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Kazuma Shinguji
Series Sakura Wars
Sakura Wars 2: Thou Shalt Not Die
Relations Wakana Shinguji (wife)
Sakura Shinguji (daughter)
Gender Male
Hair Black
First Appearance
Sakura Wars
Last Appearance
'Sakura Wars 2: Thou Shalt Not Die
First Appearance
Sakura Wars (TV series)
Last Appearance
Sakura Wars (TV series)
Media Portrayal

Kazuma Shinguji is the hero of the last demon war and the father of Sakura Shinguji. He was also one of the former members of the Anti-Kouma Squad along with Ayame Fujieda, Shinnosuke Yamazaki and Ikki Yoneda. After sacrificing his life to seal the demons away, he was revived by Keigo Kyogoku to serve the Black Demon Society as Oni-Ou. During their final showdown, Kyogoku's control over Kazuma is broken. However, mere moments later, Kazuma sacrifices himself to save his daughter from a vicious attack by Kyogoku.

Kazuma as Oni-Ou

In films and television[]

Sakura Wars (TV Series)[]


70px-Wiki.png This article uses content from the Sakura Wars wiki.
The original article can be found here and the original contributors here.
The content is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license.