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"James! Come quickly! Something terrible is happening!"
― Amy while being attacked by Strength.

Amy Crystal (エイミークリスタル, Emi kurisutaru) is a special agent of the now-defunct American government agency AMS. She is a supporting character in The House of the Dead 2 and its upcoming remake.

Amy was dispatched in 2000 to quell a citywide incident involving hostile biologically-engineered creatures. Though she mainly traveled with agent Harry Harris, she helped agents James Taylor and Gary Stewart during the mission.


Amy was born in 1971.[2] She was known as being a "reliable character" who had "faced danger on many occasions". Tough and sagacious, she carried a reputation of being an open yet kind woman. She behaved like a big sister towards rookie agent Gary Stewart, whom she had not fully accepted as a verified agent.[2]

2000 incident[]

Along with Harry Harris, she aided James Taylor and Gary Stewart during their mission. She is first mentioned by G at the beginning of the game's first chapter, before appearing with Harry after James and Gary defeat Judgment.

She is seen again along Harry near Sunset Bridge or on a motor boat with him (depending which path the player takes) before and after James and Gary face Hierophant. She and Harry commandeer the boat throughout the game's third chapter before the two head to the Coliseum after receiving a phone from Caleb Goldman, telling the agents to meet them at the coliseum. Harry, sensing it's a trap, asks James and Gary to head into the sewers while he and Amy head straight there.

After James and Gary destroy Tower, they receive a call from an alarmed Amy that is cut short because of a giant monster attacking her and Harry. The creature is eventually identified as Strength, the boss of the game's fourth chapter. When James and Gary arrive at the Coliseum, they are greeted with a pre-recorded message by Goldman himself before Strength is unleashed upon the agents.

After James and Gary defeat the creature, they are given the keys to a car by a wounded Harry, with Amy staying with him to tend to his injuries. Amy can be seen again in the game's normal ending along with Harry, G, and other citizens cheering for James and Gary outside Goldman's headquarters.


Amy has short hair pulled into a bun and dark brown, almond-shaped eyes. She wears a gray turtleneck under a scarlet jacket with a thick, black belt, a green knee-length skirt, and ankle-high boots. Large, triangular earrings dangle from her ears.


  • Amy is playable via a costume item in 2's Original Mode. She, however still has either James or Gary's voice acting and mannerisms.
  • She is seen wielding a chrome H&K MK23.
  • Despite being labeled in the manual as American, Amy is the only character in the game that speaks with a notable English accent.
    • Both Amy and Dr. Curien are the only characters in the franchise who share the same traits: speaking with British accents despite being labeled as Americans.
  • In The House of the Dead III Perfect Guide, Amy is intrinsically linked to Caleb Goldman in a tree diagram. Their relationship in the manual is described as "hostile".
  • Amy is the first female AMS agent shown in-game.


The House of the Dead 2[]

Official artwork[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The House of the Dead 2 Sega Dreamcast manual, p 4
  2. 2.0 2.1 The House of the Dead 2 Dreamcast Manual, pg. 4
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