The Future Warrior (未来戦士, Mirai Senshi), is a custom character and main protagonist in Dragon Ball Xenoverse, and is a crucial part of the game's story.
The Future Warrior used for promotional material for the original Xenoverse, this promotional hero appears as one of the default heroes for Xenoverse 2 under the name Ace. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, the Future Warrior returns as special NPC who is a legendary Time Patroller known by the title of Toki Toki City Hero though their role as main protagonist is taken over by a new Future Warrior suggested by Old Kai and appointed by Chronoa herself. However, they still play an important role in the game's story.
As a custom character, the Future Warrior's appearance is entirely dictated by the player, whose race can be Majins, Saiyans, Earthlings, Namekians and Frieza's Race, with the first three having male and female versions. The skin and hair color can be customized to make the player character look like some other races such as the Hera Clan. This is strictly cosmetic. Initially the Future Warrior is created with a simple uniform but the player can buy a wide variety of clothing and accessories historically worn by characters from Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball GT.
Once selected the Future Warrior's race and/or gender cannot be changed, however the rest of their appearance can be changed by collecting the Dragon Balls and then summon Shenron at the Dragon Ball Pedestal in Toki Toki City then select the wish option "I want to be drop dead gorgeous!" which allows the warrior's hair (or other racial features such as horns, antenna, or a Majin's hair-like head tentacles), voice, height, eyes, face, mouth, ears, etc. to be changed. This wish is always available when Shenron is summoned thus it can be made more than once though the Dragon Balls must be collected again to make it again.
However, the Future Warrior's appearance in most artwork and promotional material is depicted as a young male Saiyan similar to adult Gohan in both facial features and hairstyle, but with red hair. He wears clothes similar to Future Trunks: an indigo Capsule Corporation jacket, gray pants, and golden boots. In addition, he wears a white cape similar to the one Tien Shinhan wears during the Majin Buu Arc and a green Scouter. Bandai Namco notes that it is quite intentional that he seems to have features from many other established characters in the series.[3] In the game, it is revealed this outfit is called the Time Patroller Suit, a Time Patrol uniform for top Time Patrollers developed by the Capsule Corporation while the Scouter they wear in promotional material is New Model Scouter (Green) which is the same Scouter used by the Ginyu Force. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, this character design appears under the name Ace and is the Future Warrior's default appearance among several that can be selected.
However, if the player uploads save data from Dragon Ball Xenoverse, the Future Warrior will take on the appearance, gender, and race of the custom Future Warrior that has been uploaded from Xenoverse.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse[]
Future Trunks' Wish to Save History[]
The Future Warrior seeing Shenron after being summoned by Future Trunks
Future Trunks testing the Future Warrior after summoning them via Shenron
After witnessing several disruptions in the timeline caused by Dark Frieza, Dark Cell, & Dark Kid Buu, Future Trunks summons Shenron wishing for a strong ally, one with the power to defend time itself. The Future Warrior is surprised by this and sees Shenron before the Dragon Balls scatter. Future Trunks immediately attacks to test the Future Warrior's strength, but the confused Warrior dodges Trunks' initial sword attacks, before engaging him in battle.
The Future Warrior and Future Trunks in front of the Time Storage Vault
Following the fight Trunks introduces himself and explains that he was summoned by a wish from Shenron to Toki Toki City to work alongside Future Trunks as a member of the Time Patrol to fix a distortion in the Scroll of Time. This mysterious fighter is sent through time by Future Trunks by using the Time Storage Vault, and interacts with the history of Dragon Ball Z.
Saiyan Saga[]
Raditz evading Gohan's Leave My Daddy Alone! via Dark Magic power up
The Future Warrior's first mission was to save Goku, Piccolo, and young Gohan from an enhanced Raditz. After narrowly saving Gohan from Raditz's blast, he joins the fight against the Saiyan warrior. After history is restored, Future Trunks congratulates the Future Warrior on a good job, with no negative side effects on history.
Historic Battle! Low-class Saiyan Goku vs. Super Elite Saiyan Prince Vegeta
Later, the Future Warrior is sent to aid the Z-Fighters in their brawl against hordes of powered up Saibamen. Although things look good at the start, the mystery time traveler is separated from the group, resulting in the off screen deaths of Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha. Succeeding in killing off all the Saibamen, Nappa steps in. After being tag teamed by the Future Warrior and Piccolo, Nappa tries to kill Gohan with a Bomber DX, with Piccolo stepping in to save his life by sacrificing his own. Gohan and Krillin then step in to help hold off Nappa until Goku arrives. Seeing as Nappa is having trouble catching his breath, Vegeta fights Goku and leaves Nappa to his own. Nappa is instantly rejuvenated by a surge of dark energy, but still loses to the Future Warrior. The Future Warrior then helps Goku defeat Vegeta, and prevents Krillin from attempting to kill the Saiyan prince to avoid a timeline alteration, with Goku agreeing. Once back at the time nest, the Future Warrior meets Chronoa and her ancient pet, Tokitoki.
Ginyu Force Saga[]
Venyu Force Rules?!
Joining the Z-Fighters on Namek, the Future Warrior helps Vegeta fight an empowered Captain Ginyu until Recoome steps onto the field. After Recoome has been knocked down for a brief moment, he leaps up and attempts to destroy the battlefield with his Recoome Ultra Fighting Bomber, before being swiftly interrupted by Goku. After fighting Ginyu, his teammates Burter and Jeice interfere. Ginyu tries to swap bodies with Goku, but the Future Warrior is accidentally knocked into the path of the beam by Jeice. Once Burter and Jeice are taken care of, Goku asks the Future Warrior to check in on Krillin and Gohan at Frieza's spaceship, as him in Ginyu's body would let them go on board the ship with no hassle. Once numerous guards have been incapacitated, Guldo enters the ship. At first he is surprised that his "Captain" is attacking him, though he eventually realizes that Ginyu must have performed a body swap. Once the trio gather the Dragon Balls, Ginyu and Goku arrive on site to continue their fight. The weakened Ginyu tries to swap with Goku again, with the Future Warrior jumping ahead of the beam to be restored into their original body. However, Guldo suddenly appears freezes Goku with telekinesis long enough for Ginyu to body swap with Goku. Vegeta also joins in and ends up executing Guldo. Once Ginyu in Goku's body is beaten and battered, Vegeta tries to finish Ginyu off. Ginyu tries to take advantage of the opportunity and swap bodies with Vegeta, but Goku leaps in the way. Ginyu tries to swap again, but Goku tosses a Namekian Frog in the way, trapping Ginyu in a useless body. The Future Warrior then locates the cause of the distortions, Mira and Towa. After a brief fight, Mira is not remotely intimidated and is ready to steal the Warrior's energy, until Towa stops him, and says they have better business to attend to.
Frieza Saga[]
Frieza less than pleased his immortality dream has been shattered.
The next battle, the Future Warrior takes part in has them help Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin hold off a very aggravated Frieza. After a short scuffle, the tyrant reveals he has three more transformations, before the unseen interferes which leads Frieza to skip to his final form. The fight doesn't last long at all, with Piccolo's arrival to Namek being meaningless as he has no chance in beating Frieza in his fourth form. Goku arrives once again and fights with Frieza, culminating with him deciding to form a Large Spirit Bomb. After the attack is launched, Goku and his friends celebrate the defeat of Frieza, with the Future Warrior silently watching from afar. That is, until something evil grabs a hold of his neck and Piccolo finds a Death Beam exit from his chest. The powered up Frieza then flings the Future Warrior aside and kills Krillin.
This act pushes Goku over the edge, causing him to become a Super Saiyan. After Super Saiyan easily beats around Frieza, the fiend destroys Namek with a Death Ball. The two fighters than face Full Power, dark magic empowered Frieza on dying Namek, until Goku sees Porunga and asks the Future Warrior to leave Frieza to him.
Cell Saga[]
This Cell is less forgiving towards Mr. Satan's idiocy
The next mission, the Future Warrior is sent on is to prevent Mr. Satan from being killed by Perfect Cell. After saving Mr. Satan's life through unconventional means, the time traveler fights Cell. Mr. Satan tries to finish off Cell before being casually slapped out of the ring. While Mr. Satan writhes on the ground from a hurt nose, Future Trunks chimes in that all is well, until Mr. Satan suddenly stops and gets up. Filled with dark magic, Mr. Satan actually flies back onto the ring. While Goku fights Perfect Cell, the Future Warrior fights Mr. Satan from out of bounds and beats him.
After Cell destroys the ring, Mr. Satan is forced up again and fights the Future Warrior, but is defeated again and returned to normal. Then the time fighter helps the other Z-Fighters fight off Cell's Cell Jr.s. After killing most of the Cell Jr.s, Towa waves her wand from afar and causes Gohan to unleash his latent power and become a Super Saiyan 2. Once all the Cell Jr. are dead, the Future Warrior goes over to Towa's and Mira's location, with Future Trunks appearing to help fight him. Though a tough fight, the two manage to "beat" him, but Mira simply rises again and begins to power up until Towa interrupts and says they're done for the day. After taking a loan from Gohan's energy banks, they retreat. The Future Warrior then helps the weakened Gohan fight off powered up Super Perfect Cell. Once Gohan regains enough energy to turn Super Saiyan 2 again, the Future Warrior leaves, allowing Gohan to kill Cell with a Father Son Kamehameha.
Androids Saga[]
Dark Future Androids, 17 & 18
When Future Trunks finds himself fading out of existence due to the Time Breakers interference, the Future Warrior is sent to his timeline to protect his past self from the Future Androids 17 and 18. After beating the two, Towa appears to inform the Warrior that she made another change, as a result, Trunks' existence was still in danger. the Future Warrior attempted to attack Towa, only for Mira to appear suddenly, allowing the pair to escape. A solution to this situation appeared in the form of a new time traveler, who offered to take the Future Warrior to the other distortion in time. The reluctant Future Warrior takes his hand and is brought to Future Trunks, who had just returned to his timeline (Age 785). The two are then confronted by a powered up Perfect Future Cell, who had absorbed the Android siblings after being given Towa's power up. The two fight and defeat Cell and the Future Warrior goes back to the Time Nest.
Majin Buu Saga[]
History is altered again, with Majin Buu splitting into three to gang up on Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Future Trunks sends the Future Warrior to intercept Towa and Mira before Mira can steal Goku's energy. After a difficult fight, the two fly past each other and Mira tries to attack the Future Warrior, but the attack is dodged and the Future Warrior blasts Mira with a Buster Cannon, disintegrating him.
The Future Warrior then goes to Goku to save him from the Majin Buu's. After fighting off the Buu's, Goku's Super Saiyan 3 pushes him to his limit and he leaves the rest to the Future Warrior, this time with a horde of smaller, but still dangerous Majin Buu. Eventually Future Trunks chimes in to convince Buu to wait for a strong opponent to face him. When Buu decides to play with his time traveler friend to pass the time, the less than enthusiastic Future Warrior decides to return to the Time Nest. This ends up annoying Buu, so badly that his dark side rears its ugly head and consumes him.
Kid Buu, after being forced back into existence by Demigra
Back at Kami's Lookout, Demigra has taken control of Piccolo and forces him to attack Goten and Trunks. The Future Warrior intervenes and defeats Demigra and frees Piccolo from the mind control. Then of all people, Super Buu appears and fights the three of them until Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks. Being beaten, Super Buu tries to run off, with the Future Warrior and Piccolo attacking him since Gotenks' fusion has failed. After holding their own against Super Buu, a friendly face arrives and helps out. With Super Buu being beaten and battered, he tries to blow himself up, but something in him snaps and he is instead forced into his true form: Kid Buu. Although the Future Warrior and Ultimate Gohan try their best to fight Buu, he still ends up destroying Earth, resulting in the death of Gohan, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks.
Back at Supreme Kai's planet, Goku, Vegeta, the Future Warrior and Mr. Satan wait until Kid Buu suddenly teleports onto the planet and attacks. The fight ends with Buu holding off Goku's Super Spirit Bomb, until the Future Warrior steps in to help Goku push the bomb into Kid Buu, completely obliterating him.
God of Destruction Beerus Saga[]
Whis and Beerus ready to conduct their special "test"
When nothing is happening back at the Time Nest, the silence is suddenly broken with one of Demigra's mirages appearing and revealing what era he will be twisting next: The time when the God of Destruction, Beerus visited Earth. Rightfully panicked, Chronoa sends to Future Warrior back.
When Beerus' snack is knocked out of his hands by a peculiar curve-ball, he attacks the Z-Fighters. None of the Z-Fighters stand a chance, but Goku appears and reveals he knows how to become the Super Saiyan God Beerus was looking for. After transforming, the three take their fight from Capsule Corp. to a random cave, and then to outer space.
When Beerus is brought under the influence of Demigra's Dark Magic, he charges a massive Beerus Ball and prepares to destroy Earth. Demigra's mirage appears and taunts the Future Warrior over their loss. Then Beerus tosses the ball at Demigra and reveals Demigra's Dark Magic has no affect over Gods. He then helps the Future Warrior defeat the mirage. When Beerus and his attendant Whis go back to the Time Nest with the Future Warrior, they discuss who will be the one to defeat Demigra. Whis decides to test the power of the Future Warrior and Future Trunks, with the two warriors proving themselves worthy.
Demon God Demigra Saga[]
The Future Warrior investigates a disturbance in West City, which the culprits being the newly revived Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu enhanced by evil magic. After holding all three off, Goku shows up and helps defeat them. Once the three villains are beaten, Gohan, Vegeta, and Gotenks arrive. Future Trunks initially thinks they're here to help, but as soon as they start attacking, he realizes they're under the influence of Demigra's Dark Magic. When they're freed from Demigra's control, the Future Warrior heads back to Toki Toki city.
Demigra trying to take control of the Future Warrior with Demigra's Dark Magic
There, the Future Warrior finds that Demigra has already struck and has swallowed Tokitoki, giving him greater power as a result. During their battle, they are soon forced to also fight against Trunks as well, who has been taken over by his dark magic. After Trunks is freed from the spell, Demigra attempts to take control of the Future Warrior and make them his puppet too, but is thwarted by Trunks and Chronoa, and Goku soon joins in to help fight off the demon god as well.
After defeating Demigra, who vanishes away, Goku follows after him along with the others back to the Time Nest via Instant Transmission, and there they confront him as he intends to destroy the entire Time Nest and history itself in order to create his own. The Future Warrior and Goku, in his Super Saiyan 3 form, rush to stop him as he unleashes a barrage of staves. Unfortunately, the Future Warrior is impaled by one of them and is mortally wounded, and a distracted Goku is felled as well, leaving both of them trapped in magic fields created by the staves. Helpless, they are unable to stop Demigra's destruction of history and the Future Warrior loses consciousness.
However, an alternate version of the Future Warrior wakes up in a strange void, and stumbles upon another time scroll, revealing to them their demise. The Future Warrior uses this scroll to teleport themselves to that moment after Demigra leaves through a wormhole and destroys the staves pinning Goku to the floor, allowing him to hold back the ball of energy threatening to destroy history while they chase after Demigra.
Super Saiyan Future Warrior firing the Z-Spirit Kamehameha at True Demon God Demigra in Xenoverse
Now in the Crack of Time, the Future Warrior engages in a final battle with the villain, who enters his demonic form in order to destroy them, and after his defeat he makes one last desperate attack against the Warrior. During their intense struggle, the Warrior receives spiritual assistance from Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin of the Dragon Team who all lend them their power, allowing the Warrior to completely overwhelm the god with an a powerful Kamehameha, killing him and freeing Tokitoki in time to teleport the hero back to Toki Toki City as the Crack of Time falls apart. Alternatively, if Goku, who saves the Time Nest, joins the battle, both heroes destroy Demigra with a combined Kamehameha.
With the heroes victorious and relieved that the struggle is over, Trunks asks the Future Warrior if they'd like to continue being his partner in protecting the flow of time, to which they agree. Goku challenges the Future Warrior to a spar, and both prepare to fight until the Kai stops them, not wanting the Time Nest to end up destroyed in their wake.
In the post-credits cutscene, they are shown training new Time Patroller candidates, but ends up taking the training too far and knocks them all away, much to Trunks' chagrin.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2[]
The holographic monument of the Toki Toki City Hero in Xenoverse 2
The Future Warrior returns in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 as a legendary Elite Time Patroller known as the Toki Toki City Hero due to their role in the defeat of Demigra. However their role as protagonist is taken over by a new Future Warrior in Age 852.
It is revealed that the Toki Toki City Hero is still active and still working alongside Future Trunks and actually comes to rescue Goku and the new Time Patroller from a time displaced Turles in Age 762 during The Saiyan Threat Saga. The Toki Toki City Hero and Future Warrior are properly introduced in the first Interlude cutscene "Greetings! Trunks, History's Hero" which occurs after the Future Warrior completes either The Saiyan Threat Saga or Ruckus on Planet Namek Saga depending on where they chose to continue fixing history on Earth or on Namek as Elder Kai gives them a choice of which history change they wish to start with though the cutscene is the same regardless of the which one is completed.
The two Future Warriors meet after the Toki Toki City Hero and Future Trunks fail to catch the Time Breakers in Xenoverse 2
After the Future Warrior returns to the Time Nest, Future Trunks and his legendary partner appear on top of the steps near they entryway before walking down. Future Trunks informs Chronoa they failed in their mission though she tells them not to worry about it noting that if the Time Breakers were easy to catch they would have stopped them a long time ago. Elder Kai interjects and states a proper introduction is in order reminding them of their manners. Future Trunks introduces both himself and his partner to the Future Warrior before explaining how they've been using the scrolls to correct history but have been so busy lately due to the number of changes that they've been a bit shorthanded which is why Future Trunks was forced to ask for help from them and Elder Kai to handle them. Future Trunks reveals he has heard great things about the Future Warrior from Chronoa and Elder Kai, though Elder Kai tells him to stop when he reveals how impressed Elder Kai is by their persistence not wanting Trunks to spoil their new agent though Chronoa tells the Future Warrior not to listen to Elder Kai when he tries to lie and say he never said anything of the sort. Elder Kai manages to change the subject by asking Future Trunks about the anomalies caused by people appearing outside their proper places and times. Trunks reveals that he and his partner have encountered this type of thing before and that it is caused by a group who recruit villains from other timelines to sow chaos. Elder Kai asks who these trouble makers are and Chronoa reveals they are denizens of the Demon Realm from the future who seek to gather energy from the past, the Toki Toki City Hero's old adversaries Towa and Mira whom had since recovered from their defeat during the Demigra Incident.
During The Ginyu Force Strikes Saga, Future Trunks assists the Future Warrior while his partner is off searching for Mira and Towa from a different angle though Future Trunks ends up having his body stolen by Dark Captain Ginyu whom Trunks had been following in the hope it might lead him to Towa and Mira unaware it was actually a trap. However Future Trunks manages to return to his original body and returns to the Time Nest though his partner has no luck in locating Towa or Mira who have become more cautious since their past defeat.
During The Galactic Emperor Saga, Towa and Mira finally show themselves when Towa reveals to Turtle and Lord Slug who had been planning to betray the Time Breakers by using the Namekian Dragon Balls to acquire immortality that she had tainted the Demon Realm enhanced Fruit of the Tree of Might to test a new spell that shaves off some of the recipient's life to grant them greater power which results in Turles and Slug acquiring the first stage Supervillain power up. Future Trunks tells his partner to go after Mira and Towa while he aids the Future Warrior in defeating Turles and Lord Slug. After the villains are defeated Future Trunks leaves to back up his partner while they deal with Dark Frieza whom has transformed into his final form during his battle with Gohan, Krillin, Vegeta, and Piccolo. Future Trunks and his partner manage to corner Mira who has gotten stronger since his last battle thanks to Towa and the Time Breaker's allies gathering damage energy to increase Mira's power though the Toki Toki City Hero is able to hold their own alongside Future Trunks though Mira is able to once again fight both of them alone.
Meanwhile the Future Warrior defeats a time displaced Cooler whom had joined Frieza on Namek and had been empowered with the Supervillain power up by Towa though Cooler is killed after falling into the remains of Namek's molten core and Frieza loses the power up though Goku asks the Future Warrior to leave Frieza to him after Dende wishes everyone but Frieza and Goku to Earth. This causes Future Trunks and his partner's battle with Mira to shift to Earth apparently being transported by the Dende's wish though thanks to the events of The Legendary Super Saiyan Saga, Future Trunks and his partner are experienced enough not effected by the shift though neither is Mira whom manages to exhaust Future Trunks though fortunately the Future Warrior arrives using the scroll to provide back-up forcing Mira to retreat noting Cooler was unable to seal the deal. The Future Warrior tends to the exhausted Future Trunks who orders his partner to go after Mira while he and the Future Warrior return to the Time Nest to recover from their recent battles and report back to Chronoa and Elder Kai informing them that his partner is currently chasing after Mira.
Throughout the rest of the story, the Future Warrior is mostly chasing after Mira and Towa, and is eventually captured and placed under her control, becoming the Masked Future Warrior. The Time Patrol unaware of their capture assumes they are still searching for Towa and Mira. Future Trunks even uses his partner's absence in the Decisive Battle with Majin Buu to convince Chronoa to hold off on celebrating the laying of one of Tokitoki's Eggs which have the power to create time for a new universe as she planned to cook a feast for the entire Time Patrol which due to Chronoa's terrible cooking skills could have potentially put the remaining Time Patrollers out of action. Fortunately he is backed up by Tokitoki (whom is visibly terrified by Chronoa's planned feast) thus Chronoa agrees to hold off until they are all together thus their absence inadvertently saves the Time Patrol from Chronoa's planned feast. Elder Kai complains about them failing to contact them jokingly stating they could at least make a phone call every once and awhile though none of them suspects they could have been captured due to their faith in the Toki Toki City Hero's experience, power, and skill. Towa uses their knowledge of the Time Patrol (which is apparently extensive due to them being Future Trunks's partner) to hack into the Time Nest's communications during The Emperor's Return Saga so she can lure Beerus and Whis to Age 852 so they won't be present during Frieza's revenge when Frieza destroys the Earth lead Goku and all his friends saved by Whis to die. However Future Trunks manages to rescue the new Future Warrior who later stops Frieza with the assistance of Whis' Temporal Do-Over leading to history being corrected.
Future Warrior under Towa's mind control
Towa later forces them to fight Future Trunks and the Future Warrior after they defeated Bardock. Future Trunks realizes Towa was able to use the Warrior's knowledge to hack into the Time Nest's communications thus explaining how she was able to bypass the communication system's security so easily. The Masked Future Warrior is defeated and freed from their control, but their existence becomes ephemeral before fading from history afterwards due to Towa going back in time to when Future Trunks first wished the Toki Toki City Hero to Toki Toki City and killed Shenron, preventing Future Trunks from wishing for a warrior capable of defending history that summons the Toki Toki City Hero to Toki Toki City, and due to them never joining the Time Patrol as a result every scroll that the Toki Toki City Hero ever corrected to be altered again, and creates a time distortion so powerful that all of their fellow Time Patrollers having no memory of them save for a vague feeling something isn't right. Future Trunks and the Future Warrior return to the Time Nest with the mask confused and when all the scrolls start changing Chronoa reveals that something that massive is strong enough to effect both the Time Nest and Conton City. Chronoa and Elder Kai try to find its source while Future Trunks and the Future Warrior check outside. Unfortunately having no memory of the Toki Toki City Hero makes things difficult as most mistake the Future Warrior for the hero and Future Trunks's partner due to their altered memories. They return to the Time Vault but find Chronoa and Elder Kai have had no luck as their memories have been effected too. To make matters worse the Time Vault begins to reach it scroll limit and will explode due to the strain of all the history changes which will lead to the destruction of history itself if it is not fixed in time.
However, after Future Trunks remembered the mask the hero was wearing, he finally remembered his partner and sends the Future Warrior to prevent Towa from killing Shenron, and allow the Toki Toki City Hero to be summoned with the Dragon Balls. Future Trunks's past self aids the Future Warrior in driving off Towa and notes that the Time Patrol needs power such as the Future Warrior's before making the wish that summons his future partner correcting history and saving the Time Vault from destruction. However Chronoa is quick to remain everyone that Towa is still a threat when they celebrate Towa's defeat prematurely taking Towa recent actions very seriously as they almost destroyed history itself and her warning is proven correct when she is attacked from behind by Towa who reveals she had feigned defeat in Age 850 to confirm the hero's mask was inside the Time Vault which she used to bypass the barrier created by Elder Kai and Chronoa to protect Conton City and the Time Nest in response to Demigra's attack during Demigra Incident. Towa uses the egg's power to free Mira from the Time Rift. The Toki Toki City Hero is later seen protecting the Future Warrior from Mira's attack effectively paying them back for freeing them in Age ??? and stopping Towa in Age 850. The Toki Toki City Hero then encouraged the Future Warrior to protect history before passing out from their injuries as the Future Warrior chases Towa and Mira through a wormhole to Age ???.
The Time Patrol is unable to send assistance as Age ??? is under Towa and Mira's complete control thus Future Trunks and Elder Kai are forced to observe from the Time Nest, while Chronoa tends to the Toki Toki City Hero's injuries. Mira ends up betraying Towa absorbing her and Tokitoki's Egg to transform himself into his final form. Fortunately Goku arrives with help from Whis to repay the Future Warrior for their help in defeating Golden Frieza and Metal Cooler. SSGSS Goku manages to retrieve the egg allowing the Future Warrior to kill Final Form Mira putting an end to both Towa and Mira. The healed Toki Toki City Hero, Future Trunks, and Elder Kai congratulate the Future Warrior on their victory while Chronoa and Tokitoki try to keep Goku from ignorantly eating Tokitoki's Egg which he notes looks tasty. Chronoa then reveals to everyone the egg will hatch soon and a new universe will be born.
Afterwards Tokitoki convinces Chronoa there are too many people to cook for so they should use the Dragon Balls to wish up a feast instead though Elder Kai complains over using the Dragon Balls to order take-out however Beerus (whom had decided to stay and enjoy the celebratory feast with Whis and Goku) notes it is a special occasion as the feast is to celebrate both the return of Tokitoki's Egg and the defeat of Towa and Mira. After the feast the Toki Toki City Hero was encouraged by Goku to fight the Future Warrior to see who was the strongest though Beerus prevents Goku from joining in telling him he will have to watch. The outcome of their battle is not shown thus it is unclear which one of them is the strongest.
Like the Toki Toki City, the 2nd Future Warrior becomes a legend among the Time Patrol known as the Conton City Hero and a new statue of the Conton City Hero replaces the Toki Toki City Hero statue. Chronoa even notes it makes her feel safe knowing she has two legendary heroes to rely on.
Battle With Universe Six Saga[]
As part of the Super Pack 2 DLC, the Future Warrior and Future Trunks are assigned alongside the Conton City Hero to investigate a history change during the Tournament of Destroyers which causes Goku and Good Buu to not show up on the day of the tournament causing an angry Beerus to leave them behind. The Future Warrior and their partner Future Trunks are tasked with finding Goku and bringing him to the tournament so they can correct the change, though Elder Kai tells them not to worry about Buu as he decides to use the fact that Buu never participated to have the Conton City Hero take his spot so they can deal with any changes during the tournament. While the Conton City Hero takes the exam for the tournament, Future Trunks and the Future Warrior manage to track Goku down training on King Kai's Planet as he thought the tournament was on a different date. The Future Warrior is tasked with bringing Goku to the tournament though Goku is forced to take the exam he missed passing barely like in the original history. The Conton City Hero ensures that Goku fights Hit in the final round as Monaka had been pulled by Beerus to cover up his weakness when one of the matches turned in a Battle Royale. As a result, Goku defeats Hit and wins the tournament though history is still corrected as ultimately Team Universe 7 won, which was all thanks to the efforts of the two heroes and Future Trunks.
Warrior of Hope Saga[]
As part of the Super Pack 4 DLC, due to Future Trunks being sent on another mission to keep him in the dark about a history change in Age 796 of the Dragon Ball Super future timeline as it concerns a counterpart of his who played a key role in foiling the Project Zero Mortals she assigns the two heroes to work together for this assignment. Chronoa keeps Future Trunks in the dark as she had underestimated how he might react before and wanted to avoid any problems as well as to spare him from witnessing a future timeline more bleaker than his own (as the official history ends with that timeline's multiverse being erased and Future Bulma being killed).
She shows them the altered scroll for Age 796, which shows Supervillain Goku Black destroying Future Trunks' time machine with a Black Kamehameha as it stalls (apparently effected by the history change as it reacts with the same dark aura as a time scroll that has been altered) when he is trying to escape into the past which kills Future Trunks (Future Trunks and everyone's memory of him is left unaffected as it was his alternate counterpart that perished in the altered timeline). Elder Kai explains how Black has been killing gods and mortals alike and has brought death and destruction to Future Trunks' timeline. Though the use of Time Machines is normally a serious crime Chronoa sends the Future Warrior to protect it and assist Future Trunks in escaping to the main timeline as it is part of the correct flow of history, though Chronoa does note the design flaw that creates alternate timelines and that it is different from their method of time travel. The Conton City Hero is tasked with going to the main timeline and waiting for Goku Black to be transported their by his Time Ring through the time distortion created by the time machine.
The Future Warrior is successful in preventing Black from destroying the time machine in Age 796 allowing Future Trunks to travel to Age 779 of the main timeline. Supervillain Black follows Future Trunks and confronts both Goku and the Conton City Hero before being sucked back to Age 796 when the time distortion stabilizes though he manages to destroy Trunks' time machine, though this inadvertently restores the original history, as Chronoa allowed Cell's use of his timeline's time machine remain as a part of the history of the main timeline, allowing Bulma to repair Cell's time machine using her late counterpart's notes. Elder Kai later explains more to them about Goku Black's history as Zamasu and him teaming up with his counterpart from Future Trunks' timeline. The two heroes are then tasked with combating the rogue Shinjin alongside Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks when they travel to Age 796. There they fight alongside SSGSS Vegeta despite Vegeta refusing their assistance. However Goku Black transforms into Super Saiyan Rosé yet retains his Supervillain power-up despite its godly ki and defeats SSGSS Vegeta. To make matters worse, Supervillain Future Zamasu appears reminding Black of their deal.
The two heroes fight Black and Future Zamasu until an unseen Future Yajirobe escapes with the injured Future Trunks and Goku, while Future Mai rescues Vegeta, allowing the three to escape via the Time Machine. Elder Kai and Chronoa had warned them earlier to be careful when returning to the Time Nest due to Black and Future Zamasu having time rings which can allow them to follow them using the same path created by the Time Scrolls. They manage to get away, though Future Zamasu notes to Black there is no need to rush when your dealing with time travelers indicating they know the two heroes are both time travelers.
The two heroes are sent back to Age 796 to aid Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks a second time but find Goku and Vegeta have already been defeated with Future Trunks the only one standing. Chronoa tasks the Future Warrior with evacuating Goku and Vegeta back to the Time Machine, while the Conton City Hero and Future Trunks hold off the Supervillain-empowered Black and Future Zamasu. Future Trunks transforms into Super Saiyan Anger and tries to convince the Conton City Hero to escape as well, but Chronoa tells them to hang on as their partner is almost done. The Future Warrior successfully gets Goku and Vegeta back to the Time Machine, allowing them to leave the rest to SSA Future Trunks.
Another history change occurs during the final battle with Black and Future Zamasu. Elder Kai angry over Zamasu's Zero Mortal Plan decides to accompany them much to their shock. The old Shinjin plans to sit down the two Zamasu and give them an earful of a lecture to set them straight, though Chronoa is doubtful it will even work before pointing out that if it is successful he will be getting in the way of their dear Time Patrollers' efforts as reforming one or both Zamasu would alter history making the efforts of their two heroic Patrollers pointless. Since the enemy has split up, Chronoa sends the Future Warrior to fight Future Zamasu alongside Future Trunks with her observing from the Time Nest, meanwhile the Conton City Hero will deal with Black alongside Goku and Vegeta with Elder Kai observing from the Time Nest. When they arrive it is discovered that Goku Black used his scythe in conjunction with his time ring to cut a hole in timespace which Elder Kai identifies as a Rift in Time The Future Warrior's battle is uneventful until Goku Black appears being chased by the Conton City Hero, Goku, and Vegeta. Chronoa assumes everything went well but Elder Kai disagrees and tells he will talk about it later as Black and Future Zamasu are about to fuse into Fused Zamasu. Elder Kai then informs Chronoa that Goku dropped Zeno's Button during the fighting which will prevent him from summoning Future Zeno. Eventually Fused Zamasu uses the Light of Justice to transform into Supervillain Grotesque Zamasu with only the two heroes left standing. Grotesque Zamasu reveals he knows who they are and admits his purge of the gods was incomplete before promising to punish their divine "masters" once he is finished in Age 796.
Elder Kai is worried he will cone to the Time Nest but Chronoa says they won't let that happen. She calls the Future Warrior back as she has a special job for them and tells the Conton City Hero to buy time for Goku and Vegeta to fuse into Vegito. The Conton City Hero successfully holds Grotesque Zamasu at bay and teams up with Vegito Blue until his fusion ends. Future Trunks steps in and clashes swords with Grotesque Zamasu who asks if he will go to the past, future, or to those who circumvent time. Future Trunks argues he is alive because of the people who helped him and that helping each other is what it means to be human before noticing the Spirit Bomb subconsciously formed by the surviving Earthlings which he channels into his sword. Unfortunately Grotesque Zamasu powers up with the Supervillain enchantment overpowering Future Trunks who pleads for more power. That power comes from an unlikely source: the rift in time created by Black. Countless people from various timelines connected by the rift such as Present Gohan, Future Gohan, Present Piccolo, GT Goku, GT Pan, Teen Future Trunks, GT Trunks, and even Future Trunks who notices the battle in the Time Nest while standing outside the Time Vault, to send their energy through the rift to Future Trunks who creates a stronger energy blade, the Sword of Hope which he uses to physically slay Supervillain Grotesque Zamasu with the Final Hope Slash which causes the rift to close due to the destruction of Fused Zamasu's Time Ring.
As Goku congratulates Future Trunks, the Future Warrior throws an object to Goku who catches it and thanks them for their help before they return to the Time Nest as the Conton City Hero had already left. Chronoa and Elder Kai attribute everyone helping Future Trunks due to feeling his strong desire to protect the integrity of the future, as the Future Warrior returns. Chronoa asks if their delivery was successful which they confirm. Suddenly Elder Kai notices another history change and Infinite Zamasu appears inside the Time Vault startling Tokitoki. Elder Kai panics and the two heroes brace themselves to defend the Time Vault, while Chronoa calmly notes that Infinite Zamasu must be tired coming all the way to the edge of the universe before picking up a scroll from the table. She notes that it is futile for him to struggle as his disappearance is a fact of history before staring him down with Tokitoki. She then notes that they have Time Patrollers glancing at the two heroes and tells Infinite Zamasu not to underestimate them before cheekily winking at Infinite Zamasu as he is erased from existence. Chronoa then explains to a bewildered Elder Kai that she sent the Future Warrior to retrieve Zeno's Button and deliver it to Goku so he could use it to summon Future Zeno after they left who then erased Infinite Zamasu and the future multiverse which in turn erased Infinite Zamasu in Age 852.
Chronoa then gets Elder Kai to admit he thought they only had to defeat Grotesque Zamasu, before reminding him of his earlier boast, though Elder Kai counters that he couldn't make Infinite Zamasu sit down, causing Chronoa to not he has an excuse for everything as the two heroes watch. Future Trunks walks in and reveals he noticed the battle earlier which he concludes is tied to his crime of altering history. The Future Warrior watches on as Chronoa however points out that while his crime was grave, it is outweighed by all the good he has done and that the Time Nest would have been destroyed long ago if it weren't for his efforts, so he should stop brooding. Chronoa then asks Future Trunks if he enjoys his work as she feels it is wrong to keep him indentured to them forever, basically giving him an opportunity to leave her service and the Time Patrol. However to everyone's relief Future Trunks reveals he likes his job and wishes to stay on as a member of the Time Patrol. Relieved Chronoa herself notes that they'd be lost without him. As a result, the Future Warrior and Conton City Hero continue to work alongside Future Trunks who stays on officially as Chronoa's assistant of his own free will.
Infinite History Saga[]
The Conton City Hero notices a time rift inside the Time Nest behind Chronoa's house and suddenly finds himself running on the Time Nest's footpath and suddenly notices the unfamiliar figure of Demon God Demigra whom the Conton City Hero had never encountered though knows he shouldn't be there. Strangely Elder Kai, Trunk: Xeno, and the Future Warrior seem unfazed by Demigra's presence though the Conton City Hero discovers they believe Demigra is Supreme Kai of Time and Chronoa is nowhere to be found indicating history may have been seriously altered with only the Conton City Hero having any memory of the unaltered history. Demigra seems to lead the Time Patrol in this timeline. Elder Kai notes Supreme Kai of Time Demigra seems evil lately and notes his evil laugh though Demigra dismisses his concern and reveals he summoned them to find Tokitoki who went missing which Trunk: Xeno attributes to Demigra being too hard on him. Trunk: Xeno suggests calling Tokitoki causing Elder Kai, Demigra, and the Future Warrior to call for Tokitoki with Trunk: Xeno. The Conton City Hero is confused how to handle the situation without their allies then notices a massive time distortion produced by the Time Vault indicating it is about to go critical as a mysterious stranger walks out and reveals he is responsible though Demigra, Trunk: Xeno, Elder Kai, and the Future Warrior do not notice it as they are busy calling Tokitoki. The stranger says he will absorb them pulls out his sword which glows producing a flash of light.
The Conton City Hero finds himself in the Time Nest with Chronoa, Tokitoki, Elder Kai, Trunk: Xeno, and Future Warrior looking at them as if nothing had happened. Elder Kai and Trunk: Xeno ask if their okay while Chronoa admonishes them for spacing out during a meeting suggesting it was a nightmarish daydream. Chronoa then explains a new type of Time Rift is brainwashing Conton City residents and the Time Patrollers sent to investigate. Trunk: Xeno reveals he and his partner are too busy keeping the affected quarantined to investigate so the Conton City Hero is given the task as their experience with Time Rifts should prevent them from being brainwashed. However Trunk: Xeno questions the logic of sending them in alone though Chronoa reveals she recruited the Conton City Hero's Patroller Academy instructor to act as their partner as the rifts only seem to affect residents of Age 852 thus instructors from alternate timelines should not be affected and should be able to fight alongside their student without any issue. The Conton City Hero and their partner investigate the rifts while Trunk: Xeno and Future Warrior keep the peace in Conton City and keep the affected time Patrollers under control. The Time Patrol learn the mysterious stranger the Conton City Hero encountered previously was real person named Fu who the Time Patrol have no information on and had absorbed the history alterations he created that allowed Demigra to become Supreme Kai of Time before history was destroyed and switched to altering time rifts as they are unconnected to the official history allowing Fu to experiment safely though Fu claims he is not responsible for the rifts and offers to use his power to absorb changes he creates within the rifts though the Time Patrol must aid Fu in altering the rifts' timeline as he can only absorb history change energy from rift he creates which creates a moral dilemma for the Time Patrol though Chronoa leaves the decision to the Conton City Hero even though she disproves of Fu's history altering experiments on principal and moral grounds. Trunk: Xeno and the Future Warrior continue to watch over Conton City as the Hero, their partner, and Fu if the Future Warrior accepts his offer work to dispel the rifts to cure those effected. Eventually it is discovered Towa had secretly altered the scroll of Age 774 to prevent Dabura's death before revealing the theft of Tokitoki's Egg and her infiltration of the Time Vault. Dabura blaming the Time Patrol for Towa's absorption and death when the Conton City Hero killed Final Form Mira in Age ??? seeks revenge and has been causing the alterations after Towa's death and time rifts. Eventually Dabura uses Petrifying Spit to turn the population of Conton City, Old Kai, Trunk: Xeno, and Future Warrior to stone and kidnaps Chronoa whom he imprisons inside his base the Crack of Time. The Conton City Hero and their partner are the only ones left to stop Dabura from killing Chronoa and destroying Conton City. Fu is revealed to be Dabura's genetic nephew and chosen successor as King of Demon Realm as he is the artificially created genetic offspring of Towa and Mira. However Fu reveals he has no desire for revenge or to rule a revived Demon Realm as he intends to use the energy produced by his experiments to create better futures thus while he illegally alters history he himself opposes Dabura's evil plans. Dabura angered by his betrayal attempts to turn him to stone but Fu deflects it back at Dabura who turns to stone freeing Chronoa and the Time Patrollers turned to stone. However Fu is still a criminal and Elder Kai tries to have him captured but Fu escapes though promises to create good futures using the energy he collected thus Fu remains at large after Dabura's defeat.
Conton City Tournament[]
As part of the 1.15.00 Update DLC, during the Conton City Tournament online single player event, the Toki Toki City Hero faces off against the Conton City Hero in the Conton City Tournament 05: "The Fated Finale". During this battle, the Future Warrior will face off against their predecessor (based upon which one chosen early in the game or transferred over from Xenoverse) with their skills determined by their race and they will transform after receiving a certain amount of damage (they cannot be damaged further until the transformation's brief cutscene ends) . If they are either an Earthling, Majin, or Namekian, then they will utilize the Potential Unleashed Awoken Skill. If they are Saiyan, then they will utilize the Super Vegeta Awoken Skill. If they are Frieza's race, they will surprisingly utilize the Turn Golden Awoken Skill (which was never available to them in Xenoverse) which they somehow obtained off-screen before the Conton City Tournament. Though they were originally billed as the Conton City Hero's final opponent, after the Toki Toki City Hero is defeated, Chronoa reveals there is a secret true finalist, whom is revealed to be none other than the Supreme Kai of Time herself. She reveals that she has decided to get back into fighting shape and wanted a chance to test her fighting skills so she created the tournament to test her skills against the best the Time Patrol has to offer. By beating the Supreme Kai of Time, the Conton City Hero is crowned Champion after proving themself to be Conton City's Strongest Time Patroller. After the 1st Conton City Tournament, the second Conton City Tournament is unlocked, which allows the Future Warrior to repeat the Conton City Tournament again to defeat the Toki Toki City Hero and Chronoa, which unlocks the Supreme Kai of Time as a playable character and unlocks the 3rd Conton City Tournament which grants access to the Conton City Tournament mission menu allowing them to fight the Toki Toki City Hero and Chronoa to randomly obtain Loading Screen Artwork, Super Souls, and Chronoa's Ultimate Skills (Godly Chronos Cannon & Timespace Impact).
Future Warrior is described as a warrior strong enough to protect all of time and space. In the Saiyan Saga, the Future Warrior is weaker than Dark Magic enhanced Raditz, but is able to rapidly increase in strength in a very short amount of time. They are also shown to be quite adept at learning and mastering various fighting skills, from Ginyu's Body Change and Guldo's Time Control to Eis Shenron freezing techniques and Nuova Shenron's fire techniques. Along with their basic hand-to-hand combat skills, they also prove themselves capable of wielding weapons such as the Power Pole and a sword, as well as Mr. Satan's Present for You.
During the Battle with Vegeta on Earth, the Future Warrior is able to take on some Dark Saibamen, Tennenman, and Jinkouman alone and can hold their own against the likes of both Elite Saiyans; Nappa and Vegeta. When Goku arrives, the Future Warrior takes on and manages to overpower the Saiyan General, Nappa, and then assist Goku in backing Vegeta into a corner. After Vegeta uses a Power Ball and transforms into a Great Ape, the Future Warrior manages to fend him off long enough for Krillin and Gohan to arrive. While fighting the Great Ape Vegeta they are shown to be strong enough to lift a Great Ape by the tail, once they sufficiently weakened Great Ape Vegeta. They prove powerful and skillful enough to distract Great Ape Vegeta long enough for Krillin being able to successfully cut off his tail with a Destructo Disc (an attack the Great Ape was able to avoid in the original history). After all this they were able to assist a weary Goku in defeating Dark Vegeta. At the end of the battle, the Future Warrior is the only fighter to still be standing without difficulty in stark contrast to the battle-worn Krillin who barely managed to stand up in his attempt to put an end to Vegeta, though was stopped by the Future Warrior's interference (to prevent Krillin from altering the timeline by killing Vegeta) and Goku's plea for Krillin to spare the Saiyan Prince.
When the Future Warrior arrives at the time of the Battle on Planet Namek, the Future Warrior is strong enough that in their base form and with help from Piccolo are able to stall against 50% Power Frieza (also empowered by Dark Magic), however, they are unable to defeat him, later during the battle the combined power of him and Super Saiyan Goku is enough to outmatch 100% Full Power Dark Frieza. Before this, the Future Warrior proved skillful enough in adapting to the fighting style of Captain Ginyu while in Ginyu's body after accidentally switching bodies. However, during their first encounter with Towa & Mira, the Future Warrior was shown to be inferior in power to Mira, who was unimpressed and would have killed the Future Warrior and stolen the Time Patroller's energy had Towa not decided to spare them as the Future Warrior's energy at this point was not powerful enough to be of any use to the Time Breakers.
By the time of the Cell Games the Future Warrior can fight a Dark Magic empowered Mr. Satan (who via the Dark Magic could use ki and fly without a jetpack), the Dark Cell Juniors, and Dark Cell in both his Perfect and Super Perfect forms (with help from Super Saiyan Gohan). The Warrior together with SSJ Future Trunks was able to knocked down Mira, though Mira gets back up revealing he had not been at Full Power when he fought the pair.
During the Future Androids Saga, the Future Warrior is able to fight against Dark Future Androids 17 and 18 (with help from Super Saiyan Future Trunks pre-time travel) and drive them off, as well as Dark Future Perfect Cell (again with the assistance of Super Saiyan Future Trunks, post Cell Games).
Later during the Majin Buu Saga, the Future Warrior is strong enough to defeat Mira and later hold off both Dark Majin Buu and his clones with the aid of Super Saiyan 3 Goku, after Goku leaves, the Future Warrior is successful in fighting off an army of small Majin Buus. They are also capable of defeating Demigra and Piccolo under the influence of Dark Magic with the assistance from the young Goten and Trunks. The Future Warrior's power is said by Goten to be on par with Super Buu, when the Future Warrior comes to aid Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo during their battle against the monster. The Warrior also fights alongside Goku, Vegeta, Mr. Satan, and the Good Majin Buu against the Dark Magic enhanced Kid Buu. They even assist Goku with the completed Super Spirit Bomb by adding some of their power to it and works in tandem with Goku to give the Super Spirit Bomb the one final push which ultimately destroys Kid Buu.
By the end of the game the Future Warrior is able to hold their own against both Beerus and Whis (with help from Future Trunks) - though they were at a suppressed level of power as it was only a test - and later defeat Demigra, an opponent more powerful than Super Saiyan God Goku, with some help from Goku or even alone.
During the secret post-game story the Legendary Super Saiyan Saga, they aid Bardock against Dark Magic enhanced Frieza Force soldiers and 1st form Frieza. Later they face off against Dark Legendary Super Saiyan Broly circa Age 774 in Natade Village alongside Videl, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks. With the aid of Gohan, Goten, and Trunks they manage to defeat Broly though he is swallowed by Demigra's wormhole. Alongside Bardock they face Dark Broly once again on Dying Namek to prevent him from interfering with Goku and Frieza historic fight. After they are inadvertently transported to Earth via Dende's wish, they face Dark Broly once again in an epic showdown aided by Great Ape Bardock and Vegeta (Frieza Saga) and manage finally to defeat the Legendary Super Saiyan for good.
When the Future Warrior arrives during the Baby Saga of Dragon Ball GT, they are able to defeat a Tuffle-infested SSJ Trunks (main timeline) and can even hold their own for a little while against Golden Great Ape Baby Vegeta, until SSJ 4 Goku arrives. Golden Great Ape Baby Vegeta is defeated when both Super Saiyan 4 Goku and the Future Warrior combine their forces in the battle against him. Later in the Super 17 Saga, Dark Super 17 is unable to defeat either Super Saiyan 4 Goku or the Future Warrior, as the Ultimate Android is eventually taken down by their teamwork. Later in the Shadow Dragons Saga, the Warrior is shown to be strong enough to take on Dark Nuova Shenron alongside Kid Goku and win. Immediately afterwards they take on his brother Dark Eis Shenron alongside Pan. After besting Eis Shenron, they go toe to toe with the strongest of the Dark Shadow Dragons, Dark Omega Shenron with the aid of Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta. Eventually Super Saiyan 4 Goku appears on the scene as well and the three take on Omega together though Vegeta quickly realizes that even 3-on-1 they are still no match for Dark Omega Shenron, causing Vegeta to suggest fusion to Goku and the two fuse into the Ultimate Warrior, Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Together with Gogeta, the Warrior forms the Ultimate Tag Team strong enough to take down Omega Shenron. After Omega Shenron, Gogeta, and the Future Warrior are swallowed by Demigra's Wormhole, they face off against Dark Omega Shenron, Dark Golden Great Ape Baby, and Dark Super 17 in a 3-on-2 battle. Despite them being outnumbered the pair manage to defeat the three villains, though the Future Warrior is shown breathing heavily from exhaustion afterwards.
Two years later, the Future Warrior has continued to grow stronger, and it's considered the hero of Conton City. Despite growing stronger, the Future Warrior is still captured and placed under Towa's mind control, and grew even stronger as a result, but was still defeated by the Future Warrior and Future Trunks (Though it should be noted that the Future Warrior was in base form when fighting the duo). He later is capable of blocking a empowered Mira's attack head-on, and although he survived the attack, he still passed out afterwards. After the Second Future's Warrior's battle with Mira, the Future Warrior joins him along with Future Trunks, Elder Kai and the Supreme Kai of Time all who lament on their victory and how there are many more battles to come, along with Future Trunks now having two partners. In the game's epilogue, Goku questions on which of the two warriors is stronger. Trunks comments on how he has been working longer, but Elder Kai says that such does not make him stronger. Whis remarks that the two should test it out, exciting Goku. Beerus stops him and says that the ones fighting should be the Future Warriors, causing Goku to whine on how he doesn't get to have fun. In response, both Future Warriors, Elder Kai, the Supreme Kai of Time, Goku Beerus and Whis share a laugh.
Sometime afterward, the Future Warrior reappear with his now two partners and look on the history of when Beerus, the God of Destruction from Universe 7, and Champa, the God of Destruction on Universe 6, and Beerus' twin brother held a martial arts tournament with their respective universe. As Goku is gone missing, the Future Warrior is instructed to find him. Following the conclusion of the second Future Warrior's test, the Toki Toki City Hero arrives with Goku, having found him training on King Kai's planet with the assistance of Future Trunks.
Afterwards a history change in Age 796 during the Project Zero Mortals conflict results in Future Trunks of that timeline whom is a different incarnation as Future Trunks is left unaffected by his death as Chronoa reveals she sent Future Trunks on another mission to keep him in the dark to prevent any problems like what occurred during the A Desperate Future Saga. She selects the Toki Toki City Hero to take part instead alongside the 2nd Future Warrior to stop Goku Black from altering history by destroying Future Trunks and his time machine. The Toki Toki City Hero is sent to Age 796 to ensure Future Trunks and his Time Machine escape into the past. They manage to complete the mission thus Future Trunks is able to travel to the main timeline where Black follows using the Time Ring only for the Future Warrior whom had been sent to wait for Black to show up in the past. Later the two Future Warriors join SSGSS Vegeta in confronting Black whom transforms into Super Saiyan Rose and defeats Vegeta. The two Future Warriors manage to hold off Rose Goku Black together while Goku and Future Trunks deal with Future Zamasu. Once Future Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta escape via the Time Machine thanks to the efforts of the Earth's Resistance the two return to the Time Nest. During the pair's second trip to Age 796, the Toki Toki City Hero assists in aiding the Earth's Resistance evacuating the injured Goku and Vegeta back to the Time Machine while the other Future Warrior and Super Saiyan Anger Trunks hold off Rose Goku Black and Future Zamasu. During the final trip to Age 796, the Toki Toki City Hero is sent to assist Super Saiyan Anger Trunks, Future Mai, and Bulma against Future Zamasu while the other Future Warrior, Goku, and Vegeta deal with the villains summoned via the Rift in Time created by Goku Black. Eventually Goku Black and Future Zamasu decide to fuse into Fused Zamasu. The two Future Warriors battle Fused Zamasu alongside Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta though are the only fighters left standing when Fused Zamasu uses the Light of Divine Justice to transform into his Half-Corrupted form becoming Grotesque Zamasu. However, Chronoa calls the Toki Toki City Hero and tasks them with finding Zeno's Button which Goku had accidentally dropped while fighting Turles and Goku Black previously. This leaves it up to the 2nd Future Warrior and Vegito to hold off Grotesque Zamasu. Using energy supplied by countless people from across time via the rift created by Black, Future Trunks is able to defeat and physically slay Grotesque Zamasu. After the battle the Toki Toki City Hero successfully delivers Zeno's Button to Goku allowing him to summon Future Zeno who erases Infinite Zamasu causing Infinite Zamasu in Age 852 to disappear when he invades the Time Vault thus thanks to Chronoa's plan the Toki Toki City Hero once again saves history by ensuring Infinite Zamasu is erased. It should be noted that the Toki Toki City Hero only fights in their base form during most of these battles yet is capable of holding their own alongside the 2nd Future Warrior. Chronoa also entrusted them with the important task of finding Zeno's Button showing she had faith they could locate it and deliver it to Goku.
During the Infinite History Saga, the Future Warrior and Trunk: Xeno keep peace in Conton City after several residents and Patrollers become brainwashed by Dabura's time rifts by quarantining the infected and both manage to keep all of them under control thus are too busy to investigate as they like the Conton City Hero are too experienced to be brainwashed. However massive history alterations can affect the Future Warrior's memory as they failed to recognize that Demigra should not be Supreme Kai of Time along with Elder Kai and Trunk: Xeno before the alterations were absorbed by Fu. The Future Warrior was also vulnerable to Dabura's Petrifying Spit though the vengeful King of Demon Realm had grown stronger through energy absorbed from the history changes created after Towa's death. Fortunately the Conton City Hero, their instructor, and Fu stopped Dabura's plans and the Future Warrior was freed when Dabura turned to stone.
During the Conton City Tournament, the Toki Toki City Hero is the penultimate opponent in Conton City Tournament 05: "The Fated Finale" where they face off against the Conton City Hero. During the battle, they are forced to utilize a Awoken Skill transformation (Super Vegeta or Potential Unleashed). If they are Frieza's race, they will reveal they have managed to achieve their Turn Golden form some time after the events of Xenoverse, but before their participation in the Conton City Tournament. They are also shown to be able to hold their own against the Future Warrior's higher forms such as Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan God SS, and Super Saiyan God SS (Evolved), as well as the Pure Majin and Become Giant forms. However they ultimately lose the battle proving that the Conton City Hero is the strongest Time Patroller and receives the honor of fighting the Supreme Kai of Time herself as the true final opponent of the tournament.
The Future Warrior can use many techniques displayed by characters throughout the series and can learn techniques from various Dragon Ball heroes and villains, by taking them on as a Martial Arts Master or by obtaining skills from the skill shop in Toki Toki City or through Parallel Quests. The following are basic techniques or unique special abilities used by the Warrior:
- Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.
- Ki Blast - Like most fighters, the Future Warrior has the ability to fire Ki blasts.
Female Future Warrior using Pan's Maiden Blast Z-Assist from the GT Pack 2 DLC
- Vanishing - A basic movement technique where the Future Warrior moves so fast they disappear from sight for a moment.
- Ki Sense/3D Scan Mode - The Future Warrior is able to sense ki, and can scan enemies to read their skill set via the game's Search function. Only available if the Future Warrior is not equipped with a Scouter accessory (which causes the Search view to become a Scouter view).
- Z-Assist - A special ability that causes the soul of the Future Warrior's current Master to go into the Warrior's body when using their Master's Ultimate Skill, making the attack much stronger. When performed a stylized "Z" will appear briefly and then the Master's Soul will envelope the Future Warrior; appearing as an astral projection of said Master. There are two requirements needed in order for this ability to activate:
- 1. Must have the teacher of the Ultimate skill being used as the Warrior's current Master.
- 2. Use said Master's Ultimate attack in battle. To learn it they must have completed said Master's training and learned their Ultimate skill.
- Explosive Wave - The Masked Future Warrior's Evasive Skill in Xenoverse 2. Can also be obtained by the Future Warrior in Xenoverse.
Goku, 2nd Future Warrior, and Toki Toki City Hero performing a Multiple Kamehameha in the manga
- Multiple Kamehameha - A combined Kamehameha performed by two or more fighters. Used by Super Saiyan 3 Goku and the Future Warrior in their final battle with True Demon God Demigra. Also performed with the 2nd Future Warrior and Goku in the Xenoverse 2. manga.
- Emperor's Death Beam - Golden Frieza's Barrage Death Beam variation and Ultimate Skill which the Future Warrior can learn in Xenoverse as part of the Resurrection ‘F’ DLC. Additionally during the Conton City Tournament, if they are Frieza's race then it will appear as one of their Ultimate Skills.
- Racially exclusive abilities
- Saiyan Power - As a Saiyan, the Future Warrior becomes stronger if revived from a knock out.
- Mystic Attack - As a Namekian or Majin, the Future Warrior can extend and stretch their limbs as they please.
- Regeneration - If the Future Warrior is a Namekian, they will regenerate their health if damaged enough. A Majin Future Warrior can exploit their regeneration to self destruct, and use their invisible vapor to relocate and regenerate in a better place, as well as take a quick sleep to gradually heal.
- Tail Attack - As a Frieza clansman, the Future Warrior can use their tail to grapple and attack.
- Xenoverse 2 exclusive abilities
- Bloody Sauce - A dark energy sphere Super Skill originally used by Demigra and Towa. Depending on how it is fired, it can inflict either poison or slow down enemies hit. One of the Masked Future Warrior's Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
- Rage Saucer - A dark energy infused rush attack originally used by Demigra that allows the user to use vanishing to attack one enemy after another. One of the Masked Future Warrior's Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
- Baked Sphere - A dark energy explosive wave originally used by Demigra. The Masked Future Warrior's Ultimate Skill in Xenoverse 2.
- Darkness Mixer - A ki and stamina charging Super Skill originally used by Demigra. Causes the user to emit a foul aura of dark energy that damages enemies and protects the user while charging ki and stamina. One of the Masked Future Warrior's Super Skills in Xenoverse 2.
- Dual Ultimate Attack - A two person team attack that appears in Xenoverse 2 after the 1.09.00 Update. The Toki Toki City Hero can perform any Dual Ultimate Attack when team up with the Future Warrior during the Warrior of Hope Saga though it must be initiated by the 2nd Future Warrior which allows the Toki Toki City Hero to perform the secondary assist which if successful causes them both to perform the Dual Ultimate Attack. This allows the Toki Toki Hero to utilize team attack version of various techniques including techniques that did not appear in Xenoverse. Dual Ultimate Attacks are a feature exclusive to Xenoverse 2.
- Super God Fist - A powerful Energy Punch originally used by Goku. During the Conton City Tournament, it will appears as one of their Super Skills if their selected race is Saiyan.
- Full Power Energy Wave - A common energy wave Ultimate Skill. During the Conton City Tournament, it will appears as one of their Ultimate Skills if their selected race is Saiyan.
- Kaio-ken
the Future Warrior is capable of using the Kaio-ken, Kaio-ken x3, and Kaio-ken x20. They become capable of using the regular Kaioken and Kaioken x3 during the Saiyan Saga (via Parallel Quest), and capable of using Kaioken x20 during the Frieza Saga (via Parallel Quest).
- Captain Ginyu's Body
During the Ginyu Force Saga, the Future Warrior actually swaps bodies with Captain Ginyu after getting accidentally hit into the path of Ginyu's Body Change by Jeice, causing Dark Ginyu & Future Warrior to end up in each other's bodies by mistake. Realizing the switch, Goku asks the Future Warrior to infiltrate Frieza's Spaceship to help Krillin and Gohan secure the Namekian Dragon Balls. The Future Warrior leaves Goku to fight Ginyu in the Warrior's body and infiltrates Frieza's ship without a problem. In Ginyu's body the Warrior helps Krillin and Gohan fight off Frieza's henchmen and Guldo, securing the Dragon Balls. Ginyu appears in the Warrior's body with Goku in hot pursuit and confronts the trio only for the Future Warrior to step up to fight Ginyu. Ginyu tries once more to steal Goku's body but Future Trunks' warns the Future Warrior of the Body Change in time for the Future Warrior to jump in between Goku and Ginyu restoring Ginyu and the Future Warrior to their original bodies.
- Super Saiyan
Future Warrior as a Super Saiyan.
If chosen as a Saiyan, the Future Warrior is capable of transforming into a Super Saiyan. They attain this form either after the Frieza Saga (via Parallel Quest) or after the Android Saga (via shop). The Super Saiyan form increases the power of Strike attacks, while draining ki and will end once all ki is depleted, though the Warrior can mitigate this with ki charging skills allowing them to maintain the form. In addition to the normal Super Saiyan form, they can obtain a variant called Super Vegeta which has a different transformation animation and increases the power of Ki Blast attacks.
As part of the 1.15.00 Update DLC in Xenoverse 2, the Toki Toki City Hero will use the Super Vegeta Awoken Skill transformation after losing a certain amount of health in Conton City Tournament 05: "The Fated Finale" during the Conton City Tournament single player online event.
- Super Saiyan 2
If chosen as a Saiyan, the Future Warrior is capable of transforming into a Super Saiyan 2. They attain this form either after the Cell Saga (via Parallel Quest) or after the Buu Saga (via shop). The Super Saiyan 2 transformation increases Strike attacks more than the Super Saiyan form, though ki drains at a faster rate. In addition to the normal Super Saiyan 2 form, they can obtain a variant called Super Vegeta 2 which has a different transformation animation and increases the power of Ki Blast attacks.
As he does not possess a Super Saiyan 3 form, this is his strongest Super Saiyan form.
- Unlock Potential

Ultimate Future Warrior
After completing Old Kai's training, Future Warrior, no matter what race the player chooses, they can use Unlock Potential as a transformation.
As part of the 1.15.00 Update DLC in Xenoverse 2, if the Toki Toki City Hero is a Earthling, Majin, or Namekian, they will use the Potential Unleashed Awoken Skill transformation after losing a certain amount of health in Conton City Tournament 05: "The Fated Finale" during the Conton City Tournament single player online event.
- Masked Future Warrior
Masked Future Warrior
In Xenoverse 2, during the finale of the story, Future Warrior is forcefully given a Time Breaker mind control mask and forced to obey Towa. While under Towa's control they gain access to the first stage Supervillain power-up which causes their eyes to glow pink and they gain a dark black-and-white aura, though at the cost of having some of their life shaved off.
- Turn Golden
- Future Warrior's Ego
Villainous Mode Female Future Warrior's Ego
- Capsules - Used by the Future Warrior to carry various types of items. Some capsules can be used in battle as healing items though the Future Warrior is limited to how many they can carry.
- Scroll of Eternity - Scrolls used to physically record history itself which the Future Warrior utilizes to view history and travel through time as part of Time Patrol missions in both Xenoverse and Xenoverse 2. In Xenoverse 2, it is revealed that this is a privilege reserved for only by high ranking or highly skilled members of the Time Patrol and is implied to be a rare privilege as it is noted that the two Future Warriors are the only Time Patrollers who utilize them on a regular basis (as Future Trunks only utilizes the scrolls mainly to observe and occasionally join both warriors in the field).
- Scouter - After defeating Raditz in the main story, Future Trunks rewards the Future Warrior with Old Model Scouter (Green) which turns search view into Scouter view when worn. Other models can be purchased at the accessory Shop in Toki Toki City. The Future Warrior utilizes New Model Scouter (Green) in promotional material and when their Ace design is selected in Xenoverse 2 (it is removed briefly when they become the Masked Future Warrior).
- Time Machine - The Future Warrior utilizes a newer model of Time Machines which were created by Future Trunks' Capsule Corporation with input from Chronoa to eliminate the original Time Machine's design flaw that created time distortions that produce alternate timelines thus are safe for the Time Patrol to use. Time Machines are primarily used to deal with Time Fragment timelines featured in Parallel Quests. They can be used to transport Dragon Balls during certain quests.
- Dragon Radar - Used to locate Dragon Balls in certain quests.
- Time Breaker Mask - A mask worn by the Masked Future Warrior in Xenoverse 2 after the Conton City Hero is captured and brainwashed by Towa. The mask itself was actually part of a elaborate plot by Towa to bypass the barrier protecting the Time Nest in which Towa forces the new Future Warrior and Time Patrol Trunks to fight the Masked Future Warrior who they defeat causing the mask to fall off, leading Towa to travel back in time to Toki Toki City in Age 850 to alter history by kill Shenron to stop Time Patrol Trunks' wish causing the Toki Toki City Hero to disappear from history and the Time Patrol to lose their memories of the original Future Warrior. Time Patrol Trunks & the current Future Warrior return to the Time Nest where the mask helps Time Patrol Trunks remember his partner and determine the source of the massive history change sending the current Future Warrior to stop Towa from killing Shenron to correct history. However this signals to Towa her plan to get the Time Patrol to bring the mask into the Time Nest was successful allowing her to use the mask to bypass the barrier to steal Tokitoki's Egg to free Mira and secretly use the Time Scroll for Age 774 to prevent her brother Dabura's death who takes refuge in the Crack of Time.
Video Game Appearances[]
Voice Actors[]
Time patroller has a wide selection of voices for the player to choose from and in Xenoverse 2 not only the same selection of voices return but additional voices are added as well.
- Clifford Chapin
- Patrick Seitz
- Bryan Massey
- Luci Christian
- Caitlin Glass
- Elizabeth Maxwell
- Jad Saxton
- Bentley Green
- Markus Lloyd
- Tia Ballard
- Bryn Apprill
- Lara Woodhull
- Joel McDonald
- Rachel Robinson
- Ryan Reynolds
- Apphia Yu
- Curtis Arnott (Male Voice Option 8)
- Anastasia Munoz
- Micah Solusod
- Xenoverse
- Future Warrior vs. Future Trunks
- Future Warrior, Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan vs. Raditz
- Future Warrior vs. Nappa
- Future Warrior and Goku vs. Vegeta
- Future Warrior vs. Mira
- Future Warrior, Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta vs. Frieza (First Form)
- Future Warrior, Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta vs. Frieza (Fourth Form)
- Future Warrior and Piccolo vs. Frieza (Fourth Form)
- Future Warrior and Goku vs. Frieza (Fourth Form)
- Future Warrior and Goku (Super Saiyan) vs. Frieza (Villainous Mode; Fourth Form/100% Full Power)
- The Future Warrior, Yamcha, and Tien Shinhan vs. Three Cell Juniors (Villainous Mode)
- The Future Warrior, Goku and Gohan vs. Cell (Perfect Form, Villainous Mode) and Mr. Satan (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior and Future Trunks vs. Mira
- Future Warrior and Gohan (Super Saiyan) vs. Cell (Villainous Mode; Super Perfect Form)
- Future Warrior and Future Trunks vs. Future Android 17 and Future Android 18 (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior and Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) vs. Future Cell (Villainous Mode; Perfect Form)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan) vs. Mira
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan) and Goku (Super Saiyan 3) vs. Majin Buu (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan), Goten and Kid Trunks vs. Démigra and Piccolo (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan) and Gohan vs. Super Buu
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan) and Gohan vs. Kid Buu
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan), Goku and Vegeta (Super Saiyan 2) vs. Kid Buu (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan) and Vegeta vs. Kid Buu (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Z Fighters vs. Beerus
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Goku (Super Saiyan God) vs. Beerus
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Beerus vs. Démigra
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) vs. Beerus and Whis
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Frieza (Villainous Mode), Cell (Villainous Mode), Kid Buu (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Vegeta (Villainous Mode; Super Saiyan), Gohan (Villainous Mode), and Gotenks (Villainous Mode; Super Saiyan 3)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Démigra
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Démigra and Future Trunks (Villainous Mode; Super Saiyan)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Démigra Final
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Goku (Super Saiyan 3) vs. Démigra Final
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Bardock vs. Frieza soldiers (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Bardock vs. Frieza soldiers (Villainous Mode) and Frieza (First form Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), Goten, Trunks and Videl vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), Goten, Trunks, Videl, and Gohan vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Bardock vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), and Bardock (Great Ape) vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), Bardock (Great Ape) and Vegeta (Frieza Saga) vs. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Pan vs. Infected Trunks (Super Saiyan)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), Pan, and Goku (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Great Ape Baby (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Frieza's army
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Trunks (Super Saiyan) vs. Neo Ginyu Force
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) vs. Hell Fighter 17 (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Goku (Base/Super Saiyan 4) vs. Super 17 (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Goku vs. Nuova Shenron (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Pan vs. Eis Shenron (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2), Goku (Super Saiyan 4) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Omega Shenron (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Omega Shenron (Villainous Mode)
- Future Warrior (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2) and Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Great Ape Baby (Villainous Mode), Super 17 (Villainous Mode) and Omega Shenron (Villainous Mode)
- Xenoverse 2
- Future Warrior, Goku, and Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2) vs. Turles
- Future Warrior and Future Trunks vs. Mira
- Future Warrior (Masked/Supervillain) and Towa vs. Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2) (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan) and Future Trunks
- Future Warrior vs. Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2)
- Future Warrior vs. Goku Black (Base/Supervillain) (unseen)
- Future Warrior, Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2) (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan), and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan) vs. Goku Black (Supervillain/Super Saiyan Rosé)
- Future Warrior & Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Anger) vs. Future Zamasu (Supervillain) (unseen)
- Future Warrior & Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2) (Base/Super Saiyan/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3/Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan) vs. Fused Zamasu (Supervillain/Super Saiyan Rosé/Half-Corrupted)
- TeamFourStar's Takahata101/Curtis Arnott is used to voice the Future Warrior using the same voice as TFS version of Nappa as Male Voice Option #8. This voice option almost constantly pokes fun by mispronouncing the names of techniques, such as calling the Ginyu Force "Dairy Squad".[4]
- Curtis Arnott later revealed that he was encouraged by the developers of the english localization to make his lines humorous and was even allowed to make in-jokes to the Dragon Ball Z Abridged parody series. He would later return as Voice Option #8 in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 with some of his previous lines from Xenoverse being reused along with some new material for Xenoverse 2 as well.
- During the game's Ginyu Force Saga, Future Warrior accidentally swaps bodies with Captain Ginyu after being accidentally knocked into the path of Dark Ginyu's attempt to Body Change with Goku, causing the Future Warrior to be trapped in Ginyu's body for at least three missions, before managing to be restored back to their original body.
- Interestingly, if the Future Warrior returns to the Time Nest during the time they are trapped in Ginyu's body they will be restored to their original body and Future Trunks mentions that the Body Change was undone by returning to the Time Nest through the Scroll of Eternity, but they will return to Ginyu's body when they continue the next Ginyu Force Saga Time Patrol mission. The accidental switch with Ginyu is due to an accidental hit from Jeice.
- Regardless of the Future Warrior's chosen gender, characters will refer to them with masculine pronouns and terminology, except for Buu Buu! Majin Buu Cutscene 4 where Chronoa clearly refers to the Future Warrior with the feminine pronoun, "Her".[5]
- The Time Patroller Suit worn by the Future Warrior in promotional material can only obtained after the main story is completed, after which the Future Warrior can receive the entire outfit from the robot member of the Taino Force, Thirith.
- The Future Warrior has a habit of smiling and laughing in dangerous battles. This however would make sense if their selected race is Saiyan as due to the race's love of battle and fighting strong opponents. Of course, it is likely that the Warrior regardless of race simply enjoys a challenge. The Future Warrior is also shown smiling when Goku asks to fight them after defeating Demigra.
- However it should be noted that they are not heartless as shown by their reaction to Piccolo's death at the hands of Nappa. They are also shown to have a strong protective streak as shown when they save Gohan from being killed by Raditz and when they shield Gohan and Piccolo from Frieza's Killer Ball. However, when required they will standby and allow events to occur, to the point of even preventing others from doing things that would alter history such as stopping Krillin from killing the injured Vegeta. These traits make sense given that Future Trunks wished for a Warrior capable of defending history.
- The Future Warrior is also shown to be extremely loyal to the Time Patrol and their duty, as shown in Xenoverse when they use the Time Scroll to go back in time to free Goku and chase after Demigra and in Xenoverse 2 when they protect the 2nd Future Warrior from Mira. They also encourage the 2nd Future Warrior to chase after Mira and Towa, entrusting them with defeating the Time Breakers.
- It should also be noted that the Future Warrior does smile when he went to the future to fight Dark Future Cell but this also could be an expression of pain as they know that Future Trunks existence is on the line with the added fact that history can be changed and they could cease to exist as a Time Patroller. However it is more likely that the Future Warrior is happy and relieved they made it in time to prevent Future Trunks of Age 785 from being killed as they had previously defeated Dark Cell in Age 767 thus where confident they could stop his future counterpart.
- The Future Warrior is the first character to be erased by Towa when killing Shenron in the past effecting the present era when she said She'll start by a clean state. However the second Future Warrior interfered and saved Shenron by traveling back as well. This would mean that the Future Warrior is the first character to be erased and brought back to existence.
- However it should be noted that the Future Warrior likely still existed as it is implied that Future Trunks wish only summoned them rather than actually created them, thus they would have existed where ever they had been before they were summoned to Toki Toki City, though they disappeared from Age ??? as Shenron's death prevented them from being summoned and recruited into the Time Patrol.
The solid statute of the Toki Toki City Hero in the opening Time Patroller recruitment video in Xenoverse 2
- In Xenoverse 2, a statue of the Future Warrior with the title Toki Toki City Hero appears in the center of the Recreation Plaza after Chronoa tells the new Future Warrior about their predecessor. This statue is depicted as holographic in game and is replaced by a holographic statue of Frieza entitled Universal Emperor during Frieza's Siege. After the second Future Warrior becomes the Conton City Hero by destroying Mira, the statue changes to one of them entitled Conton City Hero. The Conton City Hero statue is occasionally replaced by another holographic statue of Most Helpful Time Patroller or Number 1 Time Patroller based on ranking scores. However interestingly in the animated Time Patroller recruitment video the Statue of the Toki Toki City Hero is depicted as a solid statue (presumably it was changed to a holographic as it is easier to render in-game).
- Back when Dragon Ball Xenoverse had first came out, some fans had thought the Future Warrior, who is named and labeled as Ace, was thought to be Gohan by the face and hairstyle of him obtaining Super Saiyan God. This was a slight misconception when it was revealed that the player can create a character with any face and have that existing characters face and alternate hairstyle altogether.
See also[]
- Youth (Dragon Ball Online)
- Saiyan Hero
- Ultimate Tenkaichi Hero
- Unnamed Martial Artist (1)
- Unnamed Martial Artist (2)
- Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2)
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse, 2015
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, 2016
- ↑ Bandai Namco, E3, June 2014
- ↑
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse - Buu Buu! Majin Buu Cutscene 4
Chronoa: "So you helped her back then."
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