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Jughead and Hot Dog

Hot Dog is a long-haired mutt who resembles a white Old English Sheepdog. He belongs to Jughead, although when he first appeared in Pep Comics #224 (December 1968), he belonged to Archie. Hot Dog switched owners frequently in his early appearances, but was eventually given a permanent home with Jughead.

Hot Dog usually thinks like a human, in that his thoughts are presented in thought bubbles. He is lazy, constantly hungry, and, much like Jughead, has a dislike for Reggie Mantle.

Hot Dog is usually considered a member of Archie's Gang. He tends to be attracted to Veronica Lodge’s pedigreed dogs, and even had a litter of puppies with one of them, a poodle named Lucretia, much to Veronica's chagrin.[citation needed] In the 1970s series Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Hot Dog has a sidekick, Chili Dog, who is smaller and red-haired. A running gag is the two dogs' "battles" with Sabrina's cat Salem Saberhagen. In the alternate universe limited series Jughead's Pal, Hot Dog, when Jughead's family objects to Hot Dog living indoors because he is covered in dirt, Dilton Doiley builds Hot Dog a doghouse full of whimsical inventions. Hot Dog's sidekick in that short-lived series is a chihuahua named Pablito.[1]

In other media[]

In the Filmation animated series The Archie Show, Hot Dog is the mascot for The Archies and is often portrayed as pretending to "conduct" the band.


  1. "November "Did You Know?"". Archived from the original on October 20, 2007. Retrieved 2010-02-17. {{cite web}}: