This list encompasses notable examples of evil corporations in fiction. Some of these corporations have the same names of real corporations, but were used in a fictional manner, such as having American Airlines operate spacecrafts in the fictional film Silent Running.
- Abstergo Industries from Assassin's Creed
- Adipose Industries from Doctor Who (episode "Partners in Crime")
- Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) from Marvel Comics
- Aegis Oil from On Deadly Ground
- Aesir Corporation from Max Payne
- Aggressive Solutions Int. (A.S.I.) from Madame Mirage
- Alchemax from Marvel 2099
- Alterra Corporation from Subnautica
- American Airlines from Silent Running
- Antigen from Underworld: Awakening
- Aperture Science from Portal and Portal 2
- Apocalypse Inc. from The Toxic Avenger Part II
- Arasaka from Cyberpunk 2020
- Astralnet Broadcasting Company (ABC) from Arena: Maze of Death
- AsterCorp from Touch
- ATMOS from Doctor Who (episodes: The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky)
- Atlas Corporation from Borderlands
- The Bank of Evil from Despicable Me;
- Bartok Industries from The Fly II;
- Better Living Industries (BL/ind.) from Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys;
- Biffco from Back to the Future II;
- BioVectra Chemical from the Sysco book series;[1]
- Bad Wolf Corporation from Doctor Who (episode "Bad Wolf");
- Blok from The Quillan Games;
- Blue Sun Corporation from Firefly
- Blume Corporation from Watch Dogs
- Bubble Shock from The Sarah Jane Adventures (episode: Invasion of the Bane);
- Buy N Large from WALL-E.
- Carver Media Group Network (CMGN) from James Bond
- CCA from Network
- CHOAM from Dune
- Chotchkie's - from Office Space
- The Church, from His Dark Materials
- Cinq Flèches from Blood+
- Cinco from Tim and Eric
- Cloverleaf Industries from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
- Cobra Industries from G.I. Joe: Renegades
- The Company from Doctor Who (serial: The Sun Makers)
- The Company from Heroes
- The Company from Lethal Company
- Conglom-O from Rocko's Modern Life
- ConSec - from Scanners
- The Consortium from Total Recall 2070
- Crey Industries from City of Heroes
- Cybertek from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Agents of SHIELD)
- Cybus Industries from Doctor Who (episodes "Rise of the Cybermen"/"The Age of Steel")
- Cyberdyne Systems from Terminator
- Czerka Corporation from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Daggett Industries from Batman: The Animated Series
- DataDyne from Perfect Dark
- Delos Inc. from Westworld
- Devlin MacGregor - Makers of Provasic in The Fugitive
- Digital Matrix from Looker
- DOATEC from Dead or Alive
- DOGMA from Segagaga
- Dokusensha Corporation from Read or Dream
- Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. from Phineas and Ferb
- E.Corp from Mr Robot
- eDEN Corporation from Just Cause 3
- The Eklipse Corporation from Monsuno
- Electrocorp from Rise of the Robots
- The Energy Corporation from Rollerball (1975)
- Engulf & Devour from Silent Movie
- Eurocorp Syndicate from Syndicate
- ExoGeni Corporation from Mass Effect
- Fairgray Pay from Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
- Fatboy Industries from The Middleman (episode: The Palindrome Reversal Palindrome)
- F.E.A.R. from Black Veil Brides third album Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones.
- Fizzco from Sunset Overdrive
- Faro Automated Solutions from Horizon Zero Dawn
- Gandrake Enterprises from Musashi: Samurai Legend
- GeneCo from Repo! The Genetic Opera
- General Construction Corporation (GC) from Escape from the Bronx
- GeoComTex from Doctor Who (episode: Dalek)
- Gizmonic Institute from Mystery Science Theater 3000
- Global Chemicals from Doctor Who serial The Green Death
- Globalsoft from We Will Rock You
- Hanka Precision Instruments / Hanka Robotics from [Ghost in the Shell]
- H.A.R.M. from The Operative: No One Lives Forever
- HeretiCorp from Sluggy Freelance
- Homicide International Trust (HIT) from MacGyver
- Hybra-Tech Corporation from Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis
- InGen (International Genetic Technologies, Inc.) from Jurassic Park
- INTEC from The Nest (1988)
- IniTech from "Office Space"
- International Contract Agency (ICA) from Hitman
- International Electromatics from Doctor Who (serial: The Invasion)
- Itexicon from Maximum Ride
- Jennings & Rall (J&R) from Jericho
- Kane Co. from Motorcity
- KAOS from Get Smart
- Legacy Organization from 64th Street: A Detective Story
- LexCorp from Superman
- Lobotomy Corporation from Lobotomy Corporation
- Los Pollos Hermanos from Breaking Bad
- Lumon Industries from Severance.
- Lunar Industries from Moon
- Madacorp from Kyle XY (2006)
- Manchurian Global from The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
- Mantah Corp from Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (2020)
- Mantel Global Industries from HAZE
- Marathon MegaCorp from Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond
- Marshall Defense Industries from Saints Row
- Massive Dynamic from Fringe (2008-2013)
- Maximum Inc. from Phantom 2040
- McKay Global from Far Cry 6
- Megacorp from Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
- Merlot Industires from RWBY: Grimm Eclipse
- Merrick Biotech from The Island
- Microsith (AKA Numesis) from Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!
- Ministry of Magic from Harry Potter
- Militech from Cyberpunk 2020
- MomCorp from Futurama
- Mooby's - from View Askew movies
- Multi National United (MNU) from District 9
- Murkoff Corporation from Outlast
- Narn K Corporation from Nocturnals
- NASCorp Whiz Kids
- NERV from Neon Genesis Evangelion
- NICE from That Hideous Strength
- Nightrise Corporation from The Power of Five
- Nightstone Unlimited from Gargoyles
- North Central Positronics from The Dark Tower series
- O'Hare Air from The Lorax
- Okumura Foods from Persona 5
- Omni Consumer Products (OCP) from RoboCop
- OpenAI
- Parallax Corporation from The Parallax View
- Pentex from Werewolf: the Apocalypse
- Phenotrans from Dead Rising
- Phoenix International from Primal Carnage
- Praeda Industries from Doctor Mid-Nite
- Protogen from The Expanse
- Pyrite from Moon 44
- RDA Corporation from Avatar
- Rekall from Total Recall
- Replacement Technologies from The 6th Day
- Rossum Corporation from Dollhouse
- Rotten Core Industries from the League of Super Evil
- Roxxon Energy Corporation from the Marvel Universe
- Sombra Corporation from The Dark Tower
- Scapelli Construction from Super Mario Bros (1993)
- Schnee Dust Company from RWBY
- Scorpia from Alex Rider
- Seegson from Alien: Isolation
- Shinra Electric Power Company from Final Fantasy VII
- Slurm from Futurama
- Soylent Corporation from Soylent Green
- SPECTRE from James Bond
- Stahl Arms from Killzone
- Subarashii from Mars trilogy
- Sunya Corp from City Limits
- Super Animal World Corporation from Super Animal Royale
- Skynet Research from Terminator Salvation
- Spectacular Optical from Videodrome
- Tai Yong Medical from Deus Ex: Human Revolution
- Team Danganronpa from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
- Team Galactic from Pokemon
- Team Rocket from Pokemon
- Trade Federation from Star Wars
- TranStar Corporation from Prey (2017)
- TransWorld from Upside Down
- The Trust from Stargate
- Tyrell Corporation from Blade Runner
- Tricell from Resident Evil
- TriOptimum Corporation from System Shock
- Ultratech from the Killer Instinct video game series
- Ultor from Saints Row and Red Faction
- Umbrella Corporation from Resident Evil
- The Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) from Doom
- The Union from Repo Men
- Vault-Tec from Fallout
- Veridian Dynamics from Better Off Ted
- VersaLife from Deus Ex
- Virtucon from Austin Powers
- Vision Corporation from Zenless Zone Zero
- Vought International from The Boys
- Water & Power from Tank Girl
- Waystar Royco from Succession
- W.I.C.K.E.D (World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department) from The Maze Runner
- Weyland-Yutani from Alien
- Weyland Industries from Death Race
- Wilford Industries from Snowpiercer
- Wisdom Company from EOE: Eve of Extinction
- Wolf Cola from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- Wolfram & Hart from Angel
- WorryFree from Sorry to Bother You(film)
- Wesayso from Dinosaurs
- Windergast Enterprises from Groosham Grange: John Kilgraw and his Photoallergic Reactions
- Xanatos Enterprises from Gargoyles
- Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems from The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
- Zik-Zak Corporation from Max Headroom
- ZORG Industries from The Fifth Element