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Gorea is the main antagonist of Metroid Prime Hunters.


Gorea is a powerful, malevolent being that invaded the Alimbic Cluster millennia ago. It crashed on Alinos in a form resembling that of a comet, then surfaced as a shapeless gas. Due to its biomorphic nature, it quickly assumed the form of a monstrous, three-legged Alimbic and began destroying the Alimbic race on every planet they inhabited and spreading chaos throughout the Tetra Galaxy. Gorea would consume its victims' energy, either leaving them dead or in a coma-like state, and it not only resisted the weapons used against it, but it seized and copied them, thus using the Alimbics' own technology against them. It presumably accomplished all this through the use of glowing tendrils found inside its waist.

In a last, desperate attempt to contain it, the Alimbic Order used a device called the Seal Sphere to trap Gorea. As an extra precaution, they put the Seal Sphere in the prison ship "Oubliette" and used the Alimbic Cannon to send the ship into another dimension, the Infinity Void. The Seal Sphere used the Alimbics' psionic energy, thus causing the race's extinction in the physical world.

After an untold amount of years following these events, Gorea sent out the telepathic message that was used to lure Bounty Hunters from across the universe in promise of "Ultimate Power" within the Alimbic Cluster. This attempt to break free with outside help would almost succeed; however, the ancient being was unaware of the Omega Cannon stationed within the Oubliette facility which was later used by Samus Aran to defeat Gorea's final phase.

Very little is revealed in Alimbic Lore about where Gorea originated, as the Alimbics were unaware of where it had come from. Gorea impacting Alinos is not dissimilar to the Leviathans of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. It also assimilates weapons from its oppressors like Metroid Prime (before the latter's lore was retconned), and has a second flying form that requires a specialized weapon to defeat.

File:Gorea Tentacles.png

Gorea steals the abilities of the hunters.


Samus Aran arrived in the Oubliette mere moments after the other Bounty Hunters. Samus traveled through the eerie prison and finally reached Gorea's chamber. There, she saw the other Hunters shooting at a large ornate orb in the center of the room. The orb shattered, releasing Gorea from its cage. The creature sent out six tendrils from its waist which latched onto the Hunters and drained their abilities. Gorea was now in possession of Kanden's Volt Driver, Weavel's Battlehammer, Noxus's Judicator, Spire's Magmaul, Trace's Imperialist, and Sylux's Shock Coil.

After morphing two cannon-like arms, Gorea challenged the onlooking Samus in its old form of a monstrous Alimbic in the lower levels of the Oubliette. It cycled between the six weapons it had stolen from the Hunters, which were now enhanced in certain ways; for example, Gorea could charge the Battlehammer (despite it being incompatible with the Charge Beam) to fire many shots at a faster rate than normal, or it could emit the Shock Coil in short bursts at an unusually long range. Because Gorea had two arm cannons, it could fire two shots of each weapon at once. It would also swipe at Samus with its arms if she came too close, and attempted to stomp her if she accessed her Morph Ball form. However, its shoulders became vulnerable to the antithesis of the weapon it was using at any one time. If one shoulder accumulated enough damage, Gorea would lose that arm, but regrow it in a few moments. If Samus successfully destroyed both arms in quick succession, Gorea would try to regenerate by floating in the air and drawing energy from the Seal Sphere. At this point, Samus could attack the Seal Sphere to damage Gorea with whatever weapon she had used to destroy its arms. However, Gorea would retaliate by grabbing Samus with its tendril and throwing her around the room, as well as using its tendrils to grab the Trocras in the room and use them as projectiles. Curiously, the tendrils used to grab Samus and the Trocras would generate from the Seal Sphere and not its waist as previously seen.

Once Gorea accumulated enough damage, it appeared to be destroyed.

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Gorea's final form.

Gorea Phase 2[]

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Samus faces off against Gorea.

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Gorea's final form.

In actuality, Gorea had a second form. Samus could only find and battle this form if she shot the six Colored Panels on the wall of the prison she fought the first form in with their corresponding weapons, in the order indicated by the "Alimbic Prophecy" lore scans. After Gorea was defeated, the panels teleported it and Samus to a new arena.

Gorea's second form resembles the first, but it lacks any limbs and is now bonded to the Seal Sphere. It floats around, and is capable of teleportation. The Seal Sphere is free-floating and vulnerable; all Alimbic essence has left the sphere, and Gorea is trying to draw energy from it. It is still Gorea's weak point, but is now impervious to all of Samus's weapons. The six orange spots on Gorea's lower flap-like appendage serve as a health bar, even though Gorea already has an official one. The more damage dealt to Gorea, the more of those spots turn black. In the picture (left) all of Gorea's spots are lit. Shortly after the battle begins, Samus receives a message from her Hunter Gunship that guides her to the Omega Cannon, located at the bottom of the arena. The cannon is capable of damaging the Seal Sphere, and Samus is soon able to defeat Gorea.

Powers and abilities[]

Gorea's powers bear some similarities to Metroid Prime. Like Metroid Prime, Gorea is capable of absorbing and assimilating the weapons of its opponents using its tentacles, demonstrated when it absorbed the powers of all six hunters. As stated in the Alimbic Lore, Gorea can also drain the life energy out of its victims, leaving their bodies as withered husks, a similar ability to the Metroids. Gorea possesses some form of telepathy, as it was able to lure the hunters to the Alimbic Cluster, and is capable of teleportation as well as levitation.

Logbook entries[]


Logbook entry

Superficial scan indicates GOREA's body is impervious to attack.

Gorea (Seal Sphere vulnerable)

Logbook entry

Sensors unable to locate the upper-arm vulnerability present in GOREA's prior form.

Gorea Seal Sphere

Logbook entry

Harmonic analysis of the central sphere suggests that it is susceptible to direct attack.

Gorea Arm

Logbook entry

Analysis indicates the presence of fragile biomorphic neurons in Gorea's shoulders periodically vulnerable to specific energy types.

Gorea 2

Logbook entry

GOREA's final form is impervious to all weapons currently equipped in the POWER SUIT. Alternative weaponry is required to penetrate GOREA's armor. Sensors detect that ALIMBIC essence is no longer present in the SEAL SPHERE. GOREA remains attached to the sphere in order to draw all remaining energy from it.


File:MPH Intro - Gorea's Faint Image.png

Gorea's very faint image can be seen before the hunters' introduction cutscene in the attract mode.

  • Richard Vorodi describes Gorea as a "cosmic horror" with an "old one" quality, and much of Gorea's origins are a mystery not meant to be solved.[1]
  • The Alimbic Lore entry Gorea 01 states that "The horror shrieked its name: GOREA." This insinuates the creature is not only capable of telepathic communication, but vocal speech as well. Another possibility is that the Alimbics merely named the creature after the sound of its vocalizations, as opposed to Gorea actually speaking and identifying itself. Whichever the case, none of the sounds made by the entity during Samus's encounter with it even vaguely resemble the word "Gorea".
    • Interesting to note however, is that Gorea arrived on Alinos in a different form from what Samus encounters in the Oubliette. The sound it produced when it first invaded Alimbic territory may have been exclusive to Gorea's original form.
    • It is also possible that "gorea" was some form of onomatopeia to the Almibics, wether spoken by them or not. This would be similar to how onomatopeia varies across different Earth languages, causing certain instances of it in a given dialect to sound preposterous to non-native speakers of said dialect.
  • The impact site where Gorea first arrived as a comet can be visited on Alinos' Crash Site. Scanning the area reveals the following: "Severe architectural damage. Evidence of unidentifiable interstellar matter, a result of an extraterrestrial collision." This could, however, be the crash site of Sylux's Delano 7, as it can be seen earlier on flying overhead and leaving a smoke trail.
  • The enemy kill record in the Records option on the Main Menu remains the same before and after the Gorea fight.
  • In the Alimbic Pride 04 lore, "the cancer" is said to have left Alimbic survivors in a state in which it seemed that their spirits had been sucked dry, and seemed to have grown stronger with each victim. This is similar to a Metroid organism.
  • Though Gorea was only shown absorbing the six bounty hunters' abilities, Gorea's shoulders in its first form resemble those of Samus's Varia Suit.
  • Much of the info gathered about Gorea seems somewhat similar to certain aspects of Phazon and its delivery methods (via a cosmic body impacting a planet like a meteor). However, any direct link to the mutagenic substance is unlikely, since the rest of the Metroid Prime series revolves around Phazon and planets struck by Leviathans, both of which are absent from Metroid Prime Hunters.
  • The theme heard when battling Gorea's first form is titled Gorea in the BGMSELECTLIST.DAT file. The music heard when battling its second form is a remix of Metroid Prime Battle titled Gorea Returns.
  • Gorea and Samus in Metroid Prime: Federation Force are the only final bosses in the Prime series not to be related to the Metroid Prime creature itself.
  • The concept of attacking Gorea's arms with different weapons at different times is similar to the battle with Metroid Prime.
  • The shoulder region of Gorea's arms seem similar to orbs, creating another similarity to a Prime series boss: Mogenar in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
  • Gorea will not attack Samus if she stands in the outer ring of the arena when it enters its first Seal Sphere form.
  • Gorea is the fourth antagonist to be a mimic of one of its past opponents, the first being SA-X, the second being Dark Samus and the third being Gandrayda. Out of all of these, Gorea is also the only antagonist to not mimic Samus.
  • Both of Gorea's phases in it's battle is played as an almost exact copy of both phases of the battle against the Metroid Prime in Metroid Prime. Like Metroid Prime's exoskeleton phase, Gorea's first phase is immune to all weapon types except the one it's using (in the case of Prime, yellow is vulnerable to the Power Beam, purple is vulnerable to the Wave Beam, white is vulnerable to the Ice Beam, and red is vulnerable to the Plasma Beam; in the case of Gorea, green is vulnerable to the Battlehammer, yellow is vulnerable to the Volt Driver, orange is vulnerable to the Magmaul, blue is vulnerable to the Shock Coil, purple is vulnerable to the Judicator, and red is vulnerable to the Imperialist). And like Metroid Prime's essence phase, Gorea's second phase is immune to all weapons except specific ones (in the case of Prime, it's the Phazon Beam; in the case of Gorea, it's the Omega Cannon).
File:Metroid Prime Hunters gorea gun.png

gorea_gun, an unused file.

  • An unused model of a part of Gorea's arm exists within the files of Metroid Prime Hunters, named "gorea_gun". Included is also an animation file for the arm part opening and closing. It is interesting to note that it is a dark with purple-lined color, suggesting this was from a possible earlier build of Gorea.[2]
    • The gun part also bears a slight resemblance to the shootable panels in the Seal Sphere chamber and the former may have been repurposed and redesigned into the latter.
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