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Andy Bogard (アンディ・ボガード) is a video game character in both the Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series by SNK. He is Terry Bogard's younger brother. His official nickname is "The Human Weapon"[2] or "Whole Body Weapon" (全身 (ぜんしん) 凶器 (きゅうきん)).[3]


Fatal Fury series[]


File:RBFF Andy Ending4.png

Andy training.

Andy is one of Jeff Bogard's adopted sons and the younger brother of Terry. When their father dies at the hands of Geese Howard, Andy decided to perfect his own martial art over at Japan to differentiate himself from his brother. During his time in Japan, Andy was taught the Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu (Shiranui Style Ninja Technique) and a form of empty-handed combat called Koppouken by Hanzo Shiranui.

Fatal Fury: King of Fighters[]

A decade after Jeff's death, he reunites with Terry in South Town. After paying respects to Jeff's grave, they encounter Joe Higashi and learn about the King of Fighters tournament hosted by Geese. He enters with them in an attempt to avenge their father, but lost before he reached Geese. When Terry defeated Geese, Andy felt a mixed sense of closure and returned to Japan to continue his training.

Fatal Fury 2-Real Bout Fatal Fury[]

After their first King of Fighters tournament, a new tournament was held, this time hosted by Wolfgang Krauser. Andy, though present in the competition, did not accomplish much story-wise. During the events of Fatal Fury 3, Andy suffered a chest wound that continued to hamper him in the Real Bout series. He additionally has an ending which mirrors Terry's scenario in Real Bout but this is considered non-canon in Mark of the Wolves.

Garou: Mark of the Wolves[]

Ever since Geese's death, the fall of the First Southtown, and the birth of Second Southtown, Andy has been busy training Hokutomaru through the ways of Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu and Koppouken. Instead of fighting in the tournament himself, he sends Hokutomaru in his place to see what his apprentice has learned. In Hokutomaru's ending, Andy writes him a note saying that he was proud to see Hokutomaru's progress. Then he ended the note by saying he is no longer his teacher but his rival and that they will cross paths again.

The King of Fighters series[]

Andy's life in this timeline is the same as his Fatal Fury counterpart up until Fatal Fury 2.

Orochi Saga[]

The King of Fighters '94[]
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Terry, Andy and Joe accepting The King of Fighters '94 invites.

One day, while on vacation, Terry learns about the upcoming 1994 tournament along with his brother Andy and close friend Joe. Thinking that either Geese, Krasuer and humorously Ryuhaku Todoh is behind this, they decide to enter KOF as the Fatal Fury Team, representing Italy.[4] While they did not win the tournament, they did very well to get the attention of Geese Howard & Wolfgang Krauser, who were both impressed with their results in the tournament, and begin plotting their downfall.

The King of Fighters '95[]

A year after the previous tournament, the Fatal Fury Team gets a surprise letter from Geese, stating that he "prepared something fun for the tournament". Believing that Krauser may have a hand in this, they enter.[5]

The King of Fighters '96[]

The Fatal Fury Team once again formed a team together, but not before long, Billy Kane and Geese appeared before them. Geese reveals to the team that he'll be entering KOF as an invited guest, which uneased them.[6]

The King of Fighters '97[]

Terry, Andy, and Joe once again team up to form the Fatal Fury Team, after receiving an invitation from Blue Mary, a close friend of Terry.[7]

NESTS Chronicles[]

The King of Fighters '99[]

Two years after the previous tournament's conclusion, Mai joins with the Fatal Fury Team, fulfilling her desire to be close to her loved Andy.[8]


The Fatal Fury Team barely escaping.

After Krizalid's defeat during the tournament's climax, the underground NESTS base collapse and exploded, which caused many of the fighters participating this year to get caught up in. Terry was one of the many fighters to be caught in it; however, his body was nowhere to be found, with his glove being the only thing left. While Andy and Mai believe the worst has happened to him, Joe doesn't easily believe Terry was dead.

The King of Fighters 2000[]

The New Fatal Fury Team.

Prior to the 2000 tournament, Andy is reflecting on Terry, when he is suddenly revealed to have survive the NESTS base collapse. Terry didn't contact with any of his friends or loved ones until a year later. In his time of absence, Terry tracked down NESTS's men who were targeting Mary. Andy decides to help Terry and Mary out in her job by teaming up with her in tournament.[9]

The King of Fighters 2001[]

Andy enters KOF again to assist Mary in stopping NESTS in the following tournaments, eventually leading to its demise.[10]

Tales of Ash[]

The King of Fighters 2003[]

Andy left the Fatal Fury team to take care of his disciple, Hokutomaru, who fell sick with the mumps. He stays absent in KOF XI to presumably continue training his student. Due to Andy deciding to not participate this year, Terry asked Joe and up-and-coming wrestler Tizoc to form a Team for the 2003 tournament.[11] He was seen watching a fight in a stadium.

The King of Fighters XIII[]

To catch up and to reunite the legendary trio of South Town, he joins up with his brother and Joe once more in KOF XIII.[12]

Maximum Impact series[]

Andy's life in this timeline is the same as his KOF counterpart up until The King of Fighters 2003.

In the Maximum Impact series, Andy did not want to participate and immersed himself in training. He admits privately to Mai in the sequel that he feels his fighting ability is impotent and wants to wait for another time to challenge his brother. In a side story for Regulation A, however, he states that his fight with Terry "may not be far off".


Andy is a quiet and rather stoic man who always sets his sights on improving himself. Although he is usually serious, he breaks form when confronted with things that make him uncomfortable -such as his height- and hides his embarrassment with boastful declarations, probably underlying his diffidence in a sense. Andy acts as the withdrawn and analytical observer amongst his friends. As far back as he can remember, He has never won any fight over his elder brother and seems to suffer from an inferiority complex because of it. He respects him yet feels that he has to one day overcome him. Despite this, both brothers are solid companions to the other, whether be in normal tasks, fighting or even travels.

In the Fatal Fury timeline, he is aware of Mai's interest, he just considers her to be more of a younger sister since he started training with Hanzo when he was very young and devoted his life to martial arts. Mai's luck is surely bad. However, in The King of Fighters timeline, he is in love with Mai, but rarely expresses it, as he personally feels that he is not yet mature enough to handle marriage and training at the same time. He seems perplexed by Mai's actions towards him but will do everything he can to protect her. Their relationship is usually used for comedic effect in the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series. As the series progresses however, their relationship becomes more serious.


  • Gather Chi - Andy can gather chi energy from Gaia, the mother-earth.
  • Energy Projectile - Andy can fire a ball of chi energy from his hands called Hishouken.
  • Energy Attacks - Andy can use chi energy to increase the damage of his normal attacks (punches, kicks, etc.)
  • Fire Attacks - Andy can use fire to increase the damage of his normal attacks and even engulf his body in flames, though he is not a pyrokinetic like Mai is.

  • Acrobatics - Andy is very proficient with acrobatics thanks to his ninjutsu training.
  • Stealth - Due to his ninja training, Andy is proficient in stealth.
  • Cycling - Andy is a bicyclist and can do short laps.

Fighting style[]

Andy employs Koppouken as his fighting style. Koppouken is an old Japanese martial art that has some Karate and Ninjutsu moves, but with emphasis on targeting vulnerable parts of the body and breaking bones. Some time after mastering Koppouken, Andy went to learn the Shiranui-ryuu Ninjutsu with Hanzo Shiranui.


  • Chotto Koikki na Kenka Yarou (A Somewhat Stylish Brawling Punk) - Player VS. Player BGM in Fatal Fury, shared with Terry Bogard and Joe Higashi
  • Pasta - Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury Special
  • Raihatou (Thunder Surge Warrior) - Fatal Fury 3, Real Bout Fatal Fury, Real Bout Fatal Fury Special, The King of Fighters: Kyo
  • Raihatou Gaiden (Thunder Surge Warrior Sidestory) - Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
  • Ribbon of the Night - Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition
  • Napolitan Blues - The King of Fighters '94
  • Club M ~Flute in the Sky~ - The King of Fighters '95
  • Big Shot! "Elegant Simplicity" - The King of Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (when teaming EX Andy with EX Terry and EX Joe)
  • Kurikinton - The King of Fighters '98, The King of Fighters 2002
  • 176th Street - The King of Fighters '99
  • Terry 115 - The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood, The King of Fighters EX2: Howling Blood
  • All OK! - The King of Fighters 2001
  • Wild Street - The King of Fighters XIII
  • Street Dancer - The King of Fighters XIII (when the music is set to "Type B", console version only, also shared with Terry Bogard and Joe Higashi)
  • Departure from South Town - The King of Fighters XIV
  • Pasta -KOF XIV ver.- - The King of Fighters XIV (as Tung's opponent)
  • Ride the Big Wave! - The King of Fighters XV
  • Club M ~Flute in the Sky~ (KOF XV ver.) - The King of Fighters XV (as Mai's opponent)
  • Sun Shine Glory - The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
  • Andy no Tatakai - Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle
  • Andy - Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture
Image songs
  • Lucky Paradise - shared image song with Mai in Garou Densetsu Special

Voice actors[]

  • Jun Hashimoto - Fatal Fury 2/Special, The King of Fighters '94
  • Keiichi Nanba - Fatal Fury 3~The King of Fighters XIII
  • Hiroshi Okamoto - The King of Fighters XIV~present
  • Toshinari Fukamachi - The King of Fighters for Girls
  • Tomoko Maruo - Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf (as young Andy)
  • Tony Sampson - Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf (English voice as young Andy)
  • Peter Wilds - Animated specials (English voice)
  • Hiroyuki Kagura - The King of Fighters: Destiny (as young Andy)
  • Ryō Horikawa - Dengeki Bunko drama CD series

Live-action actors[]

  • Curtis Wood Willis - Fatal Fury Special live action commercials




  • Days of Memories (first, fourth, and eighth titles) - non-playable; text-only cameo in the fourth
  • Garou Densetsu vs Fighter's History Dynamite - boss
  • Gungho Games - character skin
  • The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Online
  • Metal Slug Defense - unlockable
  • Crash Fever
  • Puzzle & Dragons
  • Kimi wa Hero
  • The King of Fighters Destiny
  • The King of Fighters: World
  • The King of Fighters All Star
  • The King of Fighters: Orochi Go
  • The King of Fighters M: Fighting Stars Assembly
  • The King of Fighters for Girls
  • SNK Fighting Age



Similar characters[]

  • Shadow Andy


  • Andy's Japanese speech patterns has changed a bit over the years. In his debut, he referred to Terry as "Ani-shaa" (兄貴)), the archaic version for the "big brother". Since Fatal Fury 3, however, he calls him the more common phrase for "older brother", "Nii-san" (兄 (にい)さん). He also used to refer to himself as "boku" before using the more formal "watashi" and masculine "ore".
  • Andy is predominantly a diminutive version of the male given name Andrew, and variants of it such as Andreas and Andrei. Andrew is derived from the Greek name Andreas, meaning "manlike" or "brave". 
  • According to Terry's character album, he is well aware of Andy's desires to surpass him and recognizes him to be his greatest living rival. To counter his brother's effort, Terry constantly strives to improve himself by fighting stronger opponents.
  • In Neo-Geo Freak 1998, the characters in KOF '98 have their own interviews. Here are Andy's response to the questions.[13]
    • What is your aspiration in this competition? - "If you don't care about the two letters of the championship, it's a lie. I intend to relax enough and come to the tournament."
    • Who would you like to fight the most? - "My brother."
    • Who would you like to team up with? / Who would you not like to team up with? - "The ones I team up with, is Joe and my brother. However, I feel sorry for Mai every year, so I would like to join with Mai once. Billy is the man who I don't want to team up with."
    • What is "KOF" for you? - "I think it's one of the lessons."
    • Finally, please give a word to your fans. - "Please refer carefully to the result of the lesson well."
  • In the Fatal Fury movie, Terry loses to the CPU Andy in the arcade game he was playing.



  1. Andy's profile page from the Fatal Fury 15th Anniversary website (Japanese)
  2. Official character profile from The King of Fighters XII
  3. Official site for The King of Fighters XIII
  4. The King of Fighters '94/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  5. The King of Fighters '95/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  6. The King of Fighters '96/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  7. The King of Fighters '97/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  8. The King of Fighters '99/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  9. The King of Fighters 2000/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  10. The King of Fighters 2001/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  11. The King of Fighters 2003/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  12. The King of Fighters XIII/Team Stories: Fatal Fury Team
  13. Neo Geo Freak 1998-08 archive The King of Fighters '98 character interviews.
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