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Jean Marie Auel ( Chicago , Illinois February 18 1936 , was born Jean Marie Untinen ) is an American writer . She is the second of five children of Neil Solomon Untinen, a house painter, and Martha Wirtanen. Jean was as a student member of the club of people with high IQ Mensa and graduated in 1976 from the University of Portland as a Master of Business Administration . Today she lives in Portland , Oregon with her ​​husband, Ray Bernard Auel, whom she married in 1954. They have five children.


 [ hide ] *1 Roma Serie Nature Kids

Roma Serie Nature Kids edit ][]

In 1977 she began preparing for the prehistoric novel series The Nature Kids (Earth's Children) . She studied books about the ice age and followed a survival course. She learned a lot about hunting with primitive means, about edible and medicinal plants and editing flint. She also traveled to Europe and visited several prehistoric sites. Based on these studies, she wrote The Earth's Children , a novel series of encounters between the Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthal , which was a great success. The story is written as a (continuous) novel. The sixth and final part of the series, The Land of Painted Caves ( The Song of the Caves ), was published worldwide on March 29, 2011. [1]

Probability content edit ][]

Initially there was quite a lot of criticism of the work of Ms. Auel from scientific angle. Although the author for her books has done a lot of research remain the romanticized stories and one has her work is not regarded as a purely scientific. Svante Pääbo proved in 2010 that mixing has occurred between the two kinds of men, [2] as Ms. Auel in her first book (1980) already described, and what initially was strongly questioned. Afterwards must be concluded that its vision is more realistic than first thought, although some of its assumptions will be. Probably never verified likely Provide the books, at least in many respects an interesting picture of how the lives of 40,000 years ago could have been.

Bibliography edit ][]

The Earth's Children Series edit ][]

The first book was made ​​into a film, entitled The Clan of the Cave Bear . The film was released in 1986, directed by Michael Chapman and let Daryl Hannah seen in the lead role.

Awards and honors edit ][]
