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Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki
Rugrats (2021) - Lady De-Clutter Title Card

"Lady De-Clutter" is the first segment of the second episode of the first season of the 2021 series of Rugrats. It premiered on Paramount+ on May 27, 2021.[1] It aired on Nickelodeon on February 25, 2022. [2]

Characters Present[]

  • Tommy
  • Chuckie
  • Lil
  • Phil
  • Susie
  • Betty
  • Stu
  • Didi
  • Randy
  • Spike

Character Mentioned[]

  • Lucy

Character Introduced[]

  • Lady De-Clutter


When a 'professional organizer' comes over, it's up to Tommy and his friends to stop her from taking all the toys. - Description from Paramount+


While Tommy and Chuckie are playing with their various toys and Stu's playing a videogame in the living room called "DoorStop," Didi comes in to tell her husband that she hired a professional organizer who goes by "Lady De-Clutter" to help organize their house better. Stu's not into the whole decluttering-trend, but then he gets worried that his wife will convince Lady De-Clutter to get rid of some of his things (namely his videogames), Betty eventually arrives with the twins and sets them down by Tommy and Chuckie, who inform them of the situation after listening in on Stu and Didi's conversation. They decide to hide all their toys so Lady De-Clutter doesn't take them when she comes over.

Lady De-Clutter eventually arrives and starts talking with the adults (namely Stu and especially Didi). Randy eventually arrives with his daughter, and after they explain the situation to her, Susie reveals to the other kids that Lady De-Clutter had come over to her house not too long ago and didn't just get rid of toys, she gets rid of basically everything. This becomes apparent when Lady De-Clutter forces Didi to get rid of a lot more stuff than Didi had originally intended -- this includes stuff that they do in fact still use (i.e., kitchen supplies like the blender and the toaster), need (i.e., Didi's supplies for her arts-and-crafts projects/business) and/or want to keep (i.e., Stu's gaming system and videogames).

Tommy's screwdriver accidentally ends up in Lady De-Clutter's possession and, of course, he wants to get it back. He and the other kids use a pair of baby monitors as walkie-talkies so Tommy can go into Lady De-Clutter's truck and get his screwdriver back. As Didi and the rest of the adults are looking over the very decluttered Pickles-residence, Didi's clearly having some serious second thoughts about having Lady De-Clutter come over in the first place (though she does try looking on the bright side). As they go back into the living room and notice that Tommy's missing, they see the other kids using the baby monitors and notice that Tommy's now in the back of Lady De-Clutter's car (which the organizer doesn't realize). The whole gang soon discovers something very shocking: while on her cellphone, it's turns out that Lady De-Clutter's actually a con artist who steals people's things (under the guise of being a "professional organizer") and makes a profit by selling them on the internet. Learning this, Stu and Didi rush out and confront Lady De-Clutter before she has a chance to get away.

Stu and Didi get their son back safely and then call the police to have Lady De-Clutter arrested and taken away. The Pickles and the Carmichaels get all their belongings back, during which Susie gives a doll that Lady De-Clutter had taken from her house to Lil.


  • This is the first episode of the reboot in which Angelica doesn't appear.


