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Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki
Chef - Game&Watch - Nintendo

Chef is a Game & Watch game released in 1981.


The player assumes the roll of a chef holding a pan and fliping flap jacks that fly into the air and come back down. The player must catch a flap jack in the air and toss it back up. If the player drops the flap jack, a rat will jump out and take the flap jack and eat it. The player will then lose a life. Losing all three lives cause the game to restart with the score at zero. The enemies of the game include the rat, which grabs any fallen flap jack and eats it, and a cat at the top left of the screen. The cat has a fork that it can use to grab a flap jack and drop it when ever it wants. This makes it hard for the player to know when the flap jack will fall. The player starts with the player catching three flap jacks at a time, and later catching four.



  • The Chef


  • The Rat
  • The Cat