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Template:Quate Dark Danny, also called the Phantom, is an evil future version of Danny Phantom from an alternate timeline, the result of a fusion between Danny's ghost half and Vlad Masters'. He is the main antagonist of "The Ultimate Enemy" and is by far Danny's most vile and evil villain in the show, being extremely powerful and showing no remorse for his actions.


Tragic Origins[]

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Dark Danny coming into existence after merging with Vlad's Ghost half.

In the original timeline, before Clockwork's intervention, Danny uses his ghost powers to cheat on the Career Aptitude Test by stealing the answers. Suspicious of Danny, Mr. Lancer called the Fentons to the Nasty Burger for a meeting. Danny's friends, Sam and Tucker, were also there. Tragically, due to the mismanagement of Irving Burns, the Nasty Burger's vat of highly explosive "Nasty Sauce" overheated and exploded just at that time, destroying the Nasty Burger and killing Danny's family, his friends, and Mr. Lancer, with Danny only surviving due to his ghost powers. As a result, the guilty, grief-stricken and orphaned boy was forced to move in with his archenemy, Vlad Masters, as he was the only person left on the planet who Danny felt could possibly hope to understand his situation.

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Young Dark Danny begins his rampage of terror.

Despite the history of animosity between the two, Vlad treated Danny with a great deal of sympathy. Blaming no one but himself, most notably his ghost self and completely taken over by grief, Danny asked Vlad to separate his human-half from his ghost-half to not only remove his ghost powers, but also so he wouldn't have to deal with his human emotions anymore, believing that they were responsible for the deaths of his family, friends, and teacher. He also thought that his ghost half would be free of all emotion, ridding him of the pain and guilt that he was feeling. Vlad honored his wishes, using the Ghost Gauntlets to separate Danny's ghost half from his human half.

The separated Danny Phantom, now free of the conscience of Danny Fenton, was also filled with all of Danny's anger and negativity. Immediately he overcame Vlad and took the Ghost Gauntlets. He removed Vlad's ghost half and attempted to overshadow it, but it merged with the other half instead. This proved to be a grave mistake as Danny's ghost half became overwhelmed by the evil of Vlad Plasmius, had a power overload and transformed into Dark Danny, the most powerful and evil ghost to ever exist. His first act of malice was to murder his human half and destroy Vlad's entire mansion, though he left Vlad alive, presumably to tell the tale of his beginning.

Decade of Destruction[]

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Adult Dark Danny.

For the next ten years, Dark Danny committed numerous atrocities against both Earth and the Ghost Zone, culminating in the near-complete desolation of Amity Park and the destruction of many ghosts. At some point, he crossed paths with one of his most powerful enemies, the Fright Knight, with the latter deciding to serve him. The Observants ordered Clockwork to kill Danny in the past to prevent Dark's rise.

Dispatching various ghosts from the future, Clockwork set in motion a series of events that led young Danny to eventually come to the future, where he encountered his dark older self. They fought, but Dan easily won, trapping Danny in the future while Dark Danny went to the past to cheat on the CAT and murder the Fentons, Sam, Tucker, and Lancer, in an effort to preserve his existence.

Back to the Past[]

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Dark Danny reveals himself.

Dark Danny then disguised himself as fourteen-year-old Danny Fenton and traveled to the past via one of Sam's and Tucker's time medallions to ensure his future by cheating on the C.A.T. and ensure the Nasty Burger will still be set to explode. Jazz found him with the C.A.T. answers and alerted Mr. Lancer, who called his parents over to the Nasty Burger for a discussion.

Sam and Tucker came as well to warn them of the impending explosion, and Jazz, using the Fenton Ghost Peeler, exposed Dark Danny to all of them.

Dark Danny mocked Danny's parents for failing to notice that their son was half-ghost and noted Jazz was the only one to notice. He then tied them all to the Nasty Sauce vat with ectoplasmic goo just as it was about to blow.

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Dark Danny overwhelms Danny

Just then, Danny returned from the future and saw what his future self was up to, and they battled. Even with the aid of the Specter Deflector and the Ghost Gauntlets, Dark Danny still proved too much for Danny but did not kill him as his own existence was at stake. Dan mocked Danny for being powerless against him and promising to protect his friends and family.

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Dark Danny defeated by his other self.

Refusing to let down his friends and family, Danny unleashed his newly acquired Ghostly Wail. Dark Danny was shocked, as he himself didn't develop that power for another ten years. Danny took advantage of Dark Danny's surprise to unleash another Ghostly Wail, weakening Dark Danny enough for Danny to trap him in the Fenton Thermos.

Existing outside of time[]

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Dark Danny imprisoned... for now or Forever

Clockwork took the thermos containing Dark Danny and sealed it within his lair. Now that the events leading to Dark Danny had been averted, Dark Danny now exists outside of time and, due to this, the Observants declared that Dark Danny is now Clockwork's responsibility.

In the end, Dark Danny is seen attacking the thermos from the inside, attempting to break free.

Graphic Novel[]

Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time[]

Dark Danny would finally be released from the Fenton Thermos when an enraged Vlad pushed it over and shattered the device after Clockwork refused to help him following the events of Phantom Planet. Ecstatic at his freedom, Dark Danny proceeded to subdue Clockwork while Vlad fled. He then overshadowed the Master of Time, resulting in the two merging much like what happened with himself and Vlad's ghost half from his timeline. Emerging as the dominant consciousness, Dark Danny proceeded to use his new powers to cause a rift in the space-time continuum before leaving to destroy present-day Amity Park.



Dark Danny in comparison to the younger Danny Phantom is taller, boasting a more bulky and muscular frame. As he is a fusion of Phantom and Plasmius, his appearance incorporates elements of both, as he has snow-white hair but like Vlad sports pale blue skin, red eyes, pointed ears, fangs and a goatee, his hair even being tied back into a ponytail as the hair atop his head is flaming. His outfit is largely the same as that of the original Phantom, albeit with black gloves instead of white and like Vlad he sports a cape which is white on the outside and black on the inside.


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Dark Danny sadistically mocking his counterpart for holding compassion.

Dark Danny is, by definition, pure evil. As a fusion of Danny's ghost self and Vlad's, he retained Danny's memories, but he is filled with all of the worst aspects of both his and Vlad's personalities, including Vlad's arrogance and cruelty towards others while surprisingly having not even one bit of a positive trait such as their shared love for Maddie as all of the positive qualities and humanity were transferred to Danny Fenton. Unlike most of Danny Phantom's enemies who have, to some degree, a moral conscience, Dark Danny possesses no such trait. He is outright wrathful, cruel, remorseless, narcissistic and more than willing to kill even the people he once cared about just so he can continue his existence. Further, as he killed the human half of him, he is literally incapable of any positive or redeeming qualities or developing them. Due to possessing no humanity whatsoever, Dark Danny can accurately be described as a psychopath and by this date the most evil villain Danny has encountered.

He enjoys manipulating Danny's friends and family in the past, toying with his younger counterpart by fusing a time medallion to him to anchor him to the future, and reveling in the emotional shock he causes his entire family by revealing his past counterpart's secret identity to his parents. Dark Danny even goes so far as to pridefully boast of how he purged his humanity long ago, referring to his' having murdered his human half. Combined with his destructive tendencies, implied enormous body count, and his willingness to murder his own family despite having all of Danny's memories and experiences with them in the past to ensure his continued existence in his present, Dark Danny is an absolute monster, showing that he is willing to go to any lengths to preserve himself as he is. To make things worse, he is also shown to have a psychotic and unnerving sense of humor, joking and taunting whenever he so feels like.

He is also notably arrogant, as he condescendingly remarks upon his younger counterpart's charge before taking him down in the future with a sense of dissatisfaction with the lack of effort on his part. Despite that, he was aware that he could not destroy Danny because that would erase him so he instead battered him to a point where he couldn't intervene. Though this was before time was averted and he can exist without Danny changing into him.

Despite his lack of humanity, Dark Danny is shown to have some lingering memories of his past, indicative of some lingering sense of nostalgia: upon seeing Sam and Tucker for the first time since their deaths he outright admits, “If I had an ounce of humanity left in me, this would be a very touching reunion.” and when he travels back to the past and meets with them again he remarks how in his “weaker moments” he sometimes misses Tucker's sense of humor. However, since he was manipulating Tucker and Sam exactly to what extent it could be said that he was being honest or in fact lying is uncertain.

He is also capable of showing fear, as he was horrified at seeing his younger self using Ghostly Wail, a power that took Dark Danny a decade to master.

In A Glitch in Time, despite Dark Danny himself claiming to have “trancended human emotion”, Jazz would contradict this by pointing out that he would have no reason to go on his destructive rampages if that were true. In response, he would bitterly remark that "[she] took away [his] future, so it's only be fair that [he] take away [hers]", showcasing a rare display of humanity through anger. This exchange reveals that all of Dark Danny's actions were, in fact, him trying to validate his own existence after he lost everything. Vlad also called him out for desperately holding on to what he has whilst stubbornly denying his true feelings, a quality which the latter admits he likely inherited from his ghost half. Following his defeat, as he began to fade away, Dark Danny would ultimately swallow his pride and accept Vlad's proposal to overshadow him, though he once again only did so to maintain his own existence. Afterward, both Vlad and Clockwork seemed to believe that the glimpses of humanity that Dark Danny displayed might make redemption possible for him after all.


Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Younger Counterpart)[]

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Dark Danny hatefully threatening his good counterpart, but the latter is not intimidated by him.

Dark Danny was created from Danny's ghost half when it was separated from his human half. After being merged with Vlad's ghost half, Dark Danny killed his human half and went on to his ten years of destruction. Dark Danny encountered his younger counterpart when Danny entered his time period from the past through Clockwork's intervention.

Disgusted towards the person he once was, he viewed his younger counterpart as pathetically weak, forcing himself to keep his younger counterpart alive only to ensure his own existence. Despite the fact his past self stating he would never become like him.

In their final battle, his views towards Danny completely changed when Danny used the Ghostly Wail, which Dark Danny himself didn't learn for another ten years. Dark Danny began to genuinely fear his younger self as his counterpart used this power to defeat him and trap him. Now that he exists outside of time, however, there will be nothing preventing him from trying to eliminate Danny since they no longer have a life link, making him much more powerful and dangerous than ever.

Vlad Masters[]

It was through Vlad's actions that Dark Danny came into existence. Dark Danny's first act of destruction was to destroy Vlad's manor. Now, Vlad, the former prideful billionaire, lives in reclusive grief and misery, guilty over his past misdeeds and selfishness. Dark Danny looks down on Vlad but also sees him as a threat, and plans on getting rid of him after finding and destroying his ghost portal.


Dark Danny mentioned Clockwork "meddling again" when he saw Sam's and Tucker's time medallions, implying they may have previously encountered each other before the events of "The Ultimate Enemy." At the end of the episode, Dark Danny is left in the Fenton Thermos in Clockwork's lair and the Observants place him under his watch since he now exists outside of time.

In A Glitch in Time, upon being freed from the Thermos, the first thing Dark Danny did was take brutal revenge on Clockwork. However, rather than destroying him, he instead opted to overshadow and merge with him to further increase his own power. However (way deep down anticipating this), Clockwork fought the fusion, resulting in their combined form being extremely unstable. Dark Danny was also particularly desperate to hold on to the fusion, which Vlad believed came from him having inherited his fear of being abandoned. While they were split again in the end, Clockwork now seemed to believe that redemption might be possible for Dark Danny after all, perhaps having gained a better understanding of him, and opted to leave him in Vlad's care.

Friends and Family[]

Dark Danny's parents Jack and Maddie Fenton were among the people he attempted to kill, so his future would come to pass. He thinks of them as stupid and incompetent, ridiculing them for not noticing the similarities between Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom right down to their names. His sister Jazz and former best friends Valerie Gray, Sam, and Tucker no longer matter to him. He merely sees them as people whom he must kill to ensure his own future. However, he did admit that he missed Tucker's comedic moments and was surprised that Jazz had in fact known his secret. Dan finds Valerie deplorable. However, she was able to fend off Dan for ten years until he learned the Ghostly Wail.

Dark Danny's relationship with Mr. Lancer was being that Lancer was least favorite teacher. He was also one of the people killed in The Nasty Burger explosion alongside Danny's family and friends. His tombstone only reads "GONE" instead of "GONE, but not forgotten", though the base of the tombstone seems to be embedded into the ground. He seems to have great pleasure in killing him since Mr. Lancer wasn't the fair and forgiving type in the past.

Future Ghosts[]

Dark Danny did not halt his trail of destruction on Earth but spread it through the Ghost Zone as well. Dark Danny took away the Box Ghost's eye and arm and used him as a punching bag; injured Johnny 13 to the point he needed a wheelchair; ruined Ember's vocal cords; and seriously hurt both Skulker and Technus in the last ten years to the point that they teamed up and formed Skulktech 9.9. The future ghosts were planning an attack on him but settled on destroying his past self to erase him, but their efforts were foiled. It's unknown if Dark Danny did this out of sadism, or out of spite for all the trouble they caused him when he used to be a hero, it's possible he did it out of both.

Although, most ghost fears and hate him, the Fright Knight appears to willing serve Dark Danny and claims him as his new master, obeying his every command. Dark Danny seems to use the Fright Knight as a warning for his victims before he joins in.

Powers and Abilities[]

Ghost Physiology: As Dark Danny is a fusion of Danny's and Vlad's ghost halves, he is a full ghost and has all of Danny's and Vlad's powers, as well as completely new abilities that he devised on his own. He is shown to be more powerful than Vlad Plasmius and possibly all of Danny's other powerful foes. Out of all of Danny's villains, Dark Danny was the one who came closest to defeating him (not just physically but psychological too), and was only stopped because of Danny's Ghostly Wail. After fusing with Clockwork, Dark Danny became even more powerful where his flames and ghost rays became blue and threw an empowered Danny like a ragdoll, break out of Danny's cryokinesis and take on several attacks from the combined efforts of Team Phantom; even Danny's ice attacks, Ghostly Wail, and dropping a huge building on him was only able to slow him down.

  • Ghost Sense: Like his younger counterpart, Dark Danny can sense both nearby ghosts and half-ghosts, though his ghost sense is red instead of blue. When his ghost sense is activated, red wisps of mist come out from his nose. The reason why he still has this power is that the Ghost Sense was originally a power that only Danny possesses and kept that power after melding with Vlad.
  • Supernatural Strength: He is far stronger than Danny or Vlad. He was able to sweep aside a person who had trained against him for years with a single punch, as well as easily lift and throw army tanks, which each weigh around 70 to 80 tons or more. He is the only ghost who is strong enough to rip off the Specter Deflector, which normally harms ghosts and needs a key to unlock.
  • Supernatural Durability: Dark Danny is more resistant to injuries or damage than an ordinary human or ghost. He can withstand a variety of great impacts without taking any damage, such energy blasts, oil truck explosions, two of Danny's Ghostly Wails, and multi-story buildings crumbling down at ground zero. Dark Danny is the only ghost whose powers cannot be weakened by any anti-ghost technology or power like the Fenton Specter Deflector or Skulktech's Phantom Palm Pummeler.
    • Healing factor: As with his younger counterpart, he can heal from even life-threatening wounds, and is able to survive and withstand any injury that befalls him. Dark Danny has been seen healing in tough battles with Valerie.
  • Supernatural Stamina, Speed, Agility, & Reflexes: Dark Danny's ghostly physiology allows him to be faster, agile, and have greater reflexes than Danny and Vlad. He can also produce almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity. As he is a full ghost, he can physically exert himself at peak capacity longer than his young counterpart, possibly even for days, before fatigue begins to impair him. Dark Danny is also possibly faster than either Vlad or Danny, who both are much faster than regular ghosts.
  • Intangibility, Invisibility, Flight, & Overshadowing: Standard ghost powers. He can fly faster than Danny and Vlad. During his last fight with Valerie, he was able to make a sudden dash of speed that can take his enemy unguarded. Dark Danny's invisible duplicate can turn intangible to move through solid objects, but anti-ghost weapons can hurt him while intangible. When he spotted Jazz during the C.A.T., he created an invisible duplicate to take care of her.
    • Intangibility Fusion: Dark Danny can use his intangibility to fuse an object inside someone in order to make it unreachable and untouchable, such as when he fused one of the time medallions into Danny. He can also use his overshadowing to fuse himself with other ghosts, having combined with Vlad's ghost half this way. However, when he attempted to merge with Clockwork in A Glitch in Time, it revealed that it is possible for the other ghost to resist the fusion, resulting in the combined form being extremely unstable.
  • Ecto-Energy Manipulation
    • Ecto-Storms Creation: Before his final battle with Danny, Dark Danny created some kind of storm in the background.
    • Ghost Ray: Dark Danny can fire powerful ghost rays. Like his younger counterpart, his blasts are composed of green and white ectoplasm. Even without using his full power, Dark Danny can blow apart a good portion of a multi-story building. He can also fire ghost rays in the form of powerful sliding waves of ecto-energy capable of knocking Valerie several feet away. Strangely, Dark Danny, who is Danny's most powerful enemy (with the possible exception of Pariah Dark) fires green colored rays, although he could possibly not be using all of his power, so it presumably his ghost rays can be fired in other colors like Vlad.
      • Energy Strike: Like Danny and Vlad, Dark Danny can channel his ghost energy into his fist for a powerful blow.
    • Ghost Stinger: Dark Danny used this electric attack to instantly drain Danny of his power, forcing him to turn back to his human form. He may also use it to knock out normal humans as he did with Jazz.
    • Ecto-Energy Constructions: Dark Danny has formed objects such as binds and ropes out of ecto-energy. He creates Exto-Energy Rope to bind Danny and another one during their final battle. He shot ectoplasmic goo from his fingertips in order to bind his foes and gag people.
    • Ghostly Wail: A unique power only possessed by Danny and Dark Danny, Dark Danny can generate an extremely powerful sonic scream, with a moaning ghost-like sound. This power is so strong that it causes terrible pain to ghosts and damage tangible matter, caused an earthquake, and destroyed the ghost shield protecting the future Amity Park, which had withstood all his other powerful attacks until then, with just one use of his Ghostly Wail. He used it a second time to blow away a whole army of tanks and helicopters, crumbling buildings, and shattering glass with this power. He later uses it against Sam and Tucker, but they escape by using Clockwork's time medallions to return to their time. At one point he used this to destroy Ember's vocal cords. This is Dark Danny's most powerful attack, and he can use it more than once without losing energy. This power took ten years for Dark Danny to develop.
    • Sleep Inducement: In ''The Ultimate Enemy,'' Dark Danny used this power twice when he blasted Jazz with his Ghost Rays and knocked her out until she woke up the next morning. Later on Dark Danny used his Ghost Stinger to knock out Jazz again and she didn't wake up until a few hours she got to the Nasty Burger. Dark Danny seemed to channel this power into his ghost ray and stinger, instead of using mist like Undergrowth, Nocturn, and Sleepwalkers.
    • Telekinesis: Visible in the form of green energy emanating from his hands and surrounding the subject of the telekinesis. He can use his telekinesis to render his enemies immobile.
    • Pyrokinesis: He can create powerful torrents of green ghost fire that can break through the ground. Furthermore, his hair is made of white fire, (the hottest fire known to man) a ghostly flames that can ignite flammable objects. It is possible that he controls whether his ponytail is stationary or flaming, as it is sometimes motionless like normal hair.
    • Ghost Portal Creation: Unlike Danny or Vlad, Dark Danny can create his own ghost portals between Earth and the Ghost Zone by merely waving his hand. He can travel between the two worlds or get rid of his foe by restricting their movements and tossing them inside, closing the portal behind them. Dark Danny could possibly close portals that aren't his and he said the only remain portal was Vlad's indicating he destroyed every natural and artificial portal to the Ghost Zone and Human world but he was unable to destroy Vlad's portal because it was hidden underground in the human world and the other side was hidden in the Ghost Zone.
    • Technopathy: He managed to hijack future Valerie's communicator frequency when she was inside a ghost shield and he was outside of it.
    • Chronokinesis: With the Time Medallion, Dark Danny was able to manipulate time just like Clockwork. After fusing with Clockwork these time abilities increased to a greater scale allowing him to freeze Danny in time with a snap of his fingers. When Vlad tried to free Danny, he ended up being shocked.
      • Chronolock: Dark Danny exists outside of time, due to the events leading to his creation being averted and erased from history.
      • Time travel: With the Time Medallion, Dark Danny is able to move through time and space into the past or future. He travels back in time to secured his future but if he took off the medallion he would be sent back to his erased timeline.
  • Spectral Body Manipulation: Dark Danny can easily stretch his body or create holes in it, as well as turn his head around 180 degrees. Dark Danny can also momentarily become an ectoplasmic vapor to pass through objects that could harm him even when intangible (such as Valerie's ghost hunting gear).
    • Shapeshifting: Dark Danny can assume the appearance of his former human self, as a disguise, despite no longer being a half-ghost. It is unknown if he can take any other form or not, along with gaining some powers. While impersonating his younger self, Dark Danny also alter his voice to sound like Danny which his eyes turned red instead of their usual green.
  • Duplication: Dark Danny can easily create several duplicates of himself. These duplicates can be invisible when made. He is possibly skilled as Vlad is with this power, as he often uses his proficiency in duplication as a powerful advantage against an enemy.


  • Master Strategist: Like Vlad, he is very cunning and devious. He manage to stay one step ahead of both his targets and Danny at every turn. He also displays to be great in manipulating his family, friends, and teacher into thinking he was the real Danny until Jazz exposed him in front of them at the Nasty Burger. If Clockwork hadn't interfered, he would have succeeded in making Danny turn into him. It highly possible that Dan planned to exist outside of time by fusing the time medallion into his body if he lost, to pave the way for his revenge.
  • Experienced Combatant: Dark Danny is considerably skilled in hand-to-hand combat and martial arts, as his powers enable him to execute punches and kicks with superhuman force against his opponents. He inherited this ability from both Danny and Vlad, making him an even more deadly fighter than either of them were. He also presumably inherited their Swordsmanship skills.


  • Time Medallion: Dark Danny used one of Clockwork's Time Medallions to travel through time to make sure nothing changes his past. With the medallion, he can get where and when he needs to be.


  • Fenton Thermos: Because of being a full ghost, Dark Danny is susceptible to the device and was easily sucked in by his younger counterpart Danny in a weakened state. However, he was seen trying to burst out of it, implying it may not be able to hold him forever. However, being inside of it also made Dark Danny was immune to the changes in the timeline, which would have otherwise erased him.[2] It should also be noted that if he was at full strength he would not have been easily sucked in. In fact, when Valerie attempted to use her own thermos on him in A Glitch in Time, his power was so overwhelming that it actually caused the device to glitch out.
  • Dependence on present-time Danny (formerly): Even though Danny was Dark Danny's greatest threat, Dark Danny had to ensure Danny's survival, otherwise Dark Danny would disappear. Because of this, Dark Danny could not outright kill Danny. Now that Dark Danny exists out of his timeline, this weakness presumably no longer affects him.
  • Lack of Empathy: When Danny's ghost half merged with Vlad's, Vlad's ghost nature didn't just empower Dark Danny to become more powerful, but it also made him lose all of his human element he once had. While Vlad had displayed this many times with Maddie, Dark Danny is even worse because he doesn't feel love or a single emotion for anyone he hurts. This is proven his undoing as he didn't predict his younger self unlocking his Ghostly Wail, which took 10 years for him to unlock. Due to the Ghostly Wail being unlocked by pure anger it possible that Dark Danny didn't really account the nature for this power.
  • Outside of Time: In A Glitch in Time it is revealed that, due to his timeline having been erased, Dark Danny is only able to exist inside of Clockwork's domain. As a result, he is forced to overshadow others in order to maintain his existence outside of it; including: Clockwork, Vlad, and a clone of Danny.



10 Years Later[]

Most of the 10 years later versions of Dark Danny take into account his 10 years spent in the Fenton Thermos and the effects it has had on him.

Version 1

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Version 1 - Shadow of his former self

The first version is a shadowy version of Dark Danny. After his 10 years in the Fenton Thermos, he "has gone off the deep end and become the ultimate dark ghost." He is darker, more dangerous, and has gone crazy during his time in the thermos. His personality/demeanor has become all that is dark, and his appearance reflects him in that he is a shadow of his former self. It is possible that the Dark Danny seen in the drawing is an actual shadow. He possibly developed the ability to split himself into multiple shadows, not dissimilar to Johnny 13's Shadow, only 200 times more powerful.

Version 2

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Version 2 - Thanos-Dark Danny combo

This version is a Dark Danny combined with Thanos. Hartman said that he was inspired to draw this version after watching the trailer for Infinity War. This version of Dark Danny has many of Thanos' traits, such as his bulky form, large chin, and angry eyes. In this version he has no pupils, making his eyes pure white.

Version 3

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Version 3 - Thermos-Dark Danny combo

The third version of 10 years later Dark Danny shows him as his original character design merged with the Fenton Thermos he had be trapped in. The reason he has become part-machine is because he escaped the thermos by merging with it, rather than fleeing its confines. This version is described as part machine, part ghost, part electronic, and part plasma. In essence, his ghostly plasma merged with the Fenton Thermos, allowing him to become this combined form which is no longer trapped. He is "Electronic plasma power to the max." This version is similar to Cyborg from the Justice League, and reminiscent of Technus, too.

Version 4
The fourth and final version is similar to the first version, in that he is pure darkness, evil, and insane. His 10 years trapped in the Fenton Thermos drove him insane. His character design is mostly dark, with only his gloves and face white, akin to The Joker. He lost his pupils making his eyes pure white, which adds to the terrifying look of the character.


  • "Your time is up, Danny. It's been up for ten years."
  • "That was me. And you, eventually."
  • "Of course you will. It's only a matter of time."
  • "Actually, nobody's going anywhere. Not until it's time for you to be blown everywhere."
  • "Me, my future, I'm inevitable."
  • "I'm still here. I still exist. That means you still turn into me."


  • During development of "The Ultimate Enemy", Butch Hartman had come up with the idea for what became "The Ultimate Enemy" as a movie involving time travel and ghost battles. He realized the best enemy for Danny to fight would be the worst enemy for any teenager - their own future self.[3] Thus, Dark Danny was created.
    • Dark Danny had been intended to return after "The Ultimate Enemy"; however, due to Danny Phantom's cancellation, this didn't occur until Gabriela Epstein wrote Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time, a book that takes place after the events of Phantom Planet.
  • Dark Danny was not revealed in any of the Nickelodeon advertisements for "The Ultimate Enemy," possibly for the sake of the shock factor of Danny's own future self being his worst enemy.
  • It was stated that if the series had not been cancelled and Clockwork's voice actor, David Carradine, had not passed away, Dark Danny would have indeed returned. It is possible that he would have been the final villain or at least retained his status as Danny's biggest threat.
    • However, it was also stated that if Steve Marmel had stayed with the show for season 3, Dark Danny would have returned.
  • According to Clockwork, Dark Danny has committed at least two thousand evil acts.
  • Dark Danny is never referred to by name in the actual show (except in the end credits). As a result, both the fans and the Danny Phantom production crew have taken to calling Dark Danny by that name.
  • "Dark Danny" appears as an unlockable costume for Danny in Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots. This costume gives Danny Dan's blue skin, fangs, wispy hair, and costume design.
  • Dark Danny is one of the few ghosts who does not make a cameo turning Earth intangible in "Phantom Planet".
  • While Dark Danny is now a living paradox and remnant of a timeline that no longer exists, it doesn't mean that Danny won't become some version of him. While Dark Danny is only Danny's negative qualities embodied in his ghost half and given a separate existence, Danny could still become a version of Dark Danny by walking down the path of villainy of his own free will as Vlad did years ago.
  • It is unknown why Dark Danny's ghost sense is red, rather than blue.
    • Danny's ghost sense is a part of his Cryokinesis powers. It is unknown if this is the same for Dark Danny.
  • Dark Danny was discovered to be cut from Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. Voice lines of the Announcer saying his name was found in the files of the game.[4]
  • Dark Danny has been ranked by the Youtube channel WickedBinge as the most Wicked character in the whole Danny Phantom Franchise (Beating out Vlad Masters and Pariah Dark).


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  1. Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy
  2. "Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time".
  3. Page 5 of Butch Hartman Interview: Archived from the original on 01-02-2008. Interview conducted March 30, 2006.
  4. https://tcrf.net/Nickelodeon_All-Star_Brawl#Unused_Characters


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