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The fourth generation (Generation IV) of the Pokémon franchise features 107 fictional species of creatures introduced to the core video game series in the 2006 Nintendo DS games Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Some Pokémon in this generation were introduced in animated adaptations of the franchise before Diamond and Pearl, such as Bonsly, Mime Jr. and Munchlax, which were recurring characters in the Pokémon anime series in 2005 and 2006.

The following list details the 107 Pokémon of Generation IV in order of their National Pokédex number. The first Pokémon, Turtwig, is number 387 and the last, Arceus, is number 493. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.

List of Pokémon[]

List of Pokémon species introduced in Generation IV (2006)[nb 1]
Name National Pokédex
Type(s) Evolves into Notes
English Japanese Primary Secondary
Turtwig Naetoru (ナエトル)[2] 387 Grass Grotle (#388) It knows where to find spring water. Its leaf will wilt if it is thirsty.
Grotle Hayashigame (ハヤシガメ)[3] 388 Grass Torterra (#389)
Torterra Dodaitosu (ドダイトス)[4] 389 Grass Ground End of evolution When Torterra sleeps, bird Pokémon like to make their nests in its tree. It is based on the Ankylosaurus.
Chimchar Hikozaru (ヒコザル)[5] 390 Fire Monferno (#391) A fire monkey, it has a tail made of fire.[6]
Monferno Mōkazaru (モウカザル)[7] 391 Fire Fighting Infernape (#392) It uses all of its limbs to fight in fiery, flaming combos. Its fiery tail is also used as a weapon.
Infernape Gōkazaru (ゴウカザル)[8] 392 Fire Fighting End of evolution
Piplup Potchama (ポッチャマ)[3] 393 Water Prinplup (#394) It's so proud it won't accept any food from people unless it has to. Its thick coat of fur guards it from the cold.
Prinplup Pottaishi (ポッタイシ)[8] 394 Water Empoleon (#395) One good smack from its flipper can topple a thick tree.
Empoleon Enperuto (エンペルト)[3] 395 Water Steel End of evolution As its English name suggests, Empoleon is based on an emperor penguin.
Starly Mukkuru (ムックル)[3] 396 Normal Flying Staravia (#397) Starly and its evolution are based on grey starlings.
Staravia Mukubādo (ムクバード)[8] 397 Normal Flying Staraptor (#398)
Staraptor Mukuhōku (ムクホーク)[9] 398 Normal Flying End of evolution When Staravia evolve, they go solitary for the rest of their life.
Bidoof Bippa (ビッパ)[10] 399 Normal Bibarel (#400) Because it needs to whittle its teeth down, it loves to build dams in rivers.
Bibarel Bīdaru (ビーダル)[10] 400 Normal Water End of evolution People in factories love to work with Bibarel because it's a very industrial worker.
Kricketot Korobōshi (コロボーシ)[10] 401 Bug Kricketune (#402) If it bangs its two antennae together, it will sound like a xylophone is playing.
Kricketune Korotokku (コロトック)[10] 402 Bug End of evolution By rubbing its two arms together, it plays sounds that portray its emotions. Scientists are still trying to figure these sounds out.
Shinx Korinku (コリンク)[5] 403 Electric Luxio (#404) The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.
Luxio Rukushio (ルクシオ)[8] 404 Electric Luxray (#405)
Luxray Rentorā (レントラー)[11] 405 Electric End of evolution
Budew Subomī (スボミー)[12] 406 Grass Poison Roselia (#315) In the winter, it closes its bud to endure the cold. In the spring, it opens it again to release its toxic pollen.
Roserade Rozureido (ロズレイド)[8] 407 Grass Poison End of evolution When hunting prey, Roserade uses its densely-lined toxic thorns to finish off its prey.
Cranidos Zugaidosu (ズガイドス)[8] 408 Rock Rampardos (#409)
Rampardos Ramuparudo (ラムパルド)[13] 409 Rock End of evolution It uses its thick skull to bash things with. Experts and scientists say that its stupidity made it go extinct is because its brain was too small.
Shieldon Tatetopusu (タテトプス)[10] 410 Rock Steel Bastiodon (#411) Although its fossils is buried in rocks, only its skull has only been found.
Bastiodon Toridepusu (トリデプス)[13] 411 Rock Steel End of evolution
Burmy Minomutchi (ミノムッチ)[10] 412 Bug Grass Wormadam (#413)[nb 2]
Mothim (#414)[nb 3]
"Plant Cloak Burmy" When a Burmy lives in a forest
Bug Ground "Sandy Cloak Burmy" If it lives in a desert or a beach
Bug Steel "Trash Cloak Burmy" If you take a Burmy into a city
Wormadam Minomadamu (ミノマダム)[10] 413 Bug Grass End of evolution "Plant Cloak Womadam" When a Burmy evolves in a forest, it will evolve into this Wormadam.
Bug Ground "Sandy Cloak Wormadam" If it evolves in a desert or a beach, this Wormadam will turn out.
Bug Steel "Trash Cloak Wormadam" If you take a Burmy into a city, It will evolve into a Trash Cloak Wormadam.
Mothim Gāmeiru (ガーメイル)[14] 414 Bug Flying End of evolution Male-only
Combee Mitsuhanī (ミツハニー)[8] 415 Bug Flying Vespiquen (#416)[nb 4] It looks like a beehive when they sleep together.
Vespiquen Bīkuin (ビークイン)[3] 416 Bug Flying End of evolution This female-only[15] evolution stores grubs in its beehive like rear.
Pachirisu Pachirisu (パチリス)[16] 417 Electric No evolution Notably used by Sejun Park to win the 2014 Pokémon World Championships[17]
Buizel Buizeru (ブイゼル)[18] 418 Water Floatzel (#419) It spins its twin tails to swim faster and it has a flotation device on its neck.
Floatzel Furōzeru (フローゼル)[10] 419 Water End of evolution
Cherubi Cherinbo (チェリンボ)[19] 420 Grass Cherrim (#421) It evolves by taking the nutrients from its second head and eating it.
Cherrim Cherimu (チェリム)[7] 421 Grass End of evolution Capable of changing between "Overcast" and "Sunshine" forms depending on in-battle weather effects.
Shellos Karanakushi (カラナクシ)[20] 422 Water Gastrodon (#423) Has two visually different forms, West Sea form and East Sea form, based on where it is caught in Sinnoh.
Gastrodon Toritodon (トリトドン)[14] 423 Water Ground End of evolution Has two visually different forms, West Sea form and East Sea form, based on where it is caught in Sinnoh.
Ambipom Etebōsu (エテボース)[3] 424 Normal End of evolution If it gives you a tight squeeze, it really likes you.
Drifloon Fuwante (フワンテ)[21] 425 Ghost Flying Drifblim (#426) It's been known for little children to get carried away from it. It doesn't like heavy children.
Drifblim Fuwaraido (フワライド)[13] 426 Ghost Flying End of evolution When it dies, it is said that the gas it excretes is children's souls that it ate.
Buneary Mimiroru (ミミロル)[8] 427 Normal Lopunny (#428) The reason it has one ear rolled up is in case a foe attacks it. Then it can use its ear as a counterattack.
Lopunny Mimiroppu (ミミロップ)[13] 428 Normal Mega Evolution It doesn't like to fight, although it's great at it with its strong legs.
Mismagius Mūmāji (ムウマージ)[7] 429 Ghost End of evolution It mutters curses that can give you terrible headaches, nightmares, and visions.
Honchkrow Donkarasu (ドンカラス)[5] 430 Dark Flying End of evolution A deep cry can spawn hundreds of its fellow Murkrow to fight for it or to bring it food. It doesn't usually like to fight but it will occasionally deal the finishing blow. If one of its fellow Murkrow fails to do its duty, Honchkrow won't tend to forgive it.
Glameow Nyarumā (ニャルマー)[22] 431 Normal Purugly (#432) As it has a domesticated quality, it tends to appear in urban areas.
Purugly Buniātto (ブニャット)[10] 432 Normal End of evolution To make itself look intimidatingly beefy, it wraps its twin tails around its waist.
Chingling Lisyan[3] 433 Psychic Chimecho (#358)
Stunky Sukanpū (スカンプー)[10] 434 Poison Dark Skuntank (#435) The stench it sprays from its rear end lingers wherever it's sprayed for 24 hours.
Skuntank Sukatanku (スカタンク)[11] 435 Poison Dark End of evolution Unlike Stunky, it sprays from the tip of its tail.
Bronzor Dōmirā (ドーミラー)[10] 436 Steel Psychic Bronzong (#437) Markings of it are on walls of caves. Its unknown if they're related.
Bronzong Dōtakun (ドータクン)[11] 437 Steel Psychic End of evolution
Bonsly Usohachi (ウソハチ)[23] 438 Rock Sudowoodo (#185) First appeared in XD: Gale of Darkness as part of a side quest, but was not obtainable.
Mime Jr. Manene (マネネ)[24] 439 Psychic Fairy[nb 5] Mr. Mime (#122) It likes to copy others so if it's in trouble, it can get away while the predator is confused.
Happiny Pinpuku (ピンプク)[25] 440 Normal Chansey (#113) It'll store anything white, small, and round inside its pouch. Although it can be overloaded and then cannot move.
Chatot Perap[18] 441 Normal Flying No evolution It can copy sounds to make itself sound like other people.
Spiritomb Mikāruge (ミカルゲ)[8] 442 Ghost Dark No evolution It is said that 108 spirits formed this Pokémon. It was banished for its misdeeds 500 years ago.
Gible Fukamaru (フカマル)[13] 443 Dragon Ground Gabite (#444)
Gabite Gabaito (ガバイト)[7] 444 Dragon Ground Garchomp (#445)
Garchomp Gaburiasu (ガブリアス)[26] 445 Dragon Ground Mega Evolution It's very vicious when battling for anything.
Munchlax Gonbe (ゴンベ)[27] 446 Normal Snorlax (#143) Even if it eats rotten food, its stomach is strong enough to handle it.
Riolu Rioru (リオル)[3] 447 Fighting Lucario (#448)
Lucario Rukario (ルカリオ)[28] 448 Fighting Steel Mega Evolution It senses auras from other living things. It can wield its aura so well, that it can turn a boulder to dust. Playable in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Hippopotas Hipopotasu (ヒポポタス)[10] 449 Ground Hippowdon (#450) Visually looks different depending on gender.
Hippowdon Kabarudon (カバルドン)[5] 450 Ground End of evolution Also visually looks different depending on gender.
Skorupi Sukorupi (スコルピ)[10] 451 Poison Bug Drapion (#452)
Drapion Dōrāpion (ドラピオン)[3] 452 Poison Dark End of evolution
Croagunk Guregguru (グレッグル)[3] 453 Poison Fighting Toxicroak (#454) Croagunk and Toxicroak are both based on poison dart frog. In the anime, Croagunk, taking over Misty and Max's job, using his Poison Jab to keep Brock away from attractive, beautiful women.
Toxicroak Dokuroggu (ドクロッグ)[5] 454 Poison Fighting End of evolution Its poison is so toxic a scratch from its knuckle claw can prove fatal.
Carnivine Masukippa (マスキッパ)[29] 455 Grass No evolution
Finneon Keikouo (ケイコウオ)[30] 456 Water Lumineon (#457) Finneon and Lumineon are based on the freshwater butterflyfish.[31] The sea water looks so flashy.
Lumineon Neoranto (ネオラント)[11] 457 Water End of evolution
Mantyke Tamanta (タマンタ) 458 Water Flying Mantine (#226) Mantyke are based on the giant oceanic manta ray.[31]
Snover Yukikaburi (ユキカブリ)[5] 459 Grass Ice Abomasnow (#460) It grows berries on its head in the spring.
Abomasnow Yukinoō (ユキノオー)[26] 460 Grass Ice Mega Evolution It conjures up wicked blizzards to hide itself from others.
Weavile Manyūra (マニューラ)[28] 461 Dark Ice End of evolution Its really sneaky and its claws help it climb trees faster thanks to its increased intelligence.
Magnezone Jibakoiru (ジバコイル)[10] 462 Electric Steel End of evolution People tried evolving it further but failed. They also believe there are aliens out there, but it's just Magnezone flying by.
Lickilicky Beroberuto (ベロベルト)[32] 463 Normal End of evolution Lickilicky is so skilled, it can use its tongue to pick up tiny beans and the longest stretching tongue is over 82 feet.
Rhyperior Dosaidon (ドサイドン)[3] 464 Ground Rock End of evolution Its carapace is so tough that it can withstand volcanic eruptions and even lava to a certain point.
Tangrowth Mojanbo (モジャンボ)[7] 465 Grass End of evolution If a foe eats part of its arm or vines, don't worry because in the summer its vines grow so much, that you can't even see its eyes.
Electivire Erekiburu (エレキブル)[33] 466 Electric End of evolution Electivire is so powerful that it can power a big city for a whole year.
Magmortar Būbān (ブーバーン)[8] 467 Fire End of evolution If Magmortar uses its arm too much, which is used for firing fireballs, it could partially melt its arm.
Togekiss Togekissu (トゲキッス)[34] 468 Fairy[nb 6] Flying End of evolution It will not appear where there is violence in the world but it appears where pure people live.
Yanmega Megayanma (メガヤンマ)[5] 469 Bug Flying End of evolution Its long tail helps it balance itself when carrying something as big as an adult human.
Leafeon Rīfia (リーフィア)[35] 470 Grass End of evolution It uses photosynthesis so it doesn't have to eat.
Glaceon Gureishia (グレイシア)[7] 471 Ice End of evolution It can freeze its own moisture to form ice crystals that it can shoot at its foes.
Gliscor Guraion (グライオン)[7] 472 Ground Flying End of evolution You won't know when a Gliscor will attack you because its so quiet as it climbs up walls.
Mamoswine Manmū (マンムー)[7] 473 Ice Ground End of evolution Its population thinned after the earth warmed up because its twin tusks are which are made of ice.
Porygon-Z Porigon Z (ポリゴンZ)[11] 474 Normal End of evolution Upon evolving, something went wrong and it began acting strange. It has not appeared in the anime due to the episode "Dennō Senshi Porygon," which caused Japanese children to have seizures in 1997.
Gallade Erureido (エルレイド)[8] 475 Psychic Fighting Mega Evolution This male only Pokémon is extremely good with the swords extending from its elbows.
Probopass Dainōzu (ダイノーズ)[10] 476 Rock Steel End of evolution It controls the 3 "mini-noses" at its sides to attack or hunt for food, but sometimes it could lose them, too.
Dusknoir Yonowāru (ヨノワール)[5] 477 Ghost End of evolution The antenna on its head acts as a radar. Some say it's a radar to tell Dusknoir to take spirits to the underworld.
Froslass Yukimenoko (ユキメノコ)[10] 478 Ice Ghost End of evolution Design inspired by the Japanese yōkai Yuki-onna, a vengeful spirit that takes the form of a woman and traps its victims with its icy breath or within blizzards.[36] If you're inside your house, and trapped in a blizzard, be careful. When you hear a knocking at your door, always check before you answer because it might be a wild Froslass, which can surprisingly freeze you to death instantly if you're not careful.
Rotom Rotomu (ロトム)[5] 479 Electric Ghost No evolution Rotom is capable of changing between six different forms by possessing various household appliances. It can also possess a special Pokédex used in Alola to assist trainers and a phone in Galar.
Electric Fire[nb 7] Transforms into "Heat Rotom" by possessing an oven
Electric Water[nb 7] Transforms into "Wash Rotom" by possessing a washing machine
Electric Ice[nb 7] Transforms into "Frost Rotom" by possessing a refrigerator
Electric Flying[nb 7] Transforms into "Fan Rotom" by possessing a fan
Electric Grass[nb 7] Transforms into "Mow Rotom" by possessing a lawn mower
Uxie Yukushī (ユクシー)[7] 480 Psychic No evolution
Mesprit Emuritto (エムリット)[37] 481 Psychic No evolution
Azelf Agunomu (アグノム)[8] 482 Psychic No evolution
Dialga Diaruga (ディアルガ)[38] 483 Steel Dragon No evolution Part of the Trio of Creation, Dialga has the power to control time.
Palkia Parukia (パルキア)[39] 484 Water Dragon No evolution Part of the Trio of Creation, Palkia controls space and also dimensions.
Heatran Hīdoran (ヒードラン)[7] 485 Fire Steel No evolution It lives deep in volcanoes because it is a perfect habitat for its partially melted body of molten steel.
Regigigas Rejigigasu (レジギガス)[5] 486 Normal No evolution The master of all Regi Pokémon, it's so massively strong, legends have been told of it towing the continents.
Giratina Giratina (ギラティナ)[40] 487 Ghost Dragon No evolution Capable of changing between "Altered" and "Origin" forms. The final member of the Trio of Creation, Giratina controls antimatter and has been banished to the Distortion or Reverse World for its violence.
Cresselia Kureseria (クレセリア)[41][10] 488 Psychic No evolution Part of the Lunar Duo, Cresselia is the only Pokémon that can make Darkrai's horrible nightmare go away.
Phione Fione (フィオネ)[42] 489 Water No evolution Can only be obtained by breeding Manaphy; however, Phione are incapable of evolving into Manaphy. It is a member of the Sea Guardian Duo along with Manaphy.
Manaphy Manafi (マナフィ)[43] 490 Water No evolution Manaphy is the other and last member of the Sea Guardian Duo with Phione. Manaphy was the last Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex before the Platinum expansion.
Darkrai Dākurai (ダークライ)[11] 491 Dark No evolution Darkrai was officially revealed in February 2007. It is the other and last member of the Lunar Duo together with Cresselia. Darkrai can cast horrible nightmares on you if you enter its territory although it's relatively harmless as it uses it as a last resort.
Shaymin Sheimi (シェイミ)[3] 492 Grass No evolution "Land Forme"

Shaymin has a second form activated by using a Gracidea flower in the daytime. Shaymin's Sky Forme will revert into its Land Forme during the night, while frozen solid, or if it is deposited in the PC. Its Land Forme is based on a hedgehog.

Grass Flying "Sky Forme"

As opposed to its original Land Forme, Shaymin becomes the Grass/Flying-type Sky Forme. Shaymin was officially revealed in February 2008, when it was listed as a star of Giratina and the Sky Warrior. In early June of the same year, its Sky Forme was revealed and based on a deer and an angel.

Arceus Aruseusu (アルセウス)[13] 493 Normal No evolution Arceus changes its type when it is holding either a colored plate or a Z-Crystal of the type its wants. Like Darkrai and Shaymin before it, Arceus was not officially revealed by Nintendo until February 14, 2009, the year of its debut movie. It was officially revealed to international audiences on August 3, 2009. Arceus is known as "The Original One", as it is said that it created Sinnoh and possibly created the entire Pokémon universe, along with the Lake Guardians, the Creation Trio, and The Regi trio along with Regigigas.


  1. Details on Pokémon names, National Pokédex numbers, types, and evolutions are obtained from The Pokémon Company International's online Pokédex.[1]
  2. Only female Burmy evolve into Womadam and their form is determined by the last location Burmy was used in battle.
  3. Only male Burmy evolve into Mothim.
  4. Only female Combee are capable of evolution
  5. Prior to X and Y, Mime Jr. was a pure Psychic type.
  6. Prior to X and Y, Togekiss was a dual Normal and Flying type.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Prior to Black and White, all forms of Rotom were dual Electric and Ghost type.


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  2. "第4994655号". 13 October 2006. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010. {{cite web}}: IPDL
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