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List of Pokémon by generation |
Related: List of Pokémon |
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The second generation (Generation II) of the Pokémon franchise features 100 fictional species of creatures introduced to the core video game series in the 1999 Game Boy Color games Pokémon Gold and Silver, set in the Johto region. Some Pokémon in this generation were introduced in animated adaptations of the franchise before Gold and Silver, such as Togepi, which was a recurring character in the Pokémon anime series in 1998 and 1999, Donphan in the Pokémon first movie in 1998, Snubull in the first Pikachu short movie in 1998 and Marill, which was a recurring character in the anime in 1998 and 1999.
The following list details the 100 Pokémon of Generation II in order of their National Pokédex number. The first Pokémon, Chikorita, is number 152 and the last, Celebi, is number 251. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.
Design and development[]
Two new types were introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver – namely the "Dark" and "Steel" types – which were intended to better balance the gameplay of Pokémon battles. Dark and Steel types fare well against "Psychic" attacks, which was a dominant type in Red and Blue. The concept of breeding was introduced in the second generation of Pokémon games as well, which allows players to manipulate the skills of their Pokémon to a greater degree.[1] Some of the new Pokémon introduced in Gold and Silver are pre-evolutions of other Pokémon, such as Pichu and Igglybuff. These baby Pokémon are only available by breeding their evolved forms.
Pokémon Gold and Silver were first revealed at Nintendo Space World in 1997. At this point, the game had a massively larger world map than the final game and this prototype featured around 40 Pokémon designs that were removed and replaced when the games were released in 1999.[2]
List of Pokémon[]
Name | National Pokédex number |
Type(s) | Evolves into | Notes | ||
English | Japanese | Primary | Secondary | |||
Chikorita | Chikorīta (チコリータ)[4] | 152 | Grass | Bayleef (#153) | First grass starter to not be dual typed. | |
Bayleef | Beirīfu (ベイリーフ)[5] | 153 | Grass | Meganium (#154) | While Chikorita's and Meganium's designs were settled in 1997, Bayleef originally had a significantly different design.[6] | |
Meganium | Meganiumu (メガニウム)[7] | 154 | Grass | End of evolution | It is based on the Sauropod. | |
Cyndaquil | Hinoarashi (ヒノアラシ)[8] | 155 | Fire | Quilava (#156) | A bit timid and shy, when startled or scared, flames start bursting from the back of Cyndaquil. Its original design had spikes on the back and wasn't Fire. | |
Quilava | Magumarashi (マグマラシ)[9] | 156 | Fire | Typhlosion (#157) | ||
Typhlosion | Bakufūn (バクフーン)[10] | 157 | Fire | End of evolution | When its rage peaks, it becomes hot enough that anything it touches is reduced to a burnt crisp. | |
Totodile | Waninoko (ワニノコ)[11] | 158 | Water | Croconaw (#159) | Even Trainers need to be careful when even playing with Totodile because even though it thinks its playing with you, if it bites you, it won't let go easily. | |
Croconaw | Arigeitsu (アリゲイツ)[9] | 159 | Water | Feraligatr (#160) | ||
Feraligatr | Ōdairu (オーダイル)[7] | 160 | Water | End of evolution | ||
Sentret | Otachi (オタチ)[12] | 161 | Normal | Furret (#162) | ||
Furret | Ōtachi (オオタチ)[13] | 162 | Normal | End of evolution | Nimble and quick, Furret are known for slipping through small spaces thanks to its small size. | |
Hoothoot | Hōhō (ホーホー)[13] | 163 | Normal | Flying | Noctowl (#164) | No matter what time it is, Hoothoot will always well... hoot, at the same time every day because it has an internal organ that keeps track of time. |
Noctowl | Yorunozuku (ヨルノズク)[13] | 164 | Normal | Flying | End of evolution | |
Ledyba | Rediba (レディバ)[13] | 165 | Bug | Flying | Ledian (#166) | |
Ledian | Redian (レディアン)[13] | 166 | Bug | Flying | End of evolution | |
Spinarak | Itomaru (イトマル)[13] | 167 | Bug | Poison | Ariados (#168) | |
Ariados | Ariadosu (アリアドス)[13] | 168 | Bug | Poison | End of evolution | If it sprays its webs on you, even though you can pull it off, an invisible strand of webbing will still be attached to you so it can still find you. |
Crobat | Kurobatto (クロバット)[14] | 169 | Poison | Flying | End of evolution | The final evolution of Zubat, Crobat can fly a very long distance for a while. It usually flies with all 4 wings but if it gets tired, it likes to alternate what pairs of wings it flies with. |
Chinchou | Chonchī (チョンチー)[13] | 170 | Water | Electric | Lanturn (#171) | Chinchou and Lanturn are based on the Footballfish.[15] |
Lanturn | Rantān (ランターン)[13] | 171 | Water | Electric | End of evolution | |
Pichu | Pichū (ピチュー)[16] | 172 | Electric | Pikachu (#025) | Playable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Junichi Masuda noted that Pichu was intended to become the "next" Pikachu. Pichu has become Masuda's favorite Pokémon because of the "well thought out" design process that went into creating it.[17][18][19] It doesn't know how to control its electricity yet so it gets startled and hurt from using it so it usually cries. It is voiced by Satomi Kōrogi. | |
Cleffa | Pī (ピィ)[14] | 173 | Fairy[nb 2] | Clefairy (#035) | It only dances on full moons all night and then sips on the morning dew and hides once more. | |
Igglybuff | Pupurin (ププリン)[20] | 174 | Normal | Fairy[nb 2] | Jigglypuff (#039) | Its vocal cords aren't fully developed yet and so it hurts to use them. Its very bouncy so once it bounces, you can't stop it. In the English-dubbed anime, it was voiced by Rachael Lillis, who also voiced Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff. |
Togepi | Togepī (トゲピー)[21] | 175 | Fairy[nb 2] | Togetic (#176) | If you can get a sleeping Togepi to stand up, you'll gain happiness from its shell. Togepi was one of the first Generation II Pokémon ever introduced and the most famous Togepi is the one owned by Misty in the anime. | |
Togetic | Togechikku (トゲチック)[22] | 176 | Fairy[nb 3] | Flying | Togekiss (#468) | Even though it has wings, it doesn't really need to use them due to it being able to hover and glide. |
Natu | Neiti (ネイティ)[13] | 177 | Psychic | Flying | Xatu (#178) | A Pokémon resembling a Hummingbird. It will stare into your eyes as if its in a staring contest, but the instant you show even the slightest movement, Natu will then hop to safety. |
Xatu | Neitio (ネイティオ)[13] | 178 | Psychic | Flying | End of evolution | A Pokémon resembling a Trogon, it will stand in one spot all day. Some say it is terrified of the visions it sees with its left eye viewing the past and its right eye seeing the future. |
Mareep | Merīpu (メリープ)[23] | 179 | Electric | Flaaffy (#179) | Mareep's fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows. | |
Flaaffy | Mokoko (モココ)[13] | 180 | Electric | Ampharos (#181) | Flaaffy's wool quality changes so that it can generate a high amount of static electricity with a small amount of wool. The bare and slick parts of its hide are shielded against electricity. | |
Ampharos | Denryū (デンリュウ)[24] | 181 | Electric | Mega Evolution | ||
Bellossom | Kireihana (キレイハナ)[20] | 182 | Grass | End of evolution | When the sun shines, Bellossom will open its bright colored petals and dance. When the sun goes away, so does Bellossom. | |
Marill | Mariru (マリル)[25] | 183 | Water | Fairy[nb 4] | Azumarill (#184) | GameSpot's Frank Provo and Kotaku's Patricia Hernandez have described Marill as "cute".[26][27] If you see a small, blue ball in the water, that's Marill's oil-filled tail acting as a life saver so that it can catch food. |
Azumarill | Mariruri (マリルリ)[14] | 184 | Water | Fairy[nb 4] | End of evolution | |
Sudowoodo | Usokkī (ウソッキー)[22] | 185 | Rock | End of evolution | When attacked, Sudowoodo will go into the forest and stand still as if to resemble a tree. Though in the winter, it's easily seen because of the green parts on its body. | |
Politoed | Nyorotono (ニョロトノ)[13] | 186 | Water | End of evolution | ||
Hoppip | Hanekko (ハネッコ)[22] | 187 | Grass | Flying | Skiploom (#188) | |
Skiploom | Popokko (ポポッコ)[13] | 188 | Grass | Flying | Jumpluff (#189) | |
Jumpluff | Watakko (ワタッコ)[13] | 189 | Grass | Flying | End of evolution | Even in the harshest of winds, Jumpluff can control where it will go. |
Aipom | Eipamu (エイパム)[10] | 190 | Normal | Ambipom (#424) | It uses its tail hand more than it real ones, so its real hands are less useful. | |
Sunkern | Himanattsu (ヒマナッツ)[13] | 191 | Grass | Sunflora (#192) | Sunkern formerly had the lowest total stats of any Pokémon.[28] However, solo form Wishiwashi[29] (introduced in Sun & Moon) currently has the lowest total stats of any Pokémon. | |
Sunflora | Kimawari (キマワリ)[30] | 192 | Grass | End of evolution | ||
Yanma | Yanyanma (ヤンヤンマ)[13] | 193 | Bug | Flying | Yanmega (#469) | Yanma has the ability to view 360 degrees without moving its eyes so it can spot foes quicker. |
Wooper | Upā (ウパー)[20] | 194 | Water | Ground | Quagsire (#195) | Wooper usually lives in water. However, it occasionally comes out onto land in search of food. On land, it coats its body with a gooey, toxic film. |
Quagsire | Nuō (ヌオー)[13] | 195 | Water | Ground | End of evolution | If Quagsire gets hurt in a way, it won't feel a thing because its intelligence isn't the best. |
Espeon | Ēfi (エーフィ)[31] | 196 | Psychic | End of evolution | Espeon shares its category name with Sunflora and Volcarona. They are all known as the Sun Pokémon. Espeon is an Eeveelution that can sense where a foes is at by the wind direction with its fine, thin hairs on its body. When attacking, the red orb on its forehead glows if it's using its psychic powers. | |
Umbreon | Burakkī (ブラッキー)[31] | 197 | Dark | End of evolution | Originally, Umbreon was a Poison-type Pokémon before they made it a Dark-type. Before the next generation of Pokémon were released, Umbreon was the only pure Dark-type Pokémon, making it the only Eeveelution that ever had a unique type combination. The rings on its body will glow when hunting and make anyone watching have chills down their spines. | |
Murkrow | Yamikarasu (ヤミカラス)[13] | 198 | Dark | Flying | Honchkrow (#430) | Murkrow love to steal shiny, glittering objects, sometimes stealing them from women. It's the reason why they're considered bad luck to see. It will bring food to its boss, Honchkrow. |
Slowking | Yadokingu (ヤドキング)[22] | 199 | Water | Psychic | End of evolution | Shellder's poison going through Slowking's head makes it so smart, it researches the mysteries of life every day. If, somehow, Shellder were to detach from its head, not only would it de-evolve back into a Slowpoke, but it would forget everything it has learned when it was a Slowking. |
Misdreavus | Mūma (ムウマ)[14] | 200 | Ghost | Mismagius (#429) | To get the nutrients it needs, it likes to make people scream. | |
Unown | Annōn (アンノーン)[32] | 201 | Psychic | No evolution | Unown has 28 different forms: 26 representing each letter in the Latin alphabet, one for a question mark, and one for an exclamation mark. One alone can't do much, but when a lot come together, strange things are said to happen. | |
Wobbuffet | Sōnansu (ソーナンス)[33] | 202 | Psychic | End of evolution | When you see a Wobbuffet, the blue body isn't actually its real body. The black tail that it likes to keep hidden may be the actual body. The most famous Wobbuffet is Team Rocket's Wobbuffet in the anime, who serves as comedy relief. | |
Girafarig | Kirinriki (キリンリキ)[13] | 203 | Normal | Psychic | No evolution | A giraffe-like Pokémon of the Normal/Psychic-Type. Its tail head has a small brain to think for itself, so even if a foe comes up from behind it, it will bite them unknowingly. Its original design was more akin to a Pushmi-Pullyu |
Pineco | Kunugidama (クヌギダマ)[13] | 204 | Bug | Forretress (#205) | It attaches its head to the branch of a tree. If something like the wind knocks it off, it will explode, so be careful. | |
Forretress | Foretosu (フォレトス)[13] | 205 | Bug | Steel | End of evolution | |
Dunsparce | Nokotchi (ノコッチ)[13] | 206 | Normal | No evolution | Design inspired by the mythical Japanese creature Tsuchinoko[34] It has a drill for a tail. It likes to burrow backwards into the ground to create its nest. | |
Gligar | Guraigā (グライガー)[31] | 207 | Ground | Flying | Gliscor (#472) | |
Steelix | Haganēru (ハガネール)[7] | 208 | Steel | Ground | Mega Evolution | Under immense pressure underground, an Onix is said to have its rock-like body compressed into diamonds and evolve into Steelix. In a paper published by the University of Leicester, physicists calculated the plausibility of Onix evolving into Steelix through the stated lore. It would require pressures of 4.5–6 gigapascals at a temperature of 900 to 1,300 °C (1,650 to 2,370 °F) over a period of billions of years for this conversion to take place. Assuming these conditions, the resulting Steelix would be substantially smaller than given in the Pokédex entry and is considered implausible.[35] |
Snubbull | Burū (ブルー)[13] | 209 | Fairy[nb 2] | Granbull (#210) | When it bares its small fangs at smaller Pokémon, they tend to be frightened and run away from Snubbull. While people think its adorable when it does that, Snubbull tends to feel a little sad because of it. | |
Granbull | Guranburu (グランブル)[13] | 210 | Fairy[nb 2] | End of evolution | Was originally Normal, but was made Fairy from Generation VI onwards. | |
Qwilfish | Harīsen (ハリーセン)[13] | 211 | Water | Poison | No evolution | It attacks by sucking in water and shooting its spikes out with it. Qwilfish is based on Porcupinefishes.[15] |
Scizor | Hassamu (ハッサム)[20] | 212 | Bug | Steel | Mega Evolution | |
Shuckle | Tsubotsubo (ツボツボ)[13] | 213 | Bug | Rock | No evolution | It hides in the crevices of rocks. It mixes berry juices with its own to make a combining juice that apparently is healthier for you. |
Heracross | Herakurosu (ヘラクロス)[9] | 214 | Bug | Fighting | Mega Evolution | When it needs to move anything in its way, it uses its large horn it has to launch it through the air and it can easily throw an adult human with its horn. The Heracross with the largest horn is the leader. |
Sneasel | Nyūra (ニューラ)[13] | 215 | Dark | Ice | Weavile (#461) | Design inspired by the mythical Japanese creature Kamaitachi[34] |
Teddiursa | Himeguma (ヒメグマ)[20] | 216 | Normal | Ursaring (#217) | The reason why you see its paw near its mouth is because it like to soak its paws in honey made by bees. | |
Ursaring | Ringuma (リングマ)[9] | 217 | Normal | End of evolution | Instead of living off eating honey like Teddiursa did, it actually goes out to find berries and food for itself. If anyone dares to go into its territory, it will chase them out at all costs. | |
Slugma | Magumaggu (マグマッグ)[13] | 218 | Fire | Magcargo (#219) | ||
Magcargo | Magukarugo (マグカルゴ)[13] | 219 | Fire | Rock | End of evolution | |
Swinub | Urimū (ウリムー)[13] | 220 | Ice | Ground | Piloswine (#221) | It digs through the snow to find roots and stuff it can eat. Its long fur helps shield it from the cold. |
Piloswine | Inomū (イノムー)[13] | 221 | Ice | Ground | Mamoswine (#473) | |
Corsola | Sanīgo (サニーゴ)[13] | 222 | Water | Rock | No evolution | Mareanie (introduced in Sun & Moon) loves to eat Corsola's coral branches as a snack and it actively chases them down just for their branches. |
Remoraid | Teppouo (テッポウオ)[13] | 223 | Water | Octillery (#224) | Remoraid are based on remora.[15] They tend to stick with Mantine to feed off the scraps that are left behind. | |
Octillery | Okutan (オクタン)[13] | 224 | Water | End of evolution | When hunting, it will grab its prey and bash its head in with its very hard skull. If its too strong for it, it spews ink to get away. | |
Delibird | Deribādo (デリバード)[36] | 225 | Ice | Flying | No evolution | It uses its tail as a bag to carry items to its Trainer. It can turn those items into tiny bombs to throw at enemies. Its earliest design looked more like Santa Claus. |
Mantine | Mantain (マンタイン)[37] | 226 | Water | Flying | End of evolution | Mantine are based on the giant oceanic manta ray.[15] |
Skarmory | Eāmudo (エアームド)[10] | 227 | Steel | Flying | No evolution | A Steel-Type bird-like Pokémon based on the Stymphalian Birds. After nesting in bramble bushes, the wings of its chicks grow hard from scratches by thorns. |
Houndour | Derubiru (デルビル)[22] | 228 | Dark | Fire | Houndoom (#229) | |
Houndoom | Herugā (ヘルガー)[9] | 229 | Dark | Fire | Mega Evolution | If Houndoom uses its fiery breath on you, the flames and ash might go away but you'll feel the burn forever. |
Kingdra | Kingudora (キングドラ)[13] | 230 | Water | Dragon | End of evolution | Evolves by trading it while holding a Dragon Scale. Kingdra are based on the common seadragon.[15] |
Phanpy | Gomazō (ゴマゾウ)[20] | 231 | Ground | Donphan (#232) | ||
Donphan | Donfan (ドンファン)[33] | 232 | Ground | End of evolution | It uses its armored trunk to roll around and slam into its foes. It can also lift things twice its own weight. | |
Porygon2 | Porigon 2 (ポリゴン2)[13] | 233 | Normal | Porygon-Z (#474) | For the purposes of planetary development, Porygon was updated with the most up-to-date technology available. It evolves by holding an Up-grade. It never made any appearances in the anime after the events of "Denno Senshi Porygon", with the exception of a very brief cameo in the intro scene of the fifteenth movie, Kyurem and the Sword of Justice. It is the only Pokémon with a number in its name and one of only 2 Pokémon (outside of Generation VIII) that never appeared in the anime, the other being Porygon-Z. | |
Stantler | Odoshishi (オドシシ)[30] | 234 | Normal | No evolution | People used to hunt it almost to extinction because of its magnificent antlers. | |
Smeargle | Dōburu (ドーブル)[31] | 235 | Normal | No evolution | The only Pokémon capable of learning the move Sketch. Due to this quality Smeargle can learn any move available in the games except Struggle and Chatter. It loves to paint with its tail and the ink it uses to paint with is its own juice it creates. | |
Tyrogue | Barukī (バルキー)[13] | 236 | Fighting | Hitmonchan (#106) Hitmonlee (#107) Hitmontop (#237) |
Tyrogue needs to have special training to become the best and different methods can be utilized to help it train. If Tyrogue doesn't get the proper training it needs, it will get stressed out. | |
Hitmontop | Kapoerā (カポエラー)[22] | 237 | Fighting | End of evolution | Its mix of offense and defense make it a good fighter. It travels faster spinning than walking. | |
Smoochum | Muchūru (ムチュール) | 238 | Ice | Psychic | Jynx (#124) | It likes to run a lot and it often falls down. When it does, it will go to a shiny surface to see and check if its face has gotten smudges on it. |
Elekid | Erekiddo (エレキッド)[38] | 239 | Electric | Electabuzz (#125) | It twirls its arms around to get itself charged up or it can use outlets as baby bottles. If it gets upset, play some rolling thunder to cheer it up. | |
Magby | Bubii (ブビィ)[13] | 240 | Fire | Magmar (#126) | Its body temp is so hot, if it falls into a small enough pond, all of the water in it will evaporate. | |
Miltank | Mirutanku (ミルタンク)[36] | 241 | Normal | No evolution | If it's around babies, the milk it produces has more nutrition than normal. | |
Blissey | Hapinasu (ハピナス)[7] | 242 | Normal | End of evolution | If it senses sadness and despair with the fur on its body, it will rush over to whoever it is and give them a Lucky Egg which can make anyone happy. | |
Raikou | Raikō (ライコウ)[22] | 243 | Electric | No evolution | Raikou was designed by Muneo Saitō.[39] Also known as the "Embodiment of Lightning", it can run across plains at speeds of lightning. Ho-Oh resurrected it after it perished as a helpless unknown animal in a burning tower. Some say it's an electric type because it symbolizes the lightning that struck the tower. | |
Entei | Entei (エンテイ)[32] | 244 | Fire | No evolution | Entei was designed by Muneo Saitō.[39] Legend says that every time an Entei barks or roars, a volcano is said to erupt somewhere around the world. Ho-Oh resurrected it after it perished as a helpless unknown animal in a burning tower. Some say it's a fire type because it symbolizes the fire that burnt down the building. | |
Suicune | Suikun (スイクン)[20][22] | 245 | Water | No evolution | Suicune was designed by Muneo Saitō.[39] Suicune has the magical ability to instantly purify even the murkiest of waters. Ho-Oh resurrected it after it perished as a helpless unknown animal in a burning tower. Some say it's a water type because it symbolizes the rain that put down the building. | |
Larvitar | Yōgirasu (ヨーギラス)[13] | 246 | Rock | Ground | Pupitar (#247) | It's born deep underground and it has to eat through the soil to get to see its parents. Soon after, it gets to evolve. |
Pupitar | Sanagirasu (サナギラス)[13] | 247 | Rock | Ground | Tyranitar (#248) | |
Tyranitar | Bangirasu (バンギラス)[7] | 248 | Rock | Dark | Mega Evolution | It rivals Duraludon for mountain soil to eat. |
Lugia | Rugia (ルギア)[7] | 249 | Psychic | Flying | No evolution | It lives in the deep sea, and the reason it does this is because it can cause storms just by flapping its huge wings. Master of the Legendary Birds. |
Ho-Oh | Hōō (ホウオウ)[7] | 250 | Fire | Flying | No evolution | Similar to Moltres, Ho-Oh's design is inspired by the Fenghuang (firebird) of Chinese myth.[34] The master of the Legendary Beasts and the one who resurrected them. Ho-Oh has the distinction of being the first Gen II Pokémon ever seen, debuting in the very first episode of the Pokémon anime long before the revelation of Johto. |
Celebi | Serebii (セレビィ)[40] | 251 | Grass | Psychic | No evolution | Celebi has the power to travel through time. |
- ↑ Details on Pokémon names, National Pokédex numbers, types and evolutions are obtained from The Pokémon Company International's online Pokédex.[3]
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Prior to X and Y, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Snubbull and Granbull were pure Normal types.
- ↑ Prior to X and Y, Togetic was a dual Normal and Flying type.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Prior to X and Y, Marill and Azumarill were pure Water types.
- ↑ Beckett, Michael. "Pokemon Gold/Silver - Staff Retroview". RPGamer. Archived from the original on 2017-04-06. Retrieved 2016-12-24.
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: - ↑ Patino, Martin (2018-06-01). "Leaked Pokemon Gold and Silver Beta Demos Show Features Cut From Final Games". Game Revolution.
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: - ↑ "Pokédex". The Pokémon Company International. 2015. Retrieved October 19, 2015.
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: - ↑ "第4393517号". 23 June 2000. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010.
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: IPDL - ↑ "キメわざポケモンキッズDP6". Bandai Co., Ltd. September 2010.
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: - ↑ Oxford, Nadia (2018-06-01). "10 Pokemon That Never Were - A Tribute to the Pokémon That Died Inside the Pokémon Gold Beta". US Gamer.
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: - ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 "キメわざポケモンキッズ7". Bandai Co., Ltd. (via WebCite). September 2007. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010. Retrieved 28 July 2010.
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: - ↑ "第4393518号". 23 June 2000. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010.
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: IPDL - ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 "Meiji VS Cards". Meiji (via WebCite). 13 April 2012. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
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: - ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 "キメわざポケモンキッズ5". Bandai Co., Ltd. (via WebCite). October 2006. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010. Retrieved 28 July 2010.
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: - ↑ "第4393519号". 23 June 2000. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010.
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: IPDL - ↑ "かくれとくせい」にクローズアップ!". Monthly PGL. The Pokémon Company. December 2010. Retrieved 3 December 2010.
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: - ↑ 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 13.18 13.19 13.20 13.21 13.22 13.23 13.24 13.25 13.26 13.27 13.28 13.29 13.30 13.31 13.32 13.33 13.34 13.35 13.36 13.37 13.38 13.39 13.40 "Battle Dictionary" (PDF). The Pokémon Company International. Retrieved 1 February 2016.
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: - ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 "キメわざポケモンキッズ6". Bandai Co., Ltd. (via WebCite). March 2007. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010. Retrieved 28 July 2010.
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: - ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Mendes, Augusto B.; Guimarães, Felipe V.; Eirado-Silva, Clara B. P.; Silva, Edson P. (2017). "The ichthyological diversity of Pokémon" (PDF). Journal of Geek Studies 4 (1): 39–67. ISSN 2359-3024. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316888282. Retrieved July 12, 2019.
- ↑ "キメわざポケモンキッズDP3". Bandai Co., Ltd. (via WebCite). June 2009. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010. Retrieved 28 July 2010.
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: - ↑ Harris, Craig (February 23, 2009). "Pokémon Creators on Platinum". IGN. Retrieved June 9, 2009.
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: - ↑ Padilla, Raymond (March 17, 2009). "Junichi Masuda & Takeshi Kawachimaru Talk 'Pokémon Platinum', Particle Physics, Bridges, And More!". G4. Retrieved June 6, 2009.
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: - ↑ Noble, McKinley. "Pokémon Platinum: Developer Interview!". GamePro. IDG. p. 2. Archived from the original on July 22, 2010. Retrieved June 1, 2010.
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: - ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 "丸美屋ゲットシール". Maruiya (via WebCite). December 2009. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
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: - ↑ "第4494718号". 27 July 2001. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010.
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: IPDL - ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 "Meiji Blue Cards". Meiji (via WebCite). 13 April 2012. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
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Pokémon species | |
Generation I (1996) | Bulbasaur • Venusaur • Charmander • Charizard • Squirtle • Blastoise • Pikachu • Vulpix • Ninetales • Jigglypuff • Oddish • Gloom • Vileplume • Meowth • Psyduck • Abra • Kadabra • Alakazam • Haunter • Gengar • Koffing • Weezing • Staryu • Starmie • Mr. Mime • Jynx • Magikarp • Gyarados • Lapras • Eevee • Snorlax • Legendary Bird Trio (Articuno • Zapdos • Moltres) • Mewtwo • Mew • MissingNo. (glitch) |
Generation II (1999) | Chikorita • Togepi • Unown • Entei • Lugia • Celebi |
Generation III (2002) | Blaziken • Mudkip • Absol • Latias • Latios • Rayquaza • Deoxys |
Generation IV (2006) | Lucario • Giratina |
Generation V (2010) | Oshawott • Dewott • Samurott |
Generation VI (2013) | Xerneas • Yveltal |
Generation VII (2016) | Yungoos • Gumshoos |