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"I'm coming to end it. The war, the lies, all of it."
― Captain Marvel to Yon-Rogg

Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel, is a former United States Air Force pilot who, upon being exposed to the energy of the Tesseract via the destruction of the Light-Speed Engine, obtained cosmic powers. She was made into a Kree-human hybrid via the blood transfusion from Yon-Rogg, while having all of her old memories removed, turning her into the Kree's weapon and a member of Starforce. During their Kree-Skrull War, Danvers returned to Earth and began recalling her past, with help from Nick Fury and Maria Rambeau. Danvers had then also discovered that Yon-Rogg and the Kree Empire had been manipulating her for years, learning from Talos that the Skrulls were merely seeking to find a new home. With this information, Danvers unlocked her true powers and defeated the Kree invasion onto Earth that was being led by Ronan the Accuser, before setting off out to the far reaches of the galaxy to finish what her late mentor Mar-Vell had previously started.

Spending twenty-three years journeying through the universe, Captain Marvel learned of the Snap through the distress call sent out by Fury and had joined the Avengers in an attempt to confront Thanos and reverse the damage done, managing to also rescue Tony Stark and Nebula from deep space along the way. However, despite their first attempt at finding the Infinity Stones failing, Captain Marvel returned to Earth in 2023 when the Avengers had just succeeded with their second attempt to reverse the Snap and assisted them during their fight against Thanos and his army of Chitauri and Outriders. Eventually, the combined efforts of Captain Marvel and all the heroes of Earth triumphed over all Thanos' forces, though Iron Man sacrificed his life. Danvers attended his funeral before going off-world.


Early Life[]

Difficult Childhood[]

"You didn't get along with your parents, so Mom said we became your real family."
Monica Rambeau to Carol Danvers
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Danvers, as a child, with her father

Carol Danvers was born in the mid-1960s as the second child to Joseph Danvers and her mother. Throughout her childhood, she never got along with her parents due to how they treated her based on her gender, yet Danvers maintained a good relationship with her older brother, Steve Danvers, who would stargaze with her outside at night. As she grew up, Danvers always dreamed to be a pilot, idolizing feminine role models like Template:WPS. Danvers also developed a determined, rebellious streak that would stick with her for all of her life.

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Danvers playing baseball as a young child

Despite how her parents felt, Danvers still decided to participate in numerous physical sports and activities, including becoming a baseball player on the team called the "Sparrows," where she faced more challenges being a girl on a boys team. In spite that she would sometimes be knocked down, Danvers always remained determined to stand back up and continue, while others would believe she should stop, which would go against her character.[2]

Air Force Career[]

Joining the Air Force[]

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Danvers attempting a training course

"They'll never let you fly."
Cook to Carol Danvers

Shortly after turning eighteen, Danvers had enlisted into the United States Air Force to pursue her dream of becoming a pilot. It was there that Danvers had to contend with the USAF's "Boys Club" culture, continuously being told she wasn't good enough or harassed for being a female. Regardless of the obstructions, Danvers never let the constant heckling or immense physical challenges stop her, working her way to become one of the best pilots on record.[2]

Friendship with Maria Rambeau[]

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Danvers and her best friend, Maria Rambeau

"You ready?"
"Higher, further, faster, baby."
Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers

During her time in the sky, Danvers met fellow pilot Maria Rambeau, and the two quickly became best friends as they helped each other throughout their training. Overtime, Danvers would become the godmother to Rambeau's daughter Monica, as well as becoming a part of their family, as she didn't have much connection with her own family.

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Danvers bonds with Monica Rambeau

Danvers helped Rambeau raise Monica as she grew up, as well as serving as inspiration for the young girl, giving Monica a better childhood than her own, nicknaming her "Lieutenant Trouble." Danvers would lay outside with Monica, just like how her brother once did and look at the stars together. Danvers would also dress up with Monica for Halloween as inspirational female figures like she did when she was younger.

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Danvers and Maria Rambeau celebrating

Over the course of their friendship, Danvers and Rambeau eventually completed their training and graduated, despite any doubt that was cast onto them, earning the rank of "Captain." That night they went to celebrate at Pancho's Bar, playing pool and doing karaoke, enjoying their victory, despite one of their fellow graduates trying to put them down, claiming that flying was only for men.[2]

Working with Wendy Lawson[]

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Danvers as a test pilot for Wendy Lawson

"Wonderful view, isn't it?"
"I prefer the view from up there."
"You'll get there soon enough, Ace."
Wendy Lawson and Carol Danvers

Due to long held restrictions in the United States Air Force at the time, Danvers and Maria Rambeau weren't allowed to fly in combat, despite being just capable, or even better, than any other pilot. However, they were offered a position to become test pilots for Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., a joint sciences project between the Air Force, S.H.I.E.L.D. and NASA, under the military scientist Doctor Wendy Lawson.

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Danvers meeting with Doctor Wendy Lawson

Danvers and Rambeau, receiving the pilot callsigns of "Avenger" and "Photon" respectively, would continue to fly under Lawson's supervision together using the opportunity provided to show off their piloting abilities that were rejected elsewhere. Lawson directly mentored Danvers as they worked on Lawson's incredible technological developments, and Danvers was inspired by Lawson's passion for her work and her desire to use her skills to end wars. Danvers also earned the distinction of being one of the few people Lawson's pet Goose genuinely liked.[2]

Assassination of Mar-Vell[]

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Danvers entering outer space in the Asis

"We have no interest in hurting you."
"No? 'Cause all the shooting kinda gave me the wrong impression!"
Yon-Rogg and Carol Danvers

One morning in 1989, Danvers and Maria Rambeau decided to have a friendly race to the base, with Danvers taking a shortcut to claim victory. Upon their arrival, they discovered Wendy Lawson in an agitated state stating she had lives to save. Noticing she was trying to pilot the Asis aircraft, Danvers volunteered to pilot it instead, concerned for the lives at stake Lawson mentioned. Once the two were airborne in the craft, Lawson provided Danvers with the coordinates for her laboratory.

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Danvers trying to evade attacks from Starforce

Beginning the ascent, they had suddenly noticed an unidentified aircraft approaching them, much to Lawson's fear, who ordered Danvers to get them out of there. Danvers did her best to evade the attacks while she asked what they wanted, which Lawson revealed was her work onboard. Danvers managed to pull a maneuver that got her behind the enemy aircraft, but before she could open fire, the aircraft started firing backwards with aft facing armaments.

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Danvers discovers Wendy Lawson is an alien

These attacks damaged the Asis, causing it to go down from engine damage. While Danvers tried to eject herself and Lawson from the Asis, the function didn't work so she attempted to land the aircraft near a lake and they crashed. As Danvers got out of the Asis to check on Lawson, she noticed that her blood was blue. Danvers helped her out of the Asis, where Lawson told her that she is not Wendy Lawson, but a Kree scientist named Mar-Vell from Hala. Mar-Vell then warned Danvers to escape so she doesn't also become a casualty in the war she had been fighting.

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Danvers aims a Kree Pistol at Yon-Rogg

Mar-Vell also told Danvers to remember the coordinates so she could finish her mission, as Mar-Vell then pulled out an alien pistol trying to destroy the Light-Speed Engine. By surprise, Mar-Vell was murdered before she could fire, causing Danvers to pick up the pistol to defend herself from Yon-Rogg. He asked Danvers where the core was, but she bluffed him by informing him that he would be surrounded soon, in the hopes he'd run from a threat of a show of force.

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Danvers absorbs the Tesseract's energy

When Yon-Rogg then went to finish Danvers off, she stopped him, and informed him of the core's location: right next to her. Located at the heart of the engine, Yon-Rogg eyed it while Danvers decided to shoot and destroyed it, as Mar-Vell intended. The sudden explosion then unleashed a massive outburst of Tesseract energy which was absorbed by Danvers into her genetic code, leaving her unconscious in a crater.

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Danvers is given a blood transfusion on Hala

While the engine was destroyed, Yon-Rogg noticed that Danvers was still alive, and the energy surges emanating from her confirmed she had absorbed the power from the core. Yon-Rogg took Danvers with them back to Hala, where Danvers was given a blood transfusion from Yon-Rogg, had her memories suppressed along with her powers using the photon inhibitor, and the Kree made her believed that the implant was the source of her powers. Using her amnesiac state to their use, Danvers would be made to believe she is a Kree and would go by the name Vers, due to the broken dog tag Yon-Rogg found in the blast site.[2]

Kree-Skrull War[]

Living on Hala[]

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Vers on Hala with no memories of her past

"Do you know what time it is?"
"Can't sleep."
"There are tabs for that."
"Yeah, but then I'd be sleeping."
Yon-Rogg and Vers

For the next six years, "Vers" lived on Hala as she operated as a member of Yon-Rogg's Starforce unit. During her time she had no memories of her past, experiencing only a certain glimpse in recurring dreams, which were altered to make it look like the Skrull were responsible for losing everything that she hold dear: her home, family and memories. After having another one of these "dreams," Vers decided to avoid sleep and visit Yon-Rogg.

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Vers during combat training with Yon-Rogg

When Vers went to Yon-Rogg's quarters, she requested of him that they could practice, so they both went to the sparring room and fought each other. After Yon-Rogg knocked Vers down, he asked her about her dreams, telling her that she has to let go of her past, which she had no recollection of, as he claimed it caused her to doubt. Vers was then about to use her powers, but Yon-Rogg stopped her, telling her to control her emotions, which he had always tried to suppress in her, along with her sense of humor. The fight then ended when Vers accidentally hit Yon-Rogg with a photon blast, causing him to arrange a meeting with her and the Supreme Intelligence.

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Vers getting some advice from Yon-Rogg

The pair then took a train to the Supreme Intelligence, where Vers asked Yon-Rogg questions about it. He explained that no one knows its true form and that they only see who they most admire, which Vers tried to guess who Yon-Rogg sees, but he wouldn't divulge. When the discussion returned to Vers' control on her abilities, Yon-Rogg reminded her not to rely on her emotions but her mind.


Vers meeting with the Supreme Intelligence

Vers then met with the Supreme Intelligence, who took the form of Mar-Vell, but Vers did not remember who that was. The Supreme Intelligence discussed whether Vers was ready to serve, telling her that she struggles with her emotions and that it is her past that fuels it, lying to her that she was a victim of the "Skull expansion." However, Vers told her that she couldn't remember anything from her life, which Supreme Intelligence used to get her to think about the Kree over herself. Vers then assured it that she was ready to serve, and Supreme Intelligence then assigned her to a mission with Yon-Rogg's Starforce.[2]

Ambush in Torfa[]

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Vers with the rest of Starforce

"Did you find Soh-Larr?"
"It wasn't Soh-Larr. Talos simmed him, even knew his code."
Yon-Rogg and Vers

Vers joined up with the Starforce members and prepared for their mission. They all boarded the Helion and talked about the mission, thinking it may be a Skrull attack, until Yon-Rogg arrived. He informed them that it was a search and rescue mission for Soh-Larr, a Kree spy, on Torfa, which was inhabited by Skrulls.

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Vers arrives on Torfa

The ships then made their way through space and arrived at Torfa, where Starforce landed their ship underwater, where they made their approach. They made it to the surface, where Vers tracked Son-Larr's signal to a temple, which Yon-Rogg suspected as an ambush. Vers volunteered to go in alone, but Yon-Rogg decided they carefully move in as a team. They were soon approached by the natives, as Vers proceeded to find Soh-Larr. Vers came across Soh-Larr and they exchanged codes, verifying it was him.

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Vers is knocked out by Talos

Suddenly, Vers was notified by Yon-Rogg that it was an ambush by the Skrulls, making her realize that Soh-Larr must also be a Skrull. However, before she could act, Talos, who was disguised as Son-Larr, attacked her with a Skrull Electroshock Baton, momentarily paralyzing her. Unable to move, Vers asked Talos how he knew the code, but he responded vaguely, asking her to tell him her secret. Talos then knocked Vers unconscious, and took her on board the Skrull flagship.[2]

Escape from the Skrulls' Ship[]

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Vers in the Skrulls' memory-probing machine

"What did you put in my head?"
"Nothing that wasn’t already there."
― Vers and Talos

While unconscious, the Skrulls connected Vers to a memory-probing machine as they skimmed through her life as Carol Danvers, hoping to find information on Mar-Vell, the true identity of the woman Danvers once knew as Dr. Lawson. As they went through her barely-conscious mind, Vers watched an odd composite of her buried memories play out.

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Vers making her escape from the Skrulls' Ship

Vers was able to wake up from the machine, to find herself bound upside-down. She pretended to still be unconscious as she listened to the Skrulls. While they were distracted, Vers used her abilities to break herself out of captivity, however, her hands were still bound. After knocking out the Skrulls in the room, she interrogated Talos to find out what they did to her. He stated that they looked in her head, but Vers refused that what she saw were her memories.

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Vers interrogates Talos on what he did to her

Talos then revealed that they were looking for Dr. Wendy Lawson, the woman in Vers' memories, but she had no recollection of her. Even though Vers refused to give in to her emotions, she couldn't help but begin to question whether what she saw was real. Suddenly, more Skrulls arrived, but Vers, still unable to use her powers, fought them off and defeated the whole horde.

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Vers fighting off a horde of Skrulls

When she found herself being overwhelmed, Vers overheated the restraints on her hands, destroying them. However, when she blasted the restraints off, it also caused the ship's wall to break, causing everything in the room to be sucked out. Vers held onto the ship and equipped her helmet so she could breathe. Vers then launched herself out of the destroyed room into a hallway, where she continued to try and escape, collecting her boots along the way.

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Vers commandeers a Skrull Space Pod

Arriving at the Skrulls' Space Pods, Vers hijacked one of the pods to escape, but as she was setting it up, Talos shot at the controls, causing her to depart immediately. Vers then successfully escaped the Skrull ship and found herself heading for a crash landing on the nearby planet. As her pod accelerated, it started to tear apart, causing Vers to fall out and be thrown to the planet's surface, crashing through a building.[2]

Returning to Earth[]

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Vers after crash landing on Earth

"Hi. I'm Vers. Kree Starforce. Is this C-53? Do you understand me? Is my universal translator working?"
"Yeah, I understand you."
― Vers and LAPD Officer

When she got up, Vers looked around, confused about where she was, completely unaware it was her home planet. She tried to contact Starforce but was unable to get a response. Vers was able to deduce that the planet she was on was Earth, although known to her as "C-53."


Vers approaches an officer for assistance

Now on her own, Vers exited the building and approached a vehicle, getting the attention of an LAPD officer inside it. After introducing herself, Vers asked if she was on C-53, but he did not understand what she was talking about. Moving on, she asked where she could access communications equipment, to which he directed her to The Slow Club and a phone booth.


Vers attempts to make contact with Starforce

After obtaining some electronic devices, Vers used their parts and altered the phone booth to fix her communicator, allowing her to reach Yon-Rogg. After verifying it was her and not a Skrull, Vers asked what had happened, which she was informed of the Skrull ambush. Vers then told them that Talos was disguised as Soh-Larr, and knew the secret code, which she suspected they obtained through the machine they had her in.

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Vers gives Yon-Rogg an update on her status

Vers informed them that she was on Earth and that the Skrulls' mission was finding a woman named Wendy Lawson. Knowing that Lawson was who she saw the Supreme Intelligence as, Vers was determined to learn who she was. However, Vers only reported to Yon-Rogg about stopping the Skrulls from finding her first. Yon-Rogg told her to stay put until they arrived, but she did not want to risk letting the Skrulls gain access to the light-speed tech to invade new galaxies.

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Vers meets and is questioned by Nick Fury

Suddenly, the communication line with Yon-Rogg cut out, so Vers decided to continue the mission on her own. However, she was approached by Nick Fury, who began to question her, due to the officer reporting her. Despite trying to leave, Fury stopped her and asked for her identification, so she informed him she was a Kree soldier and that she was hunting Skrulls that had infiltrated Earth. However, due to Fury not having any idea what she was saying, he did not believe her and told her she was under arrest.[2]

Chase of the Skrulls[]


Vers fires a photon blast at the Skrull Spy

"The woman said that there were more?"
"The word she used was infiltration."
― "Keller" and Nick Fury

Suddenly, Vers noticed a Skrull on the roof of a building in a sniper position, so she moved Nick Fury out of the way as he fired at them. Vers then returned fire at the Skrull, but he retreated. A chase then ensued between the two, as the Skrull tried to escape.


Vers chasing the Skrull Spy onto a train

As she was running after the Skrull, Vers then spotted a train approaching, which the Skrull got inside. Vers rushed after it, maneuvering her way up to the station, but it began to leave before she could get inside. Fortunately, Vers was able to jump onto the train at the last moment, hanging on to the end of it. She then entered the train through a window and began to search for the Skrull, who was disguised as a human. Inspecting all the passengers on board, Vers was able to deduce who wasn't the Skrull, including the Watcher Informant.

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Vers discovers the Skrull Spy in disguise

When she entered the next carriage, Vers spotted an old woman, who she had run into earlier, making her realize that she was the Skrull. Despite his attempts to deceive her, Vers punched him in the face, breaking the act. The two then began to fight in the train, where other passengers attempted to stop Vers, believing she was attacking an old woman.

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Vers furiously firing at the Skrull Spy

Although Vers continued to violently fight the Skrull, he was able to get away when Vers was restrained by the passengers. Noticing the Skrull dropping a crystal, Vers picked it up after freeing herself and continued to pursue the Skrull who jumped up onto the top of the train. When Vers caught up to the Skrull, he kicked her off, but she was able to hang onto the side of the train. When she climbed back on, Vers fired a photon blast at the Skrull, but he evaded it by jumping back down in the train.

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Vers loses sight of the Skrull Spy

Noticing a tunnel up ahead, Vers blasted a hole in the train's roof and jumped down before it hit her. However, she had lost the Skrull, so she waited until the train stopped at the station to find him. Vers then spotted who she thought was the Skrull, but when she went to attack him, she discovered he was not. Vers looked around the station, trying to spot the Skrull, to no avail. Vers then exited the station and tried to continue her mission.

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Vers attempts to locate Pancho's Bar

Inserting the crystal into her uniform, Vers was able to access the memories the Skrulls explored, but was only able to get a few images before it started to fry her suit. Vers then went to a nearby computer cafe to locate Pancho's Bar, which she saw in the memories. Struggling with using the inferior technology, Vers acquired a map to locate the bar. When a man on a motorcycle drove up, she decided to steal it, along with some clothes, to get to the bar.[2]

Alliance with Nick Fury[]

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Vers arrives at Pancho's Bar

"You have three names. What do people call you?"
"Just Fury?"
― Vers and Nick Fury

Following the directions she learned from the map, Vers drove across California, and successfully arrived at Pancho's Bar. When she went inside, Vers looked around while memories she had from there returned to her until she noticed a picture on the wall.

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Vers encountering Nick Fury again

When Vers took a closer look at a picture of a jet, she noticed a symbol on it, exactly like the one in her memories. Vers then asked the bartender where the picture was taken and then more importantly where Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. Facility was. However, Nick Fury greeted her once again, telling her that information was classified, like the file he started on her. The two then talked about the recent events and encounters with the Skrulls.

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Vers determining whether Nick Fury is a Skrull

Vers then brought up whether Fury was a Skrull, which he told her he wasn't, but she required more proof, revealing that Skrulls can match DNA and only recent memories. They both then sat down as Vers questioned Fury on his history. Vers was able to verify that Fury was not a Skrull but then decided to get him to reveal an embarrassing detail about himself for her amusement.


Vers decides to work with Nick Fury

Fury then turned the questioning onto Vers, asking her to prove she's also not a Skrull. So, Vers used her powers to fire a photon blast at the jukebox, which she explained Skrulls could not do. Now with some semblance of trust established between the two, Vers enquired Fury about his clearance level to find out about Pegasus, and the two began working together.

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Vers informs Nick Fury of the Kree-Skrull War

As they drove to the facility in Fury's car, Vers informed Fury of the war between Skrulls and the Kree, who she described as "noble warrior heroes." Fury then asked why the Skrulls would want Wendy Lawson, which Vers explained how she had developed a Light-Speed Engine, which they would want to use. Fury then moved the conversation onto Vers, in regards to what she wanted. Fury saw through her set response about stopping the Skrulls, understanding that something about the mission was personal for her.

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Vers arrives at the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility

Once they arrived at the facility security gate, Vers learned Fury's full name was Nicholas Joseph Fury, but he insisted on being referred to only as "Fury" by everyone. They were then granted access into the facility, and when they parked, Fury gave Vers a cap with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it to blend in. They were then approached by security, who they asked about Lawson's whereabouts, but they were instead put in an office, which had been locked, to wait.

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Vers and Nick Fury explore the facility

After realizing that they were locked in, Fury got them out of the room using a fingerprint on his badge. After Vers located the records room, as they made their way to there, they came across Goose, who Vers did not recognize. Vers then used a photon blast to open the door, much to Fury's confusion on why she didn't do that earlier.

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Vers searches the records room

They made their way through the records room until they came across Lawson's files. Vers looked over Lawson's plans for the Light-Speed Engine, which she learned had been terminated. Fury, after looking over some of Lawson's notes, believed she was insane, but Vers corrected him that it was Kree glyphs. Vers then realized that Lawson was a Kree, and Fury added that she died in an aircraft crash six years ago and that the engine had been destroyed.

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Vers learns of Wendy Lawson's true identity

When Vers asked about the pilot who also died in the crash, Fury revealed it was all redacted, except for a testimonial from Maria Rambeau, the last person to see them alive. Fury then left, and unbeknownst to Vers, he contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. about her, while she processed this information. However, this was only made more difficult when she discovered a photo of Lawson, Rambeau and herself, causing her to remember more of her past.[2]

Ambush at Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility[]

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Vers makes contacts with Yon-Rogg again

"You called them in?"
"My bad."
― Vers and Nick Fury

After uncovering information about Wendy Lawson, Vers contacted Yon-Rogg on a nearby phone that she altered. Vers asked Yon-Rogg whether he knew anything about Lawson being on Earth, and he told her that Lawson was an undercover operative named Mar-Vell who was working on an energy core to help win the war.


Vers is given orders from Yon-Rogg

Learning that Yon-Rogg was aware of Mar-Vell being on Earth, Vers asked him about herself, informing him she discovered that she had a life on Earth as well. Vers revealed that Mar-Vell was who she saw the Supreme Intelligence too, but Yon-Rogg, who knew the truth, tried to convince her it was a Skrull simulation. However, Vers would not accept that, knowing her memories to be true. Yon-Rogg stopped Vers by reminding her of her training, shutting off her emotions, and then informed her that they would regroup with her soon on Earth.

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Vers goes back to save Nick Fury from Talos

Vers, now uncertain about herself, went to leave the facility, when she overheard S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that had arrived, talk about bringing in Nick Fury dead or alive for working with her. Vers contemplated going back for Fury and ultimately decided to, as she couldn't let him be killed after helping her. Making her way back to the fifth floor, Vers found Talos, disguised as the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, standing over Fury, so she blasted him away with a photon blast.


Vers and Nick Fury confronted by Phil Coulson

When more agents arrived, Vers blasted a hole in the ceiling to the next floor, and she and Fury escaped through it. As they ran away, Vers scolded Fury for betraying her by calling in S.H.I.E.L.D., which he apologized for. When they reached the stairwell, they were cornered by Phil Coulson. Vers prepared to fight him, but his trust in Fury caused him to let them go.

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Vers commandeers a S.H.I.E.L.D. Quadjet

When they were temporarily safe, Vers demanded Fury hand over his Transmitter Pager so he wouldn't use it again. They then ran through the hangar, where Vers spotted a Quadjet for them to escape in. They both sat in the cockpit, as Fury questioned whether Vers could fly the aircraft, which she was fairly certain of. Vers then proceeded to fly the Quadjet out of the facility.


Vers is joined by Goose on the Quadjet

Not long after escaping, the two heard faint meowing, which was revealed to be Goose, who had stowed away on the Quadjet. When they were in the clear, Goose sat on Vers' lap, as she was comfortable with her, but Vers moved her off. Vers then showed Fury the photo of her she found, and they both deduced that she was the pilot that went down with "Lawson," and somehow arrived on Hala, near dead and with no memory.

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Vers bonds with Nick Fury

Vers then set out to find Maria Rambeau, so Fury instructed her how to get to Louisiana. As they flew, Vers was curious why Coulson didn't hand them over to the Skrulls, which Fury informed was him going with his gut instead of blindly following orders, something Vers stated she got in trouble for. The two then bonded more as they flew, laughing over their experiences with each other.[2]

Reunion with the Rambeau Family[]

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Vers reunites with Maria and Monica Rambeau

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Maria Rambeau."
"Auntie Carol? Mom, it's Auntie Carol! I knew it! Everyone said you were dead! But we knew they were lying."
"I'm not really who you think I am."
― Vers and Monica Rambeau

When they landed outside the Rambeau Residence, Vers approached Maria Rambeau, and was met with confused gazes. Suddenly, Monica Rambeau came out and hugged Vers, calling her "Auntie Carol," much to her confusion. Understanding that these people know who she was, Vers explained that she is not who they think she is.

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Vers talks about the last six years of her life

They all then went inside where Vers filled them in on the last six years of her life, although, the Rambeau's did not believe her. Vers then proved her story by using her powers to heat the kettle, much to their amazement. Monica then went to collect some of Vers' items with Nick Fury, allowing her to talk with Maria. She asked Vers if she could remember anything of her past, but she informed Maria it was only flashes that she couldn't piece together.

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Vers speaks with Maria Rambeau

Vers then asked if Maria could tell her about the day of her crash to help her remember. Maria told her how Vers accompanied Wendy Lawson on a mission to save lives, although the nature of the mission was unknown to her. Vers apologized for this being tough for Maria, but she revealed what was tough was losing her best friend and for it to be treated like it never happened while knowing that she was alive somewhere.

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Vers looks through a box with her items

While the two had a moment between each other, Vers slowly pieced together her broken memories, along with her friendship with Maria. They were then called by Monica to look at Vers' items they had stored in a box. Monica showed Vers some photos, which reclaimed a few of her memories of her life as Carol Danvers. Monica then went to get Vers' old United States Air Force jacket as Vers continued to look at her belongings.[2]

Finding Out the Truth[]

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Vers suspects Tom of being a Skrull

"He lied to me. Everything that I knew was a lie."
"Now, you understand."
"What? What do I understand now?"
"Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. He killed her 'cause she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war."
― Vers and Talos

They were interrupted when there was a knock on the door, which Vers stopped Maria Rambeau from answering, believing it could be a Skrull. Vers then went to open the door herself, which turned out to be one of Rambeau's neighbors. However, Vers remained cautious of him as he asked Rambeau if he and his children could take a closer look at the Quadjet parked outside. Although he was not a Skrull, Vers suspected that he was Talos, so Rambeau de-escalated the situation and closed the door.

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Vers discovers Talos standing in the house

However, when they all turned around, they discovered Talos had infiltrated the house, so Vers prepared for a fight. Talos attempted to stop a fight from breaking out, as that was not what he wanted, although he did have precautions in place in case they tried to kill him. He explained to them that he only wanted to talk, informing Vers that he knew what made her different from the rest of the Kree.

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Vers listens to Talos request for her help

Talos then revealed that he found an audio recording of Vers from a plane crash six years ago, much to their intrigue. Despite Talos' attempts at resolving their conflict, they remained hostile towards him. Talos pleaded to Vers to just give him a chance and listen to the recording and help him decode some coordinates, telling her it would also benefit her.

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Vers teases Talos over his fear of Goose

Vers then agreed to Talos' request, but before they went to listen to the recording, Goose made her way inside the house, scaring Talos. Surprised by Talos' fear of Goose, Vers picked her up and teased him about it, believing Goose to just be a cat. However, Talos revealed that Goose was not a cat but a Flerken, although they did not understand what that meant.

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Vers listens to the recording from her crash

They all then gathered at Rambeau's computer to listen to the black box Talos found, which slowly loaded, much to Vers' confusion due to the advanced technology she is used to. They all then listened to the events that transpired six years ago with Vers and Mar-Vell. After hearing what was on the recording, Vers reclaimed her memories of the crash, learning that Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell and took her to Hala.

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Vers realizes that the Kree lied to her

Realizing that she had been lied to for so long by the Kree, Vers stepped outside in shock. Talos then tried to explain to her how Mar-Vell was assassinated because she discovered she was a part of an unjust war, but Vers, still processing everything, believed that the Skrulls were terrorists. However, Talos tried to get her to see past the lies, in that they were living as refugees as the Kree destroyed their homeworld, due to not submitting to their rule.

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Vers struggles to know who she is anymore

Talos then pleaded to Vers to help him save the few Skrulls that were left, finishing Mar-Vell's mission in finding them a home where they could be safe from the Kree. Talos revealed a core that Mar-Vell was working on that could assist them, which they needed Vers' help decoding the coordinates. Vers was still unsure about trusting Talos, believing that he would use the core to destroy the Kree, but he made it clear they only wanted a home, and that they both have lost everything at the hands of the Kree as he tries to help her see that she was never one of them.

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Danvers is comforted by Maria Rambeau

Overwhelmed by everything, Vers became emotional, not knowing who she was anymore. Rambeau then comforted her friend, assuring her who she was, telling Vers how she was Carol Danvers: the most powerful person she knew and always found a way to do what's right. No longer lost about her identity, with the help of her friends' words, Danvers and Rambeau hugged, truly reuniting the best friends.

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Danvers decides to help Talos find the lab

Talos attempted again to ask for Danvers' help now that she understood the truth, so she informed him that the coordinates were state vectors, meaning the lab was not on Earth. Danvers told Talos that if they followed the course of the Asis Aircraft before it crashed they could locate the lab in orbit. Danvers then warned that Yon-Rogg would be coming for them soon, so they would need to get to the lab before he did.

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Danvers' uniform is given a new color style

As Talos and Norex modified the Quadjet, Danvers spoke with Rambeau, asking her to be her co-pilot on the mission. However, Rambeau refused as it was too dangerous and she didn't want to leave Monica, but she was soon convinced to join. No longer wanting to wear the colors of the Kree, Danvers asked Monica to give her uniform a new look. After going through different color combinations, they ultimately decided upon the colors of the USAF.[2]

Journey to Mar-Vell's Laboratory[]

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Danvers and Maria Rambeau fly into space

"Is that it? The core?"
"In her notes, she called it the Tesseract."
Maria Rambeau and Carol Danvers

The next day, Danvers, Talos, Nick Fury, Maria Rambeau and Goose boarded the Quadjet and began their journey to Mar-Vell's Laboratory. Danvers piloted the group into space, successfully leaving the Earth's atmosphere despite some turbulence.

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Danvers finds the Tesseract in Mar-Vell's lab

However, they were not able to see the lab, so Danvers used her uniform to de-cloak it. They all then boarded the lab, and as they explored it, they followed Talos to the core. Once they found it, Danvers informed them that it was called the Tesseract, as written in Mar-Vell's notes. Danvers then grabbed the Tesseract, and after looking around the lab, put it in a lunchbox they found.

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Danvers apologizes to Soren for her actions

Rambeau noticed that they weren't alone, when suddenly Talos let out a call, revealing that there were Skrulls on board, including his wife and daughter. Danvers then realized that Talos never wanted the Tesseract, but just to reunite with his people. When Soren became frightened of Danvers, thinking she was Kree, she assured her that she wasn't going to hurt them and apologized for being part of the Kree-Skrull War.

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Danvers is ambushed by Starforce

Talos then comforted Danvers in the fact that they've all done things they're not proud of in the war, but it didn't matter now as she helped him find his family. He then informed Danvers that there were still other Skrulls separated across the galaxy. Suddenly they were ambushed by Starforce who had tracked them down. Yon-Rogg noticed how Danvers changed her uniform, which the other members commented on her need to be set straight by the Supreme Intelligence.

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Danvers is caught by Yon-Rogg

Still angry at Yon-Rogg for lying and using her, which he told her was all to make her the best version of herself, Danvers attacked him. However, knowing her power, Yon-Rogg activated the photon inhibitor, taking away her abilities so the fight was hand-to-hand. Because he was superior in his fighting ability, Yon-Rogg defeated Danvers and used his Magnitron Gauntlets to knock her out.[2]

Confronting Supreme Intelligence[]

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Danvers confronts the Supreme Intelligence

"I used to believe your lies, but the Skrulls are just fighting for a home. You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. And neither will I."
― Carol Danvers to Supreme Intelligence

While unconscious, Danvers was connected to the Supreme Intelligence, which accessed her newly recovered memories of Earth, playing Template:WPS and dressing like Mar-Vell. Danvers then threatened the Supreme Intelligence to release her, but she refused, disabling her powers, telling Danvers she wasn't strong enough to use them on her own.

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Danvers fights the Supreme Intelligence

When the Supreme Intelligence congratulated her for leading the Kree to the Skrulls, Danvers called her out for the lies, as she declared her defection from the Kree. Danvers then attempted to attack the Supreme Intelligence but was overpowered by her instead. The Supreme Intelligence then used Danvers' memories to try to convince her that without their help she was weak and only human. However, Danvers embraced her humanity, as for every time she got knocked down, she would always get right back up.

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Danvers unlocks her full power

Despite the Supreme Intelligence's efforts, Danvers resisted submitting to her as well and the following attacks, using her sheer will to try and break free, disabling her photon inhibitor. Now, with the full extent of her powers unlocked, Danvers broke free from the Supreme Intelligence, waking up back in Mar-Vell's Laboratory, and stood before Starforce in Binary Mode. Danvers then released a powerful pulse, knocking them all away and retaking the Tesseract.


Danvers hands over the Tesseract to Goose

Danvers then found Nick Fury and Maria Rambeau fighting two Kree soldiers, so she fired a photon blast to save them, as they watched in awe of how powerful she now was. Danvers then ordered Fury to take the Tesseract and get it to safety, but he refused to touch it, so Goose swallowed it, much to their shock. Danvers then told them to get the Skrulls to the Quadjet while she bought them some time.[2]

Battle at Mar-Vell's Laboratory[]

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Danvers begins to distract Starforce

"Arm wrestle for the Tesseract?"
"I used to find you amusing. Let's put an end to this!"
― Captain Marvel and Yon-Rogg

Danvers kept the lunchbox with her so it seemed she had the Tesseract, allowing her allies to escape. As Danvers waited, she was soon surrounded by Starforce. Trying to buy as much time as she could, Danvers quipped with her former teammates, tricking them into thinking she had the Tesseract.

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Danvers fights against Starforce

Bron-Char then charged at her, so Danvers blasted the bridge, causing them to fall and be trapped under the rubble. Danvers, however, was unaffected by the fall and prepared to fight Starforce with her new powers. Danvers was able to easily knock away them with her stronger photon blasts, but due to her inexperience controlling that power, she occasionally got overwhelmed by it. After knocking away Korath, Danvers dueled with Minn-Erva, who revealed that she never liked her.

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Danver is attacked by Yon-Rogg

Danvers then continued to take on Starforce, who all made attempts to defeat her, but to no prevail. Danvers then reclaimed the lunchbox as Yon-Rogg got up from the rubble and attacked her. Yon-Rogg proceeded to throw objects at her with his Magnitron Gauntlets, which she was able to dodge until it became too much and she got pinned. When Danvers dropped the lunchbox, it opened, revealing that the Tesseract was gone, and she had been wasting their time.

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Danvers chases after Yon-Rogg

Yon-Rogg then left the fight to retrieve the Tesseract, so Danvers went to chase after him, only to be knocked back by Bron-Charr. After a brief brawl with Bron-Charr and Korath, Danvers defeated them and went after Yon-Rogg. When she caught up to Yon-Rogg, he was trying to leave in a drop ship, so Danvers jumped on it, but he released it into space with her holding on. Danvers then equipped her helmet and tried to attack Yon-Rogg, but he blasted her away, causing her to plummet towards Earth.


Danvers achieves the ability to fly

As she was falling at a fast pace, Danvers began to focus herself and discovered she possessed the ability to fly, stopping her from hitting the ground. Danvers then flew back to Yon-Rogg's pod and knocked it out of the sky with a photon blast, saving her allies in the Quadjet. Danvers then took a moment to enjoy the fact that she could now fly, letting out a loud cry of joy.[2]

Final Showdown[]

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Danvers stops a Kree Ballistic Missile

"This is that moment. This is that moment, Vers! Turn off the light show, and prove, prove to me, you can beat me without–"
"I have nothing to prove to you."
Yon-Rogg and Carol Danvers

At that moment, the Accusers, led by Ronan, arrived in their warships. When the Accusers fired a barrage of ballistic missiles, Danvers sprung into action and flew towards them, halting one in midair. Danvers was able to overpower the missile and launched it back into the barrage, causing them to detonate in midair.

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Danvers swiftly destroys an Accuser Warship

Danvers then flew into space to destroy the warships but was met by a fleet of fighter ships, which she skillfully evaded. Despite the great number of them, Danvers cleared through all the fighters with ease, using her newly empowered photon blasts and even crashing into them with her indestructible body. Danvers then proceeded to destroyed one of the warships, crashing through it with one strike.

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Danvers gives Ronan the Accuser a warning

After proving that she can defeat anything they throw at her, Danvers confronted Ronan, showing off her newly discovered power in front of him as a warning by releasing a massive pulse of energy. Understanding how extremely underpowered they were, Ronan and the rest of the Accusers fled from Earth, although he vowed to return.


Danvers confronts and defeats Yon-Rogg

With Earth safe from the Accusers, Danvers returned to the surface to deal with Yon-Rogg, who had crash-landed. The two walked towards each other, preparing for a fight before anything could happen, Yon-Rogg holstered his weapons, knowing he would lose, and attempted to manipulate her into fighting him hand-to-hand. No longer letting herself be controlled by Yon-Rogg's lies, Danvers blasted him away, crashing into the rock face. Strolling up to him, Danvers declared that she had nothing to prove to him, ultimately breaking free from his attempts to suppress her humanity.

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Danvers sends Yon-Rogg back to Hala

Danvers then dragged the defeated Yon-Rogg back to the crashed drop pod and charted a course for Hala. Yon-Rogg told her that he couldn't return to the Supreme Intelligence empty-handed, but Danvers gave him a message to deliver, that she was going to end the Kree-Skrull War. Danvers then powered the ship with a photon blast, launching it into space and back to Hala.[2]

Finding the Skrulls a Home[]

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Danvers has dinner with her new friends

"I'll help you find a home. Finish what Mar-Vell started."
― Captain Marvel to Talos

Danvers then regrouped with Maria Rambeau, Nick Fury and Talos at the Rambeau Residence for dinner that night, where they discussed the events they experienced together. When the matter of the Skrulls residency was brought up, Danvers decided to offer her assistance in finding them a safe home. Danvers then assured Monica Rambeau that she would return to Earth as soon as she could, which led to Monica suggesting she could fly up to meet her.

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Danvers says goodbye to Nick Fury

Danvers and Fury then washed the dishes together, where she told him that S.H.I.E.L.D. could keep the Tesseract on Earth so it would be safe. When Fury mispronounced Mar-Vell's name, Danvers corrected him, although he suggested that "Marvel" sounds better, followed by him singing Template:WPS by Template:WPS, much to Danvers' amusement. Danvers returned the Transmitter Pager to Fury which she had upgraded to be able to contact her in deep space for emergencies. They then said their goodbyes and fist-bumped.

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Danvers leaves Earth to help the Skrulls

Danvers then left the house and talked with the Rambeaus as the Skrulls prepared to leave Earth. Monica gave Danvers her jacket, and the two hugged goodbye. Danvers then looked to her best friend, who she found it hard to say goodbye to, but after they hugged, Rambeau told her it was okay to go. With a running start, Danvers launched herself into space and caught up with the Skrulls, and they began their journey to find a home for them.[2]

Solo Adventures[]

Universal Hero[]

"There are a lot of other planets in the universe. And unfortunately, they didn't have you guys."
― Carol Danvers to James Rhodes

As soon as the Skrulls were out of danger, Danvers proceeded to deal with the various conflicts on multiple planets.[3] Meanwhile, on Earth, the experiences with Danvers had led Nick Fury to realize that the world's arsenal would not be enough to defend mankind from intergalactic threats like the Kree, leading him to draft the Avengers Initiative, named after Danvers' old Air Force callsign,[2] which eventually led to the formation of the Avengers team.[4] Over time, Danvers started to go by Captain Marvel, in honor of her former mentor, as well as Fury's suggestion of the name "Marvel."[2]

Infinity War[]

Thanos' Victory[]

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Captain Marvel first meeting the Avengers

"Where's Fury?"
― Captain Marvel to the Avengers

23 years after the Battle at Mar-Vell's Laboratory, Danvers suddenly received an emergency call from Nick Fury's Transmitter Pager. Responding to the signal, Danvers returned to Earth, whose population had been cut in half along with the rest of the universe, due to the Snap event. She tracked the pager's location to the New Avengers Facility, where Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and James Rhodes were analyzing the device and receiving updates on the level of casualties caused by the Snap. Entering the facility, Danvers encountered the Avengers and confronted them about Fury's whereabouts.[5]

Rescue of Tony Stark[]

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Captain Marvel saves Tony Stark and Nebula

"You guys take care of him and I'll bring him a Xorrian elixir when I come back."
"Where are you going?"
"To kill Thanos."
― Carol Danvers and Steve Rogers

Shortly after meeting the Avengers, Danvers embarked into space to search for the team's missing members. Twenty-two days after the Snap, she found Iron Man and Nebula stranded in the Benatar after their own encounter with Thanos on Titan. She then carried the dying ship and its passengers across the galaxy to the Avengers Compound on Earth.

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Captain Marvel brings the Benatar to Earth

As Danvers returned to the facility, she landed the Benatar right in front of the facility as Stark reunited with the rest of the Avengers while Nebula reunited with Rocket Raccoon, the only other surviving member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. They all then regrouped inside, where Danvers was informed by Romanoff of the Snap and the effects that have occurred since.

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Danvers sadly sees a picture of Nick Fury

As the slide of pictures that were shown off from their system, Danvers watched sadly as a screen projection showed Nick Fury among the ones killed by the Snap. Danvers stayed silent as Stark ranted at Steve Rogers about their failure to stop Thanos and how the events of the Ultron Offensive and the Avengers Civil War had left them unable to stop him from wiping out half of all life in the universe.

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Danvers watches Tony Stark getting angry

She then witnessed Stark collapsing due to his long duration in space. Danvers and the Avengers watched as Stark rested after Bruce Banner gave him a sedative to put him out for a while, giving him time to heal. James Rhodes then informed them that Stark will be out for the rest of the day. Still furious about Thanos' actions, Danvers planned to fly away again the next morning to track down the Titan and kill him herself.

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Danvers discusses Tony Stark's recovery

However, Romanoff stopped her, informing her that they work as a team. Rhodes then asked Danvers if she knew where Thanos was, to which she told him she knows people who might. However, Nebula informed them not to bother, as she knew where Thanos was located. She and Rocket detected a power surge from the Garden, Thanos' retirement planet, indicating that the Titan had used the Infinity Stones again.

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Danvers discusses the plan against Thanos

Danvers told them that they can get the Infinity Stones and use them to bring everyone back. When Banner expressed his concern on how this was going to end any differently than it did during the Battle of Wakanda, Danvers informed him that they didn't have her then and would be successful since they had her this time. An annoyed Rhodes then retorted back at her, asking about her absence from Earth all this time.

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Danvers being admired by Thor

Danvers dryly responded that she had a responsibility to a multitude of other planets that did not have the protection of the Avengers. They all then agreed upon the mission. Before they left to confront the Mad Titan, Thor, having been silent during the discussion, stood up from his chair and tested Danvers by summoning Stormbreaker in front of her, which she did not even flinch from. He then admired Danvers and expressed his preference for her. With Rogers, Romanoff, Thor, Banner, War Machine, Rocket and Nebula, Danvers boarded the Benatar to find Thanos.[3]

Ambush on Thanos[]

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Captain Marvel teams up with the Avengers

"Where are they?"
"Answer the question."
"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation."
Captain America, Captain Marvel and Thanos

After boarding the Benatar, Captain Marvel co-piloted the ship along with Rocket Raccoon. They then made their jump through the Universal Neural Teleportation Network and arrived at the Garden.

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Captain Marvel giving a report to the Avengers

After arriving, Danvers informed them that she would do a recon of the area, during which she found no hostile forces defending Thanos' position. Danvers promptly reported back to the Avengers and informed them that Thanos was alone on the planet, to which Nebula stated was enough. Captain Marvel then launched a photon blast through his hut. She then subdued Thanos by wrapping herself against him, putting him in a headlock and pushing his left arm with the Infinity Gauntlet away with her leg to prevent him from closing his fist and utilizing the Infinity Stones.

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Captain Marvel subdues Thanos

While Captain Marvel choked Thanos, Bruce Banner in the Mark XLVIII armor assisted her by bursting through the floor of Thanos' campfire and grabbed his arm, with War Machine holding Thanos' other arm. The Avengers proceeded to interrogate Thanos on the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones.

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Captain Marvel interrogates Thanos

Much to their horror, they found the Infinity Stones were no longer in the Gauntlet. When Captain America asked where the stones were, Danvers demanded Thanos to answer the question. Thanos revealed that he had destroyed the Infinity Stones, claiming they no longer served a purpose to him "beyond temptation."

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Captain Marvel learns that they have failed

The Avengers initially believed Thanos to be lying, although Nebula stated that while her father was many things, a liar wasn't one of them. Danvers could only watch on coldly as an enraged Thor decapitates Thanos. The Avengers, heartbroken, returned to Earth in defeat.[3]

Member of the Avengers[]

Universal Responsibilities[]

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Danvers a part of the new lineup of Avengers

"What, you gonna get another haircut?"
"Listen, fur-face. I'm covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on Earth are happening everywhere, on thousands of planets."
Rocket Raccoon and Captain Marvel

With no more left to be done about the Snap, Danvers decided to join the Avengers, while also assisting other planets that were suffering similar crises to those of Earth.

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Danvers during a meeting with the Avengers

In 2023, Danvers messaged Rocket Raccoon and informed him about a highly-suspect warship so he and Nebula went to check it out. However, the ship turned out to be an infectious garbage scow, which caused them to smell like garbage. During a holo-conference, Rocket and Nebula complained to Danvers about her sending them into such a situation.

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Danvers gives Natasha Romanoff an update

When Natasha Romanoff asked Danvers if she was returning to Earth next month, she told her it wasn't likely. Rocket teased her and asked if she was going to get another haircut, she simply corrected him by calling him "fur-face." She informed the Avengers that the things that were happening on Earth were happening on thousands of planets and that she was needed elsewhere. Once the meeting concluded, Danvers, knowing that Romanoff would not like what James Rhodes was going to say to her, wished him luck.[3]

Battle of Earth[]

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Captain Marvel destroying the Sanctuary II

"Hi, I'm... Peter Parker."
"Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?"
Spider-Man and Captain Marvel

After the Avengers successfully reversed the Snap with the Infinity Stones from the past, Thanos from an alternate 2014 traveled to the present and battled the Avengers and resurrected heroes. When Thanos ordered an airstrike on the battlefield, the attack soon changed to an incoming Captain Marvel, who returned to Earth to help fight. With ease, Captain Marvel crashed through the Sanctuary II, destroying it and saving everyone on the battlefield.

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Captain Marvel tasked with the Nano Gauntlet

Now having joined the battle, Captain America informed Captain Marvel of their mission to return the Nano Gauntlet to the Quantum Tunnel in Luis' van. Captain Marvel flew to Spider-Man, who gave her the Gauntlet after introducing himself. The two then noticed the incoming horde of Thanos' army, which made Spider-Man unsure if she could get through it. Fortunately, Captain Marvel was assisted by a group of female heroes to help her clear through the horde and get to the van.


Captain Marvel protecting the Nano Gauntlet

The group of heroes then collectively charged at the horde, clearing the way for Captain Marvel to fly through at high speed. With the help of the other heroes, Captain Marvel was able to get past the horde and head towards the van. When Thanos attempted to stop her, Shuri, Rescue and Wasp blasted him away, but he was able to throw his sword at the van, destroying it before Captain Marvel could reach it.


Captain Marvel restraining Thanos' hand

The blast threw Captain Marvel away, separating her from the Gauntlet and briefly knocking her out. When she came to, Thanos had picked up the Gauntlet, so Captain Marvel flew at him, hitting him to his knees. The two then fought, but when Thanos grabbed her arm, he threw her away. Captain Marvel rushed back to stop the Mad Titan, who had now equipped the Gauntlet and was about to snap his fingers, but she was able to grab his hand.

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Captain Marvel furiously beats down Thanos

As Captain Marvel held his fingers apart, Thanos attempted to headbutt her, but it did not affect her. Captain Marvel then used her superior strength to overpower Thanos, pushing him down as she levitated above him. Seeing he couldn't fight her, Thanos grabbed the Power Stone from the Gauntlet and used it to increase his strength as he punched her, which was powerful enough to send her flying far away from the battlefield.

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Captain Marvel kneels before Iron Man

The battle was ultimately concluded when Iron Man obtained the Stones and wiped out Thanos and his army. However, this action cost Iron Man his life due to the power of the Stones.[3] All of the heroes gathered around the fallen hero as he died, and following the actions of Hawkeye, they all knelt before him to show their respects for his sacrifice.[6]

Tony Stark's Funeral[]

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Danvers attends the funeral for Tony Stark

In the aftermath of the Battle of Earth, Danvers attended Tony Stark's funeral along with the rest of the Avengers and heroes she fought alongside, to pay her respects. Only knowing him during their first encounter, Danvers stood at the back and watched as those closest to Stark mourned him and laid his Arc Reactor in the lake. While at the funeral, Danvers briefly reunited with Nick Fury.[3]


"You were the woman on that black box, risking her life to do the right thing. My best friend, who supported me as a mother, and as a pilot when no one else did. You were smart and funny, and a huge pain in the ass. And you were the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire from your fists."
Maria Rambeau to Carol Danvers

Carol Danvers is an extremely stubborn and rebellious person. Due to being told what to do or what her limits are her entire life, she tends to act recklessly when attempting to do something, which often results in accidents. Having been repeatedly underestimated her entire life due to being a woman, Danvers never backs down from a challenge. She notably possesses a sassy and dry wit. Danvers is ultimately a very determined person, and although she often gets frustrated whenever she fails to do something, she always gets back up and tries again. Danvers' friends and relatives often mentioned that she had a short temper before being abducted by the Kree.

Though brash and prideful, Danvers has a hero's heart and is a loyal friend to the people she holds most dear. She regularly fights for the underdog, and for twenty-three years has acted as a cosmic Good Samaritan, offering her aid to planets all over the universe in need of a hero. Through sheer willpower, she overcame the Supreme Intelligence and was ready to take on Thanos himself to avenge her friends. Perhaps due to her abusive upbringing, Danvers seems to have an easier time interacting with children than most other adults, acting as an honorary aunt to young Monica Rambeau and quickly establishing a rapport with Talos' daughter and sixteen-year-old Peter Parker.

Upon being kidnapped and misled by the Kree into becoming their soldier, Carol was completely indoctrinated into the teachings of the Kree Empire, firmly believing them to be noble warriors while also believing the Skrulls to be an evil plague. As "Vers," she was notably more stoic, owing to her handlers' insistence that her emotions make her weak. Even though she lost her memory due to the Kree wiping them from her mind, some of Danvers' traits remained, most notably her tendency to let her impulsive nature get the better of her, and her inability to let go of a strongly held conviction. After regaining her memories, Danvers returned to her more expressive self and became friendlier, though when in more serious situations she returns to her more stoic demeanor due to her military background.

Once she returned to Earth and recovered from her amnesia, Danvers felt guilt over her actions against the Skrulls and anger towards the Kree, believing that she needs to undo the wrongs she had committed and stand up against her oppressors. However, Danvers still retained some degree of respect for Yon-Rogg despite everything he did to her, as she chose not to kill him and instead sent him back to Hala with the warning that Danvers will expose the truth about the Kree's manipulative empire.

When Danvers unlocked the full extent of her powers after overcoming the Supreme Intelligence she became significantly more confident in herself and her abilities, as she casually took down the Starforce with a rather laid back attitude then boldly declared that she didn't need to prove herself to Yong-Rogg after defeating him with a single blast. Danvers' self-confidence was shaken after the Snap and started to give way to borderline arrogance in her desperation to somehow correct it. She coldly disregarded the other heroes' warnings. Aware of her power level relative to the others, Danvers regularly tried to work alone rather than integrate herself into the team. Still, she acknowledged that the Avengers have kept the Earth in good hands up to this point, and eventually established a rapport with her fellow heroes when they took on Thanos. Even after they failed to undo the Snap, Danvers joined the Avengers to keep a look out on the universe's status and grew to trust them, as she told Nebula and Rocket about what she suspected was a warship and appeared apologetic when they angrily confronted her over it being a garbage scowl, and despite maintaining distance, she was shown to know them well enough that she quickly noticed War Machine was about to say something Natasha won't like and soft enough to wish him luck.

When the Snap was finally reversed, Danvers showed a brighter and friendlier side to herself and became more extroverted. During the Battle of Earth, she placed her faith in her teammates and openly accepted help when she needed it, even from people whom she barely knew because they were all rallied behind the same cause. She also opted to stay for Iron Man's funeral out of respect for the fallen Avenger.

Powers and Abilities[]


"I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. But what happens when I'm finally set free?"
― Captain Marvel to Supreme Intelligence

Hybrid Physiology/Cosmic Enhancement: Danvers' powers are the result of having absorbed the energy of the Light-Speed Engine, which was derived from the Tesseract, and gained almost unlimited cosmic powers in the process. The Kree deemed it necessary to place an inhibitor on Danvers to keep her powers in check. After being found by Yon-Rogg, she was taken to Hala, Danvers was subjected to a Kree blood transfusion of Yon-Rogg's blood, which essentially turned her into a Kree-Human hybrid. This greatly enhanced Danvers' physical abilities, such as her strength, durability, speed, reflexes, and agility to superhuman levels. These levels can be increased even further by Danvers augmenting herself with cosmic energy. She is also trained in the arts of battle by the Kree which have been practiced for years and she has come to rely solely on her fighting skills, strength, and photon blasts. Many years later, Danvers demonstrated much greater control over her powers, which makes her one of the most powerful beings in the universe and allowed her to compete with a being as powerful as Thanos, as she was able to briefly overpower the Mad Titan until he used the Power Stone to punch her away.

"She's stronger than you think."
Yon-Rogg to Korath
  • Superhuman Strength: Due to the Kree blood running through her veins, Danvers possesses superhuman strength. With this, she was able to defeat many Humans, Skrulls and Kree with relative ease. Even before completely unleashing her incredible cosmic powers, she was already strong enough to defeat over a dozen Skrull soldiers without the use of her photon blasts. Her super strength generally allows her to send her opponents flying through the air with simple blows and kicks. When she and Nick Fury were escaping from several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Danvers was able to bend a metal bar to prevent the door from being opened. Her strength also extends to her ability to jump great distances. During her battle with Starforce, Danvers was able to knock Bron-Char back with a single punch, and uppercut Korath into the air and send him flying away with a kick.
  • Superhuman Durability: Danvers' skin density, muscles, and bones have increased exponentially due to her hybrid influenced physiology. As such, Danvers possesses resistance to blunt trauma, falls from high altitudes, Kree energy shots, and large explosions. During the mission to Torfa, Danvers was electrocuted by Skrull energy and was only momentarily stunned, before falling completely unconscious. When a Skrull hit her directly in the face with a cane, Danvers simply turned and hit back twice as hard. She also resisted the explosion of a Skrull space pod followed by an immense crash on the roof of a Blockbuster and was only slightly dazed but came out of it without a single scratch. Danvers' incredible durability even allowed her to hold the Tesseract with her bare hands without suffering any damage. She also resisted the attacks of her former Starforce comrades during combat, as well as withstanding the metals that Yon-Rogg controlled telekinetically with his Magnitron Gauntlets. She was also able to withstand heavy blows from Bron-Char's energy gauntlets.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Danvers can react to as well as dodge objects that travel at high speeds, with her dodging many of the blows of the Skrulls and later the members of the Starforce with relative ease and almost effortlessly. Also, while flying, she was able to dodge the gunshots of the Kree warship.
  • Enhanced Speed: Danvers can move at great speeds. She can overwhelm several Skrulls, including Talos, in hand-to-hand combat, and easily dodged their wild attacks while landing her blows as well. While chasing a Skrull through the city of Los Angeles, Danvers was able to keep up with the speed of a train to finally get on top of it. She was also able to handle her former Starforce compatriots in combat, easily dodging their attacks.
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Vers acrobatically sparring with Yon-Rogg

  • Enhanced Agility: Danvers has greater agility, dexterity, balance, and body coordination than a regular human being. During her training with Yon-Rogg, Danvers was able to do elaborate cartwheels and flying kicks against him. She was also able to dodge many of the Skrulls' punches and overcome them in her battle. She was able to easily keep up with and surpass the Starforce members, despite the great agility in combat shown by the latter.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Due to the Kree blood running through her veins, Danvers can regenerate from injuries much faster than a normal human, with an example being that there was no scar after being directly hit in the face by a Skrull, who drew blood. Another example was her having fallen from a considerable distance through the roof of a Blockbuster, only for Danvers to recover quickly and without any injuries.
  • Longevity: Due to her Kree blood and cosmic augmentations, Danvers' aging process was extremely reduced, possibly even halted altogether. Her physical age and condition at the time of the Battle of Earth are still the same as it was when she got her powers over three decades beforehand.
  • Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Following her victory over the Supreme Intelligence, Danvers gained control over this power without the help of the photon inhibitor and she became fully capable to summon this energy at will. Danvers can also envelope herself within her energy, which emits itself as a glowing aura surrounding her in a form known as Binary. This greatly increases Danvers' physical abilities, such as her strength and durability, as well as her photon blast, and gave her the ability to fly at incredible speeds, which is what allowed her to defeat the entire Starforce, destroy the ballistic missiles, as well as almost all of Ronan's fleet to the point that Ronan considered Danvers a weapon and swore to come back for her. Also, Danvers can accumulate her energy into her hands to increase the damage behind her blows. Danvers can also carefully use her energy by using it to block blows, such as when she blocked a strike from Korath's energy sword which likely would have cut her if she did not use her energy to shield her hand.
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      Captain Marvel shooting her photon blasts

      Photon Blasts:Danvers can directly siphon her cosmic energy into dense powerful photon blasts strong enough to pulverize concrete and metal or lighter blasts which only send opponents flying away into the air. During her training, Danvers used a blast that sent Yon-Rogg flying a considerable distance. She was able to send three Skrulls back and then use a blast to propel herself and not be sucked into space when she opened a hole in Talos' ship. During the pursuit of the Skrulls, Danvers was able to use her photon blasts to destroy a roof where a Skrull was attacking her as well as to destroy part of a tunnel and break the roof of a train to enter it. She could also use a photon blast to knock Talos down, which left him momentarily unconscious. After overcoming her fear and destroying the photon inhibitor, Danvers was able to release the energy as a shock wave that was powerful enough to knock down three members of Starforce and two Kree soldiers instantly. She was also able to effortlessly topple Yon-Rogg with a single shot that sent him flying several feet into the air. She also used a photon blast against Thanos, which he blocked with his left hand, which was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.
    • Exothermic Manipulation: Danvers can accumulate the energy in her hands to burn, melt or traverse solid metals, such as steel doors, ceilings or walls. She used this ability to free herself from the restrictions that the Skrulls had placed on her. However, she could not free herself from the handcuffs, so she had to work hard to use her photon blasts. When demonstrating her powers to Monica Rambeau, she also used this ability to boil the water in a tea kettle.
    • Energy Channeling: Danvers can utilize her cosmic energy to regulate the functional usage of a mechanized appliance as well as modulate their energy output. This is usually accommodated by a flare-up of her cosmic energies whenever she uses her powers to their fullest ebb. Her energy could also cause interference and power surges in nearby technology, as was exemplified by what unlocking her full power did to not only Mar-Vell's lab, but also the Kree energy cuffs used to restrain her allies, and the force fielded cells containing the captured Skrulls, thereby allowing them to break out. While flying back down to Earth to face off with Yon-Rogg, her very presence was enough to cause the surrounding power lines to flare up with electrical energy until she landed and powered down. Danvers was also able to jump-start Yon-Rogg's pod by blasting it with a short pulse of her energy.
    • Energy Absorption: After destroying the Light-Speed Engine's power core, Danvers became infused with the energy of the Tesseract. Due to this, her body is capable of passively absorbing most forms of energy and transforming it into her signature cosmic energy, which she can then use in a variety of ways.[7] Due to this, Danvers is immune to most energy-based attacks, as she can absorb the energy and use it to strengthen herself, such as when she absorbed the energy of the blasts fired at her from the Sanctuary II. However, Danvers does have her limits as she was unable to absorb the energy of the Power Stone when Thanos used it to punch her.
    • Binary Mode:
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      Captain Marvel goes Binary

      Danvers can harness the power of her cosmic energy to greatly augment her physical attributes, such as her strength and durability, in a form referred to as Binary.[8] For Danvers to acquire this state, she must produce a massive amount of cosmic energy to envelope herself within, which manifests as a glowing aura around her. In this state, her strength and durability are augmented notably so to the point where she could destroy a Kree Warship by flying straight through it, as well as stop a Kree ballistic missile from detonating on Earth by pushing them away. By producing enough cosmic energy, Danvers can become essentially invulnerable and incalculably strong, to the point where she could destroy the Sanctuary II with ease and effortlessly resist a headbutt from Thanos. Her photon blasts also become more powerful, to the point that she could destroy Kree Warships with a single blast. As Binary, Danvers' blows become vastly more powerful due to her accumulating a larger amount of energy within her hands, giving her blows the ability to stun incredibly durable beings like Thanos. In this state, Danvers' durability is also augmented to the point where she was unfazed by a headbutt from Thanos, much to the Mad Titan's surprise, and even resisted a direct blow with the Power Stone, appearing unharmed shortly after.
      • Self-Sustenance: With her full cosmic power unleashed, Danvers can survive out in the depths of space without any breathing equipment, having floated in front of the Skrull refugees' ship in the airless vacuum without her helmet activated.
      • Flight:
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        Captain Marvel flying through space

        While enveloping herself with cosmic energy, Danvers can fly, glide and float through the air and vacuum of space without outside help. She can fly at incredible speed, allowing her to take off into the atmosphere and even outer space and land safely on the planet's surface with ease. She can also maneuver with great precision in any direction, as well as float in one place. She quickly mastered the power of flight to the point where she could fly to the outer edges of the atmosphere in seconds to destroy incoming missiles and ships sent by Ronan. Later, when she decided to help the Skrulls to find a new world to inhabit, she was able to fly next to the Skrulls' ship at the speed of light. She was also able to fly quickly in space to save Tony Stark and later as she circled Thanos' planet to see if there was any kind of security. During the Battle of Earth, Danvers was able to come directly from space.


"I saw you crush 20 of my best men with your hands bound."
Talos to Carol Danvers
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Captain Marvel fighting against Thanos

  • Master Combatant: Having been trained for six years by Yon-Rogg, Danvers is a highly trained unarmed combatant, as well as an expert of the Kree's unique martial arts. During her workouts, Danvers fought her mentor Yon-Rogg, though he had the upper hand. She is skilled enough to defeat almost two dozen Skrulls soldiers while she was handcuffed and could not use her photon blasts and even managed to dominate commander Talos with relative ease. During the pursuit on the train, Danvers was able to fight against the Skrull Spy on equal terms, although this time with less ease and ultimately didn't manage to defeat him. Later, with her new ability to manipulate cosmic energy being linked to her combat abilities, Danvers was able to defeat the other Starforce members, including Yon-Rogg, with ease and without much effort. Danvers was also able to subdue a weakened Thanos, by putting him in a headlock, long enough for the other Avengers to come to help her. During the final battle, Danvers was able to fight Thanos while almost managing to take away the Nano Gauntlet but was ultimately bested by him enhancing his strength with the Power Stone.
  • Expert Acrobat: Danvers' years of experience have made her an accomplished acrobat. She is skilled above all in the use of parkour, managing to jump over several objects during the chase to a Skrull in the city of Los Angeles. Danvers is also very good at climbing tall structures quickly.
  • Marksman: Danvers is proficient at using weapons, as she used a Kree gun to threaten Yon-Rogg, then shot it at the Light-Speed Engine.
"Do you know how to fly this thing?"
"We'll see."
"That's a 'yes' or 'no' question."
Nick Fury and Vers
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Danvers holds an aerial battle with Yon-Rogg

  • Master Pilot: Danvers is an extremely skilled pilot, having been trained in the Air Force. She easily piloted the improved aircraft with the energy of the Space Stone and even temporarily held her own in an aerial battle with Yon-Rogg, which demonstrates Danvers' incredible ability to fly. Even when under her Vers persona, Danvers could operate a Quadjet, a vehicle that would have been unfamiliar to a Kree, as if by instinct. Later, Danvers was able to pilot the Quadjet as they headed to Mar-Vell's Laboratory in outer space. Danvers was also able to co-pilot the Benatar, along with Rocket, as they made their way to Thanos' Farm.
  • Expert Engineer: Since returning to Earth, Danvers has demonstrated remarkable aptitude with enhancing Earth communications technology, such as a payphone or Nick Fury's pager, into a highly advanced intergalactic communicator.



  • Kree Pistol: During the attack on Mar-Vell, Danvers used a Kree gun to threaten Yon-Rogg and then to destroy the Light-Speed Engine.

Other Equipment[]

"What did you do to your uniform?"
Yon-Rogg to Captain Marvel
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Danvers wearing her new uniform

  • Starforce Uniform: Danvers possesses a uniform she used on her missions within Starforce and wears as Captain Marvel. The uniform contains a device capable of analyzing and identifying any object placed within it on the uniform's sleeve. The uniform's color scheme can also be customized to the user's preferences via a device located on the uniform's sleeve, which Danvers took advantage of when she no longer felt morally comfortable wearing Kree colors. The uniform also includes a collapsible helmet that can fit around the wearer's head and leaves some of Danvers' hair exposed in a mohawk. The helmet can generate its atmosphere and allows the wearer to breathe in the vacuum of space, as well as underwater, where it will give off a blue glow to provide light. Five years after the Snap, Danvers changed the colors of the costume again; she changed part of the chest, shoulder pads, neck, gloves, and boots to blue, and the rest to the color red. Also, she added new accessories, like a sash on her belt.
  • Translator Implant: Danvers possesses a universal translator that allows her to comprehend most any languages and speak it fluently as well.
  • Photon Inhibitor: This device was utilized by the Supreme Intelligence to keep Danvers' powers in check and ensure she would not lose control of them. The device was able to limit the amount of energy Danvers' could emit and even revoke this power entirely. The device could also limit Danvers' physical abilities such as her strength and durability because they are directly proportional to how much cosmic energy Danvers produces. Danvers eventually destroyed the device out of defiance, unlocking her true potential.
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Danvers holding the Tesseract

  • Tesseract: The Tesseract was the housing unit for the Space Stone that was discovered by Carol Danvers. She stopped her former Starforce teammates from taking it and then tried to give it to Nick Fury, only for Goose to swallow it with her tentacles.
  • Transmitter Pager: A communication device used by Nick Fury, which is an ordinary Earth pager modified by Carol Danvers using Kree technology so that she could be contacted by Fury as a last resort in extreme emergencies.


  • Template:WPS: During her tenure as a pilot within the United States Air Force, Danvers flew her own F-15C Eagle, in which her rank, name, and call-sign were adorned on the left side directly under her cockpit's canopy glass.
  • Helion: During missions with the Starforce, Danvers was transported on this ship with her former teammates.
  • Skrulls' Ship: After being captured by the Skrulls on Torfa, Danvers was brought on their ship and had her mind probed. Danvers later escaped and destroyed the ship before escaping in a space pod.
  • Space Pod: During her escape from Talos' ship, Danvers used a space capsule, which was destroyed upon reaching Earth's atmosphere, which ended in the arrival of Danvers to this planet.
  • Motorcycle: When she decided to go to Pancho's Bar to find out more about her past, Danvers stole a motorcycle which she drove relatively easily.
  • Quadjet: During the escape of her and Nick Fury from the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility, Danvers piloted this ship with great skill. Later she used it to travel to Mar-Vell's Laboratory with her allies.
  • Benatar: While heading to Thanos' Farm with the other Avengers, Danvers co-piloted the ship, next to Rocket.


  • Edwards Air Force Base: Danvers, along with Maria Rambeau, was stationed at this U.S Air Force base as test pilots, as the test flights of the Light-Speed Engine were performed from the base.
  • Rambeau Residence: After Danvers and Nick Fury inspect the archives at the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility, they found out that one of the last persons to see Danvers alive on Earth was Maria Rambeau, so the two headed to her residence in Louisiana in search of answers. After she defeated the Kree forces attacking Earth, she celebrated their victory with her allies in Rambeau's house.
  • Mar-Vell's Laboratory: Danvers traveled to her late mentor's laboratory with her allies to find the Tesseract and a group of Skrull refugees. They were ambushed by the Starforce who captured Danvers, but she broke free and escaped with her allies, unlocking her full range of powers in the process and engaging in an all-out battle with the Starforce, defeating them.
  • New Avengers Facility: Danvers tracked the Transmitter Pager to this facility after Fury used it to call for her help. After meeting the Avengers, she left to rescue Iron Man. She eventually found him in space with Nebula and carried them to this facility, where they discussed how to handle the Snap and Thanos.



Appearances for Captain Marvel

In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Carol Danvers is the seventh holder of the "Captain Marvel" title, after Mar-Vell. She obtained powers after a fusion of Kree and human genes, assuming the codenames Ms. Marvel, Binary and Warbird before becoming Captain Marvel, after the Avengers vs. X-Men comic event where Mar-Vell died while going up against the Phoenix Force.
    • In Avengers: Endgame, Danvers sported several physical features that referenced her classic appearance in the comics, such as the iconic short hair and the sash on her belt.
  • Danvers is a fan of Template:WPS and Lita Ford.
  • In the flashbacks to young Danvers playing baseball with her brother, she wears a red and white uniform while Steve wears the "B" of the Template:WPS. This is a nod to the comics, where the Danvers siblings grew up in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Captain Marvel is the fourth character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe whose powers come from an Infinity Stone, following Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Vision. Unlike the other three, hers come from the Space Stone rather than the Mind Stone.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • According to Kevin Feige in his Phase Three announcement, Carol Danvers is "one of the most, if not the most, powerful heroes in the MCU."[9]
  • Captain Marvel was originally in the Avengers: Age of Ultron script, but she was removed as it was deemed inappropriate to introduce her without establishing her backstory.[10]
  • Carol Danvers was also originally going to appear in Jessica Jones when it was going to air on ABC, however, her role was eventually filled by Trish Walker.[11]
  • Template:WPS, Template:WPS, Natalie Dormer, Template:WPS, Template:WPS, Template:WPS and Template:WPS were considered for the role of Carol Danvers.
  • Joanna Bennett, Renae Moneymaker, Heather Bonomo, Shauna Galligan and Ingrid Kleinig were stunt doubles for Brie Larson, Kara Petersen was a stunt double for Mckenna Grace and Jessie Giacomazzi was a stunt double for London Fuller in the role of Captain Marvel.
  • Dara Rose and Jessica Walker were stand-ins for Brie Larson in the role of Captain Marvel.
  • According to Kevin Feige, the reasons why Nick Fury didn't page Captain Marvel sooner was that "Well, I’d say two things. One, she does say it’s gotta be a real emergency, right? The other thing I’d say is how do you know he never hit it? How do we know he never pushed it before? We’ve never seen him push it before. That doesn’t mean he never did".[12]
  • Captain Marvel's suits in Avengers: Endgame are computer-generated as there was a decision during production to give them new-looks to accommodate the twenty-three-year gap between Avengers: Endgame and Captain Marvel.[13]


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External Links[]

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