- "I received a garbled distress signal. It said something about a mountain hidden in a storm. Whoever they are, they sound in great danger!"
- ― File:SFA KrystalHead.png
Krystal is a vixen who hails from the planet Cerinia, having joined the Star Fox Team after the Plight of Sauria, as the most recent member and taking the retired Peppy Hare's place as the fourth pilot. She serves as the team's telepathic advisor, additional fighter pilot and she's also Fox McCloud's main love interest (although sometimes he's in competition with Panther Caroso, who's also infatuated with her). Her telepathic abilities were first seen when interacting with the native Dinosaurs on the planet Sauria and putting her extra sensory perceptive foresight to good use during the Aparoid race's invasion of the Lylat System. Using her abilities, she can read thought patterns and sense Distress Signals, which is vital for the Star Fox team as they help out other planets.
Krystal was originally native to the planet Cerinia, a planet outside of the Lylat System. Krystal became proficient in using a powerful Staff weapon with magical properties, as well as her own natural abilities of telepathic reading and perception. Though the events are unclear, the entire planet of Cerinia was reported to have been completely destroyed in an unknown disaster, in which Krystal's parents were killed and she was left as the only known survivor. Krystal, seeking answers concerning her parent's deaths and their home planet's destruction, she journeyed to the edge of Lylat System, where she came to Dinosaur Planet (later known as "Sauria") after receiving a distress call during her search.
Upon arriving at Dinosaur Planet, Krystal encountered and befriended one of the noble CloudRunners and immediately learned of the troubles of the planet's natives, and their continued peril at the hands of the tyrannical dictator General Scales and his brutish SharpClaw army. When flying through stormy skies in search of the distress signal, they were attacked by the SharpClaw Galleon, causing Krystal's grip on her Staff to slip and losing it. A heated exchange of fireballs then ensued between the galleon and the Cloudrunner, allowing Krystal to board the vessel. After some exploration, General Scales emerged from his damaged ship's cabin and jumped onto deck to meet Krystal face to face. They quickly came to blows over their contrasting views on the morality behind Scales' ambitions of conquest, leading to Scales tossing Krystal over the side for a good laugh, but thanks to her returning CloudRunner friend, Krystal was able to escape, leaving the tyrant far behind to continue her search for the distress signal.
Her flight travel lead her to the outside of the sacred Krazoa Palace, where her CloudRunner left her to find the source of the distress signal. Venturing deep inside the Palace interior, she found it was a sick and dying EarthWalker soldier to be the one who sent out the distress call. He told her what happened; all six Krazoa Spirits had fled from their sanctuary, the Krazoa Palace and became scattered all over the planet. The EarthWalker warned Krystal that the Krazoa outside of their Shrines were in danger of dying, so in an effort to turn the tide of the war and undo the damage Scales wrought, Krystal agreed to help the dinosaurs return the six Krazoa Spirits to the Krazoa Palace and save Dinosaur Planet from destruction.
Unfortunately, Krystal only fared as far as retrieving the first Krazoa Spirit from the bowels of the temple. Upon releasing the spirit into the temple's interior, she was attacked by a then unknown assailant (who she recognized), imprisoning her in a crystalline cell at the top of the palace. Krystal's life-force began to be drained by the crystal, leaving her in mortal danger. Fortunately for Krystal, the troubles around the Dinosaur Planet attracted the attentions of the Cornerian Federation, who hired the Star Fox Team to recon the events on the planet and prevent any explosions, as the entire Lylat System would be damaged. Fox McCloud was first contacted by Krystal when he found her Staff in ThornTail Hollow, giving him telepathic instructions on how to effectively use the Staff. Under her guidance, Fox quickly learned he can use it to help him complete his mission: Save Dinosaur Planet from imminent destruction.
Later on, when walking through Moon Mountain Pass, Fox heard the echoes of Krystal's telepathic cries for help. Then a Krazoa statue appeared in front of Fox to tell him he can rescue Krystal by returning the rest of the Krazoa Spirits. Though Fox was initially reluctant to do this, when taking his first Spirit back to Krazoa Palace, Fox quickly became determined to save Krystal, once he saw her in person, still trapped inside the crystal. After successfully returning the Krazoa Spirits to the palace, Krystal was apparently brainwashed by the Krazoa Statue to send the six Krazoa Spirits into the statue, creating a "mighty Krazoa God". No longer needing Krystal, the crystal prison was shattered and she was left to fall from her hanging cell. Fortunately, Fox caught her before she could fall to her death, but before things could get chivalrous, Krystal took her staff back, and began shooting at the "mighty Krazoa God". Fox, disappointed, gave chase to the "god" using his Arwing. Finally, the Krazoa God revealed himself to actually be Andross, Fox's arch-enemy. With aid from Falco Lombardi, Andross was defeated once again by Fox, and Dinosaur Planet was healed by the combined might of the six rescued Krazoa Spirits, putting the world back together again.
In the aftermath that followed, Krystal sought to apologize to him for her actions and thank him for all of his help. Krystal initially sent this as a message, but then docked in the Great Fox to thank Fox and his re-assembled team in person. Fox responded in a rather shy manner, and was met with teasing from a couple of his fellow crew members. ROB 64 noticed and reported Fox's rising temperature for everyone to hear. Fox replied that he'll be just fine, as he and Krystal shared a smile to each other.
Within the yearly gap between events, Krystal earned a placement on the Star Fox Team as the team's telepath and also the fourth pilot because of Peppy's retirement form active flight duty. When Andrew Oikonny started a rebellion against the Cornerian Military, the conflict lead to a battle above the orbit of Fortuna, leading to General Pepper hiring the Star Fox Team to backup the Cornerian Fleet. At the briefing, Krystal regarded the Ape soldiers under Oikonny's command as dedicated to the conflict even through they were mere hired guns.
While chasing down Oikonny's flagship through jungles on Fortuna's surface, Krystal demonstrated her telepathic abilities by quickly warning the team that Oikonny's forces are preparing an ambush when they arrived at his base. The Star Fox Team would eventually find Oikonny's flagship and corner him in a canyon, only for a strange creature to quickly destroy Oikonny's warship, and fire directly at Krystal, almost landing a hit her. The creature would then be found to be an Aparoid, who's entire species would invade the Lylat System.
The team was dispatched there to locate a distress signal, and while Krystal wanted to assist Fox directly, she was instead ordered with the rest of the team to cover him with Arwing support. Krystal briefly ran into trouble, but was rescued by Fox. An Aparoid Ship attacked McCloud and it was Krystal who pointed out its weakness.
Sargasso Space Zone[]
The Star Fox team headed to the Sargasso Hideout to find Pigma Dengar, who stole the Aparoid Ship's core memory, something the team needed in order to fight the Aparoid Invasion. Krystal and Falco were tasked with destroying enemy fighters and battleships outside the hideout. When Star Wolf arrived at their location, Fox rescued Krystal from several fighters. After Fox shoots down the rival team, its newest member, Panther Caroso, became overwhelmed by Krystal's beauty, so overwhelmed that he revealed Pigma's location to Krystal: planet Fichina.
On Fichina's frozen surface, Fox destroyed the shield generators hindering access to the planet's climate control center, while the team, including Krystal, backed him up later in the mission. Afterwards, Pigma made an appearance and turned the main engineering tower into an Aparoid, threatening to destroy the climate control center, causing Krystal to express disgust at Pigma's actions. Fox destroyed the tower and saved Fichina.
Meteo Asteroid Belt[]
Star Fox tracked Pigma to the Meteo Asteroid Belt, where they would grab that Core Memory from him once and for all. They found the wreckage of Star Wolf's Wolfens there. It seemed that Star Wolf had been destroyed, but Krystal's senses told her that they had instead abandoned ship. A horde of Aparoids then appeared amongst the maze of asteroids, a couple of them chasing Krystal later through the belt. Fox destroyed them, and Krystal rewarded him with a Supply Ring. After getting out of an abandoned base they infiltrated, Krystal noticed Pigma Dengar's ship drifting in space, and then noticed Pigma himself doing something strange: he was merging with some kind of machine to become an Aparoid. Star Fox would destroy this Aparoid, along with whatever was left of Pigma's being, and recover the Core Memory.
After sending the Core Memory to General Pepper, Krystal interrupted his briefing to the team by highlighting a distress signal coming from Sauria. The team quickly mobilized to go in and save Sauria, with Fox directing Falco and Slippy to the skies, and Krystal to the ground with him... much to her delight. During the mission, Krystal helped clear two temples full of Aparoids, while she wondered how Tricky was doing during this crisis. She's likely heard of, or knew Tricky prior to this event. After the Aparoids were defeated, Krystal and Fox stayed to look for Tricky, but Tricky already found them just after they started. They were all very happy to see each other with Krystal delighted to meet Tricky for the first time, although it would be as an adult for the latter.
Celebrations were brief however, as the team received a distress call from General Pepper, who told the team that Corneria, had been completely overrun by a colossal Aparoid armada. Fox directed all members to the skies, while he went in on foot again. Krystal was tailed once again, but Fox also saved her again. When Star Wolf came down to assist, she reluctantly decided to ride the wing of Panther's Wolfen, but only as long as she could cover Fox.
Orbital Gate[]
The entire Star Fox team, and even Star Wolf, fought Aparoids at the Orbital Gate to defend it so it could send them to Aparoid City, while Beltino Toad finished work on a self-destruct program that can completely wipe the Aparoids from existence. Krystal and Slippy were tailed, but manged to survive by manoeuvring around the Gate until Fox could catch up and save them.
Aparoid Homeworld[]
After defending the gate from Aparoid missiles, Star Fox journeyed with the Cornerian Army to the Aparoid Homeworld to end the invasion once and for all. At the surface of a base just above the planet's main underground tunnel, Krystal and Fox, backed up by air cover, destroyed the base's reproductive units, and eventually deactivated the shield protecting the planet's tunnel. The tunnel was then blocked again by a secondary shield before Star Fox could enter. To destroy it, Peppy and ROB forced the Great Fox into the shield, giving the team a window to go through. Krystal and the team lamented that this may have just killed Peppy and R.O.B, but Fox gathered their morale, and proceeded to the tunnel, in their absence.
Much to Star Fox's surprise, Star Wolf followed them into the tunnel, looking to help them out just one more time. Panther of course was delighted to help out Krystal, but Krystal was averse to Panther's presence in general. Deep in the tunnel, Star Wolf would break off to distract immensely durable aparoid fighters, giving Star Fox the entrance to the Aparoid Queen. The Aparoid Queen would try to use familiar voices to confuse and subdue Star Fox, including Krystal, but it worked only for a moment. Star Fox proceeded to battle with the queen, and insert the self-destruct program into her body. After a long struggle, Star Fox defeated her, causing self-destruct program to work, completely obliterating the queen, and everything Aparoid-related. Fox and the team were able to make it out of the home world before it exploded, and mere seconds after Krystal mentioned Peppy and Star Wolf's sacrifices, Peppy and R.O.B. made contact, having survived the crash into the shield.
In the events following the Aparoid Invasion, Fox had a growing concern for Krystal's safety and discharged her from the team. This caused Krystal to adopt a bitter temperament. Heartbroken, she left Fox's side and was not heard from again until the Anglar Army invaded Lylat.
Anglar Emperor Path[]
Joining Star Wolf to fight the Anglars, Krystal began a relationship with Panther. Fox learned this from Falco, who told him that Krystal was with Star Wolf. Fox decided to track her down. He finds her at Sector Z, which is overrun with Anglars, but they defeat them all, with the help of Krystal. Fox apologizes for his actions and asks her to rejoin Star Fox, and Krystal accepts him, reuniting the team. She tells Fox that she and Star Wolf had defeated the Anglar base at Venom, but their emperor and the remains of his army escaped to the Asteroid Belt. She helps in the battle at the Asteroid Belt against Emperor Anglar, and Star Fox takes him down, along with his remaining forces, saving the Lylat System once again. During celebrations, Star Wolf sends a message to Star Fox, revealing that Panther is deeply upset by Krystal leaving them. Months later, Krystal abruptly left Fox to rejoin Star Wolf and reunite with Panther, leaving Fox completely baffled and heartbroken by her decision.
Fox and Krystal Path[]
With Falco's info on Krystal's whereabouts, Fox and the team decides to track her down. They find her on Katina, and Fox urges her to rejoin the team, but Krystal insults him, revealing that she is now part of Star Wolf. To try to win her back, Fox assists Star Wolf in defeating the Anglars on the planet. Krystal continues to push Fox away, but Fox presses his apology, eventually convincing her to give him another chance. Star Fox celebrates her return, but Krystal is not so enthusiastic as of yet, retaining her bitterness and resentment towards Fox. After a heated debate, Krystal tells Fox how to get to Venom. Andross had created a device to turn Venom's toxic seas healthy and livable, and he hid the device on Titania. Star Fox ventures to the planet, and after battling the device's guardian, a massive bioweapon, the team retrieves the device.
While travelling to Venom, Slippy confronts Krystal's attitude towards Fox, attempting to pull some of that bitterness away, and trying to get the Krystal that was kind and compassionate back. The confrontation ended with Slippy in tears, while Krystal was silent, at least somewhat complicit with her attitude, still.
On Venom, they destroy the Anglar Emperor, liberating Venom and saving the Lylat System. Team Star Fox is happy to celebrate, and Krystal finally drops her resentment to forgive and reunite with Fox. Team Star Fox is together again, with the new addition of Amanda, Slippy's fiancee.
Good-bye, Fox path[]
After team Star Fox defeated the Anglars, they go their separate ways. Fox finds Krystal on Sauria and she forgives him. The two decide to start a family, with a son named Marcus who would go on to become the future leader of Star Fox.
Star Wolf Returns path[]
The story leading up to Fox finding Krystal is the same as the Fox and Krystal path, but instead of rejoining Star Fox, Krystal decides to stay with Star Wolf. Instead of Star Fox saving the Lylat System, it would be Star Wolf this time, liberating Venom, and destroying the Anglar Emperor. Star Wolf would be labeled as heroes and their bounty cleared, but Krystal would be labelled as a traitor, doomed to be harassed by locals, til she decides to leave Star Wolf to try and begin a new life as a bounty hunter, under the name "Kursed". Fox would find her during a mission on the planet Kew. However, Fox doesn't recognize her.
Lucy and Krystal Path[]
Lucy Hare is on Corneria, trying to liberate the planet from Anglars. There, she meets Krystal, Amanda and Katt, who agree to unite to save Corneria. They defeat the garrison and a terraforming unit called the Splitter. They then get the news that Star Fox defeated the Emperor and his armies. A massive celebration then ensues, with the heroes gathering for a feast. During the party, Krystal meets with Fox again and through a much more joyful conversation this time, she decides to rejoin Star Fox and reunite with Fox.Physical appearance, Wardrobe and Traits[]
Krystal is a blue vixen, yet before her debut game Dinosaur Planet was reworked into Star Fox Adventures she resembled a feline more than a vixen. Her white dress gave her a much younger look in the former game.
Krystal is portrayed as very kind and caring, always being willing to help others out and constantly maintaining a gentle nature towards others. While she can be stubborn at times, she is still supportive of her friends and shows a strong will, even confronting General Scales, despite not standing a chance.
In Adventures, Krystal wore skimpy, golden attire mainly consisting of a golden top and nothing but a small white loincloth. She also wore jewelry, including two bands on her tail, silver braces on her arms and legs, shoulder pads, and white and golden sandals. She also sported a beaded tiara with a red gem on her head, and a necklace with a turquoise pendant. In this outfit, it is shown that Krystal has tattoos on her upper arms, hips, and her back.
In Assault, she wears a blue body suit, blue knee-high boots, silver chain belt, continues to wear tail bands, and sections of her "hair" are braided. She no longer wears a necklace, and her tiara is also different, which looks like a metal ring with a turquoise jewel.
Her appearance is very similar in Command; however, the suit is pink and purple, is sleeveless with silver shoulder pads, wears white boots, along with white arm length gloves, wears her necklace again, and her tail bands are gone.
Relationships with other characters[]
Fox forces Krystal off the team in regards to her own safety.
Krystal and Fox McCloud have a romantic bond, as seen at the end of Adventures and throughout Assault; it is especially evident in the "honeymoon" scene where they visit Prince Tricky at Sauria after ridding the planet of an infestation of Aparoids. In one of the endings of Command, Fox and Krystal have a son named Marcus McCloud, who has blue fur like his mother Krystal and becomes a pilot like his father Fox McCloud. Her relationships with other characters in the Star Fox team aren't entirely visible yet, as she is still relatively new. Despite this, as shown in her interactions with the team, she does show great care and concern for the other teammates and gets along well with them. Also as shown in Assault, when Fox saves Slippy on the first level, Krystal seems to have taken Peppy's place in lecturing Slippy by trying to stop him from messing around. And she is shown feeling remorse for having to leave Peppy and ROB behind when the two sacrificed themselves.
Krystal's remorse for having to leave Peppy and ROB behind.
Krystal attracts Panther Caroso, a member of the Star Wolf team. Panther first sees Krystal while at the Sargasso Space Zone and attempts flirting by targeting her during the dogfight, which ensues directly after his team arrives. While Krystal continues to show reluctance to fall for Panther's comments, their relationship is magnified in Command when she joins the Star Wolf team in one of the negative endings. While it is not known whether or not the two actually formed a relationship, it is very evident that Panther influenced her to join with a haunting quote.
Krystal cares for the dying EarthWalker.
Krystal is in good terms with the dinosaurs of Sauria and cares very much for them, as seen in Adventures and Assault.
Krystal is good friends with Lucy Hare and Peppy views Krystal as a "second daughter" as heard at the liberation of Fichina City. She has good relations with Katt and Amanda as seen when the four ladies freed Corneria from Anglarian forces remnants in the absence of Star Fox.
Names in other languages[]
Language | Name |
Japanese | クリスタル (Kurisutaru) |
Korean | 크리스탈 (Keuriseutal) |
Russian | Кристал (Kristal) |
Star Fox series | ||
Games | Main series • | Star Fox • Star Fox 64 (3D) • Adventures • Assault • Command • Zero • Star Fox 2 |
Spin-offs | Guard | |
Characters | Fox McCloud • Falco Lombardi • Peppy Hare • Slippy Toad • Wolf O'Donnell • Cast members | |
Universe | Lylat System • Arwing • Landmaster • Star Fox team • Star Wolf • Aparoid • Great Fox • Dino language | |
See also | Farewell, Beloved Falco • Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins | |
Related | Nintendo • Super Smash Bros. • Starlink: Battle for Atlas |
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The original article can be found here and the original contributors here.
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