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Gemerl[2] (ジーメル[1], Jīmeru), also known as G-Merl,[1] is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is a robot created by Dr. Eggman from Emerl's data,[3] making him a revised version of his predecessor. Gemerl once aided the doctor in his attempts to stop Sonic and his friends from foiling one of his plans but wound up betraying his creator to cause mayhem. After his defeat, he was reprogrammed in the image of his predecessor.


Gemerl is a humanoid, mostly black, robot. He possesses five-fingered gray hands and feet in the shape of shoes with black soles and yellow lines around them. His upper arms, abdomen and thighs are gray, and he has spherical black joints as shoulders and pelvis-leg joints. He also has relatively thick armor around his forearms and lower legs, (each one possessing yellow cuffs), fin-like yellow kneecaps, fin-like yellow objects on his forearms, and some kind of jetpack on his back. On his chest, he has three gray circles. Lastly, he possesses a spherical head with a gray mouth plate, blue eyes with red rims, gray caps resembling ears, and a curved yellow horn with points sticking out from the sides and a blue eye in the center on his forehead.



Gemerl was created by Dr. Eggman sometime after Emerl's destruction to be the ultimate fighting robot.[4] To create him, Eggman used Emerl's data.[3]

Sonic Advance 3[]

When Eggman broke the earth with Chaos Control to conquer each piece, Gemerl helped Eggman to prevent Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends from fixing the planet. Gemerl kept intercepting the heroes but was defeated each time and had to retreat. He would also join Eggman in his mechs, whenever the doctor confronted Sonic and his friends, only to be beaten and flee with Eggman. Eventually, Gemerl made a final stance at the Altar Emerald with Eggman, but they lost once more. As Sonic and his friends restored the earth, Gemerl and Eggman tried to escape when Gemerl's battle damage made him unstable. He then stole the Chaos Emeralds from Sonic, which he used to transform into Ultimate Gemerl. Gemerl then betrayed Eggman and escaped. In space, however, Gemerl was confronted by Super Sonic and Eggman who defeated him.

Gemerl new home

Gemerl living with Cream and her family, from Sonic Advance 3.

Reverting back to normal in a large explosion, Gemerl landed on earth where his broken body flushed up on a beach. Found by Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla, he was taken to Tails who repaired Gemerl and reprogrammed him into the kind-hearted Gizoid he was based on. Gemerl soon after befriended Cream and came to live with her and Vanilla.

Other game appearances[]

Sonic Mega Collection[]

In Sonic Mega Collection, Gemerl makes a cameo appearance as a piece of artwork.

Sonic Generations[]

In the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations, Gemerl appears on an unlockable bonus artwork from Sonic Advance 3 in the Collection Room.


Initially, Gemerl lacked any kind of true personality, though he would display some of Emerl's traits over time, supposedly due to containing his data. When serving Eggman, Gemerl behaved as an emotionless machine and was completely obedient and unwaveringly loyal to the doctor. After receiving damage at Altar Emerald, however, Gemerl gained a sense of free will and acted similarly to Emerl under his original programming, becoming aggressive, hostile and bent on causing destruction. After being rebuilt by Tails, Gemerl became a kind-hearted robot, much like Emerl near the end of his life.

Powers and abilities[]

Being created as the ultimate fighting robot, Gemerl is built for combat. Due to also being based on Emerl's data, which was loaded with battle information, he presumably possesses high level fighting skills.

Gemerl possesses a jetpack on his back, allowing him to either fly through the air, perform powerful midair spin attacks or move along the ground at super speed. He is also quite durable, being able to withstand being blown up and still continue to function. Additionally, he can teleport, fire barrages of missiles, and create a red energy shield around himself.

Gemerl also has the ability to "merge" with other machines and, as such, co-piloted all of Eggman's battle mech vehicles.


Ultimate Gemerl[]


Ultimate Gemerl, from Sonic Advance 3.

With the seven Chaos Emeralds, Gemerl can assume a super transformation into a much stronger form named Ultimate Gemerl. This form has four extendable arms with claw-like hands that can fire freezing energy beams and launch missiles. Its only weak spot is its blue gem, which is protected and very hard to harm.





In other media[]

Archie Comics[]

Gemerl Archie

Gemerl, from Sonic the Hedgehog #273.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics, Gemerl was originally a weapon-based android created by Dr. Eggman but was converted to good after his betrayal of Eggman and came to live peacefully with Cream. Currently, he acts as Mobotropolis' protector during the Freedom Fighters' absences.

IDW Publishing[]


  • Gemerl's artwork pose is the same pose that Emerl does in one of his Sonic Battle artworks. This is presumably to further enforce how Gemerl is a copy of Emerl.
    • Additionally, his fighting pose when he stands still is exactly the same as Sonic's in Sonic Battle, which Emerl had copied from the hedgehog.
  • Gemerl's theme is a remix of the themes of the Phi robots and Emerl, as well as excerpts from the music in the Colosseum arena from Sonic Battle.
  • Both Gemerl and Chocola have in common in being characters associated with Cream the Rabbit, who were both absent from the series after their debut for roughly 16-17 years until their return in the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comic series. However, Gemerl appeared briefly in the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comic series before its cancellation.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 (in Japanese) ソニックアドバンス3最強攻略ガイド. Shogakukan. July 2004. ISBN 978-4091061737. 
  2. Flynn, Ian; Sega (8 December 2021). "Sonic Advance 3". Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia. Dark Horse Books. p. 144. ISBN 978-1506719276. "Story: Dr. Eggman has used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to unleash Chaos Control, splitting the world into pockets of reality. Sonic and Tails are separated from their friends and set out to both find them and mend the world. Along the way they encounter Dr. Eggman's newest creation: Gemerl. The fearsome battle droid learns from encounter, growing stronger each time." 
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Sonic Advance 3" . Sega. Retrieved 5 March 2014. 『ソニックバトル』で登場した"エメル"のデータをもとに、Dr.エッグマンが生み出したロボット"ジーメル"が新登場!アタッチメントをつけることにより様々な機能を発揮可能。 ソニックたちを待ち受ける! {{cite web}}:
  4. Sonic Advance 3 (Game Boy Advance) North American instruction booklet, pg. 4.
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