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Pokémon Adventures, known in Japan as Pocket Monsters Special (ポケットモンスター SPECIAL, Poketto Monsutā SPECIAL), is a Japanese manga series published by Shogakukan. The story arcs of the series are based on most of the Pokémon video games released by Nintendo and, as such, the main characters of the series have the name of their video game. Since the manga is based on the video games, there are some delays with the serialization since the authors need to have seen the games in order to continue with the plot.[1]

The series is written by Hidenori Kusaka, it is illustrated by Mato during the first nine volumes, while Satoshi Yamamoto starts illustrating it since the tenth volume. The Japanese publisher Shogakukan has been releasing the individual chapters in tankōbon format with the first one being released on August 8, 1997 and currently, 52 tankōbon have been released.[2][3]

The distributing company Viz Media has licensed the series for English in the United States. Viz released the first seven volumes of the series in tankōbon format from July 6, 2000[4] to January 2003[5] as well as in magazine format.[6] During 2006 they released two volumes with the name of The Best of Pokémon Adventures which are various chapters from the first two arcs put into one book.[7][8] On June 1, 2009, Viz restarted publishing the tankōbon volumes, and are now up to volume 9 as of October 2010. Volume 10 is scheduled for December 2010, and volumes 11, 12 and volume 30 of the DP arc (known as volume 1 of Platinum in Viz's release) are all scheduled for 2011 as well. However, these releases feature both visual and dialogue edits not found in the original English release and original Japanese tankobon release.[9]

Volume list[]

HeartGold & SoulSilver chapter

No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
41June 28, 2012[10]
ISBN 978-4-09-141497-7
August 6, 2013[11]
ISBN 978-1-421-55900-1
  • HGSS 442. "Out-Odding Oddish" (VSナゾノクサ: 挑戦 ポケスロン!, VS Nazonokusa, "VS Nazonokusa: Pokéathlon Challenge!")
  • HGSS 443. "Attaway, Aipom!" (VSエイパム: 四天王登場!, VS Eipamu, "VS Eipam: The Four Heavenly Kings Appear!")
  • HGSS 444. "One Tough Togepi" (VSトゲピー: 極秘指令!, VS Togepī, "VS Togepy: Top-Secret Orders!")
  • HGSS 445. "Dealing With A Koffing Fit" (VSドガース: 復活の狼煙!, VS Dogāsu, "VS Dogars: Beacon of Revival!")
  • HGSS 446. "Weavile Wobbles But It Won't Fall Down" (VSマニューラ: サファリゾーンの戦い!, VS Manyūra, "VS Manyula: Safari Zone Battle!")
  • HGSS 447. "Fortunately Feraligatr" (VSオーダイル: プレート争奪戦!, VS Ōdairu, "VS Ordile: Struggle for the Plates!")
  • HGSS 448. "Pleased as Punch With Parasect" (VSパラセクト: 噂の千里眼!, VS Parasekuto, "VS Parasect: The Rumor of Clairvoyance!")
Gold participates in the Pokéathlon and wins all five courses, though he is supposed to be there for more serious matters. With the organiser of the meeting appearing to have vanished, Gold decides to go home, but interest in the matter diverts him to Ecruteak. Silver heads to the new Johto Safari Zone to find out about the mysterious Plates. He encounters Crystal, who had led a field trip to the safari, and they end up working together.
42October 26, 2012[12]
ISBN 978-4-09-141497-7
October 29, 2013[13]
ISBN 978-1-421-55901-8
  • HGSS 449. "Raising the Stakes with Rhyperior" (VSドサイドン: 大地の継承!, VS Dosaidon, "VS Dosidon: Inheritor of the Ground!")
  • HGSS 450. "With a Little Help From Hitmonchan" (VSエビワラー: 集合4将軍!, VS Ebiwarā, "VS Ebiwalar: The Four Generals Assemble!")
  • HGSS 451. "It Takes Xatu to Tango" (VSネイティオ: 遺跡へのルート!, VS Neitio, "VS Natio: To the Ruin's Roots!")
  • HGSS 452. "All About Arceus I" (VSアルセウスI: 伝説のサイン!, VS Aruseusu I, "VS Arceus I: The Legendary's Sign!")
  • HGSS 453. "All About Arceus II" (VSアルセウスII: 語られる起源!, VS Aruseusu II, "VS Arceus II: The Origins are Told!")
  • HGSS 454. "All About Arceus III" (VSアルセウスIII: 突入 謎の領域!, VS Aruseusu III, "VS Arceus III: Breaking into the Area of Mystery!")
  • HGSS 455. "All About Arceus IV" (VSアルセウスIV: 幻のタイプシフト!, VS Aruseusu IV, "VS Arceus IV: The Phantom Type-Shift!")
  • HGSS 456. "All About Arceus V" (VSアルセウスV: 絶望の三つ舞台!, VS Aruseusu V, "VS Arceus V: Triad Stage of Despair!")
Silver and Crystal encounter the Team Rocket Generals, who have resurrected the evil team and aim to capture Arceus, the deity of Pokémon. Arceus appears right in front of Crystal and the Generals give Crystal a go at capturing Arceus, but she fails miserably. Arceus then blows down the Ecruteak Gym. Gold chases it to the Ruins of Alph. Silver, having gathered all the Plates, comes to Gold's aid, along with Crystal. But Arceus transports Gold, Silver, Crystal and the Generals to the Sinjoh Ruins. There, the Generals subdue Arceus and force it to create Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.

Black & White chapter

No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
43January 25, 2013[14]
ISBN 978-4-09-141583-7
July 2, 2013[15]
ISBN 978-1-421-55898-1
  • HGSS 457. "All About Arceus VI" (VSアルセウスVI: 「はざま」からの帰還!, VS Aruseusu VI, "VS Arceus VI: Return from the "Crack"!") (Included in Volume 42 of Viz Media release)
  • HGSS 458. "All About Arceus VII" (VSアルセウスVII: いちるの望み!, VS Aruseusu VII, "VS Arceus VII: A Ray of Hope!") (Included in Volume 42 of Viz Media release)
  • HGSS 459. "All About Arceus VIII" (VSアルセウスVIII, VS Aruseusu VIII: 希望の最終進化!, "VS Arceus VIII: The Final Evolution of Hope!") (Included in Volume 42 of Viz Media release)
  • HGSS 460. "All About Arceus IX" (VSアルセウスIX: 特別な明日!, VS Aruseusu IX, "VS Arceus IX: A Special Tomorrow!") (Included in Volume 42 of Viz Media release)
  • BW 461. "Fussing and Fighting" (VSポカブ: 前夜, VS Pokabu, "VS Pokabu")
  • BW 462. "Choices" (VSクルミル: 旅立, VS Kurumiru, "VS Kurumiru")
  • BW 463. "A Nickname for Tepig" (VSコロモリ: 追憶, VS Koromori, "VS Koromori")
  • BW 464. "Black's First Trainer Battle" (VSモンメン: 初戦, VS Monmen, "VS Monmen")
Lance, Pryce and Giovanni, who all have a history of evil, join forces to stop Arceus' creation process. But the task of subduing Arceus, who appeared to bear a grudge to humans, is all down to Gold. Meanwhile, in the Unova region, a Pokémon League fanatic is ready to achieve his dream of becoming the ultimate Pokémon Trainer.
44March 28, 2013[16]
ISBN 978-4-09-141644-5
November 5, 2013[17]
ISBN 978-1-421-55899-8
  • BW 465. "Lights, Camera, Action" (VSデンチュラ, VS Dentula, "VS Dentula")
  • BW 466. "An Odd Speech" (VSドッコラー, VS Dokkorer, "VS Dokkorer")
  • BW 467. "Letting Go" (VSチョロネコ, VS Choroneko, "VS Choroneko")
  • BW 468. "Listening to Pokémon" (VSオタマロ, VS Otamaro, "VS Otamaro")
  • BW 469. "Welcome to Striaton City!!" (VSタブンネ, VS Tabunne, "VS Tabunne")
  • BW 470. "Their First Gym Battle" (VSヤナップ•バオップ•ヒヤップ, VS Yanappu • Baoppu • Hiyappu, "VS Yanappu • Baoppu • Hiyappu")
  • BW 471. "Battle at the Dreamyard" (VSミルホッグ, VS Miruhog, "VS Milhog")
Black, a hot-headed boy who dreams of becoming the Pokémon League Champion, encounters White during a filming session. Black interrupts the filming session and damages the filming equipment, so White makes the debt her responsibility by employing Black to her recruitment firm. They travel together through Unova, and encounter a mysterious green-haired man.
45June 28, 2013[18]
ISBN 978-4-09-141684-1
March 4, 2014[19]
ISBN 978-1-421-56178-3
  • BW 472. "Wheeling and Dealing" (VSデンチュラ, VS Zuruggu, "VS Zuruggu")
  • BW 473. "Battle at the Museum" (VSミネズミ, VS Minezumi, "VS Minezumi")
  • BW 474. "Defeating Stoutland" (VSムーランド, VS Mooland, "VS Mooland")
  • BW 475. "The Mystery of the Missing Fossil" (VSデスカーン, VS Desukarn, "VS Desukarn")
  • BW 476. "A Direct Attack and a Daunting Defense" (VSヤブクロン・チラチーノ, VS Yabukuron & Chillaccino, "VS Yabukuron & Chillaccino")
  • BW 477. "Lost in the Big City" (VSゾロア, VS Zorua, "VS Zorua")
  • BW 478. "Big City Battles" (VSハハコモリ, VS Hahakomori, "VS Hahakomori")
  • BW 479. "The Case of the Missing Pokémon" (VSモロバレル, VS Morobareru, "VS Morobareru")
Black and White continue on their journey through Unova, visiting the ancient city of Nacrene and the sprawling metropolis of Castelia. They witness the evil actions of Team Plasma, including one where Black's childhood friend Bianca gets attacked.
46July 26, 2013[20]
ISBN 978-4-09-141688-9
July 1, 2014[21]
ISBN 978-1-421-56180-6
  • BW 480. "At Liberty on Liberty Garden" (VSビクティニ: 燈台, VS Bikutini, "VS Victini: Lighthouse")
  • BW 481. "Sandstorm" (VSキリキザン: 砂漠, VS Kirikizan, "VS Kirikizan: Desert")
  • BW 482. "To Make a Musical" (VSマラカッチ: 準備, VS Marakachi, "VS Maracacchi: Preparation")
  • BW 483. "Special Delivery" (VSエモンガ: 開演, VS Emonga, "VS Emonga: Opening Curtain")
  • BW 484. "Battle on a Roller Coaster" (VSゼブライカ: 回転, VS Zeburaika, "VS Zebraika: Rotation")
  • BW 485. "Gigi's Choice" (VSジャノビー: 数式, VS Janobī, "VS Janovy: Numerical Formula")
  • BW 486. "Unraveling Mysteries" (VSナゲキ&ダゲキ: 鉄道, VS Nageki & Dageki, "VS Nageki & Dageki: Railroad")
  • BW 487. "A New Perspective" (VSコジョンド: 決意, VS Kojondo, "VS Kojondo: Determination")
  • BW 488. "Growing Pains" (VSシキジカ: 別離, VS Shikijika, "VS Shikijika: Parting")
Black and White arrive in Nimbasa City, where White puts the finishing touches on her latest brainchild, the Pokémon Musical, and officially launches it. Just moments after the successful launch, White is trapped in a ferris wheel by N, the green-haired man who challenged Black before. White is traumatized by the events that follow, but recovers and decides to take up battling.
47August 24, 2013[22]
ISBN 978-4-09-141587-5
November 4, 2014[23]
ISBN 978-1-421-56181-3
  • BW 489. "Drawing Bridges" (VSガマガル: 跳橋, VS Gamagaru, "VS Gamagaru: Drawbridge")
  • BW 490. "A Stormy Time in the Battle Subway" (VSトルネロス&ボルトロス: 風雷, VS Torunerosu & Borutorosu, "VS Tornelos & Voltolos: Wind and Thunder")
  • BW 491. "Fight in a Cold Climate" (VSバニプッチ: 冷凍, VS Banipuchi, "VS Vanipeti: Freezing")
  • BW 492. "Mine Mayhem" (VSドリュウズ: 出土, VS Doryuuzu, "VS Doryuzu: Excavation")
  • BW 493. "Underground Showdown" (VSワルビル: 感知, VS Warubiru, "VS Waruvile: Perception")
  • BW 494. "Up in the Air" (VSココロモリ: 集合, VS Kokoromori, "VS Kokoromori: Assembly")
  • BW 495. "The Battle Within" (VSスワンナ: 參戦, VS Suwanna, "VS Swanna: Going to Battle")
Black continues on his quest for Gym Badges to enter the Pokémon League. The very Gym Leaders that he faces start to meddle with Team Plasma.
48November 28, 2013[24]
ISBN 978-4-09-141625-4
March 3, 2015[25]
ISBN 978-1-421-57181-2
  • BW 496. "Museum Showdown" (VSトルネロス&ボルトロス&ランドロスI: 激突, VS Torunerosu & Borutorosu & Randorosu I, "VS Tornelos & Voltolos & Landlos I: Clash")
  • BW 497. "Finding Truth" (VSトルネロス&ボルトロス&ランドロスII: 復活, VS Torunerosu & Borutorosu & Randorosu II, "VS Tornelos & Voltolos & Landlos II: Resurrection")
  • BW 498. "Decisions, Decisions" (VSフリージオ: 修業, VS Furījio, "VS Freegeo: Training")
  • BW 499. "School of Hard Knocks" (VSプロトーガ: 暴走, VS Purotōga, "VS Protoga: Wild-riding")
  • BW 500. "With a Little Help from My Friends" (VSメロエッタI: 旋律, VS Meroetta I, "VS Meloetta I: Melody")
  • BW 501. "A Lost Melody" (VSメロエッタII: 演奏, VS Meroetta II, "VS Meloetta II: Performance")
  • BW 502. "The Beginning" (VSワシボン: 邂逅, VS Washibon, "VS Washibon: Encounter")
  • BW 503. "Tooth and Claw" (VSムンナ: 仲間, VS Munna, "VS Munna: Companions")
The Unova Gym Leaders fail to resist Team Plasma's ruthless pursuit of the Dark Stone, which is a sealed form of the legendary Zekrom. Black, who also fails to stop Team Unova, is given an intense training session. Meanwhile White, who is training at the Battle Subway, encounters a distressed Bianca trying to run away from her overprotective father. After cheering Bianca up, White is handed the perfect opportunity to put her newly-acquired skills to the test, and is rewarded with a Pokédex in the end.
49January 25, 2014[26]
ISBN 978-4-09-141699-5
April 7, 2015[27]
ISBN 978-1-421-57836-1
  • BW 504. "The Cold Hard Truth" (VSバニリッチ: 冷凍, VS Banirichi, "VS Vanirich: Indication")
  • BW 505. "A Cold Reception" (VSツンベアー: 条件, VS Tsunbeā, "VS Tunbear: Condition")
  • BW 506. "Old Wounds" (VSコバルオン&テラキオン&ビリジオンI: 三剣, VS Kobaruon & Terakion & Birijion I, "VS Cobalon & Terrakion & Virizion I: Three Swords")
  • BW 507. "A Misunderstanding" (VSコバルオン&テラキオン&ビリジオンII: 信用, VS Kobaruon & Terakion & Birijion II, "VS Cobalon & Terrakion & Virizion II: Trust")
  • BW 508. "The Lesson Ends Here" (VSヒヒダルマ: 頂上, VS Hihidaruma, "VS Hihidaruma: Summit")
  • BW 509. "Will the Truth Come Out?" (VSアーケオス: 超越, VS Ākeosu, "VS Archeos: Transcendence")
  • BW 510. "A Wretched Reunion" (VSダイケンキ: 必要, VS Daikenki, "VS Daikenki: Necessity")
Black reunites with White and together they witness the inevitable; Alder, the Champion of Unova, being defeated by N, the self-proclaimed King of Team Plasma.
50March 25, 2014[28]
ISBN 978-4-09-141708-4
July 7, 2015[29]
ISBN 978-1-421-57837-8
  • BW 511. "Dream a Little Dream" (VSゴチルゼル: 開幕, VS Gochiruzeru, "VS Gothiruselle: Opening")
  • BW 512. "Hallway Hijinks" (VSクリムガン: 交信, VS Kurimugan, "VS Crimgan: Communication")
  • BW 513. "Into the Quarterfinals!" (VSグレッグル: 潜入, VS Guregguru, "VS Gureggru: Infiltration")
  • BW 514. "The Tournament Continues" (VSモノズ: 熱闘, VS Monozu, "VS Monozu: Fierce Fighting")
  • BW 515. "The Shadow Triad" (VSケルディオ: 清心, VS Kerudio, "VS Keldeo: Pure Heart")
  • BW 516. "One Way or Another" (VSオノンド: 四強, VS Onondo, "VS Onondo: Four Semifinals")
  • BW 517. "Something Suspicious" (VSオーベム: 鳴動, VS Ōbemu, "VS Ohbem: Rumbling")
  • BW 518. "True Friends" (VSケンホロウ: 親友, VS Kenhorou, "VS Kenhallow: Close Friend")[30]
Black recovers from a traumatic event and manages to gain entry to the Pokémon League at the last minute. During the tournament, a secret agent named Looker attempts to uncover the true identities of some of the suspicious contestants.
51July 25, 2014[31]
ISBN 978-4-09-141809-8
October 6, 2015[32]
ISBN 978-1-421-57961-0
  • BW 519. "Something Suspicious" (VSケルディオII: 狩人, VS Keldeo II, "VS Keldeo II: Hunter")
  • BW 520. "Cold Hard Truth " (ゼクロムVSレシラムI: 居城, Zekrom VS Reshiram I, "Zekrom VS Reshiram I: Lord's Castle")
  • BW 521. "Triple Threat" (ゼクロムVSレシラムII: 真実, Zekrom VS Reshiram II, "Zekrom VS Reshiram II: Truth")
  • BW 522. "Homecoming" (ゼクロムVSレシラムIII: 理想, Zekrom VS Reshiram III, "Zekrom VS Reshiram III: Ideals")
  • BW 523. "The Power of Dreams" (ゼクロムVSレシラムIV: 英雄, Zekrom VS Reshiram IV, "Zekrom VS Reshiram IV: Hero")
  • BW 524. "A Difficult Parting" (ゼクロムVSレシラムV: 消失, Zekrom VS Reshiram V, "Zekrom VS Reshiram V: Disappearance")
Black, having awakened Reshiram from the Light Stone, is now the Hero of Truth, and squares off against N, the Hero of Ideals who has long since awakened Zekrom. During the face-off, Team Plasma's castle emerges around the Pokémon League complex. N ultimately loses, which brings Ghetsis, the true mastermind behind Team Plasma, into action.

Black 2 & White 2 chapter

No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
52December 26, 2014[33]
ISBN 978-4-09-141894-4
January 3, 2017[34]
ISBN 978-1-421-58437-9
  • B2W2 525. The Transfer Student (VSペンドラー: トランスファー・スチューデント, VS Pendoraa, "VS Pendror: Transfer Student")
  • B2W2 526. Mr. Perfect (VSゲノセクトI: ミスター・パーフェクト, VS Genosect I, "VS Genosect I: Mister Perfect")
  • B2W2 527. Flying Type (VSゲノセクトII: フライング・インセクト, VS Genosect II, "VS Genosect II: Flying Insect")
  • B2W2 528. Innocent Scientist (VSゲノセクトIII: イノセント・サイエンティスト, VS Genosect III, "VS Genosect III: Innocent Scientist")
  • B2W2 529. Pokédex Lecture (VSタマゲタケ: ポケデクス・レクチャー, VS Tamagetake, "VS Tamagetake: Pokédex Lecture")
  • B2W2 530. Movie Panic (VSバルチャイ: ムービーズ・パニック, VS Baruchai, "VS Valchai: Movies Panic")
  • B2W2 531. Unforgettable Memories (VSプルリル: アンフォゲッタブル・メモリー, VS Pururiru, "VS Pururill: Unforgettable Memory")
Blake, a seemingly normal boy enrolled in the Aspertia Trainer's School, is actually an undercover International Police officer, tasked with seeking out a former Team Plasma member. The clues lead him to Whitley, the new student, but so far his efforts to flirt with her have been in vain.
53August 8, 2017[35]
ISBN 978-4-09-142412-9
July 10, 2018[36]
ISBN 978-1-421-58438-6
  • B2W2 532. Legendary Tornadus (VSトルネロスれいじゅうフォルムI: レジェンダリー・トルネード, VS Torunerosu I, VS Tornelos Sacred Beast Forme I: Legendary Tornado)
  • B2W2 533. New Sword Player (VSトルネロスれいじゅうフォルムII: ニュー・ソードプレイヤー, VS Torunerosu II, VS Tornelos Sacred Beast Forme II: New Sword Player)
  • B2W2 534. Choir Tournament (VSシキジカ: コーラス・コンペティション, VS Shikijika, VS Shikijika: Chorus Competition)
  • B2W2 535. Angry Boy (VSオーベム: アングリー・ボーイ, VS Ōbemu, VS Ohbem: Angry Boy)
  • B2W2 536. Cold Storage Battle (VSキュレムI: コンテナ・バトル, VS Kyuremu I, VS Kyurem I: Container Battle)
  • B2W2 537. Colress Machine (VSキュレムII: アクロマ・マシーン, VS Kyuremu II, VS Kyurem II: Achroma Machine)
  • B2W2 538. Therian Forme III (VSボルトロスれいじゅうフォルム: テリアン・フォーム, VS Borutorosu, VS Voltolos Sacred Beast Forme: Therian Forme)
  • B2W2 539. Frozen World (VSランドロスれいじゅうフォルム: フローズン・ワールド, VS Randorosu, VS Landlos Sacred Beast Forme: Frozen World)
  • B2W2 540. Flying Ship (VSバルジーナ: フライング・シップ, VS Barujīna, VS Vulgina: Flying Ship)

Chapters not yet in tankōbon format[]

2 rounds in Black 2 & White 2 Chapter, 39 rounds & 7 side stories in X & Y Chapter, 22 rounds in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Chapter and 26 rounds in Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Chapter have yet to be published in a tankōbon volume, but have been printed at the magazine, mini volumes, or publish at online. These titles, and their order, are subject to change, both in collection into tankōbon, and translation into English.

Black 2 & White 2 Chapter (published online)

No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
  • B2W2 541 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • B2W2 542 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)

X & Y Chapter (published in CoroCoro Ichiban! magazine)

No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
1April 28, 2014December 2, 2014
  • XY 001 An X-cuse to Come Out and Play (ガルーラ、待つ, Garūra, matsu, "Garūra, Wait")
  • XY 002 X-actly What They Wanted (ガルーラ、化わる, Garūra, ka waru, "Garura, Change")
  • XY 003 Inn-teresting Developments (ホルード、奪う, Horūdo, ubau, "Horudo, Seize")
2April 28, 2014March 3, 2015
  • XY 004 They Have a Flare for a Li'l Kanga-Napping (ハリマロン、刺す, Harimaron, sasu, "Harimaron, Pierce")
  • XY 005 Kangaskhan...Kangascan't (ガルーラ、試す, Garūra, sasu, "Garūra, Attempt")
  • XY 006 The Aegislash Agenda (ギルガルド、惑わす, Girugarudo, madowasu, "Gillguard, Bewilder")
  • XY 007 Lucky Lucario Was Here (ルカリオ、助ける, Rukario, tasukeru, "Lucario, Rescue")
  • XY SS01 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • XY SS02 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
3November 28, 2014June 2, 2015
  • XY 008 What Does Charmander Do When It Dozes? (ヒトカゲ、まどろむ, Hitokage, madoromi, "Hitokage, Snooze")
  • XY 009 Chespin Sows the Seeds of Change (ハリマロン、起つ, Harimaron, tatsu, "Harimaron, Rise")
  • XY 010 Pangoro Poses a Problem (ゴロンダ、探る, Goronda, saguru, "Goronda, Search")
4November 28, 2014September 1, 2015
  • XY 011 Charging After Electrike (ラクライ、追う, Rakurai, ou, "Rakurai, Pursue")
  • XY SS03 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • XY SS04 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • XY SS05 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • XY SS06 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • XY 012 Fast-Thinking Froakie (ケロマツ、消える, Keromatsu, kieru, "Keromatsu, Disappear")
  • XY 013 Overthrowing a Tyrunt (チゴラス、砕く, Chigorasu, kudaku, "Chigoras, Crush")
  • XY 014 Morphing Manectric (ライボルト、化わる, Raiboruto, ka waru, "Raibolt, Change")
5June 26, 2015December 1, 2015
  • XY 015 Dancing Vivillon (ビビヨン、舞う, Viviyon, mau, "Vivillon, Dance")
  • XY SS07 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)
  • XY 016 Burning Fletchinder (ヒノヤコマ、燃える, Hinoyakoma, moeru, "Hinoyakoma, Burn")
  • XY 017 Shooting Frogadier (ゲコガシラ、撃つ, Gekogashira, utsu, "Gekogahshier, Shoot")
6June 26, 2015March 1, 2016
  • XY 018 Gathering Klefki (クレッフィ、集める, Kleffi, atsumeru, "Cleffy, Collect")
  • XY 019 Tying Trevenant (オーロット、しばる, Oorotto, shibaru, "Ohrot, Bind")
  • XY 020 Changing Gengar (ゲンガー、化わる, Gengā, ka waru, "Gengar, Change")
  • XY 021 Surrounding Braixen (テールナー、囲う, Teerunā, kakou, "Tairenar, Surround")
7December 28, 2015July 5, 2016
  • XY 022 Quilladin Stands (ハリボーグ、立つ, Haribōgu, tatsu, "Hariborg, Stand")
  • XY 023 Gyarados Changes (ギャラドス、化わる, Gyaradosu, ka waru, "Gyarados, Change")
  • XY 024 Pyroar Breathes (カエンジシ、息吹く, Kaenjishi, ibuku, "Kaenjishi, Breathe")
8December 28, 2015October 4, 2016
  • XY 025 Flabébé Blooms (フラベベ、咲く, Furabebe, saku, "Flabébé, Bloom")
  • XY 026 Rhyhorn Charges (サイホーン、 突く, Saihoun, tsuku, "Sihorn, Strike")
  • XY 027 Pinsir Glares (カイロス、にらむ, Kairosu, niramu, "Kailios, Glare")
9June 24, 2016January 3, 2017
  • XY 028 Scizor Defend (ハッサム、受ける, Hassamu, ukeru, "Hassam, Catch")
  • XY 029 Hawlucha Attack (ルチャブル、襲う, Ruchaburu, osou, "Luchabull, Attack")
  • XY 030 Pinsir Changes (カイロス、化わる, Kairosu, ka waru, "Kailios, Change")
10June 24, 2016April 4, 2017
  • XY 031 Zygarde Appears (ジガルデ、現る, Jigarude, genru, "Zygarde, Appear")
  • XY 032 Malamar Traps (カラマネロ、仕掛ける, Karamanero, shikakeru, "Calamanera, Lay a Trap")
  • XY 033 Chesnaught Protects (ブリガロン、守る, Burigaron, mamoru, "Brigarron, Protect")
11December 28, 2016July 4, 2017
  • XY 034 Charizard Transforms (リザードン、化わる, Lizardon, ka waru, "Lizardon, Change")
  • XY 035 Yveltal Steals (イベルタル、奪う, Iberutaru, ubau, "Yveltal, Take")
  • XY 036 Mewtwo Angered (ミュウツー、怒る, Myūtsū, okoru, "Mewtwo, Get Enraged")
12December 28, 2016October 3, 2017
  • XY 037 Zygarde Agitated (ジガルデ、猛る, Jigarude, takeru, "Zygarde, Rage")
  • XY 038 Xerneas Gives (ゼルネアス、与える, Zeruneasu, ataeru, "Xerneas, Give")
  • XY 039 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Chapter (published online)

No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
1July 24, 2015September 6, 2016
  • ORAS 000 Omega Alpha Adventure 0 (EPISODE 0)
  • ORAS 001 Omega Alpha Adventure 1 (EPISODE 1)
  • ORAS 002 Omega Alpha Adventure 2 (EPISODE 2)
  • ORAS 003 Omega Alpha Adventure 3 (EPISODE 3)
2July 24, 2015December 6, 2016
  • ORAS 004 Omega Alpha Adventure 4 (EPISODE 4)
  • ORAS 005 Omega Alpha Adventure 5 (EPISODE 5)
  • ORAS 006 Omega Alpha Adventure 6 (EPISODE 6)
  • ORAS 007 Omega Alpha Adventure 7 (EPISODE 7)
3February 26, 2016March 7, 2017
  • ORAS 008 Omega Alpha Adventure 8 (EPISODE 8)
  • ORAS 009 Omega Alpha Adventure 9 (EPISODE 9)
  • ORAS 010 Omega Alpha Adventure 10 (EPISODE 10)
4February 26, 2016July 4, 2017
  • ORAS 011 Omega Alpha Adventure 11 (EPISODE 11)
  • ORAS 012 Omega Alpha Adventure 12 (EPISODE 12)
  • ORAS 013 Omega Alpha Adventure 13 (EPISODE 13)
  • ORAS 014 Omega Alpha Adventure 14 (EPISODE 14)
5September 28, 2016November 7, 2017
  • ORAS 015 Omega Alpha Adventure 15 (EPISODE 15)
  • ORAS 016 Omega Alpha Adventure 16 (EPISODE 16)
  • ORAS 017 Omega Alpha Adventure 17 (EPISODE 17)
6September 28, 2016March 6, 2018
  • ORAS 018 Omega Alpha Adventure 18 (EPISODE 18)
  • ORAS 019 Omega Alpha Adventure 19 (EPISODE 19)
  • ORAS 020 Omega Alpha Adventure 20 (EPISODE 20)
  • ORAS 021 Omega Alpha Adventure 21 (EPISODE 21)

Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon chapter (published in CoroCoro Ichiban! magazine)

No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
1June 23, 2017
  • SM 001 The Grand Entrance and Delivery Boy Sun (登場!!運び屋サン!, Tōjō!! Hakobi ya San!, "He Appears!! Sun the Courier!")
  • SM 002 The Delivery of Rotom and the Girl (運搬!!ロトムと女の子!, Unpan!! Rotomu to onnanoko!, "Transport!! Rotom and the Girl!")
  • SM 003 Pokémon Move Specialist Professor Kukui (研究!!技の博士・ククイ!, Kenkyū!! Waza no hakase・Kukui!, "Research!! The Doctor of Moves - Kukui!")
  • SM 004 The Decision and the Tournament of Six (決定!!6人トーナメント!, Kettei!! Roku nin tōnamento!, "Decision!! 6-Person Tournament!")
  • SM 005 The Announcement and the Prize (発表!! これが優勝商品!, Happyō!! Kore ga yūshō shōhin!, "Announcement!! This is the Grand Prize!!")
  • SM 006 The Party Crasher and Guzma the Destroyer (乱入!! 破壊者グズマ!, Rannyū!! Hakai sha Guzuma!, "Intrusion!! Guzma the Destroyer!")
  • SM 007 The Final Match and a Surprising Finale! (決勝!! 意外な結末!, Kesshō!! Igai na ketsumatsu!, "It's Decided!! An Unexpected Conclusion!")
2December 27, 2017
  • SM 008 Going Ashore and Neighboring Akala Island (上陸!!となりのアーカラじま!, Jōriku!! Tonari no ākara jima!, "Disembarking!! The Neighboring Akala Island!")
  • SM 009 True Identity and the Totem Pokémon of Brooklet Hill (正体!!せせらぎの丘のぬし!, Shōtai!! Seseragi no Oka no nushi!, "Identity!! The Leader of Brooklet Hill!")
  • SM 010 Defeat and the Commander of the School of Fish (攻略!!ぎょぐんの司令塔!, Kōryaku!! Giyogun no shirei tō!, "Capture!! The School's Leader!")
  • SM 011 Kikan!! Sugoude puro gorufā! (帰還!!スゴ腕プロゴルファー!, "Return!! The Remarkable Pro Golfer!")
  • SM 012 Ranbu!! Honō no zenryoku de pōzu! (乱舞!!炎のゼンリョクでポーズ!, "Dance!! The Full-Powered Fire Pose!")
  • SM 013 Hatsudō!! Kyōi no zetto waza! (発動!!驚異のZワザ!, "Invoke!! The Tremendous Z-Move!")
3June 22, 2018
  • SM 014 Issen!! Hoshigumo-chan no himitsu! (一閃!!ほしぐもちゃんの秘密!, Flash!! Hoshigumo-chan's Secret!))
  • SM 015 Nanpa!! Hagishiri hagigishiri! (難破!!歯ぎしりハギギシリ!, Wreck!! Teeth-Grinding Hagigishiri!)
  • SM 016 Satsuei!! Mega yasu no atochi! (撮影!!メガやすの跡地!, Photograph! The Abandoned Megacheap!)
  • SM 017 Totsunyū!! Pō taun! (突入!!ポータウン!, Charge!! Po Town!)
  • SM 018 Ransen!! I sekai no kaibutsu! (乱戦!!異世界の怪物!, Brawl!! The Monsters From A Different World!)
  • SM 019 Shinsō!! Sukaru-dan no haigo! (真相!!スカル団の背後!, Truth!! Behind the Curtains of Skull-dan!)
4December 28, 2018
  • SM 020 Kyūmu!! UB hokakusen! (急務!!UB捕獲戦!, Urgent!! The Battle to Capture the Ultra Beasts!)
  • SM 021 Gōdatsu! Shuryō kekenkani! (強奪!!首領・ケケンカニ!, Ransack!! Kekenkani the Don!)
  • SM 022 Tanjō! Shimakuīn hapuu! (誕生!!しまクイーンハプウ!, Birth!! Island Queen Hāpuʻu!)
  • SM 023 Taiketsu!! Poni no daikyōkoku! (対決!!ポニのだいきょうこく!, Showdown!! The Great Canyon of Poni!)
  • SM 024 Suisō!! Saidan ni hibiku merodi! (吹奏!!さいだんに響くメロディ!, Play!! The Melody Reverberating at the Altar!)
  • SM 025 Shutsugen!! Tsuki to taiyō no keshin! (出現!!月と太陽の化身!, Arrival!! The Incarnations of the Moon and Sun!)
  • SM 026 error: {{nihongo}}: Japanese or romaji text required (help)


  1. Kusaka, Hidenori; Mato (2000) (in Japanese). Shogakukan. p. 2. ISBN 4-09-149336-X. 
  2. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 1 . Shogakukan. Retrieved 2008-06-18. {{cite web}}:
  3. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 40 . Shogakukan. Retrieved April 11, 2012. {{cite web}}:
  4. "Pokémon Adventures, Volume 1: Desperado Pikachu". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2009-10-01. {{cite web}}:
  5. "Pokémon Adventures, Volume 7: Yellow Caballero:The Pokémon Elite". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2009-10-01. {{cite web}}:
  6. "POKéMON ADVENTURES". www.vizkids.com. Archived from the original on August 5, 2003. Retrieved January 13, 2016. {{cite web}}:
  7. "The Best of Pokémon Adventures: Red". Viz Media. Archived from the original on January 4, 2011. Retrieved January 4, 2011. {{cite web}}: ; deadurl
  8. "The Best of Pokémon Adventures: Yellow". Viz Media. Archived from the original on January 4, 2011. Retrieved January 4, 2011. {{cite web}}: ; deadurl
  9. "Pokémon Adventures, Vol. 1 (2nd Edition)". Viz Media. Retrieved 2009-10-01. {{cite web}}:
  10. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 41 . Shogakukan. Retrieved July 31, 2012. {{cite web}}:
  11. Pokémon Adventures: HeartGold & SoulSilver Volume 1, Amazon.com
  12. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 42 . Shogakukan. Retrieved October 23, 2012. {{cite web}}:
  13. Pokémon Adventures: HeartGold & SoulSilver Volume 2, Amazon.com
  14. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 43 . Shogakukan. Retrieved April 19, 2013. {{cite web}}:
  15. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 1, Amazon.com
  16. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 44 . Shogakukan. Retrieved April 19, 2013. {{cite web}}:
  17. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 2, Amazon.com
  18. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 45 . Shogakukan. Retrieved June 29, 2013. {{cite web}}:
  19. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 3, Amazon.com
  20. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 46 . Shogakukan. Retrieved June 29, 2013. {{cite web}}:
  21. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 4, Amazon.com
  22. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 47 . Shogakukan. Retrieved June 12, 2014. {{cite web}}:
  23. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 5, Amazon.com
  24. ポケットモンスタースペシャル/48 . Shogakukan. Retrieved June 12, 2014. {{cite web}}:
  25. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 6, Amazon.com
  26. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 49 . Shogakukan. Retrieved June 12, 2014. {{cite web}}:
  27. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 7, Amazon.com
  28. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 50 . Shogakukan. Retrieved June 12, 2014. {{cite web}}:
  29. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 8, Amazon.com
  30. Original English title was "Cold Hard Truth" in the VIZ Media mini-volumes
  31. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 51 . Shogakukan. Retrieved June 12, 2014. {{cite web}}:
  32. Pokémon Adventures: Black & White Volume 9, Amazon.com
  33. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 52 . Shogakukan. Retrieved December 26, 2014. {{cite web}}:
  34. Pokémon Adventures: Black 2 & White 2 Volume 1, Amazon.com
  35. ポケットモンスタースペシャル / 53 . Shogakukan. Retrieved June 20, 2017. {{cite web}}:
  36. Pokémon Adventures: Black 2 & White 2 Volume 2, Amazon.com

External links[]
