life.[8][68] Xerneas' design is inspired by the Eikþyrnir of Norse mythology, a stag that stands atop Valhalla.[5] | ||
Yveltal | Iberutaru (イベルタル) | 717 | Dark | Flying | No evolution | As the game mascot of Pokémon Y, Yveltal is a creature of destruction capable of absorbing the life energy of other living beings.[8][69] Yveltal's design is inspired by the Hræsvelgr of Norse mythology, a giant eagle able to make the wind blow by flapping its wings.[5] | |
Zygarde | Jigarude (ジガルデ) | 718 | Dragon | Ground | No evolution | Zygarde's design is inspired by the Níðhöggr of Norse mythology, a dragon that eats away at the roots of the world tree, Yggdrasil.[5] Zygarde normally appears as two blob-like Zygarde Cores, which individually absorb the immobile Zygarde Cells to assume the dog-like 10% Power or base 50% Power Forme. But the two Zygarde Cores can also combine together with every Zygarde Cell to assume their humanoid Perfect or Complete form.[29][70] Its signature move in this Forme (and its other Formes) is Core Enforcer. The seventh generation also gave Zygarde three other signature moves: Thousand Arrows, Land's Wrath, and Thousand Waves. | |
Diancie | Dianshī (ディアンシー) | 719 | Rock | Fairy | Beginning of evolution | Mega Evolution | Said to be "the loveliest sight in the whole world,"[57] Diancie are capable of creating diamonds at will. As a Mythical Pokémon, Diancie is not readily found in-game and is only available through Nintendo distributions.[71] It was originally discovered by hackers on October 26, 2013[72] and not officially revealed by Game Freak until February 11, 2014.[73] Diancie is the only Pokémon capable of learning the move Diamond Storm. When Diancie uses this move, it whips up a storm of Diamonds to attack the target. Diancie can also Mega Evolve with the Diancite. |
Hoopa | Fūpa (フーパ) | 720 | Psychic | Ghost | No evolution | "Hoopa Confined"[74] are small, mischievous Pokémon that are capable warping space.[75] As a Mythical Pokémon, Hoopa is not readily found in-game and is only available through Nintendo distributions.[76] It was originally discovered by hackers on October 26, 2013[72] and not officially revealed by Game Freak until January 11, 2015.[77] | |
Psychic | Dark | Using the Prison Bottle item, Confined Hoopa can transform into a considerably larger and more powerful form called "Hoopa Unbound".[74] Known as the Djinn Pokémon, it is capable of seizing any object in the world and can teleport anything through space.[78][79] | |||||
Volcanion | Borukenion (ボルケニオン) | 721 | Fire | Water | No evolution | As a unique dual Fire and Water-type Pokémon, Volcanion are able to create scalding steam within their body and expel it with enough force to destroy mountains.[80] Volcanion is the only Pokémon capable of learning the move Steam Eruption, which immerses the target in superheated steam and can burn the target. As a Mythical Pokémon, Volcanion is not readily found in-game and is only available through Nintendo distributions. It was originally discovered by hackers on October 26, 2013[72] and not officially revealed by Game Freak until December 14, 2015.[80] |
Mega-Evolved Forms[]
Mega evolved Pokémon
- Venusaur
- Charizard
- Charizard X
- Charizard Y
- Blastoise
- Beedrill
- Pidgeot
- Alakazam
- Slowbro
- Gengar
- Kangaskhan
- Pinsir
- Gyarados
- Aerodactyl
- Mewtwo
- Mewtwo X
- Mewtwo Y
- Ampharos
- Steelix
- Scizor
- Heracross
- Houndoom
- Tyranitar
- Sceptile
- Blaziken
- Swampert
- Gardevoir
- Sableye
- Mawile
- Aggron
- Medicham
- Manectric
- Sharpedo
- Camerupt
- Altaria
- Banette
- Absol
- Glalie
- Salamence
- Metagross
- Latias
- Latios
- Rayquaza
- Lopunny
- Garchomp
- Lucario
- Abomasnow
- Gallade
- Audino
- Diancie
Pokèmon | National Pokédex number |
Type(s) | Evolves from | Evolves into | Notes | ||
English | Japanese | Primary | Secondary | ||||
Mega Venusaur | Mega Fushigibana (メガフシギバナ)[81] | 3 | Grass | Poison | Venusaur (#003) | End of evolution | In order to support the massive flower it has, its back legs have become stronger. The flower is said to take on vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight. |
Mega Charizard | Mega Rizādon (メガリザードン)[81] | 6 | Fire | Charizard (#006) | End of evolution | Charizard obtained two Mega Evolutions in X and Y, which were made version-exclusive to promote interaction and trading between players.[3] | |
Fire | Dragon | Mega Charizard X's black-and-blue body is the result of the power of Mega Evolution. In this form, Charizard has the Fire-Dragon typing. | |||||
Fire | Flying | Mega Charizard Y's bond with its trainer is apparently the source of its power. At max speed, it is fast enough to surpass a fighter jet. | |||||
Mega Blastoise | Mega Kamekkusu (メガカメックス)[81] | 9 | Water | Blastoise (#009) | End of evolution | The power of its water cannons on its back is about as powerful as a tank gun. Its legs were made to withstand the recoil that its cannons make. | |
Mega Beedrill | Mega Supiā (メガスピアー)[81] | 15 | Bug | Poison | Beedrill (#015) | End of evolution | Its legs now have poisonous stingers on them. It will repeatedly stab its foe with them and deal the final blow with its rear stinger. |
Mega Pidgeot | Mega Pijotto (メガピジョット)[81] | 18 | Normal | Flying | Pidgeot (#018) | End of evolution | Mega Pidgeot's wing strength is now significantly enhanced, enabling it to be able to fly for about two weeks. |
Mega Alakazam | Mega Fūdin (メガフーディン)[81] | 65 | Psychic | Alakazam (#065) | End of evolution | Its muscles and strength have been traded in for more psychic power. Not only can it see a person's entire life in a glance, but when its attacks miss, it is because it is seeing the future with the red organ on its head. | |
Mega Slowbro | Mega Yadoran (メガヤドラン)[81] | 80 | Water | Psychic | Slowbro (#080) | End of evolution | With Shellder now taking up majority of poor Slowpoke's body, it is apparently under Shellder's digestive fluid and it acts like a comfortable iron defense for it. Plus it has a little motivation, too! |
Mega Gengar | Mega Gengā (メガゲンガー)[81] | 94 | Ghost | Poison | Gengar (#094) | End of evolution | Part of its body is in another dimension. Waiting for an opportunity to strike, it will try to kill anyone and everyone, even those it loves and trusts. Its body is full of strange powers. |
Mega Kangaskhan | Mega Garūra (メガガルーラ)[81] | 115 | Normal | Kangaskhan (#115) | End of evolution | The explosive energy the child is bathed in causes temporary growth. The mother is beside herself with worry about it. The child and mother work harmoniously together. Kangaskhan hasn't physically changed in its Mega Evolution. | |
Mega Pinsir | Mega Kairosu (メガカイロス)[81] | 127 | Bug | Flying | Pinsir (#127) | End of evolution | Now in a constant state of extreme happiness, its wings have unusually developed. It rarely touches the ground as it zooms off at 30 mph looking for foes to stab and shred with its two giant horns. |
Mega Gyarados | Mega Gyaradosu (メガギャラドス)[81] | 130 | Water | Dark | Gyarados (#130) | End of evolution | Its destructive nature has further ascended due to Mega Evolution energy placing a burden on it only adding to its rage. Its native instinct is to destroy everything it sees using power-jets of water coming from the red orifices on its sides. If a ship is caught in the way, it will be cleanly split in half. However it will listen to a trainer who it shares a deep bond with. |
Mega Aerodactyl | Mega Putera (メガプテラ)[81] | 142 | Rock | Flying | Aerodactyl (#142) | End of evolution | Mega Evolution energy has awoken some dominant genes, making Aerodactyl into what some scholars say is its true form, covering it with stones that are apparently harder than diamonds. In turn, this has made Aerodactyl irritable and vicious, attacking anything that moves. |
Mega Mewtwo | Mega Myūtsū (メガミュウツー)[81] | 150 | Psychic | Mewtwo (#150) | End of evolution | Like Charizard, Mewtwo was given two Mega Evolutions for X and Y which were made version-exclusive to promote interaction and trading between players.[3] | |
Psychic | Fighting | Mega Mewtwo X has augmented, psychic muscles that allow it to have a grip strength of one ton. It can sprint 100 metres in two seconds. | |||||
Psychic | Mega Mewtwo Y's smaller body has allowed it to increase its psychic power to the point that it can reduce an entire skyscraper to pebbles with just one mere thought. | ||||||
Mega Ampharos | Mega Denryū (メガデンリュウ)[81] | 181 | Electric | Dragon | Ampharos (#181) | End of evolution | Mega Evolution energy has stimulated Ampharos' genes so much that it has apparently awoken its "dragon's blood". Its wool that it has once lost has now regrown. All the red orbs on its head and tail can glow. Its new dragon typing is based on a pun, in Japanese its name can be read as "electric current" or "electric dragon" |
Mega Steelix | Mega Haganēru (メガハガネール)[82] | 208 | Steel | Ground | Steelix (#208) | End of evolution | Mega Steelix appears as a larger Steelix with 7 crystalline spears jutting from its body, as well as a circle of iron around its neck. It was first made obtainable in the Demo for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. |
Mega Scizor | Mega Hassamu (メガハッサム)[81] | 212 | Bug | Steel | Scizor (#212) | End of evolution | Mega Scizor cannot sustain a battle for a long time as the weight of its now enhanced pincers become unbearable to it. It stores excess Energy flowing from the Mega Evolution in its body and will begin to melt if it takes in too much. Scizor likes to beat its foes with its claws rather than grasping them. |
Mega Heracross | Mega Herakurosu (メガヘラクロス)[81] | 214 | Bug | Fighting | Heracross (#214) | End of evolution | Although it can lift things with its two massive horns 500 times from its own weight, when the Mega Evolution ends, it finds itself with very sore muscles afterwards. It is based on the Hercules Beetle. |
Mega Houndoom | Mega Herugā (メガヘルガー)[81] | 229 | Dark | Fire | Houndoom (#229) | End of evolution | It can turn its opponents to ash with its fearsome fiery breath, but in return, its red tip of its tail and claws can melt due to it radiating such immense heat. |
Mega Tyranitar | Mega Bangirasu (メガバンギラス)[81] | 248 | Rock | Dark | Tyranitar (#248) | End of evolution | When it Mega Evolves, its back splits open and with its vicious attitude fueling it, it might not be able to hear and execute its trainers commands. |
Mega Sceptile | Mega Jukain (メガジュカイン)[83] | 254 | Grass | Dragon | Sceptile (#254) | End of evolution | Its tree-esque tail has now grown even further. the circles on its back and tail can explode on contact and it can even launch its own tail. |
Mega Blaziken | Mega Bashāmo (メガバシャーモ)[83] | 257 | Fire | Fighting | Blaziken (#257) | End of evolution | Parts of its fiery, hot legs have blackened due to Mega Evolving. It was one of the first Mega Evolutions revealed for X and Y. |
Mega Swampert | Mega Ragurāji (メガラグラージ)[83] | 260 | Water | Ground | Swampert (#260) | End of evolution | Its body is now considerably larger, its upper body and harms coated in large mussel. The orange gills and pockets coating its body are now a deep reddish orange. |
Mega Gardevoir | Mega Sānaito (メガサーナイト)[84] | 282 | Psychic | Fairy | Gardevoir (#282) | End of evolution | Gardevoir's enter body becomes white, and its dress grows much larger, resembling a large ballgown. It is the signature Pokemon of champion Diantha in Pokemon X and Y. |
Mega Sableye | Mega Yamirami (メガヤミラミ)[85] | 302 | Dark | Ghost | Sableye (#302) | End of evolution | Its huge jewel that has ripped out of its chest due to Mega Evolving can block any attack, however it limits Mega Sableye's movement due to it being so big. |
Mega Mawile | Mega Kuchīto (メガクチート)[83] | 303 | Steel | Fairy | Mawile (#303) | End of evolution | Its now-two huge sets of steel jaws gnash violently as if they have a mind of their own. They can rip prey in half with their raw power and one of them can gnash a boulder to dust. It also has a violent disposition. |
Mega Aggron | Mega Bosugodora (メガボスゴドラ)[83] | 306 | Steel | Aggron (#306) | End of evolution | Its body becomes coated in a pale white steel armor, granting it a menacing appearance. It is the only Mega form to lose a type without changing it for another, going from steel/rock to a pure steel | |
Mega Medicham | Mega Chāremu (メガチャーレム)[86] | 308 | Fighting | Psychic | Medicham (#308) | End of evolution | It is said that through meditation, Medicham heightens energy inside its body and sharpens its sixth sense. This Pokémon hides its presence by merging itself with fields and mountains. |
Mega Manectric | Mega Raiboruto (メガライボルト)[81] | 310 | Electric | Manectric (#310) | End of evolution | Too much electricity has built up in Mega Manectric causing irritation. Its yellow main has grown dramatically, its yellow fur now resembling lighting. Its speed is on par with a lightning bolt. | |
Mega Sharpedo | Mega Samehadā (メガサメハダー)[85] | 319 | Water | Dark | Sharpedo (#319) | End of evolution | Its body is much larger and is coated in scars. It has rows of teeth jutting out of its snout, resembling a saw shark. In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it is the signature Pokemon of Archie. |
Mega Camerupt | Mega Bakūda (メガバクーダ)[85] | 323 | Fire | Ground | Camerupt (#323) | End of evolution | Its two volcanic humps have merged into one, now active, Camerupt's back is coated in lava and volcanic rock. In Pokemon Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it is in the signature Pokemon of Maxie. |
Mega Altaria | Mega Chirutarisu (メガチルタリス)[85] | 334 | Dragon | Fairy | Altaria (#334) | End of evolution | It is the only Dragon/Fairy type Pokémon in existence. Its cloud like feathers grow making it much larger than normal. It is the signature Pokemon of Lisia. |
Mega Banette | Mega Jupetta (メガジュペッタ)[83] | 354 | Ghost | Banette (#354) | End of evolution | Its vindictiveness has grown tremendously. Mega Evolution energy has caused its powerful cursing power that was previously held in its zippers to spill out. It cannot help but to curse its own trainer. | |
Mega Absol | Mega Abusoru (メガアブソル)[83] | 359 | Dark | Absol (#359) | End of evolution | After Mega Evolving Absol gains a set of small angel like wings. Its hair also grows out to counter its black scyth, giving the appearing of Yin and Yang. | |
Mega Glalie | Mega Onigōri (メガオニゴーリ)[85] | 362 | Ice | Glalie (#362) | End of evolution | Mega Evolution energy has smashed its jaw open, leaving its jaw broken. It is very irritated that it cannot eat as well in this form. It can chew and freeze its prey instantly, though, and when it opens its mouth, everything around it whites out. | |
Mega Salamence | Mega Bōmanda (メガボーマンダ)[85] | 373 | Dragon | Flying | Salamence (#373) | End of evolution | Mega Salamence can cut straight through most things with just its wings. It may even cut its own trainer in half and will not even notice or care. |
Mega Metagross | Mega Metagurosu (メガメタグロス)[85] | 376 | Steel | Psychic | Metagross (#376) | End of evolution | Mega Metagross is a combination of one Metagross, two Metang, and one Beldum. It will do anything to win. If it is at a loss, it will dig its claws in its opponent and start the countdown to a massive explosion. It is the signature Pokemon of champion Steven Stone in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. |
Mega Latias | Mega Ratiasu (メガラティアス)[85] | 380 | Dragon | Psychic | Latias (#380) | End of evolution | Latias gains a purple color scheme and becomes nearly indistinguishable from Latios. It is given to the player in Pokemon Omega Ruby and can summoned on command with the eon flute giving access to the soaring mechanic . |
Mega Latios | Mega Ratiosu (メガラティオス)[85] | 381 | Dragon | Psychic | Latios (#381) | End of evolution | Latios gains a purple color scheme and becomes nearly indistinguishable from Latias. It is given to the player in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and can summoned on command with the eon flute giving access to the soaring mechanic. |
Mega Rayquaza | Mega Rekkūza (メガレックウザ)[85] | 384 | Dragon | Flying | Rayquaza (#384) | End of evolution | After eating meteorites to fuel its Mega Evolution, Mega Rayquaza is merciless. It will do whatever it takes to win. It is the only Mega Pokémon that can hold an item that isn't a Mega Stone while still being able to Mega Evolve. It is considered one of, if not the strongest Pokémon competitively to ever be made because of this. |
Mega Lopunny | Mega Mimiroppu (メガミミロップ)[85] | 428 | Normal | Fighting | Lopunny (#428) | End of evolution | Its instinctive spirit has awakened as it whips its ears around at the enemy. In this form, all of its fur has been shed to prevent it from getting in the way of attacks. |
Mega Garchomp | Mega Gaburiasu (メガガブリアス)[83] | 445 | Dragon | Ground | Garchomp (#445) | End of evolution | Mega energy has melted its arms into scythes. It swings these scythes wildly and without the grace of its former form. It slashes away at foes due to its vicious temper. |
Mega Lucario | Mega Lukario (メガルカリオ)[83] | 448 | Fighting | Steel | Lucario (#448) | End of evolution | Mega Lucario is gifted to the player in Pokémon X and Y to introduce the player to the concept of Mega Evolution. It is the signature Pokémon of Gym Leader Korrina. |
Mega Abomasnow | Mega Yukinoō (メガユキノオー)[83] | 460 | Grass | Ice | Abomasnow (#460) | End of evolution | The shrubs on its back have grown dramatically. These, as well as large ice spikes which have sprouted along its body have forced it to take a quadrupedal stance. |
Mega Gallade | Mega Erureido (メガエルレイド)[85] | 475 | Psychic | Fighting | Gallade (#475) | End of evolution | Added in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire as a counterpart to Mega Gardevoir. It became the signature Pokémon of Wally in all games after its debut. It gains a whiter color pallet and a cape, in similar fashion to Gardevoir's dress. |
Mega Audino | Mega Tabunne (メガタブンネ)[87] | 531 | Normal | Fairy | Audino (#531) | End of evolution | Audino is currently the only Generation V Pokémon to receive a Mega Evolution. It gains a more fairy like appearance with this change as well as the Healer ability. |
Mega Diancie | Mega Dianshī (メガディアンシー) | 719 | Rock | Fairy | Diancie (#719) | End of evolution | Referred to as the "Royal Princess", the diamond atop of Mega Diancie's head is said to be 2,000 carats. It was revealed on June 12, 2014 and is not available in X and Y.[88][89] Diancie is currently the only Generation VI Pokémon to receive a Mega Evolution. |
Primal Forms[]
English name | Japanese name | National Pokédex number |
Type(s) | Evolves from | Evolves into | Notes | |
Primary | Secondary | ||||||
Primal Kyogre | Genshi Kaiōga (ゲンシカイオーガ)[85] | 382 | Water | Kyogre (#382) | End of evolution | Now in its Primal form, it can make the seas and oceans rise tremendously. It can bring horrible rainstorms that can wipe everything out. It could easily drown the world. | |
Primal Groudon | Genshi Gurādon (ゲンシグラードン)[85] | 383 | Ground | Fire | Groudon (#383) | End of evolution | Now in its Primal form, it can make the sun so harsh that water immediately vaporizes. Able to expand the land, it could easily burn the world in lava. |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Details on Pokémon names, National Pokédex numbers, types and evolutions are obtained from The Pokémon Company International's online Pokédex.[16]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Watts, Steve (October 23, 2013). "How Europe inspired Pokemon X and Y's creature designs". Shacknews. GameFly. Archived from the original on July 19, 2016. Retrieved January 30, 2016.
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: - ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Masuda, Junichi; Yoshida, Hironobu (September 24, 2013). "Pokémon X and Y Interview with Game Freak" (Interview). Interviewed by Justin Berube and Josh Max. Nintendo World Report. Archived from the original on January 26, 2016. Retrieved January 30, 2016.
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: - ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Masuda, Junichi; Yoshida, Hironobu (September 20, 2013). "Junichi Masuda and Hironobu Yoshida Discuss Pokémon X and Y, Mega Evolutions and the 2DS" (Interview). Interviewed by Katy Ellis. Nintendo Life. p. 2. Archived from the original on March 5, 2016. Retrieved January 30, 2016.
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Pokémon species | |
Generation I (1996) | Bulbasaur • Venusaur • Charmander • Charizard • Squirtle • Blastoise • Pikachu • Vulpix • Ninetales • Jigglypuff • Oddish • Gloom • Vileplume • Meowth • Psyduck • Abra • Kadabra • Alakazam • Haunter • Gengar • Koffing • Weezing • Staryu • Starmie • Mr. Mime • Jynx • Magikarp • Gyarados • Lapras • Eevee • Snorlax • Legendary Bird Trio (Articuno • Zapdos • Moltres) • Mewtwo • Mew • MissingNo. (glitch) |
Generation II (1999) | Chikorita • Togepi • Unown • Entei • Lugia • Celebi |
Generation III (2002) | Blaziken • Mudkip • Absol • Latias • Latios • Rayquaza • Deoxys |
Generation IV (2006) | Lucario • Giratina |
Generation V (2010) | Oshawott • Dewott • Samurott |
Generation VI (2013) | Xerneas • Yveltal |
Generation VII (2016) | Yungoos • Gumshoos |
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